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Posts posted by IceWolf.4981

  1. Greetings

    Due to some people in our static starting new jobs or taking a break from GW2 we lack two people for our reset clears. Thus we are looking for people who can play any of the following jobs

    - Druid

    - Chrono and boon DD

    - Firebrand, either Druid or Chrono for Largos and DPS for some bosses where we run boon DD


    We expect you to ...

    - ... be reliable, that means be there on mostly every reset - if you can't be there we would like to get a heads up

    - ... play your role on a good level

    - ... have experience on every raid encounter


    What can you expect from us?

    - Fast and smooth clear in 3 hours

    - A nice atmosphere in the discord

    Just to clarify this if it's unknown: This is a reset clearing static, raid reset is Monday's at 7:30 server time. If you want to see our previous clears you can check out the VODs on the twitch channels of [sim_souls](

    ) and [DiceBeenTaken](


    If this sparked your interest or you have any questions feel free to contact me on Discord (Dice#6388).

  2. Here we go.

    The good first:

    * We finally have official templates.


    Unfortunately, that was already everything good I see about them.

    Now the bad and my suggestions on how to fix it:

    * Gear isn't shareable. We still need to rely on external websites to share the gear that we use. How to fix it? Make gear templates shareable.

    * Templates are sometimes in weird locations. How to fix it? Create a separate page somewhere in the hero panel where all the gear/builds are listed, so we just need to select the wanted ones and don't need to swap between pages.

    * The aggressive pricing. How to fix it? The problem deriving from the harsh pricing lies in the way templates are currently. Before (when nearly everyone used Delta's Templates) we just clicked 4-5 times so get everything we wanted, it worked between game modes and they were intuitive to use. The current problem is that the templates are not intuitive to use (at least for me) and, as mentioned above, we are unable to share gear. So templates limit players in using them, making them only marketable for a small number of people. Make them more accessible and role back the huge prices (sales will increase because more people will buy them).

    * The amount of temples is not enough. For people that do not want to play this game casually and min-max every situation is it just not enough gear templates. Even having 10 is not enough. How to fix it? Increase the number of templates we can use drastically. If the server's storage capacity is not enough just turn them back to the client-side, not server-side.


    tl;dr: take more inspiration from GW1 and Delta's templates and do not try to milk the money out of players. You will lose those who would invest money into the game they love therefore killing the game.

  3. Tagchen,


    wir sind eine Raidstatic, welche leider seit Kurzem ein Mitglied zu wenig hat.

    **Nach was suchen wir aktuell?**


    * Wir suchen entweder einen sehr guten DPS-Spieler oder einen Support-Spieler, welcher Firebrand und Chrono besitzt.


    **Was bieten wir?**


    * Meta Aufstellungen an den Bossen

    * Eine Umgebung, in der sich jeder permanent verbessern will.

    * 2 Raidtermine die Woche (Montag von 19:30 bis 22:00/22:30 Uhr, hier machen wir standartmäßig den Fullclear _und_ Donnerstag von 20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr, hier üben wir Strategien, machen CMs oder probieren einige Memes aus)

    * Gute Stimmung im Discord

    * Viele Leute in der Static haben selber über 1000 LI/LD

    * Die hälfte der Leute waren unter den TOP 50 um am schnellsten an Champion of Zomorros zu kommen

    * Jeder Spieler hat CoZ oder VitV


    **Was sind unsere Vorraussetzungen?**


    * Erfahrung an allen Bossen

    * Gutes Gameplay (als Support bedeutet das eine ordentliche Boon-Uptime und als DPS bedeutet es einen guten Boss-DPS zu fahren, noch dazu Mechaniken bedienen zu können, schnell zu adaptieren, die eigenen Fehler zu callen, uvm.)

    * Discord, da dies unser Medium der Kommunikation ist (dies beinhaltet ein funktionierendes Mikrophon)


    Falls dich dies anspricht oder du weitere Fragen hast kannst du mich jeder Zeit im Discord kontaktieren: Dice#6388

  4. Guten Tag zusammen,


    seitdem [soul] existiert suchen wir schon immer nach ambitionierten Raidern.


    Ich werde mich hier kurz und knackig fassen, sofern ihr am Ende noch irgendwelche Fragen zu der Gilde habt könnt ihr mich jederzeit auf einem der folgenden zwei Wegen kontaktieren: entweder eine Nachricht im Spiel an IceWolf.4981 oder ihr schreibt mich im Discord an unter Dice#6388 (sofern ihr mich nicht anschreiben könnt ist es möglich eine Freundschaftsanfrage zu schicken und dann über ausstehende Freundschaftsanfragen einen Chat zu generieren).


    Was können wir euchbieten?

    * Regelmäßige Raids und Low-Mans

    * Ausführliche Hilfestellung beim erlernen von Taktiken.

    * Eine kompetente Leitung, welche euch genau sagt, wo ihr Fehler macht und wie ihr diese Beheben könnt.

    * Raids auf hohem Niveau.


    Unsere Anforderungen finder ihr auf der 1. Seite des [bewerbungsformulars](http://bit.ly/ApplySoul "bit.ly/ApplySoul"), zugleich könnt ihr euch auch dort bewerben.


    MfG [soul]-Leitung

  5. They could have just changed the distortion from the trait to Blur, anet already hast this mechanic on mesmers (Mainhand Sword 2 - Blurred Frenzy).


    Furthermore why should a class that lost a huge portion of skill cap be healthy for the game, pls explain that to me, BCS I don't see your point

  6. Greetings, in this I want to state **my own opinion** on the current changes to the Mesmer trait Inspiring Distortion.


    tl;dr: I don’t like the current state of the art when u consider that distortion was a **reliable tool/way to block mechanics, not to nullify mechanics** (that was just a result, something needs to change).


    Let's have a look back onto the way Inspiring Distortion worked. Whenever the Chrono gave himself a distort he also gave it to his (sub-)group, on a 5-second icd.

    Now let’s take a look what Inspiring Distortion provides in its current state of the art. Whenever the Chrono gives himself distortion he now provides Aegis to his (sub-)group.


    This change brings up some problems.

    1st: The name of the trait Inspiring Distortion inspires your (sub-)group to distort themselves, which it does not anymore it inspires your (sub-)group to block one attack only and not all attacks for one second, linking this back to raids and fractals (the only place where u see Mesmers running around, IMO), we now see that people used Chrono to block hits that would be applied multiple times (e.g. Samarog wave). So there is a **groundbreaking problem with Aegis, in general, it is unreliable**. And people want reliability/consistency so they can actually time their skills right (because most of the people want to get better at the game, which is provided by consistency).

    2nd: Chrono players do not know what to do not (**personal example**). Since I started maining Chrono I put hours and hours of time into this class, pugging a lot to provide reliable distorts, theorycraft to take as much work from the DPS players so they can actually feel good not interrupting their rotation and can show how good they are. When the patch hit the servers I felt like I wasted hours of playtime for nothing


    But there are some positive things as well to this patch.

    As already mentioned by @"Imhariel.5683" it is easier now than ever to pick up Chrono and it is very easy to provide perma quickness and alacrity.


    After all, I do not only want to say what is wrong I also want to provide some alternatives. As @"Imhariel.5683" already said give Chronos their old Inspiring Distortion back and make some mechanics unable to be negated by distorting, rework Aegis so block for an interval (also if that means splitting boons in between game modes) or just make a new buff that can be applied by Inspiring Distortion, like Blur.

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