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Posts posted by Omyrah.7389

  1. It was late last night (which means there was probably way less traffic than there is now) when I downloaded the app and linked my account, but I was able to work with it, and I got my Heroic edition and the outfit. The app itself is really finicky, I had to restart it several times during the process for things to register properly, but after about 20 minutes I had my codes.



  2. Honestly, one of the things that's kept me playing this game _is_ the community. I started playing back in February of 2016, and one of the things I immediately noticed right off the bat was how friendly and willing-to-help people were. Players have gone out of their way many times to help me out (I've returned the favor), and it's a drastic difference to what I see with most other games. I've tried WoW out numerous times and have found that GW2 is in general just a far friendlier community. I've always appreciated Anet for designing the game to support this type of cooperative behavior, as I've never really been that competitive of a person and would rather spend my time enjoying playing a game with people rather than dreading it.


    One of the most recent indications of how welcoming the community is was when the whole Bless Online fiasco occurred which sent a flood of new players to GW2. There were mentors all over the place in Queensdale helping people learn about the game, and reddit was full of topics containing helpful information. It was really awesome to watch and participate in.


    Yes, there are occasionally a few people who try to ruin the fun for others, but it's very rare and people are often quick to shut them down.


    I don't dabble in PvP/WvW much (not my preferred playstyle), but in PvE for sure the community is pretty great compared to other games.



  3. I was doing map completion (again) in Straits of Devastation, and I was approaching the Vizier's tower. I've been aware of this tiny sliver of area around the perimeter of the JP where mounting is allowed, and I mounted to escape potential combat and get to a WP a little quicker. I then get a whisper from someone telling me they reported me, assuming it's for botting due to me mounting so close to the JP, then they blocked me before I could ask why for confirmation. Should I be worried about risk of suspension? I might just be paranoid but I'm a little concerned.

  4. Taken from the Griffon mount wiki page: "According to its 3D designer, the owl-like features of the griffon were **inspired by the barn owl**, noting especially its heart-shaped face, which is also commonly seen in many species of barn owl."


    So, we already have a barn owl griffon skin. It'd be nice to see one more realistically depicting the facial features of a barn owl, but seeing that the original skin is meant to represent one already, I don't know if they'll go back and make another one. I could be wrong, though.

  5. I'd also like to add my voice in support of this decision. I am a female gamer, and I support equal opportunities for females in game development, however, this is not how you deal with criticism, and she had no room to play the sexism card. I can and do disagree with people a lot, and often have had discussions with them on such disagreements, but not once have I ever even thought about trying to play the sexism card just because a male dared to disagree with me. That's how a civil discussion works. JP was not being civil in her response. Call it what you want, but both she and PF disrespected the community by showing how they react to player criticism, and I am glad they no longer represent Anet. I want to know that any feedback I provide would be thoughtfully looked at and at least taken into consideration, and not blown off with profanity because someone feels entitled.


    Thank you, Anet, for proving that I can still trust you.

  6. I wholeheartedly agree with this. Nothing is more annoying for me than having that sense of completion delayed, and I really wish we had an explanation from the devs as to why they chose this route. I understand wanting people to linger around the maps and do more content, however, blocking people from completing the map for events shouldn't be the way to do that, imo. It just turns into more frustration. I prefer to get the map completion done first, then I'll go around and explore and do events.

  7. To be completely honest, I feel like the beetle would be way too OP if it had a full endurance bar at the start. It needs something to balance it out because the speed on it is absolutely ridiculous. Yes, it's slow when you start, but when you get going, you can _keep_ going, and going, and going. If you practice enough, you can basically keep the speed up for however long you want to, and I don't think a 15 second wait at the start, or when you crash, is _really_ that big of a deal compared to that. I'm really not sure why everyone is complaining about it so much. I'm just happy we even have a new mount at all.


    I do think the mount skill keybinds should be reworked, though.

  8. I have done map completion 17 times. Just in core Tyria, with every completion I have done, I can see that the game maintains a healthy population, and I always see players running around. More recently, I have actually been running into the problem of _too many_ people at a heart for me to get the completion done, and I have to move to a different heart until they leave. Don't listen to the naysayers who think the game is dying.

  9. From what I've seen, the game is not dying. I spend a large part of my time in Core Tyria doing a ridiculous amount of map completion (because keys), and I often experience scenarios in which too many players are at a particular heart and killing everything for progress so fast that I have to move on to a different heart and come back later (the players will have moved on by that point). Every day I see tons of people running around doing map comp, and they are always friendly and helpful. I still see people doing Teq, I still see people doing Triple Trouble, Shadow Behemoth, and other bosses on a very regular basis.


    This is just my personal experience, so it might be different for others, but based on that alone, I find it very hard to believe that the game is dying.

  10. As someone who's done full map completion a lot (8 times, if you were wondering), I find ways to break out of maps all the time. Most of them are completely accidental. I was in Gendarran Fields once on my jackal, and somehow I blinked through the ground, and suddenly I was under the entire map! I also tend to get stuck in a lot of places, so much so that it's become a running joke among my friends.

  11. Personally, I really like this trailer. They tried something _different_, and because of that, I had a lot of fun watching it. In my opinion, it didn't feel as stiff as some of the other trailers have felt to me in the past, like they're trying to relax and have more fun with the process, which I appreciate. This shows that the marketing team is actually listening to the feedback the community is providing them, and to me, this felt more like an actual trailer than others.

  12. GW2 is not for everyone. Despite the fact that you've said you've put in 2000 hours, there's something to be said if there are so many features in the game that continue to bother you. Entertainment is subjective, and if what GW2 has to offer isn't working for you, then it isn't working for you, and that's okay (even though I disagree entirely that GW2 is an asocial game from personal experience).


    Personally, I love how the game is structured. I love that it heavily implements mechanics which require cooperation and teamwork, and I love the community that it fosters because of it. I've tried WoW a couple of times. I realized right away that I didn't like the overly competitive aspect of it, the system itself just never really appealed to me, and I didn't much care for the general community. Therefore, I discovered that maybe WoW just isn't for me, even though I love the concepts the game implements.


    I have a couple of longtime IRL friends who have both put effort into GW2 so they can play it with me. Both of them have had their reasons for not enjoying it, and I hold no grudge against them for something not being to their liking. We're all individuals with different opinions and taste.


    Looking at your original post, it looks like there are a lot of things you want to see from the game that simply won't be implemented for one reason or another, and what you want would require a major restructuring of the game. The system they have now works for plenty of people, and it seems like you just aren't getting much out of that system.


    If you want to take a break, then take a break. I would suggest, however, maybe taking an objective look at how you feel about the game and asking yourself if it's really worth it to come back if you're just going to end up back in this situation again.


    No matter what happens, I hope you find what you're looking for. :)

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