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Posts posted by Paarthurnax.8931

  1. Silver 3 is like the bottom of it all since Bronze is just people that are with Decay status.

    A wild but pretty close guess would be like this:

    Silver > Don't know how to play yet

    Gold > Can play their class but don't know how to play the gamemode.

    Low Plat > They're evolving, know a little bit of rotations and looking at the map

    Mid plat > Players that are competitive and actually trying

    High plat/legendary are just duo q mid plats that plays the minimum games possible to stay high rank on off hours where there is no competition



  2. > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

    > > @"Paarthurnax.8931" said:

    > > No evidence, it's the contrary for certain because most of the people who vote yes to duo queue don't are 1600+, a official pool with high rating players would probably be no for duo Q.


    > After a first glance I see more high rated players on the ''Yes-side'' than the ''No-side''. But if trash players like you wouldnt be able to vote in a matter that doesn't concern them, then we could have been certain that the ''Yes-side'' would get a majority of the votes.


    > ------------------------------------------

    > People shouldn't perceive the proposition to bring back DuoQ as if we think its a golden solution to all problems PvP currently has. The proposition is mainly meant to give the higher rated players more fun in playing PvP and to attract some old players back. So in line with what other people said: low rating players have 0 reasons to vote in this matter. Low rating in this case starts at Gold2 I'd say.



    > @Phantaram.1265 I noticed your name among the no-voters too. You're one of the players I take a vote seriously from, so would you elaborate a bit on your choice of voting no?


    You're clearly delusional. Anyways, won't waste my time arguing with you, duoQ will benefit only strong duos, so not your case.

  3. > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > For one, the majority of players above 1600 rating actually hate solo que only.

    > Is there any evidence backing this up? For example, I love it, and that's what made me come back to spvp


    > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > For one, the majority of players above 1600 rating actually hate solo que only.

    > Is there any evidence backing this up? For example, I love it, and that's what made me come back to spvp


    > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > For one, the majority of players above 1600 rating actually hate solo que only.

    > Is there any evidence backing this up? For example, I love it, and that's what made me come back to spvp


    No evidence, it's the contrary for certain because most of the people who vote yes to duo queue don't are 1600+, a official pool with high rating players would probably be no for duo Q.

  4. > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

    > > Btw I use all the skills from 1 to 5 when I play staff :)


    > _Lying through your teeth lmao_


    > Also every thief build is trash get it right. There's no build on thief that is not obnoxious to fight.~


    Someone who gets it!


    Nerf p/p, then condi and then lets all go vault spammer like our friend on top 5 and get ready emotionally for the next nerf.


    D/P is down, rifle too, what's next? make your bets.

  5. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Panda.3620" said:


    > > So premade teams are just a excuse for bronze/silver/gold players to climb something they don't deserve and plat players to maintain their spots on the LB and try to supress their losses, making it easier to climb the LB, so there will be players on the LB that are there because of their skill and players that were just carried.


    > How do you come to that conclusion when people are happy to be capped before platinum similar to the duo system?



    > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    > To summarize this thread:

    > Team queue player: "Can we have team queue to farm with friends and play with friends"

    > Solo Queue player: "No because you just want to be carried to platinum"

    > Team queue player: "Put a cap on it like Duo then"

    > Solo Queue player: "No because you just want to be carried to the leaderboards"

    > Team queue player: "We just said we want to play with friends or have competitive play"

    > Solo Queue player: "No because all you want to do is pug stomp as a premade"

    > Team queue player: "We don't mind our own queue and would prefer 5v5 modes"

    > Solo Queue player: "No because you just want to be carried to the leaderboards"


    > and round n round it goes.




    > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



    > We have team queue players (and a few solo q) offering suggestions to cater to everyone and I do hope Anet considers their suggestions.



    > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




    You still can DUO though, I like our current system, would be better if they don't let players above 1500 rating to duo, that way, gold players that made into plat will just bounce between gold and plat, don't affecting too much the people who play for the LB.


    I don't mind a 5v5 premade gamemode as long as it has it separate leaderboards and queue, because if they mix the LB together, it will not reflect skill, will be a mix of good players and friends.

  6. You shouldn't have used the boost if thats your first time playing gw2, now you will not have a clear sight of what to do next because you don't know alot about the game and hasn't experienced things.


    You should try putting your engineer in a halt and level a new character, it could be a new engineer or any other class. And live the world, go wherever you wanna go. When I first started playing I took 1 month to reach 80, I would do map completion, wvw, pvp, anything I felt doing at that time. Level doesn't mean much, you will see, there will be a point where you can level any char to 80 with the 2903821938 scrolls and 291398 tomes you will have.

  7. > @"Kirochique.9186" said:

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAsa6an0MBlOh9OBGOBkmilriq7mmuAYO6z+v3bDygPA-jpBHQBz7BAAgTAATKDIuDCgN2fIgHBAA


    > I’ve been running this lately, it’s a fun duelist build that can really help in most +1’s.

    > It’s a heavy survivability build that focuses on heavy burst damage with interrupt damage.

    > The survivability comes from the evades and high vitality

    > I opted away from using short bow as it only helps with mobility where having both S/P and P/P gives some great confusion to your enemies who think they are fighting a P/P thief

    > One of my trait skills also instantly gives a 100% cool down on my steal skill when I dodge with sword, giving an extra inturupt and a extra port to your enemy.


    > Awesome build lots of fun.


    The loss of SB kills it for me, but it's a very good build for 1v1.

  8. > @"Legatus.3608" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

    > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > Everything is viable in low divisions.

    > > > >

    > > > > Platinum

    > > > >

    > > > > OmegaLUL

    > > >

    > > > If you're talking about vallun the guy was top 10 or something with rifle last season

    > > >

    > > > WITH RIFLE

    > > >

    > > > Seriously think about that a bit.

    > >

    > > There's at least 3-4 p/p deadeye's in the top 50 right now. Vallun placed in gold this season but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's a stupid build.


    > How do you know they are p/p deadeye by looking at the leader board? Lol


    On mid/high plat division we get mostly the same players on the match so we know what each other run and known them by name.

    Anyways, people on plat doesnt know how to dodge so I hope those thiefs keep running it and spamming 3-3-3, I like to see people reactions on forums.


    And if anyone is wondering, this is the build:

    [https://youtube.com/watch?v=tdREqwNTQuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdREqwNTQuo "https://youtube.com/watch?v=tdREqwNTQuo")


    rip thief, mirage and scourge on next balance patch

    thank god each balance patch takes 2/3 months

  9. This build is pretty broken now, especially because people on plat division or bellow doesnt know how to dodge.

    [https://youtube.com/watch?v=tdREqwNTQuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdREqwNTQuo "https://youtube.com/watch?v=tdREqwNTQuo")


    Get on the bandwagon before the next balance patch hits and we received the next nerf cause who doesn't hate thieves, right?!


    But jokes aside, that sword and dagger nerf was retarded, even pistol autoattack now crits more.


    I thank god that they do one balance patch each 2~3 months now cause who knows what nerf they will put on thief next LOL.

    Jokes aside, a balance patch each 2~3 months are unacceptable for a pvp gamemode, that means we have to endure mirage/scourge until next balance patch that will probably be in a month or two. So I hope that people spam this retarded thief build until our next nerf my friends.


    rip pvp

    rip thief

    rip mesmer

    and rip scourge


    coming to you

    in a month ;)

  10. > @"Xarimath.4518" said:

    > And what if somebody did a game on the night of the 30th of December?


    > I basically hit Platinum tonight, at 00,30 of the 30th of December. Will I be safe or do I need to do another game to avoid the decay?


    I think you will be safe, but if you have the possibility, would be better log in to check, I don't know if decay counts by the last time you played or by the gw2 reset time.

  11. I don't know if everyone will agree but ending the season on new year seems kinda wrong because its a date that alot of people travel and doesn't log in to play.


    I am one of them, and probably will get decay. I don't take pvp seriously since the earlier seasons, I just do my placement matches a week before the season ends so I can get the platinum badge cause I think it looks cool.


    But I don't think I will be able to this season, my rating is 1600, my worries is that the decay will put me in gold, the only solution I see is play on my notebook that can barely run Gw2, but thats a loss guarantee for me and my teammates.

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