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Posts posted by serenitycat.4623

  1. FIRSTLY, even after re-reading the comments of the devs - I am still not sure I even correctly UNDERSTAND what they are saying they are doing. Especially concerning the Exotics.

    It is definitely not written clearly enough or we would not be having all this confusion in the comments.

    SO , assuming I understand things correctly then :

    Do not like this change. Maybe even HATE this change.

    For about 2 years now , I have been busy identifying, salvaging INSTEAD of selling so I could get the Luck , chasing achieves, and generally working hard to elevate my Magic Find so I could get nice drops like my friends who are "day 1" players. This change really disappoints me as now all the hours salvaging and consuming luck - all that clicking ( as I never had room in my bags { cause 32 slot bags are way overpriced to craft or buy! } to do a "salvage all" on a stack) are wasted .

    ALL those hours spent in my inventory and all that clicking doing what I thought would , _**eventually **_(since it takes SO LONG to elevate MF),

    HELP me get nicer loot - will now have been for nothing ? ........ definitely does not make me a happy player. What is the point left in Magic Find then ???

    Keep in mind that I say this -- not even having gotten mine raised super high yet- as raising it is difficult and time consuming.

    ALSO -- Why are these changes being made in relation to WHERE you want to play ? Are you trying to get more activity into lesser played maps ??

    Are not there OTHER QoL issues that needed attention more than this ?

    Lastly - My friends and I "thought" we noticed , a week or 2 ago that certain bags (some were un-identified gear types ), were NO LONGER saying affected by MF in their description. We even debated if we should report it as possible bug...

    --SO another question is : Did you sneak this change in early ?? Or were there some bags with wrong descriptors that you changed and conveniently didn't tell us about and just lumped it under World Polish ? Anyone else notice this ?

  2. I main a Soulbeast and this thread needs more attention ! I was wondering what I was doing wrong that myself and my pets were not hitting as hard and as specifically as I thought they should ! Turns out its not so much me being slow to learn how to properly run the build ( or other such things) - but that SoulBeast itself is BROKEN in so many ways. I am both relieved and very disappointed. I really enjoy playing Ranger type builds/characters with pets in games -- but trying to deal with broken-ness of SoulBeast and even of the broken Ranger parts ( traits etc) is making me think about leaving.

  3. Confirmed .

    I need the same enemy , The Champ Fleshreaver, for a different purpose and can confirm no bunny when I arrived on the map just now, andfound no bunny. I asked in map , etc, - if the Champ Fleshreaver had been seen lately. No bunny seen for 24 hours is what I was told.

  4. I , too , only wanted Outrider ( though have been working and not yet gone in to get Warclaw ) - and wish that I could buy just the ONE skin.

    I'd pay 400 or 500 gems for the one skin that I want, but no more than that.

    I , too , only buy the mount skins when on sale price - and that only occasionally.

    I think it was a bit chintzy that one of these skins is a straight dupe for the other except for the tiny bit of texture type color on the shoulder discs.

    So, to me, really you only get 4 skins for the price.

    As to WHY they did it - I don't know maybe they really thought we'd prefer it this way and it's not about a money grab ?

  5. I'd like to see the drop rate tables enhanced a bit for what the gifts give you. I do not mean getting gifts , I mean what's inside the gifts.

    There are videos out there that show 50,000 gifts being opened and pretty much they got VERY VERY little of the nicer things.

    I have only opened , i would guess, maybe 400 and i think i got one mini ( beside drinks and the other non-valuable stuff) .

    I enjoy doing the Wintersday mount race, Toypocalypse , and the Infiniarium . I enjoy the snow very much and love the pretty star lights.

    I would just like to enjoy opening gifts by getting something decent every 300 gifts so so.

    I was also dis-satisfied with the drop rate from 2018 Mad King vs the 2017 Mad King. It made me NOT want to do the content because I wasn't rewarded enough for it.

    Just my 2 cents.

  6. i agree with the comments above. I am still angry about the sigils of nullification. I do NOT like the current change with the break them down and have a ITTY bitty chance to to even get the components or motes. AND then add to it the Changes to the sigils and runes to get Winters Presence done. I was SO looking forward to getting my Shoulders this year , but looks like it will be unattainable. I havent bought gems in weeks and doubt I will be buying any in the near future. Though since I am not a whale , I am sure that Anet wont be missing me.

  7. **_Please bring back the Arctic Explorers Outfit ! _**

    NEW : I second the above suggestions : for Pajamas and a yawning emote.

    Could I get a novelty that is kinda like the Bouquet of Roses -- but have it be a steaming cup of coffee or cocoa comes out for me to hold and/or drink ?

    Also , I second for the Umbrella Glider like Mary Poppins style or an umbrella as a Novelty Item.

    Lastly a Snowball Launcher type gun , for fun , though a weapon might be a great idea ? Please - with maybe AIr Nerf gun sounds and will function in Costume Brawl ?? Maybe could have the similar animations to the pop gun that throws the birthday cakes ?


  8. So , how is it not _**BROKEN**_ that Azurite Orbs currently do not have a regular drop rate from any "farmable" source ( since you need **_multiple_** orbs , for say , just to make 1 amalgamated gemstone) ???

    By farmable source I mean , an ememy drop or a node you can mine/gather- preferably not locked behind something like Fractals which not all players run. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Azurite_Orb

    And that's just _ONE_ example of problems with the rune sigil crafting...... I, personally, can definitely see where there are things that need to be corrected with this.

  9. I have suggested a Dragonfly before, and requested with it a small trail of elegant, slightly sparkly glitters ( Ie , please no garish glitter bombs) .

    I even requested to have different wing patterns ( the lovely veined ones that look like stained glass , or tiger stripes , or dots ) .

    We even have art already in the game that could be used -- like the wings on the Glittering Wings Backpack.

    A butterfly. See above - would be lovely to have different wing patterns.

    A flying fish ( maybe the "turn " the skimmer does when he vertically flips to activate - could be converted to a horizontal turn to activate the flying fish )

    A Firefly - we already have fireflies in game too, as creatures ( sometimes ambient , sometimes enemies)

    A bumble bee would be fun - though I am not sure how often they tend to fly over water, instead of land.

  10. Hi , at Voucher Vendor , when you Preview Belinda's Sword in the Weapon tab , it causes a hard crash of game. I sent my crash report in , but it didnt allow me to add comments there for some odd reason.

    I heard somoene else say the same thing, very recently , in twitch chat on Peachy's stream.

    So, i guess that is at least 2 of us that this happened to. ( small nbr i know) .

    Good news that I had not purchased any vouchers in gem shop yet- so no worries that I had lost anything.

    Thanks, and please move this if I am posting in wrong place.

  11. Agree with the original post.

    Plus, I personally do NOT like " Don't expect me to pretend to like you here." .

    Basically telling me that you don't like the players , that ultimately fund your paycheck.

    If you don't like the "customer base" that you work for then maybe you need to change jobs and take your SJW MIXING with your professional life ideology elsewhere?

    So professional.

    Hope your listening ArenaNet, granted I am not a whale , but I will decline to buy gems for awhile, and won't be continuing to encourage my friends and family to switch to this game.

    There ARE other MMO's out there.... and by the way I am a female adult gamer and had no prior bias to any particular content creator.

  12. > @"Ruadan.9301" said:

    > I have to agree that this really leaves a bad aftertaste, and it's getting worse. Achievements just feel like jokes now. Give more points for tough achievements, not less for easy ones. Being given 1AP for luring and killing the drake boss in the new map felt really cheap, and the overall point count for this episode is below 80 iirc. I don't care about the upper limits. Let some players have 60K achievement points if they are into that, but I don't want to be artificially slowed down when I have barely hit my first 10K... it's just a really dissatisfying decision. When point rewards go up to 60K, getting 1 AP at a time feels like the system is mocking you. Really, this is no good. Please, can you consider reworking this?


    I completely agree with Ruadan , the original poster and most of the others here. When you go after an achievement it should feel satisfying with the AP rewarded.

  13. I wasted a booster , maybe 2 , which is very very disappointing. I'd saved those for quite awhile.. I agree with many here- The map feels very unrewarding. LOTS of work running about slaughtering Awakened and Inquest in droves and no loot or XP or money or much of anything for it. I will not be on this map for long. I would think these inquest asura would drop some cool tech sometimes.......

  14. The new mini Griffon Hatchlings are cute. However, their eyes need some adjusting , as they are currently very bug eyed. ( One person in map chat wondered if the artist forgot to add their eyelids when drawing them ? !) Please fix them , as they look just a little bit creepy right now. Also, should they maybe be scaled in size to be a little smaller than the Miniature Gryphon Mount , maybe scale the hatchlings to be about the same size as the Plush Mini Griffon. I have the Mini Cozy Wintersday Griffon -and it is a different size as well.

    Thanks ! ( I will add a screenshot when I can , or hopefully someone else commenting here will. )

  15. > @"Sapphire Artemis.3062" said:

    > I would really like to see a means of refunding unwanted items from Black Lion Chests into either keys or gems. For example. I have the permanent hair contract. Since getting it and opening nearly 60 chests in that time accumulated 10-ish single-use hair kits. Please let me exchange these for something that isn't just sitting in an inventory slot taking up redundant space.


    ^^^ Yes, please to what Sapphire said . I ,have similar issue with the hair kits accumulating. Would love to exchange for something I do want - converting for keys or gems would be great .

  16. Mount skins:

    Since the skimmers hover, could we have a Dragonfly Mount skin ?

    ( we already have tiny dragonflys in various parts of some maps, as decorations not enemies)

    Some of the skins do change the look of the "base" mount quite a bit- so I think it could work?

    You already have art assets that could maybe work for the texture , shapes colors of the mounts wings: For variety - could have different wing patterns and different number of wings.

    The Glitterwings Backpack ( please bring back to gem store) . Or striped. Or just nicely veined ones - which you already have the veined wings in the Light weight Winged Armor . Or even ones like the very beautiful Daydreamers Wings Backpack.

    And for super fancy - one that has particle effect trail , of sparkly dust trail ( in a subtle way , NOT like the Resplendent Avialan with that inelegant glitter-flash--fall) .

  17. Request please for the Exemplar Attire Outfit.

    Also , the Jungle Explorer Outfit.

    Would also love to see a different spring outfit now, prefer a tasteful kimono , in a cherry blossom print, with hair combs for the ladies and the wooden sandals. Would make my YEAR if I could carry a hand fan too.... thanks. I understand there "used" to be an Elegant Fan Focus Skin , in gemstore - so perhaps could place that into the outfit- or make it available in Gem Store as a toy to carry ??

  18. I was fine for the Jan9th patch with the new content - no issues.

    I got logged in TODAYthe 10th,about 3 hours ago and was playing with no issues .

    THEN they pushed a new build a little while ago - and I cant get the download of new build to finish!

    have tried a few times now- and the speed is all across the board, with the trend to slow down and finally just freeze. Confirmed my internet is fine.

    DO i need to do a ticket ? Do i wait 30 minutes then try again ? Is my launcher now corrupted? DO i need to start a new thread here as this problem started just a little bit ago on the 10th.? and does anyone know how LARGE the file is for the new build? as in KB size ?


  19. Another request for the Arctic Explorer Outfit. My Sylvari self is freezing to death ....

    Also please make a Snowflake Glider COMBO pack - I would love a snowflake type backpiece to wear all the time in the winter. Maybe a slightly frosty look , but whimsical - like a nifty snowflake shape- with an opaque center but the edges to be glisten-y , more transparent like the delicate dragonfly wings part of the Glittering Wings Backpack. For more gems spent : make 2 versions - a standard glider combo and a Deluxe Version which add a snowflake or glittery snowflake effect like the Winter Mount Skins have.


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