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Posts posted by Telwyn.1630

  1. > @"lombomon.7268" said:

    > I think they might have wanted to include centaurs when they knew they were going to the Woodland Cascades in the early planning of the episodes. If I had to guess why we don't see centaurs in the region, it's likely because Drizzlewood became so focused on the meta event that including centaurs would have made the map less cohesive..


    > Though, who knows, maybe we'll get a bit of centaur action in the next 3 chapters of Champions.


    Actually would like t try them as a playable but then we got a few problems. One mounts, armor and clothes, the cannot climb and of course the glider and flying mounts. Yeah they could be playable but man the problems to overlook and deal makes it not able to be done.

  2. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > We should have both, dwarves and tengus. With primordius back i don't understand we don't see them more often (the dwarves). Tengus are from Cantha right?


    Would love to play Teugu and dwarf. I like playing human but I would just as much like to play a dwarf and Teugu.

  3. > @"Talan Ondar.4150" said:


    > Off topic thought.

    > Sajuuk Khar.1509 ✭✭✭✭ said

    > " We have known since launch that the Destroyers have been harassing the Tengu, popping up on the other side of the wall. Most likely to attacks rise in number to the point the Tengu are forced to ask for help."


    > What if the devs create as last map of the season the Dominion fo winds? The Tengu needs our help battling Primordus. After defeating Primodus the roads to Cantha will become open. The Tengu show us finally, how the escaped from there and together with the dwarfs we will track the depths of tyria back to Cantha. It would be a "safe" passage, cause the DSD is probably just blocking the waterways.





    Yeah I thought of that too and I'm just hopeful the Truth will be a playable race as well, I can just hope. But most likely that won't happen till they give an ex ant ending for the game where then they can add extras.

  4. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Crecia makes a bunch of statements at the end of the episode that the Charr were nearly destroyed and that stronger leadership is needed. The ambient dialogue from other Chart in Drizzlewood advise of Crecia leading the United Legions. If there is a candidate for Khan Ur she would be it, especially if they are claiming that the Charr almost became extinct and need a new leader to rally them.

    > I don't think the whole "almost became extinct" bit can be taken literally. Even if there were theaters of war elsewhere besides Drizzlewood, the charr species is **huge** and so is their territory. They have Ascalon, the Blood Legion Homelands to the north, and lands to the east of the Blazeridge. About the size of all of Elona in total. We only see fighting on Drizzlewood's front, and the land could not support even the majority of the charr species' numbers.


    > Would have been a nice way to show fighting outside of Drizzlewood between Dominion and United Legion by having player-triggered Dominion spawns for those who have begun No Quarter or Jormag Rising in Ascalon maps... But they didn't do such so we have no clue how widespread this "charr civil war" was. But what we saw wasn't enough to risk the species.


    > Most likely, Crecia was talking about the structure - half of the leaders have died, the peace accords with Flame got shaken, and so did the peace treaty with humans given the Dominion sieged human towns. But at best, Crecia's statements are about how Bangar was leading so many charr to Jormag's thrall, and would lead so many more, that it makes a huge dent in the charr population.


    Actually a large portion of charr lands are repopulate now, and I do believe the charr were almost wiped out. Now the charr are at risk of dying off in a sense, but the won't their population just took a big hit,so hard that if the charr he and go too war again again st say the humans of Ascalon in the fields of ruin the Charr will lose. WIgh the charr population is ramen it means the charr hold over the former lands bowling too the kingdom of Ascalon is gone. The don't have the numbers too hold what rug he had also the lands east of the blaze ridge mountains have no charr living in them if any at all.

  5. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"Stephen.6312" said:

    > > Look, I think that the business of Braham and Jormag needs to be put on hold. We've got the DSD to contend with and, in my opinion, there are very few armies capable of withstanding an assault from aquatic spellcasters. Jormag has managed to amass a diverse range of fighters, primarily norn and charr, arguably the most competent warriors of the Pact.

    > I don't see why the DSD's armies would be any more or less competent/powerful then any of the other dragon's armies. Even if it was, I don't see why we would make the proverbial deal with the devil to try to stop it instead of doing what we have done with any of the other dragon's armies, which is make new allies, and develop new technology, and tactics, to defeat it. We have an entire continent of possible new allies in Cantha.


    > >All of this makes me contemplate the ultimate fate of Aesgir. I believe that, with time, Aesgir came to realize that Jormag really does intend to preserve the norn race, not by corrupting them either. Sure, many norn have been corrupted, but not all of them. Furthermore, Aesgir concluded that some of his own people must be conscripted in order to save all of his people. What do I think happened to Aesgir? He became the Fraenir, willingly sacrificing himself to save his people.

    > If anything, "A Burden" suggests the opposite. The last lines are even

    > >"I'm doing the right thing. I'm giving the norn a future. Why does it feel as though I gave up? As though I could've won, if only I'd pushed through the pain and exhaustion?

    > >The voice spoke true. I'll carry this burden for as long as I live. I only hope whoever takes it up when I'm gone can handle the weight of it. "

    > Showing Asgeir believed he did the wrong thing by listening to Jormag.


    > Besides, what has Jormag done to suggest its being honest?

    > * It lied to Asgier about leaving the Norn alone if they went south

    > * It manipulated Bangar into starting a massively devastating civil war among the Charr, which also led to the genocide of the Drizzlewood communities

    > * It used its "Voice" to manipulate the soldiers of Jora's Keep into killing each other

    > * It also used its "Voice" to manipulate the Kodan, and Vigil Relief soldiers, into walking out into the snow and ice to lay down and die

    > * Its mentally attacked Marjory, by using her dead sisters voice

    > * Its lied/misled Bangar, its own pawn, into thinking it would make him its champion, when, in reality, it made him a slave in the form of its new "Voice"

    > * Its tired multiple times to break down, and turn our allies against us, be it Braham, Rytlock, or Crecia

    > * It continues to feed off of the power of the Spirits of the Wild, even though they are clearly against it


    > Jormag's claims of wanting to help are no different then the claims made by Zhaitan's minions that Zhaitan simply wants to help everyone avoid the pain of death and loss.... by forcibly making everyone undead Risen. And Jormag has done thing but use similar tactics. Remember, as it itself has said "ice forties, ice protects", its idea of "helping" is almost certainly something devastating like freezing the whole world into ice to stop the cycle or something ridiculous like that. And even Aurene calls out Jormag's actions in the latest "Confer with Bangar" achievement step.


    > Also, the Fraenir is stated to be a Son of Svanir that was chosen by Jormag for the position, so its not Asgeir.


    Some one sees that like I did Norman is no more better then the other dragons.

  6. > @"Imba.9451" said:

    > > @"Loesh.4697" said:

    > > Luxon vs Kurzick style.


    > I thought **exactly** the same about this some weeks ago.

    > Sadly, the way this story is currently headed to, and the games overall structure, won't allow this. Unless you do it like in Fractals, and get character model for the side you chose while in a match. And even then, the story must allow such a thing to happen.

    > I agree, we had so many supernatural enemies, godlike beings and cataclysmic events, that a good old war would actually be refreshing.


    > > @"Loesh.4697" said:

    > > We need more Gwen Thackery's, humans with that distinctly vicious edge made for compelling characters and would set humanity apart from the other races.


    > True. Jennah was portrayed kinda kitten in the living story, but overall, her goals are tame.

    > Anise is loyal to her Queen.

    > We still have Livia, but there is nothing for her to do, after we killed Lazarus. (And I STILL hope that there are Mursaat left. We always get told that Lazarus was the last Mursaat, but I don't want to believe it. #MakeMursaatPlayableRace)


    > > @"Loesh.4697" said:

    > > Probably a good deal of why I like Ascalon so much. A gurrelia hit and run force of freedom fighters battling against a numerically superior, more technologically advanced army? and one that has roots in what was essentially the Mongols at the height of their power aesthetically? Gee, I wonder which side I will pick.


    > You mean GW1 or GW2 Ascalon?

    > Because I never saw humanity as "inferior". They have less tech, but they have magic. Look at the Amala bossfight to see what a human is capable off. They are beasts, and it suprises me not that Charr needed an preemptive nuke and alot of soldiers to push through Ascalon and advance towards Orr and Kryta. I don't really know about the lore, but are all races, aside from gameplay, equal in terms of magic affinity? I may be wrong, but I think not.




    Be interesting too play a male or female mursaat as a playable race character but they be hated by the kittens no doubt and their be the trying too prove your character is not like the other mursaat.

  7. > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > Which is more than the old icebrood, who are fanatically enslaved to Jormag's will like any other non-sylvari/Mordrem Guard/Frost Legion dragon minion.

    > The thing is is that I don't see any evidence of that whatsoever. Jormag's minions have always appeared—to me—as haing total free will. I've always been confused, as an autistic person, by how neurotypicals tend to parse sincere appreciation and admiration as some kind of manipulation. And yet actual manipulations go under the radar.


    > I mean, we see some Svanir in Forged in Steel that are no different than any other Svanir. I don't think that Jormag is exercising absolute mind control over them to relax in hotsprings. We've also seen Jormag create constructs for the Svanir to hunt, too. Which is just basically making toys for her mortal kids to play with. I can't think of any good reason for Jormag to exercise compulsion over the Svanir to destroy their own ice constructs either.


    > What I've seen is that those branded by Jormag just tend to really _like_ their dragon and they're very appreciative of them. At this point, I'm of the opinion that Jormag's real power lies with absolute sincerity. This is something that Tom Abernathy has hiinted at in his frustration over how people believe Jormag's power is manipulation or mind control when it isn't, it's _persuasion_. Tom's also said that Jormag can't lie. I think that the way Jormag's power works is similar to an extremely logical, compelling argument founded in reason that you have to listen to. Then you can make your own decisions based on that.


    > Jormag mentioned a while ago that their goal was to freeze the world to end the cycles. Their goal has been to end the cycles, period. Now they just see a different means to do so that doesn't involve having to freeze the world. Another thing that Tom has told us that's extremely relevant is that Jormag truly loves and cares about Tyria. I don't think that this dragon is going to be what many seem to expect them to be.


    Jormag still has too answer for the sons of Svanir killing others, including the many icebrood attacks.

  8. > @"Canker Bush XI.7423" said:

    > My charr main is loving this. With relations opening up between them, he can now openly court a flame damsel. Even with rights granted back to women folk, they will be deeply scarred for several generations. As Baron Goldlocke comes from a rather twisted backdrop and is of actual noble stock, it is only right that he exercises his sexism by marrying a fierce charress who can keep quiet and domestic. She's gonna be busy making sure there are heirs aplenty.


    > You can't get a charr doxy like that from other legions, especially Ash where the chief tom is a dam.

    > His half-sister would feel differently altogether. And she doesn't approve of notions like "charr marriage". Free love or get a lover who won't blow your cover as a philanderer.

    > The half-brother is actively opposed to Flame, and is secretly plotting their full extinction.


    Could not agree more the female charr of flame or more friendly and hopefully those female charr will be able to teach it to their daughters as well that they do not have to be so hostile like the rest of the legions are.

  9. > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

    > > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

    > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > O man....I hope the charr don't align them self's with dark powers like the searing days and slaughter the humans again.

    > > >

    > > > If they do maybe the Norn will help us this time instead if being traitors and allowing charr free rain to walk there territory.

    > > >

    > > > The charr need to leave the lands they invaded/stole and return them to human control. They need to stop slaughtering the ansestral ghost of the ascalonian people and further destroying the once beautiful lands they ruined. There can be NO PEACE otherwise.

    > > >

    > >

    > > be proud, charr forever.

    > >

    > > Die mouse! (Not irl, just your character)


    > I missed the other comment, but I love when people are called "traitors" for... not helping people who are literally A: not of their nation/group, and B: not even the same race.


    > Like when Adelbern accused a Native Krytan, visiting Ascalon on a diplomatic aid mission, of high treason against Ascalon.


    But he was sadly a white mantel who in the end proved to be an enemy, not all in the white mantel are the enemy they may have stoped the charr but at a price kiled their own people in secert for being chosen which would have included the hero of ascalon and his henchmen, and hero allies.

  10. > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

    > Gotta love how Braham "isn't norn enough". Especially when he reacted badly to a person telling him to drop an artifact that could crack the tooth of Jormag and make his (and his mother's) legend immortal. But nah, that's not being a norn. A young norn seeing a chance to become an immortal legend and being told to stop and go home, of course they'll react badly. It's almost as bad as the people who scream "Norn are individualistic, therefore Eir isn't being a Norn because she joined destiny's edge!" But... she founded it, and isn't the thing "individualistic" meaning they don't conform to any one type or shame somebody for choosing a path? The Norn, whose goal is to be known for doing something well. Whether that be by being the best smith in the shiverpeaks, the best storytelling, the best hunter, or for defeating dragons! Of course, let us hate a norn for not being enough of a norn... because the PC actively tried holding him back and he refused. And then he nearly got to Jormag before our actions stole that from him, and made him feel like he failed his guild, the spirits, everything.


    > Also, GW2 norn aren't smaller, gutted GW1 norn. It's just we see a hell of a lot more of their culture and people in GW2 then we ever did in GW1. If you cry about them being drunken laughing stocks, that's because that's all you bother to look at. Gameplay does not equal lore, otherwise we'd mostly be playing Norn for immense stat buffs lol. And they are the same size as in GW1. It's just we see greater variety of height now.



    > As for the "dolyakcrud of retaking the homeland." I don't recall the charr in GW2... ever talking about Orr, or Kryta. They only say that in regards to Ascalon. And guess what, there is no evidence they planned to use the searing on Kryta or Orr, especially since they were totally crushing the Orrian military without real effort. You could suspect they may have had it ready to use in Orr because there are searing cauldrens there, but we don't know that they planned to use them.


    > Charr don't feel sorry/hate the searing, but they also don't want to use it again. Hell the searing cauldron in Ascalon, you have a CHARR wanting it destroyed, broken apart and melted down rather then leaving it there, even "drained" of power. It's a priory human who wants it to remain intact.


    > Likewise, why would they feel sorry for it. It simply broke the wall. Yes it killed people and damaged the land, but it didn't cause mutations or horrible suffering. It was a weapon used to break the defensive line of a foe. Hell, from their perspective, Adelbern did far more damage to his own people with the foefire. The searing just killed you, or didn't kill you. (And Adelbern was shown to be mad in early post-searing, trying to murder a Krytan who was there simply to offer help).


    > The Charr and Ascalonians saw each other as invading foes hell-bent on their destruction. The searing was a major blow against the Ascalon lines, allowing the Charr to finally start taking the upper hand. Hell, if we really want to look at it. The Charr are the single race that has stood up against humanity's expansion and pushes, fought back, and took back their area. Did they do horrific things? hell yes. But don't dare be screaming about how the Charr are the evil ones if you fully support the idea of humanity pushing the Charr back out of Ascalon, slaughtering or forcing them to retreat.


    Would be instresting if somehow in guild wars 1 the human character you paly stopped the searing oh what changes that would do to history and it would deal a blow to the shaman charr's promis of victory and may caused a splitering of the legion earlier awith Ascalon still standing as a nation and the great wall standing as provef that walls work cannot defeat your foes on the battle field do it from a wall. Ascalon still standing would leave the charr still at war with Ascalon and bitter that they still did not win.

  11. I loved the old Ascalon per searing, I also like the charr, but would have preferred it if the player character I played in guild wars 1 was able to stop the searing and was to a sense able to reverse the tables on the charr.

    I came up with the idea iof an alternate timeline even though the searing is prevented the charr legions under control of the flame legion shamans and the titans still attack Kyrta and Orr but its Kyrta not Ascalon that suffers with much of Eastern Kyrta including the captiol of Lions Arch being sacked and plundered, with the nation of Orr still being invaded but then destroyed by Vizier Khibron wiping a large chuck of the charr legions then the Musrrsat help the founders of the white mantel and drive the charr legions scrambling back for the far northern Ascalon they control leaving the charr legions armies badly weaken not destroyed from two failed invasions and the male charr demanding why they wasted time attacking to far of nations over attacking Ascalon's great walls and why and how the charr shamans failed to bring them victory as they failed three times this would deal a blow to the flame legions control of of the legions and cause the charr legions to split from each other with many charr still attacking ascalon their way without flame legion since they brought them nothing but defeats, and of course the charr would be no closer to destorying the great wall of ascalon and the kingdom of Ascalon would stil lbe standing as a bastion of human civilization. Oh and the kytrans would fall more willing to the white mantel's lies as they kytans come out badly scarred and bitter towards both the charr legions and the kingdom of ascalon. Mostly the kytans would hate the ascalons after all if you were an kytan how would you feel that your rival nation Ascalon won the guild the third guild wars by default thanks to the charr legion attacking and crippling Kyrta, and destroying Orr where as Ascalon came out unscathed and stronger then even with its army having time to recover, and having the the hero of ascalon my male human fighter character to thanks for stopping the charr attack on the great wall of ascalon. If you were a kyrtan or an Orrian you lost family and friends, years of your life, you home, possibly your livelihood all to the third guild wars that ended with Ascalon coming out as a default victor. The Kyrtan's what is left of the Orrian's are angry and want revenge and more will side with the white mantel. In the end the white mantel is still beaten as the hero of ascalon still goes to Kyrta to find out about rumors of kyrta planning to attack ascalon again.

    Also the charr may end up being united by Kalla Scorchrazor with her surviving as the charr legions are in a desperate situation to retake ascalon and somehow destroy the great wall of ascalon, Kalla may end up as the first female charr Khan-ur if she is not killed by the flame legion charr shamans. Still teh charr would attack the great wall with cannons and other powerful weapons that they can build but ascalon's great walls have also been outfitted with cannons on the walls as well. SO the charr get no more closer to taking Ascalon then they ever were. The Legions would have a reason to not want peace with the kingdom of Ascalon a charr character personally may have a hard time even wanting to work with humans. and the storyline for the male and female charr characters would be about how the charr characters attempting to try and work with non charr including humans. A charr character may even risk starting the war with humans of Ascalon just cause they been no doubt taught to hate the humans of ascalon no matter what. Oh and the kingdom of Kytra still hates Ascalon and the white mantel keep encouraging the hatred of Ascalon and its people. Matter a fact more races and their nations would be against and hate the kingdom of Ascalon which in no small is thanks to the white mantel causing non humans to be against Ascalon just to get Ascalon in to countless wars to weaken it. A HUman character from Ascalon has to deal with the radical hatred for his nation including from the charr most of all.


    DO not take this like it got be serious this is just made up on what if Ascalon was saved from the searing happening.


  12. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > I don't get the sense Jormag is manipulating Banger. I read it more as he wants to be equally powerful to The Pact.


    > The Pact has an allied Elder Dragon, so Bangor needs an allied Elder Dragon in an arms race. If he can slay Jormag and claim the magic for the Charr, nobody is stronger than the Charr.


    > He's acting totally rationally, for what his goals are.


    Like how the charr thought they need gods to beat the humans of Ascalon or the ones became the kingdom of Ascalon we saw how that ended they became slaves to a fallen human god who cared not for them but to use them till they were useless to him.

  13. > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

    > Bangar is an interesting character, to say the least. Going off what I've seen so far from the story I'm thinking he's going to ally himself with Jormag. Bangar was against the treaty with the humans. Smodur pushed for the treaty not Bangar. Now that we've bested 3 elder dragons and a god Bangar is starting to see his chance to drive a wedge in the treaty. Keep in mind the pact is only a conglomerate of the 3 orders of Tyria, and they've taken heavy losses over the past several years against the dragons. Losses that lead to us having to recruit literal pirates and outcast Charr to supplement the ranks to fight Kralk. The pact is weak and Bangar sees his chance to push the Charr who were against the treaty into a frenzy.


    > It's talked about many times in the prologue how many of the Charr don't know what to do with themselves now. Their old enemy the humans are at peace with them now, and Kralk has been defeated. Charr are born and bred to fight from the day they are born. Now they have no one to turn those weapons and skills on. It's just like a modern day soldier who is trained to kill in a war and comes home with no war to fight and no idea what to do anymore. If someone gives them a new war to fight they'll jump on it gladly because they don't know anything else.


    > Bangar is using that to his advantage, he wants the Charr kitten into a frenzy to fight. But he also knows as long as Aurene goes unchecked he'll lose. Bangar has, to my knowledge at least, never lost a battle. He's very tactical, he doesn't want to risk open conflict without some way to answer the Aurene problem. Because lets face it, Aurene will protect the Commander, if someone or something threatens the Commander then Aurene will respond. So he knows he can't force a fight openly without help. Jormag is that help. I'm thinking he's going to attempt to subdue Jormag and try to get the dragon under his control at least to some extent, which is why they needed the bow. Its the only weapon known right now that could harm Jormag.


    > To put it into another perspective, think of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Where the East Indies Trading company basically enslaves Davey Jones to do their bidding. That's the type of thing that I think Bangar is trying to pull off, put Jormag in a position where he has no choice to but to help further Bangars desires. Although I don't think Jormag is going to just roll over, I have a feeling Jormag is going to "temper" Bangar and his followers like the Icebrood we see in the Far Shiverpeaks and its going to give him basically an army that he can move south.


    Yeah it be like the destroyers how the shamans tried that and look what happen to them in guild wars 1 the destroyers attacked the flame Legion and Jomag willBanage think he can control only to turn the tables on Banger who would to little to late he doomed the charr legions to a slave master mind who cares not for the legions way of life and will use them till their are no more charr left.

  14. > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > I doubt they are like the Olmhakhan, but if you review the recent Flame Legion lore it makes sense. Flame Legion was last united under Gaheron Baelfire. The Pact killed Gaheron, and that threw Flame into civil war. Every Flame splinter faction that started to gain power was killed by the Pact or by Scarlet Briar. Flame Legion is pretty much in shambles.

    > Interestingly, if you watch the short video showcasing that "Metal Legion" charr band, you see Flame Legion soldiers in the audience. Among them is a female charr, wearing armor in Flame Legion colors, carrying weapons.

    > Way back at the start of the Personal Story, if you play Blood Legion, Elexus Shredskin makes a comment while fighting the Flame Legion: "Maybe if I kill enough of your males, your females will take over again."

    > Tons and tons of Flame Legion males have died in the Flame civil war, or fighting the Pact--and it has me wondering. Was there a Kalla Scorchrazor style uprising in midst of the Flame civil war?

    > At the very least, every Flame Legion extremist who has tried to lead them has died. Maybe someone with more moderate or open views took over.


    Maybe the female charr took over yeah that would not be a surprise a group of female charr may have taken over a faction of flame legion charr and either enslave the male charr in Legion or treated as equals since freeing themselves from the rest of the flame Legion. and yeah the flame legion has lost so many male charr so now I think they are out numbered to the point the female charr took over and turn the tables on the male charr and maybe enslave the few male charr that remianed in flame legion since well they are not too happy with the male charr in flame legion. Oh and since my male human Tarwin and my female charr character Oganna are mates even if they are from two different races in a made up story, the female charr may choose to take male humans as mates since they hate hate the male charr of their legion and all that. Which well up further chances of a long lasting peace between the humans and the charr legions of course many human men may be very scared of the fact that female charrr from flame want to pick them as mates over male charr. Course when those human men learn why female charr from flame legion are doing that well they will understand. But it dose not mean every human will accept it and still hate the charr but the newer generations of human may be more accepting even if their parents will not agree.

  15. MY Human character Tarwin suspects the Flame Legion may have a plan that somehow puts the wicked flame legion shamans somehow in charge of the Legions and that it be another bloody civil war among the charr and another war with the humans force to fight the charr again. MY female charr character Oganna Yimshi dose not like the Flame Legion or this meeting and suspects that they must have some sort of back up plan to take over the Legions again. Both Tarwin Steel my male human character and Oganna Yimshi my female charr character are both lovers in my lore story back grounds for them both, and both while they won't outright attack the shamans of flame Legion yet, they be ready for whatever flame Legion has got planned.


    > Despite Mordremoth being the dragon of minds, Jormag has always been the most manipulative and devious of the Dragons.


    > Jormag doesn't flat out corrupt his minions by dominating them like the other dragons we've seen so far.

    > Zhaitan would murder his subjects then raise them against their will.

    > Kralkatorrik would brand his minions and enslave them to his will.

    > Mordremoth dominates his minions minds and twists them to his will.


    > Jormag on the other hand seduces its minions, makes them serve it willingly and corrupts them with their consent, believing that they are being empowered by the dragon not corrupted and enslaved.

    > In many ways this makes Jormag far more malicious and dangerous, should a large number of people believe it's lies and false promises it could lead to massive numbers falling to Jormags ranks and rapidly growing it's army of icebrood.

    > We could very well see this happen with large numbers of the Flame Legion as Wooden Potatoes claimed in his recent videos, becoming the Frost Legion and causing no end of problems in Charr society as they infultrate and seduce more Charr into the ranks of the Dragon.

    > The Norn already suffering this very same problem with the Sons of Svanir.


    > This is what Jormag does best, it divides and then it conquers.


    Accept we'll see female charr in that Legion if that happens. Sad I love female charr and want to know where the flame legions female charr are at so I can free them.

  17. Warrior class for humans ,and magic class, but to me many humans find themselves fighting without magic and becoming warriors not while not as super strong as the charr or norn as both them are simply born strong, and with alot of stamina. To me warrior fits humans since its the main class most humans may take next to magic classes which is the second highest remember before guild wars 1 magic class was the favor now with magic less effective warrior's are needed more and magic is getting less effective thanks to the elder dragons and most great magical spells and have been lost and or destroyed, added that humans had the ability to be granted resurrection spells something no other race had access too hence human warriors did not fear permanent death unless it was their time to die and stay dead.

  18. (Note much of what you read is only a guess what could have happen or even changed in the charr legions History you can question it, and just take with a grain of salt do not take super serious.)


    The titled says it all 40 years after Guild Wars 1 200 years before Guild Wars 2 Kalla scorchrazor grandcub of Pyre Fierceshot trained her charr war sisters in the four Legions in secret to fight so they could be free to fight with their war brothers once more and be treated as equals, and no longer be just labor workers, and mate slaves to the male charr. In our guild wars real history Kalla was able to free her sisters in the end even though cost Kalla her life.

    But what if Kalla scorchrazor and all the female charr's trust, belief, and dreams that all charr could be war brothers, and sisters was shaken, broken and shattered by both the male charr determination not to let female charr be allowed to fight, and by treachery from the Flame Legion?


    In this timeline Kalla Scorchrazor (as in the regular one) leads a massive army of female charr and male charr who sided with the same promise that If the rebels Legions could see their way fit to allowing the females to fight beside them, they could effectively double their numbers overnight. This would give them the soldiers they needed to be able to overwhelm the shamans and their magic. And, eventually, the human kingdoms as well.


    Of course many charr having grown up with their females in servitude to them for centuries, though, many of the male charr were reluctant to go against this 'tradition'. They argued that the females had stayed at home for too long and were no longer suited for the battlefield—if they ever had been. (The female charr had fought with the male charr before the flame Legion took over, flame legion destroyed or hid their history.) To counter this argument, Scorchrazor threw down a challenge before her detractors. The most important of these was Forge Ironstrike, the imperator of the Iron Legion, and he agreed to meet her in single combat. If she could defeat him, he would acknowledge that female charr were just as qualified to become soldiers as the males. Otherwise, he would kill her as an example to the other females who were confused about their places.


    The battle took place in the ruins of Rin, the old human capital of Ascalon, which the charr have now restored as the Black Citadel. The imperators of the Blood and Ash Legions stood as seconds. Blood backed its daughter Scorchrazor, while Ash sided with Iron. Scores of others watched, from the highest tribune all the way down to the lowliest gladium. Scores of charr came to watch the battle in the ruined arena in Rin. The two warriors were well matched. As a male of the race, Ironstrike was the larger and stronger of the two, but Scorchrazor was by far the faster and more skilled. In our time Kalla outwitted and outmatched Forge Ironstrike, she still dose.


    But this where the timeline diverges Forge Ironstrike very angry that he lost, dose not honor the promise deal, for female charr to be aloud to fight again as equals with male charr. Blood Legion's male charr imperator shockley then announces that he never supported Kalla either, in truth the three male charr imperators of the legions decided to not honor the promise terms instead decided in this timeline, if Kalla somehow won the fight then that in order to keep female charr from being aloud to fight, was to simply just not honor the promise, but also the three shared in oath to deny Kalla, and all female charr the right to be aloud to fight and they announced it that so long as they have their way no female charr will ever be aloud to fight or be equals to them, as long as they draw breath.


    Kalla was horrified and shocked, along with all the hundreds and thousands of female charr. Kalla shouted out why? Why would they lie to her that they keep their word and not honor the agreements. One of the male charr imperators says the three of them shared in oath to deny Kalla and all female charr the right to be aloud to fight and they announced it that so long as they have their way no female charr will never be aloud to fight or be equals to them weather Kalla won the fight or not they never planed to honor the promise.

    Then all female charr who are confused or in Kalla's army are told they are to return to their duties and any who resist, refuse, or even follow Kalla will be punished harshly.

    Suddenly Kalla is booed by male charr who shout she should go kill herself, they curse her name, and her sire Pyre, and start throwing stuff at her to get out the arena. (the aim is humiliate Kalla and discredit her and drive Kalla to kill herself) Kalla is sort of crying, after fleeing the Black citadel to somewhere outside of it, with her female charr army who flee with her along with all the male charr in Kalla's army abandoning her. The female charr in Kalla's personal army have are at lost many are full of grief and crying bitterly, others are very angry that the male charr impertors lied to them and to Kalla. All female charr are angry and confused why did the male charr leaders and their own war brothers lie? Why are they so hellbent on not letting them fight? Kalla meanwhile with her warband mates Era Breakrazor, Jaz Razorclaw (centurion) Kus Darkrazor, Visk Icerazor unable to help their war sister do accept but listen to Kalla cry bitterly in a tent. Kalla at this point is thinking and asking her self so many questions while crying, and suffers mentally and dose think about killing herself.


    But then the next day something comes over her Kalla Scocrhrzaor changes. With Kalla's faith, trust, and dreams that male charr could be their war brothers, and equals broken; Kalla then stands before her followers and declares all male charr as unfit to stand as equals with female charr, if they won't accept female charr as their war sisters then they will make the male charr pay for chooseing to go against them, and make all male charr their slaves just as male charr enslaved them and abused their mothers and grandmothers for 200 years. The male charr feel all high and mighty,and great about hurting them, raping them, abusing them, killing them for every wrong doing no matter small or big it is; then the female charr will do the same to them but far worse then what the Flame Legions male shamans and male charr in all legions did to them.

    (The charr who become the olmamokan by the way are already on their way out of Ascalon, and just as they feared they believe Kalla is doomed to lose and believe they are right.)

    All female charr at this point with Kalla and everywhere the charr call home are angry and bitter at the male charr, all female charr agree the male charr are never going to free them or see them as equals, so they will make them their slaves just as they enslaved them. (Also the female charr population is very massive they out number the male charr cause the male charr have been fighting far to many wars against the humans of Ascalon lost hundreds of thousands of male charr troops in kytra and in Orr and came back with a racktack defeat army of male charr who were at a lost on how they lost so much , and in part thanks to the shamans and to many male charr having petty rival in fighting against each other. The male charr in all four legions do not relize how much they angered the female charr and how outnumbered they are. Kalla and the female charr train more angry female charr in secret that soon nearly all female charr are ready to overthrow the male charr. Meanwhile the three male charr imperatour's to attempt to fight the Flame Legion alone on the plains of Plains of Golghein. Kalla had also had connects with the female charr in flame Legion whom were just as equal angry and wanted their freedoms unlike the other three legions are gifted with the power of magic and so in secert they to ready themselves for battle eager for revenge against the male charr shamans who abused them so much.


    The three Legions male charr leaders of Blood Iron and Ash are more willing to instead surrender to the flame Legion as they are to evenly matched and the fear of losing is a possibility, added Flame Legion was still to powerful and that they lacked the numbers to scare the Flame Legion's leader to want to surrender. The massive female charr army under Kalla Scrochrazor arrived, Kalla demanded the surrender of the Flame Legion, who mocked her of course and did not take the danger seriously after all male charr did not believe any female charr knew how to fight, and it be an easy win. But when Kalla and her army attacked the Flame Legion then saw they were surrounded by the massive army of female charr to little to late. The battle is fierce but onesided as the Flame Legion is attack from all four sides and overwhelmed and all male charr in the Flame Legion are slaughtered to the last by the female charr of all four legions with a fury not seen before, the male charr and the shamans of Flame Legion are killed in ways to horrifying to describe but enough to make one vomit as many male charr killed slowly by angry female charr who had been waiting a very long time to get back at the Flame Legion youcan imagine how their are male charr who may be faced with a female charr he may have raped, abuse very eager to inflict pain on him in a horrible way.


    By the end of the Battle not one male charr in Flame Legion on the plains of Golghein has escaped, or is alive, many of the dead male charr have the look of shock and fear. As for the male charr of Blood, Iron, and Ash, well they are force to surrender or risk suffering the same fate as the flame Legions male charr, of course Kalla has a score to settle with the Impertor especially with Forge Ironstrike, who is sort of begging and apologizing to Kalla, who however instead of killing Forge, and the Ash, and backstabbing Blood Imperator herself she lets her many charr war sisters do it, who are all to eager to do just that. (Also the chosen male charr who stayed as allies to Kalla and refuse to give up on her are considered the only male charr friends that can be trusted, all other male charr are seen as possible traitors who would try and force the female charr to be slaves again.) All across the charr lands the female charr populations had rose against the male charr and overwhelmed their male charr rulers. Kalla and the female charr then impose a new set of rules that is to keep male charr from being top leaders, all male charr are only able to be soldiers, and slave workers. Note the female charr still do manual labor as well, only difference is the male charr are abused by the female charr task masters, who are happy to mistreat the male charr and force them to even work to death.


    In the aftermath and years falling Kalla Scorchrazor's and the female charr's take over of the Legions, the female charr built a new socity among all the legions, Kalla is the new Khan-ur, Kalla makes sure that the female charr controlled Legions are united and has a new system that won't break apart, and Khan-Ur can only now maybe challenged if the Khan-Ur is only supporting one Legion on purpose, is not a Leader who suppose to unite all Legions and tries to divide them, and or attempts to bring them into the worship of false gods. (Unless its the true God of the charr race which has yet to even reval him or herself.) The Legions are to have a different military and ecomince structure that won't collepese in on itself and is united not divided into citystates with their own little kingdom that trys to undermine the leadership of the Khan-Ur. Blood Legion trains male and female charr to fight for all the Legions, Iron Legion Invents techonlogy, forges better armor, and creates powerful weapons for all the Legions, Ash Legions trains charr in using stealth and shadow arts, and infiltration, and assassination. (male charr are not aloud to learn any of the ways of Ash Legion, cause female charr want to make sure male charr are never able to plan any uprisings in secert without them knowing.) The Magic Legion trains charr in the use of learning how to use and control their magical powers n whatever class they have picked.


    Only female charr can be leaders, male charr are side noted to low ranks only and have to obey female charr commaders only very trusted male charr are aloud to be leaders, just the same all male charr in leadership postions are always watched by Ash Legion female charr. The flame Legion is rename the Magic Legion as all female charr in this Legion will versed in the ways of magic.



    All four Legions female charr have a different treatment to how they treat male charr rumors, and comfirmed repots among the humans of Ascalon in Ebonhawk report that the treatment of male charr is considered barbric and morbid.


    All female charr know how to fight and work but they force the male charr to learn how to do both on pain of death, cause if they do not then get punished.

    Blood Legion female charr force male charr into hard long hours of training to fight in their armies with the female charr. All male charr are told they are excecpted to die fighting for the Khan-Ur and for the Legions, male charr in the Blood Legion are required to fight to the death if need be cause if they do not die fighting, and or they run away from combat or even surrender they will get a punishment worse then death, which is becoming a living test dummy tied to a pole, for female charr to pratice fighting, young female charr are taught how use a weapon by female adult charr on these poor male charr, the female charr teachers enjoy making these male charr suffer, and young female charr in training are often a little to joyful in praticing on living male charr. This is the worse punishment a male charr can face in Blood Legion but its bad if the female charr trainer need volunteers and when they ask a group of male charr will you know no male charr wants to step foward so a male charr is picked sometimes at random but depending if he really loyal to the female charr controled Legions, and to the female charr Khan-ur. Male charr are picked if they are disloyal to the Legions, insulted a female charr officer, or even the slighest wrong that offended a female charr, male charr who face this often hope its not them who will get volunteered. Male charr who surive this are often seen with scars many which do not fully heal without healing magic from female charr healers. In time male charr are able to return to their duties but tramizited somewhat of what they had to go though.

    The lightest punishment is being force to work long hours as a labor worker in any type of work, half the male charr however after learning how to fight are required to work in labor duites from handling the cattle, mining, lumbering and other labor duites, if a male charr is being punished then he is force to work even if he is tried, and often till they are broken. Male charr in this Legion die the slowest unless its in battle as female Blood Legion charr drag the deaths of male charr out longer then the other Legions do.


    Iron Legion's female charr treat male charr semi better in Iron that male charr have a chance to advance as Leader even if he under watch by Ash Legion female charr, but the catch is a male charr in Iron Legion dies the fastest. Male charr are forced to test dangeous untested inventions and weapons of all sorts, the worse case is when a female charr trainer or inventor (who may look and sound insane with a crazy smile.) says she needs a volunteer which unlike the slow dragged out death in Blood Legion is a death sentence, as male charr who get punished or volunteered by female charr are used as target practice by female charr learning how to use guns, cannons, mortars and other powerful and dangerous weapons tests male charr do get to run around and dodge the attacks but that dose not mean they always come out of it in one piece male charr, many male charr who survive are traumatized, and badly shaken, if they lost a limb some commit suicide others die from their wounds as getting hit by something bigger then a bullet leaves them bleeding to death.

    A lighter punishment is that male charr are force to work long hours in any number of Labor works depending on what they did to get themselves into trouble or if a female charr just wants a male charr to be punished for offending her or threatening her.


    What Ash Legion female charr do to their male charr is mostly rumors but its no less better then Iron and Blood Legion charr. The few reports that do explain report that the Male charr in Ash Legion look like they saw a ghost, they are scared, and jumpy, and often sound insane, mentioning how in the training and or punishment camps in wherever Ash Legion's female charr live at, male charr from Ash Legion if they can be believe and understood from their ramblings were force volunteered by creepy giggling Ash Legion female charr trainers to be used as target practice for female charr learning their stealth shadow attacks in a dark maze where their is so little light, a male charr groups are given nothing but a torches to light their way and is force to endure attacks from Ash Legions female charr, sometimes you'll hear a male charr screaming in agony, which singles that the poor male charr got caught by a bunch of female charr. You giggling as female charr prey on sanity of the male charr, and even say creepy scaring things that makes one scared, Male charr groups often lose almost all male charr in the groups in these training mazes sometimes a male charr loses it and runs blinding in the dark and then you'll just hear him scream in terror, or you not hear anything and just find his dead body. You never want to run into Ash Legion female charr thier is no way to say it accept if you see one standing down a hallway part of the maze with a blank look or an insane smile..... run, of course some male charr say when they tried to run they somehow ran into that same female charr and do not know how they go away others say that they saw one of their buddies run ino a female charr and the torchs went out and when they go the light back on the female charr and the male charr were both gone like ghosts. Oh and if you get conrer at a dead end of the maze god help you. Many male charr who had survived this look horrified and scared out of their mind, matter a fact Ash Legion is better know for being the top Legion that is often punishing trouble maker male charr. According to the male charr ramblings female charr in Ash are insane giggling female charr that won't stop staring at them with a blank look or a creepy smile, and female Ash Legion charr are always watching them no matter if they are in leadership positions or not, no uprising can start against female charr without Ash Legion female charr finding out their secrets, and most male charr are bad at trying to keep their secrets to themselves, as they are often charmed by female charr beauty to give up their secrets.


    The Magic Legion's (former Flame Legion) female charr are better known for supposedly abusing, torturing their male charr as the female charr of the former Flame Legion got the worse treatments then female charr in other Legions so the female charr of the Magic Legion mistreat their male charr even if newborn male charr cubs are not guilty for the sins of their grandfathers. Now not all male charr are mistreated but most male charr in the Magic Leigon are mistreated, now male charr can learn how to use magic but they are always watched and face the possibility of being killed if they try and attempt to use their power to fight the female charr. Male charr who are facing punishments in the Magic Legion are at risk of instaed being sent to do hard labor for the Legions they are used as living test dummy's by Magic Legion's female charr who are happy to to torment,and even kill male charr using their magic's. Male charr are kill in unexplainable way by all forms of magic used against them by female charr practicing their magical powers on the male charr, some are killed by set on fire, drowning in water, being crushed by the earth, killed by thunder, killed by life draining magic, smited by a magic spear if light, or killed by a bunch of female charr clones. Male charr in the Magic Legion never get to be leaders, the female charr shamans who have a personal grudge for what male charr did to them and their grandmothers. Magic Legion female charr take what male charr did to enslave them alot more seriously. Unlike the old Male charr shamans blind, foolish, abusive, and rash ways of leading the Legions ended, the female charr of the Magic Legion are very serious in how they lead and run their Legion, where as the male charr were to blinded by their pride and belief they were better then female charr which lead to their fall from power.


    A fifth Legion is created by Kalla Scrochrazor the new Khan-ur which becomes refereed to as the Legion of the Khan-ur this Legion is a mix of all four Legions male and female charr. The male charr in this Legion are not abused they are the chosen or sons, and grandsons of the hundreds of male charr who choose to stay loyal to Kalla and did not abandon her, the male charr in Legion know they are watched like the others and always doing all they can to prove their loyalty to the Legions and to the Khan-Ur most of all, male charr from outside the chosen guild may join the ranks of Khan-Ur's Legion after passing a number of tests which are to find out if a male charr is truly loyal to the Legions. Joining the chosen male charr ranks in the Khan-Ur's Legion is something many charr who want to truly show they are loyal to their female charr Khan-Ur aim for to the best they can, many hope and train themselves and strive to being able to enter the Khan-Ur's Legion, a male charr however has to be truly willing to accept that female charr are the equals of male charr, and truly be loyal to the Legions and to the Khan-Ur. No male charr who enters this Legion dare think of turning on the female charr Khan-Ur they gained the trust of the Legions they refuse to break it, and be cast to the bottom of the barrel again. Male charr in this Legion feel they have a real purpose to fight and die if need be die fore the Legions and the Khan-Ur. Female charr in the Khan-Ur's Legion are proud to serve in this Legion female charr who enter this Legion do so to also able to mate with the male charr of the chosen guild who are loyal to the Khan-Ur no questions asked, outside of the chosen guild, male charr often are used as mate slaves by female charr who dominate the male charr in their mating secession, (female charr when they relax besides eating drinking or playing some sort of competitive match game, will mate with male charr for the pleasure and to give birth to new generations of charr cubs.)

    With the male charr chosen however a female charr may mate with a male charr who has proven and continues to prove his loyalty to the Legions and the Khan-Ur, these male charr valve familiy with the female charr who choose to mate with these male charr resulting in charr cubs growing up with a caring father. This Legion was formed by Kalla Scorchrazor so that it be one Legion male charr would strive to prove they are loyal to her the Khan-Ur and the Legions


    Uprisings of male charr are not very many, male charr who attempt to fight Kalla Scrochrazor are crushed, and force to march around in humiliation taughted and mocked by countless female charr then they are killed in unexplainable ways. Another reason for the male charr rebels defeats is what the male charr shamans feared would happen if they did not keep the female charr as slaves, the female charr would use their sexuality to tempt the males into stumbling. Their fears became true the female charr use magic to make themselves look so awe inspiring and lovely, and pretty to male charr, that the male charr end up not fighting as effectively that they often surrender outright or are to dumbstruck in battle to see he is about to get his head chopped off by a beautiful female charr.


    The enslavement of the male charr echos the enslavement of the female charr and can be as morbid and barbic, yet can you really blame the femael charr at this point their grandmothers were held as slaves never allowed to fight four 200 years it seems only that the male charr suffer the same fate, at least in a female charr mind it dose. Now dose this effect the relations with the remments of the human kingdom of Ascalon in Ebonhawk? Will the male charr were for a time trying to attack the stronghold only to be force to surrender to Kalla Scrochrazor who got word of male charr armies still fighting the humans of Ascalon without knowing that the Legions are now controlled by female charr, that male charr army is force to surrender to Kalla's larger army of female charr and male charr chosen, and then they are force to swear loyalty to Kalla or face disarmament or being slaughtered to the last.


    As for the humans of Ascalon, (and the countless human prisoners of war, ascalonian troops and civilians who had been capture during the 50 years after the searing.) Kalla ponders if they should remain enemies with the humans of Ascalon, but the male charr shamans of Flame Legion kept using humans as the scapegoat to pin blames on, but instead of wasting time and so many lives on attacking the humans as they have fortified Ebonhawk far to well and were their to stay, maybe it be better to let the humans know that the male charr are no longer in charage and maybe the human could be a somewhat useful ally, that they could get rid of later. The humans of Ebonhawk are surprised by the fact that the female charr have taken over the male charr controlled Legions and turned the table on the male charr and now enslave them, the humans of Ebonhawk will either attempt for peace or denie any peace attempts the Kalla will offer as the events of the searing and the slaughter done by male charr is still fresh in the humans of Ascalons mind, Kalla of course could say that male charr destoryed their kingdom not femalecharr which would be a stumbling block for the humans as female charr had nothing to do with the searing so their is a possbily depending on who is in charge of Ebonhawk to have peace with the female charr controlled Legions will it last? After the human prisoners of Ascalon are freed and sent to Ebonhawk it will so long as the female charr do not decide under another Khan-Ur after Kalla dies to attack Ebonhawk, and so long as no human tries to start a war by out right attacking the charr Legions. This leaves a possibly for the humans to be able to either expand and move back into their former homeland or move south into the crystal desert and create a new ascalonian Kingdom with EbonHawk as the captial of New Ascalon. Of course their is the possible chance another war will happen of course the female charr may win it cause the same magical charms they use to get the male charr not to fight them, can be used against human men as well, making human men who fight them see a lovely female charr that he rather hug over killing, which gets them taken as prisoners as a result.


    Now it is found that female charr can mate with human men as a few female charr were found to have before Kalla's uprising had in secret mated with human men they had meant by chance and fallen in love with them, weather the human father live or not these female charr mothers gave birth to healthy charr cubs who are just cable as true charr, as a result after a peace treaty is settled with Ebonhawk and the human prisnors of war freed many female charr who outright hate male charr and will never mate with them no matter if they are loyal to the Legions choose to take human men as mates mind you these female charr are not super common, but they are not rare either, female charr in the Magic Legion, and Blood Legion are the common female charr to pick human men as mates where as Iron and Ash Legions female charr will still commenly pick male charr as mates as both Ash and Iron Legions female charr are trying to built the trust with male charr once more so they can stand as equals, where as Blood and Magic Legion female charr are happy to keep the male charr at the bottem of the barrel. Also the massive hate the humans had toward the charr slowy goes away only cause Kalla during her reign focus on making sure the Legions are not going to collepse after her death,and is not looking to start a war with Ebonhawk as they still have to deal with the ghosts of Ascalon. Kalla ends up having charr cubs of her own, as to who the father is will their are rumors its one of the male charr chosen and or ,even that Kalla scorchrazor in secert had mated with the male human grandson of the hero of Ascalon. (the hero who saves the world mulitple times in guild wars 1)


    Also male charr are often fleeing to Lions Arch to escape the female charr Legions and are seen as traitiors by the female charr controlled Legions, as we get closer to guild wars 2 timeline the female charr controlled Legions conutiene to expand their infleunce and take more land but the female charr under their Kalla and other Khan-ur female charr find that tryiny to conquner the world is not going to work as they would like as it takes to much effort and rescoures to do it, added the planet is far to big to rule and to many races will complain and say the charr are monsters for taking what is not theirs like the Ogers who very much want to retake land the charr took from them. THe charr legions end up just fousing on builting up their strength and dealing with the ghosts of Ascalon, and looking for new challeges to overcome and expanding their borders. Now some 20, 30 years before Guild Wars 2 the female charr's enslavement of male charr comes to an end sort of, they no longer will abuse male charr, but they still keep watch on them as their is always one dumb foolish male charr saying male charr will take back the Legions and make the female charr their slaves, course that male charr ends up being punished and maybe killed.


    The effects of nearly 200 years of enslavement has change the charr race as it takes 20 years for the new of male charr genration to get use to not being slaves, and female charr cubs growing up their charr brothers and the female charr still somewhat treating like scum still. Picture the effect this has on important charr characters. exmpales are Rytlock, the charr stilll go to the fire Islands and retrive Prince Rurik's sword and Rytlock only gets cause he stuborn having to deal with so many charr threating him and out to get him with only few he trusts won't try and kill him Rytlock is more eager to get out and see the world beyond the Ascalon. Also no idea who the Khau-ur, now the charr have a system that allows female charr to enter a contest to decide who gets the Khan-Ur but only female charr in the top leadership postions may enter it as they have the experienece to lead female charr do not get to kill each other but they have to beat their oppents sisters in a number of challeges,

    THe Khan-ur that leads by the time guild wars 2 timeline comes around is another female charr Khan-ur, cause male charr are still not allowed to be imperators or Khan-ur as a number of male charr keep openling trying to fight the female charr, these male charr follow the ways of the dead male charr shamans and want femael charr to be slaves again but they are outnumber and are always losing.

    The effects on the charr pact commanders will it depends inluding which legion your from. If your a male charr you maybe getting some backlash from female charr, who may trust you till you prove you loyal to the Legions and Khan-ur above all else, you be feeling like you deserve better, and you are trying to show you are willing to fight as a female charr's equal, and see them as your war sister not a slave.

    If your a female charr pact commader will like every charr cub growing up you have been taught that your not to fully trust a male charr unless he part of the choosen male charr guild, and or has derminely proved his loyalty, and to always to be on your guard when dealing with male charr who have not proven their loyaltly, you have been taughtto hate and despise male charr who want to enslave you and your war sisters. As a female charr you may feel and question the treatment given to the male charr, of course their always one male charr that yells at you how you and all female charr will slaves one day and male charr will be back in their rightful place. Of course you then feel the only male charr that deserve your repect are themale charr part of the choosen guild that fight in the Legion of the Khan-Ur, you also may have a bit of problem with your sire. However unlike most female charr you are more willing to accept male charr who are not against you and your war sisters and more for allowing male charr to stand as equals once more.


    Oh and during guild wars 2 you would see many female charr back talking male charr alot, and their be many female charr talking about how their trying to get use to not having the male charr as distrusted slaves, and many more even questioning on how they treated the male charr, and always those male charr who are bitter. Charr in the pact may struggle to fight together but the pact would be the first steps in helping the male and female charr work together as equals.


    Now when the Olamakan charr are found it opens the door for the female charr controled Legions to rethink on how they treat male charr, and the thoughts of restoring the valve of family and raising cubs with both the charr parents togther not splitting up after the cubs are old enough. With the Legions under the a feamle charr Khan-Ur attampting to accept the changes that are sweeping the Legions male and female charr will have to accept if they truly want to be united as a race and not sepreated by gender out of the fear of being each others slaves, is to follow the exmpales of the Olmakan charr not just their peaceful ways but the valve of family, and that what comes first is family and family first. By the time the elder dragon threat is ended it will take some time for the Legions to asjust to a time of peace and reuniting male and female charr to gether as a race not as a distrusted slaves


    This was long of what possiblity that could have happen to the charr Legions had the male charr imperators decided they wre going to lie to Kalla not honor the promise to support her when she won, things could have gone down a differenet path for the Legions we will never really know what could have happrn. But had Kalla decided that male charr were unfit to be equals the female charr could have have enslaved the male charr just as the male charr shamans enslaved female charr, and that could have echoed how female charr were slaves, and history would show that the male charr shamans, and later the charr imperators who turned on Kalla were at fault, and the reason why the female charr took over the Legions and enslaved the male charr. Do not take this seiously cause their are so many things that are no doubt wrong not true or unlikly to happen, we can only guess and imagine a world where the female charr turned the tables on the male charr and enslaved them, maybe their is a alternate universe of it somewhere in the mists of time.


    It would be instresting to see something like this as a story of its own echoing all to woll what could have happen to the Legions had things on differently.



  19. > @"Pia.5839" said:

    > I do worry that season 5 will be too scattered in terms of overall story - much like season 3, where we were ping-ponging all over the place following different leads only very loosely related to the dragon threat - I wasn't too fond of that approach to a LW season. However, there are TONS of loose threads that need to be dealt with, and I could forgive a messy overall plot if they got addressed:

    > - Malyck's tree (#1 story wish for me)

    > - Where is Zojja? And can we get an original DE reunion with her included?

    > - Aurene's found her way, but how do we deal with the imbalance of death and plant-based magics?

    > - Braham damaged Jormag's tooth, but I don't think we've spoken a word about that since

    > - Rytlock needs to circle back to the foefire cleansing we attempted in season 2


    > If none of these things are part of the picture, then I truly hope for either a Norn-centric plot, or a Charr-centric plot for the upcoming season and even into the next expansion. I main Sylvari but Norn have gotten the short end of things for far too long. Feels like nearly every Norn NPC is either mocked/laughed at or used as fodder for story-based deaths. Would love to see that change. Charr need love and story development too so I'd love to see us travel deeper into their homelands etc. For me personally, I'd rather hold on the Cantha/Tengu/DSD stuff until either next xpac, or preferably the one after that.


    I want too see what the charrr legions think of the Olamakan and if the charr legions are now at risk of having hostile charr try and start another war agains the humans of Ascalon and Kyrta cause the charr leader never said they be at peace forever no I believe a number of foolish charr like Banger and Fume will attempt to force the charr to start hating the humans again when so many charr do not care about that now, and will to start the war again.

  20. > @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

    > My wishlist for Season 5:


    > * No saving the world stuff. We've saved the world umpteen times already, it's giving Princess Peach a run for her money.

    > * No big, overarching villain plot. We've killed three elder dragons, a god, two would-be gods and a few more leftovers from GW1. We deserve a rest. Do commanders/champions/whatever get vacation days? Overtime?

    > * Let's wrap up some more loose ends. Find Malyck's tree, wipe out the Flame Legion, see how the Olmakhan affect Charr society, drink beer with the Norn, check on the Inquest and Nightmare Court, catch up with the Pale Tree, do more drinking with the Norn...

    > * Visit the Dominion of Winds. We've got all sorts of flying, gliding and jumping abilities now, that would be a great place to use them.

    > * Figure out what's going on with Dragon's Watch. Maybe we can finally get Canach to join? Please?

    > * Lord Swordmaster Faren.


    And making sure the that the charr like Banager and Fume do not start another war jsut cause the elder dragons are dead or asleep.

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