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Posts posted by Atelia.4852

  1. inaho.2046 posted about this back in July, but I wanted to bring it up again- the custom music playlists don't seem to work on mac. I've been trying over the last week to put in a MainMenu playlist, but it never plays. I've tried both .m3u (extended and non-extended) and .pls playlists, and I tried sourcing the files from a nearby directory (I put a "tracks" folder on the same level as the "music" folder) as well as from the iTunes music folders.


    Yes, it's not game-breaking, but it would be really nice to be able to do the same things on mac that can be done on PC. If you could fix/implement this soon, it would be much appreciated.

  2. I'd love a glider that allows you to use your equipped weapon skins, like I posted on Reddit: https://redd.it/99ygn7

    I could see scepter skins being scaled up to fit a broom size, staff skins being used as riding brooms, and maybe some sort of connecting rod that allows you to use main hand/off hand combos? The possibilities can get pretty crazy.


    Also, an upgrade to ride sidesaddle on mounts would be wonderful. I'm not sure if it would fit as a gemstore item, though.

  3. I've had all five of my character slots taken for a while, but I've found that I don't play on my Ranger that much. I'm not sure why, but I guess I just don't find the class that interesting/fun. I boosted her up to 80 and played a bit with Druid and Soulbeast, but I don't find myself playing on her that often- she's turned into a bank character. I also want to make a Charr so I can get the Charr personal story achievements (Bloodying the Past, For the Legion!, and From Howl to Silence), whether I keep them or not.

    My other four characters are an Elementalist (Weaver), Necromancer (Minion master Reaper), Engineer (Holosmith), and Mesmer (Chronomancer).

    I really love playing on my ele, and recently I've been playing on my necro and engi more. Most of what I do is open-world PvE, but I play fractals and dungeons occasionally (although only on my ele).

    (my ranger's still 200 days away from her first birthday, so I really won't be losing much by deleting her.)


    I want to make a character from a new class, so what would you suggest? Warrior, Guardian, Revenant, or Thief? Or do you think I should just go down to four characters and make a weekly BL key farm character?

  4. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > Just save the gold and look twice before spending. If investing means buying items off trading post, be very well aware of the trading post fees when you want to resell the item(s) later and the risk you take that the goods lowered in price while you were holding them. Most items tend to go down in price over time in this game.


    Ah, you make a good point. I'd like to find some way to put gold away so I don't accidentally spend it again, though.


    > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > A good way to put gold away out of your wallet is to place buy orders that is obviously not going to fill. Like up to a couple hundred gold for a legendary, or a chak egg sac or similar item. When you want the gold, just cancel the buy order - no fees or anything else taking a cut.


    Hm. I might have to give this a try. Thanks for the advice!

  5. I was unlocking skins this evening by buying medium and heavy armor off the TP that I didn't have. When I was buying the Iron Legion heavy armor, I accidentally spent 60g on the shoulders. I hadn't realized that they were so hard to get (the rest of the set is craftable so it's only 5-30 silver) and just blindly bought them- then saw that I had gone down from 100g to 40g. Buying useless green armor. I stupidly salvaged them before looking it up on the wiki and finding out I could get the skin for a few medals of honor.


    So can we please have some sort of warning? Maybe if you're buying something that's over 1/3 or 1/2 your current amount of gold, and you have over 10g? Or maybe if you're buying a white/blue/green for over 10g? Or just the option to set your own warnings? I'm just frustrated because I wanted that gold to go towards something more useful, like the legendary I'm working on.

  6. I'd love to see shaders at least split between your character model, mounts, and the environment. I love turning shaders on high for my mounts- a few of the more shiny ones (like the storm ridge raptor) really benefit from higher-quality shaders, but my character model gets weird shiny lines on her when I turn up shaders.


    High shaders:

    ![](https://imgur.com/f4meZQf.jpg "")

    My character has shiny lines on her forearms and calves, but the raptor looks REALLY nice.


    Low shaders:

    ![](https://imgur.com/H7KA3XT.jpg "")

    My character doesn't have shiny lines at all, but the raptor looks a little lackluster, especially in comparison to the high-shader raptor.

  7. My favorite's definitely Wintersday! I love Tixx's theme and the bell choir.


    > @"Zeefa.3915" said:

    > 1. Halloween

    > 2. Wintersday

    > Really really really want festivals for the othe racial cities. Divinity Reach got 2, Rata Sum got 1 (kinda, even if I don't like it), Lions Arch got 1. I am actually going to be proper sad if Divinity Reach gets another one, instead of giving one to Black Citadel, Hoelbrak or the Grove. Preferably something for all 3.


    I'd love to have more festivals, especially in the other cities! I could see a summer solstice event in the Grove for the first half of June. I'm not sure what they could do for the Black Citadel or Hoelbrak, though... and it would raise the problem of not filling the calendar up too much with annual holidays.


  8. > @"Chef Kiyo.3964" said:

    > Monks,


    > Like, punching with my fists style. I really can't play any other profession besides Mesmer because it has all the themes I love, but I'd seriously enjoy a punching character SO much.


    I'd love an "unarmed" option for all classes (or almost all, at least). I think it'd be really cool to have spell casters forming spells with their hands, and to have melee fighters using different martial art styles. It'd be awesome if these unarmed skills were really acrobatic, too (at least, for the appropriate professions).

  9. I've been messing around with keybinding, and I think all the different ways you can set up your key binds is really interesting.

    So, what have you changed from the default key binds?


    -I usually leave my raptor on x to mount, and I bound my other mounts to shift+(a,s,d,x) (for springer, skimmer, jackal, and griffon, respectively.)

    -I added target nearest enemy to c.

    -I've found that, in general, it's easiest for me to have combat skills on the left side of my keyboard and menu skills (inventory, trading post, scoreboard, etc) on the right side.

    -I usually use a gaming mouse with buttons for my profession skills, but I also stuck them on the arrow keys for the heck of it (left for f1, right for f2, up for f3, and down for f4)

  10. ~~"kitten" replacing all the curse words for in-game chat, too~~

    -Different standing animations for single-hand weapons that have the character standing straight rather than bent over (sort of like the differences between Elementalist and Thief with a staff)

    -LONGBOW ELEMENTALIST! I really want another option that's also got really large range- I love the range staff gives me, but I get bored of using the same skills over and over again after a while.

    -Making the enemies also target your NPC allies in all instanced stories (especially the older ones- it's gotten better recently)

  11. > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > They can add whatever they want...


    > ... they should just give us the possibility to set separately


    > * Standard gliders

    > * Standard mounts

    > * Standard armor/weapons

    > * Standard dyes

    > * Minis YES/NO


    > I'm ok with ppl buying flashy skins, dyes or troll skins like golemancer glider, sab, etc... but ANET should give us the possibility to set standard models for every single category separately.


    This. I have to play with low graphics settings to get any sort of a decent framerate (~20-30 fps) so being able to limit some of the shiny stuff coming off of characters but not all of it would be great.

  12. To be honest, I love having the puzzles. It gives variety in the world- not everything is about killing monsters or bosses. And while I love the idea of Vigil characters being able to act "in-character" to just smash their way through everything, if Vigil characters get that, then Priory characters should be able to use their surroundings to their advantage during a boss fight, and Whispers characters should be able to sneak past encounters or convince NPCs (hostile or not) to help them.

    I also feel like this might put a bit too much emphasis on a decision made very early on in the game, which might be a big problem.

  13. I recently started working on Burden of Choice again, and realized that I still hadn't talked to Ogden or Tranton in the Priory. However, I'd already gotten the bloodstone slivers, and so when I went back to the Priory, I could talk to Ogden for the second part of the achievement, but when I talked to Tranton, it gave me the ninth part of the achievement (return to Tranton), rather than the third (speak to Tranton). I'm worried that completing the tenth part will make it so I can't complete the achievement- does anyone know how I could (or if I can) get the third part completed? I know it's only 3 AP, but I'd rather have it complete than not.


    [Here's](https://imgur.com/xXBefSM "https://imgur.com/xXBefSM") what my achievement looks like right now.

  14. > @"Nayaru.4716" said:

    > 4) Incoming damage is perhaps a little too high for a solo run through especially when the power core is out and the main boss seems disabled - something took me from full health to downed during this phase and I don't know what - forgiving of course playing a glass cannon character and maybe I'm just bad. It was nice not to have to go through the whole downed state and possible retry, though.

    I definitely felt that, too. I don't know how much of it was "good" challenge- the not-too-easy but not-too-hard kind- but it was really hard playing on a staff weaver with the high-damage fields everywhere. If I was caught in one, I was down to ~25% health, and I would almost definitely be caught in one (or more) if I started a long cast. And yeah, it might be my fault for soloing it with a glass cannon, or maybe my gear's not ideal for soloing story instances, or maybe I'm just not good at playing my class "right", but I always feel like story instances are really unfriendly to soloing with an elementalist.

    (the auto-res was a really nice addition, though. I liked that with Balthazar and this because it made me feel a little less bad about dying all the time. I just wish it wasn't necessary, I guess.)


    However, one thing I did notice that's really nice about this episode is that, because it goes instance-to-instance, you *can* quit after one part of the story. So if you're feeling too burnt out after the Inquest bases, you can just relog and come back later. You have to restart the instance you were in, and you won't have the new area yet, but you don't have to go through every instance again. I'm not sure how it is with restarting and retrying instances for achievements, though.

  15. It mentions in the description (at least, now it does) that "this effect will not trigger when attuning to the same element."

    So swiftness and regen shouldn't stack...


    Another bug that I've noticed is an inconsistency in the text for air attunement: the Elemental Attunement trait says it grants 9s of swiftness, and the actual attunement grants 9s of swiftness, but the text on the attunement (if you hover over Air Attunement on the bottom bar) says it grants 5.5s of swiftness.

  16. I'd love to go to Cantha. Considering how it's said that the elder dragon S made his home in the Unending Ocean, I feel like investigating and attempting to pacify the deep sea dragon could tie in to Cantha very well. I'd also like to see Cantha's perspective on the elder dragons, considering it's known as the "Empire of the Dragon" and separated from the same devastation the Tyrian continent has experienced.

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