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Posts posted by miraude.2107

  1. > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

    > It would be cool if names of players get open for others who were offline for more then a year. PLayers of thoose names get a free nameschange ticket to choose a new names for their long offline characters.


    Please no. This was a tactic that WoW used and I felt frustrated for a friend over it. Why? Her authenticator broke (back when they were just the key fobs) and she took it as a sign to take a step back. She knew all her character names. Two years down the line, she decided to come back and found that her account had been stolen. One of the ways they verify account ownership back then was the CD Keys. Ex-bf stole a bunch of her CDs, including the WoW ones and was able to use that to change the password on her account, proceed to sell it for money and then the person who got renamed a few and deleted the rest of her toons.

    When she finally got her account back, she had a back and forth with WoW about getting the names back, which they refused because they were now being used by other people and she'd have to talk to them about getting them back. You can imagine how well that went over.

    Hell, I remember people spamming the report name feature over and over and over, getting their friends in on it as well so spur a name change on a name they wanted. So no. Use https://www.behindthename.com/ or any other myriad of sources for a name and just accept that they are a dime a dozen.

    As for all of my names, I have an Authorian myth and legends encyclopedia. I just point and try it, if it accepts, it accepts. This is Miraude's entry:

    _The wife of Torec. Having been sent to obtain the circlet belonging to his grandmother, Miraude promised to marry him if he successfully overcame the Knights of the Round Table, a feat he fulfilled,_

  2. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > You can create your own playlists and have the game play those instead of the game music. You create a folder named Music in Documents\Guild Wars 2 (where the Screenshots folder is if you take pictures), put a playlist you can create on most media players, give it proper name and voila the game will play that music.


    > Unfortunately the playlists available aren't in any way comprehensive. For example, you can't have separate lists for the different zones, or cities, it was a suggestion back at release to improve this feature but it never happened. As for the thread's topic, the playlist you are looking for is called "Defeated", make your own playlist with that name, put it in the Music folder and you will listen to that instead of the vanilla sound.


    > You can find more information/details on the wiki:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack


    Oh god. The possibilities. :o

    I. Now I have so many thoughts.

  3. I like the skin but am highly disappointed that it does not moo. And yes, I know it's an ox. They make similar noises being in the bovine species and all. If they can altar the howl for the mordrem skin then an angry moooooooooo howl is possible.

    Kitten, give the elk skin an elk call as well. It's slightly frustrating that these two skins are the only ones that don't do the howl animation/sound and they are cash shop skins! When I brought it up in map chat yesterday about this, I actually got thanked because people wanted cow skin however no point in spending gems if it don't moo.

  4. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > First of all, you need to pay sub money on mount skins, because the original ones are ugly. After that, the character slots are just too expensive, costing $10 per slot. You realize there are people who want to play every race and sex combination? That's a lot of $10 bills. And with the expansion coming out, we'll need to upgrade our PC hardware. I think Guild Wars 2 is too expensive for me... which is a shame, because this is the best online game.


    Sub money? $15 bucks to support the game, servers, employees, etc seems pretty okay?

    $10 here. $15 on ESO. Are you too used to WoW's 50 character limit that, because of how they run their business, allows that amount? And why do you need every race/gender combo? The story doesn't change at all between a sylvan male or a sylvan female. And you can replay pretty much most of it so you can just spend almost half that using a character kit.

    And sauce on the PC hardware. Because googling, I can't seem to find these new hardware requirements. I mean, the only thing I can find is the trailer that so far has been the only thing announced about the new expac.


    I understand that cosmetics situation. Not everyone has the extra money to toss at a game. This though? Complaining without adding solutions/ideas to possibly remedy the complaint? Just this 'wah' and then the little snide guilt trip of _shame, because this is the best online game_ at the end...honestly just reads as a troll post. And looking at your past comments. Please take a step away from the game and take a breather. Try Rift, Genshin Impact, Skyforge, Warframe, Destiny 2, Phantasy Star Online 2, Runescape, etc. There are plenty of free MMOs out there and some let you jump right into things like PvP etc.


    Edit: And I like GW2 because there is no sub fee. I do not want this game to become like ESO where the 'optional' sub is forced down your throat when they shove all the QoL upgrades into it that should be in the base game. I do not want this game to become like WoW where I feel obligated that I have to play because I'm spending money on it. I understand the cash shop and glad they have a system similar to what PoE is, that it is cosmetics in the shop and not gear.

  5. > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > No, please.

    > Otherwise, how am I supposed to show off my 5 stacks of chak egg effects after i spent tens of thousands of gold on them?

    > ♫ Let it show, let it go, let it show... ♫


    > If your computer cannot take it, lower the graphic settings? Don't expect smooth gameplay when you set every thing on very high or high on a outdated computer or graphic card. We are going into 2021 soon, time to upgrade that pc or network connection.


    That's sort of a poor solution, especially for a game 8 years old. Something running off of the Unity engine? Oh yeah I can see arguing that. For this game though when you have extremely stark contrasts with what's old in game and new? Not really.


    My biggest problem is I can't see. Literally I cannot see. You go down and need help? Sorry not happening, I actually can't see your body with all the glowy mcsparkles. Scream at me about boss aoe? WHERE? Again, cannot see because of everything else. Honestly, Arenanet needs to step up their game. Why not have a console command that changes spell effects like this?



    Oh and it only effects your end of things. So you can see blinding flashy flash flash while I can tune it down so all I see is a whimper of a spell.


    This, this here would fit everyone's needs. Maybe then I can stop standing in aoe that I'm supposed to avoid.

  6. > @"Yellow Rainbow.6142" said:

    > Why does it bother people so much? Just play your game and let them do whatever they want. It's a game, and anet is okay with it.


    ESO used to have that stance, until the amount of afk farmers at the dolmens caused such lag and the people actually trying to do them weren't getting hits in. I still have screenshots on an old flashdrive where i individually counted 50 afk farmers to the 15 people trying to do the dolmen event. Zenimax solved it by electrifying them for standing still.

    And the reason it became that bad was because of this attitude. It basically became a 'well they are doing it and not getting in trouble so i'll do it too'. Guild Wars 2 is snow coming to steam. The core game is FREE TO PLAY. If they don't do anything now about curbing afk farmers or put an actual firm stance on it, it will get worse because if they can do it, I can do it too. There are some story events that are open world that I can see becoming frustrating to do. The mordrem in Iron Marches being one of them.


    There's also the smaller things that afk farmers can effect like the prices for goods in the trading post, etc. Now imagine that combined with the slew of afk farmers that will arrive with steam (there's a market for selling steam accounts) or if arenanet does what every other game does and adds steam cards. In the end, it all adds up. Lag from too many players, unable to complete prior events because they scale, and other small things that will eventually cascade into larger problems (oh god I just remembered the invasions in the starting zones :# ).


    Also, just play your game and let them do whatever they want can have a cascading effect. Well they let me afk farm in open world, I'll do it in fractals too and just auto-attack while following the group. MMO players are like toddlers, we will sit there and push and push and push until the devs say stop that! However if the devs put something in place, like say an unkillable NPC killing you after sitting still for 30 minutes in open world, they'll adapt to either changing maps for every 30 minutes or realize maybe they should just play the game.

  7. > @"RedBaron.6058" said:

    > ...usually means that it is unable of getting new players by itself and accepts sharing part of its meagre revenue with the gaming platform trying to remain alive. An old game getting into STEAM is usually the beginning of the end...


    > Thanks and best regards.


    *Looks at ESO, Fallout 76, Destiny 2, Warframe, Path of Exile, FF14* Huh. So....can I have your stuff?

  8. Even if it's the End of Dragons, due remember there's still the little issue over the fact that in Dragonfall, we have parts of the freaking Mists leaking into Tyria. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Tales of-ish story where we gotta contend with the fact that because of the dragons being gone, it caused such disruption that the Mists and Tyria are being squished together.

    Which would be interesting because if Eir and Snaff are in the Mists....Scarlet Briar, Caudecus and quite a few others we've 'wronged' will be there too.

  9. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > What benefit is there to going through Steam?


    Numbers. Simply put, steam lists the amount of players online at any given time. Now this is a big deal. Why? Someone looks at the store page of Guild Wars 2, is interested but unsure so clicks on Community Hub. In the top right, it shows players playing right now. Using Ark as an example, right now there are 32k in game. Naturally your mind will go, oh so a nice amount of people are playing, I'll give it a go. Now imagine clicking that and seeing only 500 people in game. For an MMO, you will go oh....so not that many people to play with, I'll pass. Thing is, you don't know that that 500 is only a small margin and don't see the other 30k playing with original accounts.

    That's one of the benefits of Steam and steam integration of OG accounts. Like ESO on steam right now has 5k people playing and that whole reason is that people linked their already existing accounts to steam. If they hadn't allowed that, it would be much lower in my opinion.


    Con of Steam:

    They want a bite of everything. There's a reason why games like Warframe will send you to their own website to buy their cash-shop currency. Because steam wants a piece of that pie. Steam wants a piece of the sale price for the game as well. See, even though ESO allows linking an existing account to steam to play, you still need to buy the steam version of the game as well, in essence, you'd pay for the game twice. Something that might not sit well with people.





  10. > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > @"miraude.2107" said:

    > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > I always wonder how someone knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, someone else is somewhere 24/7 without actually also being in that spot watching them 24/7 (and looking to others like they are AFK).

    > >

    > > Don't necessarily have to be spot watching. If I hit an event, fly around the map collecting mats and head back into the area and they are still standing there without having moved? That can raise some flags. I remember getting GM whispers in WoW because I was fishing in one spot and was partially afk while I was cooking dinner. Still responded to the GM though explaining what was going on. The person who reported then whispered me and apologized saying they were doing arch and getting the map I was on and seeing that I was still in the same spot an hour later so they reported. So yeah, don't have to spot watch necessarily.

    > > In ESO, the dark anchor/dolmen events had afkers/botters as well when I played. I think their solution was a stacking charge if someone stood still too long near the event the charge would start stacking, hit a certain number and then explode, killing the person. Easy way to negate it was simply to move around and actively participate during the event. It also made botters extremely obvious after and easier to report because they were now jumping in one spot but still not participating fully besides autoattacking.

    > >

    > > GW2 could implement something similar to that to the events.

    > If you stay too long on one spot some veteran mobs spawn with the Mordrem abilities, made thematic for the zone.



    That would work. Since we know so many Ash Legion have switched sides have a debuff that is similar to the target shape with a 'You feel like you are being watched, I should move somewhere safe.' and a countdown on it. If the person still hasn't moved in say 5 minutes, it goes critical with a 'I heard something, I know I heard something. I need to go somewhere safe now!' and at 10 minutes is when the assassin pops in and kills them. Can even have the NPC say a voice line or something of 'Should have been paying attention.' or 'Ha! Free kill!'

    The only way to get the debuff off is to move to a held fortress or to a different area of the map. Like if they are at the Mine they need to move to the mine's fortress or to the Grotto area to wipe it etc.

  11. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I always wonder how someone knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, someone else is somewhere 24/7 without actually also being in that spot watching them 24/7 (and looking to others like they are AFK).


    Don't necessarily have to be spot watching. If I hit an event, fly around the map collecting mats and head back into the area and they are still standing there without having moved? That can raise some flags. I remember getting GM whispers in WoW because I was fishing in one spot and was partially afk while I was cooking dinner. Still responded to the GM though explaining what was going on. The person who reported then whispered me and apologized saying they were doing arch and getting the map I was on and seeing that I was still in the same spot an hour later so they reported. So yeah, don't have to spot watch necessarily.

    In ESO, the dark anchor/dolmen events had afkers/botters as well when I played. I think their solution was a stacking charge if someone stood still too long near the event the charge would start stacking, hit a certain number and then explode, killing the person. Easy way to negate it was simply to move around and actively participate during the event. It also made botters extremely obvious after and easier to report because they were now jumping in one spot but still not participating fully besides autoattacking.


    GW2 could implement something similar to that to the events.

  12. I primarily use the Lily of Elon pass since it isn't a 'separate instance' like some of the other passes do. It does have an NPC you talk to to be able to travel to core cities. About the only thing it doesn't have is going back to the original area from whence you came. Overall, the only upside I can see that it has over the other passes is the fact that it is within the map, so you can easily shuttle an alt or low-level alt there and immediately start reaping the benefits on being the map like the casino event or hero points.


    Overall, the only downside is that it doesn't have the fractal merchants (Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey does include those merchants), so definitely look into what you primarily want it for and research as a different pass may be better suited to your needs.

  13. I'd prefer to be able to hide or cycle through them. The mini collector achievements are the ones sitting at the top for me and right now I have no desire to complete them, I'd much rather see the other achievements that are almost done. That or maybe code it by zone where it shows achievements that are almost done in that zone. Might encourage people to revisit old zones as it'd be easier to see what was almost done and kinda goad them into completing it.

  14. I've submitted a ticket and the post seems to be gone but the post violated a lot of the forum rules so that mileage may vary. I did 'report a player'; 'my problem isn't listed here'.

    Under subject you can put 'violating forum coc' or something similar.

    Description of issue this is the format I used:

    Post in question: of course a link to the post itself

    Violates: list what it violates

    Reason this is being submitted as a ticket:



    For reporting the player, simply list the forum name next to the post. I included a screenshot as well to show that the part where the post went off kilter.


    I'd only go this route if the post goes way beyond what would be acceptable on the forums which is probably the only reason I submitted a ticket in the first place. So I'd use this as a last resort if @ ing a mod/dev to the post in question isn't working.

  15. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > @"miraude.2107" said:

    > > > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > > Different devs look at different forums. Management is more likely to read things here than in a technical bug reporting forum.

    > >

    > > And not really get the result you are looking for. Reason is kinda sound however forum mods exist. The mods here will simply look at this and go 'this goes in the bug forum' and move it there or just delete it since there's already a post in the bug forum about this subject.

    > >

    > > Higher visibility would be better accomplished by simply posting on the post that already exists in the bug forums. Honestly the more additions to that single post would have better effect than posting on other forums as they can have all the info in one place with what is going on than everything scattered willy nilly.

    > >

    > > And trust me they do read the bug forums. My post on the bug forums only got 2 responses and it was fixed next update.


    > I appreciate what you are saying but there is a difference between a “bug report” and a “complaint.” Bug reports should go in the bug forum.


    > This is a complaint. This has been going on a month or so, recent threads to the contrary, with no statement or apparent attempt to address it. The problem has gotten worse as well, not better.


    > Visibility is helpful at some level.


    Only if the visibility goes to the right people. Posting in the original thread for the lag shows an ongoing problem for Anet and would keep it on the front page as a 'hey this is still happening'. As someone who did bug hunting as a side thing for a small indie game. It was so much easier to just go to the dev and say 'here's where the complaint/bug originally was reported, here it is still being reported a month in, and these are the different maps/events of when they noticed the lag (high time, low time, popular event, etc.) and here is the link to the thread cataloging all this and responses for your review. Something is borked and needs fixing. Having to search through posts spread about a website to find what people are saying is counter intuitive.


    Honestly, just adding a quip at the end of your post: "Posting here to see if people are having the same problem, if so, post what you experienced with the lag on this thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/108240/pof-lws4-maps-are-still-lagging-during-meta-events#latest. That way the bug team has more information on what's going on."


    And to anyone that is experiencing the lag, please do this. Go to that link and tell them I was playing at so and so time on so and so map, doing this event/etc and I'm on a US/UE server. It does help the bug team that monitor that forum to be able to tap a dev on the shoulder and go 'heeyyyy just so you know....'


    Also to those that play Pvp/WvW as well, go on that thread and report your lag as well. It could be a server being naughty for all we know or a string of code spilling it's coffee on the keyboard when the right random parameters are met.


  16. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > Different devs look at different forums. Management is more likely to read things here than in a technical bug reporting forum.


    And not really get the result you are looking for. Reason is kinda sound however forum mods exist. The mods here will simply look at this and go 'this goes in the bug forum' and move it there or just delete it since there's already a post in the bug forum about this subject.


    Higher visibility would be better accomplished by simply posting on the post that already exists in the bug forums. Honestly the more additions to that single post would have better effect than posting on other forums as they can have all the info in one place with what is going on than everything scattered willy nilly.


    And trust me they do read the bug forums. My post on the bug forums only got 2 responses and it was fixed next update.

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