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Posts posted by levcsu.7892

  1. Hello,

    I have a very frustrating problem with my game. I'd like to take a break from Black Ops 4, and I came back to GW2.

    Today, I installed a game after about 3-or 4 months break, and the game is dropping a lot of FPS.


    Back in the day, when I last time played, it was fine at fullhd + a special custom settings with 60-90 fps without any issues (70+ at Tarir Meta, and at other HoT metas, and around 40-60 at PoF zones and events).


    Now, I only have 35-44 fps at the middle of nowhere (vanilla maps - queensdale, without any player around me, nor events) with the same settings.


    - I have a totally reinstalled and cleaned OS, only Cod BO4, SWTOR and GW2 have on it.


    Heres my specs:

    - ASUS ROG GL552VW-CN515D (i7-6700hq, gtx960m 4gb, 16gb ram, windows 10 pro 64bit)


    For my nvidia gpu, I have a latest update. Maybe thats cause the problem with my fps? Anyone can help me?

  2. Dear Users!

    I dont want to ask for this item (cus I CANT - in the past someone already helped me with one glider, and Im not want to begging or exploiting the rules), but I really really want to know this:

    Today I be able to topup my account with gems to purchase the ninetail mount skin, but I think IT will be out of the store (or already gone/removed).

    - question: anyone know when it will be purchaseable again to buy it?


    thank you for your reply!!! <3


    Best MMO community ever :) <3

  3. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > I’ve suggested bringing back the monthly before, so yes I agree.

    > My idea would’ve been to have a monthly AP (not a huge amount like we used to have!) award which is uncapped, and set the daily AP as it’s own cap at 15k.

    > Uncapped for Monthlies, because you don’t have to log in everyday to complete it, if we assume the daily ap cap is in place to promote a healthy attitude towards logging in.


    > Could also add those little loot chests like the daily has.


    Yeah, that should be work, and would'll be awesome. I don't except for a huge AP boost with the mountly, but the ammount of +50 or +100 looks good enough i think.

    The reward chest for the monthly and daily needs a little balance, for an example:

    - Daily: +10 AP, +1 gold, +1 random chest (like the Map Explorer one)

    - Monthly: +50 or +100 AP, +10 gold, +1 random chest (explained above), +1 selection of reward from: +5/10 laurel, +1% gold/xp/magic find boost, or +10 tome of knowledge (similar like the last log-in reward).

    **Plus adding a monthly special task for every account types (to let the F2P Trial OR simple vanilla users to let them obtain it), like this:**

    for example:



    >! Kill Jormag, Tequatl and Karka Queen: 10 times,

    >! or

    >! Complete a Fractal 20 or above 5 times

    >! Reward: Garanteed 1 (ONE) Black Lion Chest Key, and 1 (ONE) Laurel


    Its not a huge rewad or a huge advantage, but would be great


  4. > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > @"levcsu.7892" said:

    > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > @"levcsu.7892" said:

    > > > > If YOU, the Player can agreed with me about this suggestion, please comment below (or use a reaction) and let the Devs know this kind of our wish.

    > > >

    > > > Wut

    > >

    > > I think, if its reach a huge intrest the devs shall consider it. :cookie: imo ofc


    > That makes sense, but i was wondering about the request "if you like the idea please leave a comment here below"... but what about the others? :lol:

    > I mean, since it's a discussion it would be nice to see different points of view.


    Oh you have the point so i edit it :D

  5. Dear Support!


    Back in 2013, the game offered the players to do Daily, ~~ Weekly and ~~ Monthly task to earn additional Achievements and ingame goodies.

    It was a really nice effort, and way to farm Achievements, and some materials plus some additional currencies.


    Id like to ask, is there any possible ways to bring it back to life?


    Heres the "memento" of this feature: >> [Wiki Link](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Monthly "Wiki Link") <<



    I really loved this option for my self, but I agreed, its need to rework it, with a "less" or "low rated rewards", but the achievement points would be really awesome!


    I know, this Monthly achievements was replaced by the Daily Log-In reward program, but yet its still was a cool and inspirating function of the game.


    If YOU, the Player can agreed with me about this suggestion, or have any other ideas about this please comment below (or use a reaction) and let the Devs know this kind of our wish.

    I hope you guys, also would love this feature back in the game :+1:



    Thanks all of your support, and have a nice day!

  6. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > [Looking for Guild](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild)


    > Can you explain the difference between that folder and what you want to see added?


    To be honest, in my mobile I sisn't seen that category, so if theres something like that than sorry for my ask, any my post.


    By the way, the separated category with a guild listing and the looking for option would be great, so let the user do:

    - open a new topic inside the Looking for a Guild section with the listed guilds name requirements and so on,

    - let the user open a new topic inside the parent category named Llokong for a Guold, where the player can post his/her infos details and expectations about the future guild what he/she want to be, and allow him/her to recive ingane invites when someones guild matching his/her ideal.



    The second option is only for that useres who dont find any suitable guilds in the liating.


    As i said ita just an idea and sorry for not seen the current topic for that, so if the Devs can do it, feel free to delete my post if its deserv that faith.


    Anyways thanks for noting me about that thing what I cant find (thanks iphone)


  7. Dear Support!


    Please, add one more forum category like the PVP (+WVW), and PVE (Fractals etc). We really need a new category for the Guilds, where we can see all of the public guilds whos recruite, and an opportunity, to post our guilds to the forum.


    I know, its not an urgent thing, nor a big deal, but it will be a nice upgrade for the forum's QoL*.



    Thank you so much for your time, to read my suggestion :)



    Dear Viewers!


    If you agreed with me about this suggestion, and would you like to able to use this feature at the forum, please reply or use a reaction (helpful / thumbs up), to let the Devs know :)



    *QoL * = Quality of Life*



    Have a nice day for all of you!

  8. Dear Viewers and Support!


    I don't know, anyone have this issue too, or someone know how to fix it, but I have a really annoying issues.

    My NVIDIA GeForce Experience app decided to random crash while I playing with the Guild Wars 2. My FPS drops from 90 ->to 2-3 after some hours (in the best case).


    I reinstalled my OS, HDD cleared fully, and all drivers ok, but this issue presist.


    My Spec:


    * Windows 10 64bit,

    * Nvidia GeForce GTX960M 4GB,

    * InterCore i7-6700HQ,

    * 16 GB DDR4 RAM,


    All Drivers are up-to-date, everything runs smooth and fine (another games as well).


    Whats your suggestion about this issue? What do you think, to downgrade my Experience app about 2-3 times, it will fix this issue, or what can I do?



    Thank you so much for your help, and I hope somone can help me with this.


    Best and Kind Regards,

    L. N.

  9. Hello guys,


    As I mentioned in the title, I need some help and informations about the Forum ranks.


    Far as I know, theres these ranks:

    - 1 star for registering / linking your account

    - 2 star for reply in 5 different forum topics,

    - 3 star for being a member of the forum from 30 days


    There another public ranks or not yet announced?


    PS: I replied more than 5 times, but still, I'm only at R1, so I can't edit my previous comments only just within the time limit, so what I did wrong, or its just need some mins or hours to apply my new rank?


    Thank you so much for your replies!

  10. Hello dear fellow users!


    Anyone else like to get the 'Dungeon Master' title like me?

    I'd like to form a fix group for OR joining to an existed one.


    I can come to the Dungeon Master farm with:

    - Berserker Thief (P/P, SB - vanilla trait)

    - Berserker Guardian (GS/ LB - DH trait)


    If theres anyone whom like to join please add me ingame! :)


    Server: EU


    Some spec infos*:

    When we get the full group, we decide when will we go, when will be ok for all of the party members.

    PS: Its not for one day or night progress, we will do when we can, maybe it will take some days, depends on the members freetime (job, family etc)

  11. Its always hard to make some hundred of golds when yo are a new or just never tried to do it before.

    Try to harvest everything what you can, keep them in your banks matt tab, and when its fulled just sell them (or if you can, craft ascendent matts which are really expensive imo).

    This just a suggestion, anyways thanks for the replies about Silverwastes.

  12. Dear Kind Souls!


    >! I Really, I mean REALLY love to get a Glider skin, since I bought the HoT Expac, I can't keeped the ammount of golds, to purchase any of the gliders.

    >! I don't want an expensive 700 gem one, Id just like to get one different glider, the default one is really meh.


    >! Server: EU

    >! Desire: **Glacial Glider** (price: _500 _gem) OR 130 GOLD to let me exchange it to the GEM for my wanted glider


    >! My Desires Goal:

    >! - 500 gem: **Glacial Glider**

    >! or

    >! - 130 gold: (**0/130 gold**)


    >! IF Anyone can help me with this glider OR with some golds, please don't hesitate, I Really appreciate it (and ofc when Im be able, i will return your favor - when you in need / or ingame help, anything what i can do).


    >! Thank you so much!



    Thank you so much, I've got my "gift"!

    I'm really happy about it, thanks!!!!

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