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Posts posted by Czokalapik.6091

  1. **What about trinkets?**

    Will I be able to turn off the trinkets visual effects? I'd hate to be forced to farm countless ascended trinket sets with new legendary armory being available, because I hate blobs trinkets bring with them.


    **What about runes/sigils?**

    I have to craft one rune and one sigil to "unlock it account wide", or one per slot I want to use it in?


    **What about skins?**

    Will skins be character bound? Let's face it, fashion wars is the true end game >.<




    Overall idea is amazing if it will be well implemented. I love the fact that I will only need PvP ascended version for the looks while putting the mats in some weapon I use account wide (or trinkets if the visuals will be togglable)


    Also, will I be able to sell **Jars of Distilled Glory**, **Stars of Glory**, **Records of League Victories/Participation** and **Globs of Condensed Spirit Energy** somewhere since I won't be needing them anymore and I bought set needed for leggy armor already?

  2. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > The patch notes mentioned reducing his health and increasing rewards but people are still refusing to fight him, saying that the fight isn't worth doing even as a once a day.


    Because with group of farmers with shamans gear or no gear at all it still takes long to kill him with auto attacks doing 100-400 dmg, you could probably do a full circle in this time.


    It's simply a matter of highest profit. If you are aiming for 500+ ToT bags per hour, you don't want to loose time on bosses.

  3. Note that I only glanced on responses, so this is only replying to the original post

    > @"BrokenGlass.9356" said:

    > So, there's the perfect dream right? The dream that your group will have all of the following:

    > - 25 might

    > - fury

    > - quickness

    > - alacrity

    > - spotter

    > - sun spirit

    > - frost spirit

    > - empower allies

    > - assassin's prescience


    Not exactly, you want that, but for what reasons? It's:

    * 100% crit chance on all power builds (here you can put Fury, banners and optional Spotter)

    * **Highest possible damage output** (here is everything else, might, qs, alac, frost spirit, empower allies, banners, or sun for condi), and highest possible dmg is the thing that dictates what meta is


    Druid does offer a lot of the buffs and ofc healing (and it's way too much healing, in reality you need way less), but better your grup is, less healing you need, you are starting to want longer, uninterrupted bursts of dps, so you are starting to look for some controlled Aegis and Stability use to make those bursts possible.


    Take fractals progression as an example:

    1. You are running t1-t4 with "obvious" (for new players) druid/chrono setup because... well, druid is very obvious healer, and chrono is very obvious support if you are new.

    2. When you start doing CMs and you are more experienced, you realize most dmg can be simply avoided, and you would profit more from stability and aegis on certain bosses. You change to Healbrand/Alaren, that gives you stab, good aegis, and all the other buffs + healing ofc. You are loosing Frost Spirit, but Alaren dmg is making up for that loss.

    3. Now you want to do CMs and T4s even faster, you know the mechanics and you can avoid almost all damage, so why do you need a healer? Well, you don't. So you switch Healbrand to Quickbrand. In that scenario, you have 4.5 dps players in your group instead of 3.7, and you are able to skip some phases, make fights extremely short.


    You also want to know what classes can do what and what is the tradeoff, like Healbrand can do Fury and 25 Might, but it might not be 100% if you are pugging (if group is not stacked, if phases are too long, or if it's too chaotic). But if Alaren was told to help with might uptime - it will be covered. You don't want the warrior running Phalanx Str for might uptime because it will cost warrior more dps in comparison to Alaren pressing F2 from time to time (and due to gear difference losing way less dps group-wise).


    All the buffs your DPS classes are generating is also important, the best example from current meta is Dragonhunter. DHs are great power classes, but can also provide solid amount of Fury and Might (now with the Scepter nerf and Sword buff it will be more fury than might, that will only come from elite trap).


    Tke some optimal power dps bosses comps (simplified for example purposes), you are running multiple DHs and 1 Soulbeast (not counting supports), why is that? Well simply because Slb does not give many boons, but can give Vuln and OWP for others in the group and does similar dps as DHs, while DHs are giving boons and can cleave better.


    Also your overall group performance will directly influence "optimal" setup for you. For example:

    * less dps your group does, more valuable condi classes are,

    * more ppl dying makes heal necro more valuable,

    * more ppl stack, your supports will give more boons, deal more damage, you might want to drop 1 support if another can cover 10ppl boons in small radius (chrono)

    * (in some cases) more ppl failing mechanics, more aegis/stab you need

    * etc


    BUT. Optimal/Meta is one thing, and killing a boss in a pug is another ;] If you want to run tactics War, you probably could, because why not, just know what you can do and what not, and say you need help with fury or something.

  4. I have profession skills assigned to shift+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 (f1 to f5 basically). My scroll wheel press is shift+5, but it's useless for revenant for example where there is only 1 profession ability.


    My question is: can I assign macro on my mouse like **shift▽, 5▽, 5△, 1▽, 1△, shift△** (no delay at all). Such macro will use F5 skill if it exists on my character, if it's on cooldown it won't use f1 because the whole macro is instant. On characters without 5th profession skill, however, it will use F1 ability because there is no F5 skill and no cooldown between skill uses will be triggered.


    In-game example: On Soulbeast, only Beastmode ability will be used, if it's on cooldown, cooldown prompt will show instead of using F1. On Revenant F1 will be used without any cooldown msg.


    I understand that skill chain macros are not allowed, but because this will always use one skill, it's not a chain, it's one action per one click, so in my opinion I'd be following ToS and I won't gain any advantage if I'd be using this, I'm hoping for dev answer ;]

  5. Come on ppl, don't act surprised about the ending, I knew this episode will end like that after Long Live the Lich and I know what will happen in next episode too, after Aurene dr Strange cinematic I'm just sure of it.


    Semi spoiler:

    Remember how ppl complained first two episodes were short and not connected to main story, well, they are connected, or should I say they will be connected to main story, and they were there for a reason.


    So, **don't say your goodbyes just yet :).**

  6. Race built as an extension of short track already existing in center of our Guild Hall, it goes around whole Lost Precipice ground/water level and parts of it use natural environment.

    Took me a about week of farming 100 Racing Medallions every day (4 race parts), and at least same amount of race parts was deposited by my guild mates. I'm really happy with the results, rides easily and it's intuitive, but still requiring some timed boosts.


    Last part is clunky tho, as it's part of existing track, but it really doesn't matter that much compared to awesomeness of the rest of the track :)


    Hope you will like it, maybe it will inspire you to do something similar.


    [https://youtu.be/8uN64Ph9LQ8 ](https://youtu.be/8uN64Ph9LQ8 "https://youtu.be/8uN64Ph9LQ8 ")

  7. **Add option to display ACCOUNT name instead character names (especially in chats)**


    For player like me, casual, absolutely not in the whole Role Playing thing, with multiple characters it's confusing to talk to ppl, one person will call me by my ranger name in chat, I'm responding as my mesmer, then someone calling my mesmer name and I'm already on my thief farming flax.


    I would like to show my account name in chat, and what the hell, even above heads of my characters. I'd like to be known as mr X, not mr A, B, C, D, E , F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S or T...

  8. To OP: I was one of first players with Emblem Dragon Outfit, I've spent week or so on making first halloween diorama and got that reward. Now it's given away in kung fu tea promotion.


    I feel you, but in my opinion, everyone should be able to get every item in gw2 somehow.


    I quit playing year or so after launch, now I'm back for almost year now and I've missed lots of... Well, everything, exclusive rewards, discontinued achievements etc. I would be happy to have opportunity to get those rewards somehow now.

  9. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > The meta is fine. It’s not flawed because it has a mechanic that players are unwilling to perform.


    > It’s completed successfully many times a week on both NA and EU.


    That would be true if there is more than 20-30 ppl in the map, putting LFG rarely gets you more.

    > @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

    > If yer on EU, OC is doing Serpent's Ire once a week and they rarely (if ever) fail it.


    Thank you, I'm on EU, I'll be sure to check next event

  10. Long story short, after unlocking last part of IG backpack collection, I've done 20 recordings in 2 days, it's been over a week now and I'm trying to do Serpent's Ire couple times per day, in most cases the map is simply empty, when sometimes squad of 50+ ppl will manage to get to CC phase, it fails miserably at 80-90% zealots HP.


    So my question is - are you kidding me ANet? This recording should be awarded after killing single Zealot, not finishing whole meta because literally no one is doing this meta.

  11. It wasn't like that, like I said, you could switch mounts without touching the ground, and remounting TO griffon from different mount was also changed, griffon can be mounted only after short delay after dismounting (just before hitting the ground), earlier it could be almost instantly, that mean ANet added previously removed forced cooldown after dismounting.


    That cooldown was removed in 10/17/2017 patch (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/206420/#Comment_206420)

    > Removed the forced cooldown of mounting skills after using the Dismount skill.

  12. I don't see any discussion about that anywhere, and there is no word in patch notes, but first thing I've noticed after July 24 patch is I can't remount anymore. My question is: why?


    For those of you, who don't know what I'm talking about, before July 24 Patch you could keybind (I'll use my own example) every mount with for example CTRL+1... +6, then when pressing CTRL+1 > +2 (or even same bind, like CTRL+2 > +2) really fast, you could hop on mount bound to CTRL+2 no matter what mount you were on earlier, CTRL+4 > +5 (or again, CTRL+5 > +5 really fast) - resulted in mounting mount bound to CTRL+5 etc etc.


    So basically you could run on Raptor to reach cliff with vista swarmed with enemies, then remount almost instantly to springer to reach higher ground with very low risk of getting in combat.


    That was HUGE quality of life aspect of mounts that was removed with Festival of the 4 Winds. So I'll ask again: Why ANet?

  13. No idea if that was suggested before, but my idea for new item is:

    * **Personal waypoint:** something like passkey/home instance teleport, you can set your target location, and use personal waypoint to teleport to that location multiple times again until new location is set again.


    It would be useful during story, for example setting target to Omadd's Machine during LS2 story, or setting target location to Istan for fast farm teleport. Don't know if setting location should be account bound or character bound, it would be nice to set location to Istan, relog on new character without that map and use personal WP to get there, but it would also be nice to set different locations per character. Maybe dialog window with option of setting "global" location (accessible to all characters) and "personal" location (per-character) would be the solution?

  14. > @"Grimegg.1297" said:

    > I'd rather see a Queue system applied to full maps as the most annoying thing for me is the constant necessity to spam "Join" on a friend or party/squad member I wonna join to, and when I get tired of it, I stop for a minute or two, which might be the times which a slot opens for me but I ain't spamming "Join" during these minutes so I miss the chance to get in. It's already there- WvWvW queue. Just apply it to all maps please.


    > And add an LFG Silverwastes and Dry Top tabs please, it's about kitten time.


    That could go in pair with my idea tbh, imagine solo players getting popup, some of them will choose to change the map, meanwhile you are in queue to join the map where your squad is, and when enough players will change the map to less populated, ppl in queue will join their respective squads.


    But the idea of giving squad leaders option to change map instance is also great, it could be done like ready check (only ready players will "teleport" to new instance when leader will trigger the transfer).


    Edit: I see some of you don't fully get the idea. I don't want to force solo players out of the map, I simply want to add an option to change instance. If anyone wants to stay, go ahead, stay, click "no".

  15. We all know how annoying full maps are, 3 squads for Istan, can't join any of them because maps are all full. I know it's not easy to solve it, Anet can't simply increase maps capacity, that would require rebalancing of every single event.


    But I had very simple idea. **Implement the system of rewarding solo players to change map instance to less crowded one**

    How could it work:

    If there is at least XX (let's say 40) players in squad(s) in one map instance and map is full (or close to full), show solo players (not in party/squad) volunteer reward prompt (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Volunteer%27s_Blessing) but with different text ofc, maybe something like: "You are not part of any large group, change to another version of this same map to let other players join their squads".


    I know it's not exactly a bulletproof solution, but I know people are using this just to make it go away :) That could create some flow of players participating in events and solo roamers and could allow some more players to join their squads.

  16. After 4-5 years I came back to GW2 during xmass break, one of my 80 characters (and my favourite one) is Ranger. I' also mainly PvE player and I have to admit, I was lost after returning after such a long break. I still am, but I can recommend condition builds, those are really fun to play.


    My starting one was Soulbeast trapper with Short bow and Axe/Torch combo: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNAV3fjMqQ7K2tCmrAVLWYEs8kb0962EBqVJNmCwlLAcCqeOF-e

    Try to use raptor 1st mastered skill (pull enemies), Entangle, lay the traps and watch them suffer :dizzy:


    Now I'm playing with Stances, and I must say it's pretty fun, medium armor is not fit to be in melee range and traps are good when dealing with large groups, not so much when you have to keep your distance. So now I'm trying SB+D/D bleedbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNAV4YnMqA1sgl8CmrAUtgFHBrpBEr6AMBgJXlLv42cjunMlnoC-jBSAABTrEMadCVr+z1K/eZ/BAeAApb+jiLCAA-e

    While it's using D/D and that is melee, that weapon set have some evades, so it's more usable for me as medium armor class in melee range. Plus there are sigils and runes that are rather cheap and really good to make this build work (I only have Rampager's exotic gear and no Nightmare runes), simply get condi damage and bleed duration and you are good to go ;)


    You can tweak and change anything you want and you can make almost any build viable in open world PvE. Above build for example is far from "meta-perfect", but it's tweaked for my playstyle and it works really nice for me. Next one I will be tring is SB+D/D trapper.


    Basically it all comes to one thing, **first comment on this topic**. Don't use 80 boost, learn the class, and you will be able to make any build work and be fun.


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