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Posts posted by Malkarne.8167

  1. Death's judgement puts the revealed debuff on you even when you're not stealthed - if you actually tried the spec you would know this. Go read the tooltip on the wiki if you don't believe it. Also, if you tried the spec you'd find that DA probably comes out ahead of trickery. I feel comfortable saying this because I tried both on a golem and got the same results as people that have also tried it out on a golem. If you have any evidence to the contrary besides your feels than put up or shut up.


    Finally, you really don't know how a DPS meter works. There are highs and lows throughout the fight, the final number is the average over the course of the entire fight. Of course it's going to be lower at the beginning and spike at the end due to the Executioner trait. That doesn't mean the last half of the fight doesn't count toward your overall damage throughout the fight. So yeah maybe Trickery would be higher DPS if the golem keeled over at 50%, but generally you need to burn them down to 0% to actually kill something.


    Either you're trolling or you have no clue what you're talking about. Please stop crapping up the thread.

  2. Hi all,


    Thinking about coming back, I've been away since HoT dropped. I have a P/D condition thief with carrion exotics and krait sigils - is that still a viable set up? Does anyone have an updated guide for P/D thief?



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