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Cheshire King.6970

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Posts posted by Cheshire King.6970

  1. I need some thoughts on my builds that I can switch between for my Necro. The first one is my [offense build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PS0AEd3lJw2YKsGWJOWXVtMA-zRIYSU/XGdmqlUVqMA-e) with staking chill to get might and val. My [Defense build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PS0AEd3lFwqYTMG2IOWPWtOA-zRIYRU/XGdmqlUVqMA-e) has minions around me to defend me and do damages. I can't decide if I should go with berserker or solider for this PvE build.

  2. So After some time think I deiced to make some changes to my necromancer, basically able to switch one spec for another at any time I want. I basically have two builds, one for power and one for condi damages. Two slots are taking but the last ones are open for me to switch out for another when I feel like it.

    [Reaper](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PS0Ac2FlJw2YNMHWJOWbZA-zRIYS09fGdKVLRV5zB-e):[Minon](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PS0Ac2FlFwYYVMK2IOWP9tMA-zRIYS09fGdKVLRV5zB-e)/[Life Steal](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PS0Ac2FlJwaYbMHWJOWTftUA-zRIYS09fGdKVLRV5zB-e)/[shroud](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PS0Ac2FlJwaYbMHWJOWXZtMA-zRIYS09fGdKVLRV5zB-e)

    [scourge](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSEBs+hjlNw+YRMJGJWUfuA-zRIYc8PC6HA-e):[Minon](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSEBs+hjlFwsYSMRGJWcPWPXA-zRIYc8PC6HA-e)/[Life Steal](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSEBs+hjlNwgYSsIGJWcT3vSA-zRIYc8PC6HA-e)/[shroud](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSEBs+hjlNwAZRMJGJWcX9PPA-zRIYc8PC6HA-e)

  3. I see you can do with self-healing/sustain even with Reaper. With that in mind, I need to ask what gear would allow me to be powerful and toughen while able to be able to, switch between Blood Magic, Minion, Spite, and Soul Reaping. maybe even Curse and Scourge.

  4. If you saw my post I have no ideas on how to make this guardian work like I wanted to. What I'm wanting to make is a character that can withstand anything while able to punch back. I mean I know he has the less heath in the solider class but with his ability to heal and aegis himself like every 5 seconds. I would like aegis and retaliation to play a part in this build since it seems like the guardian has skills that give him those to and traits that buff it up. I will say the skills that interested me are the sprit weapons as those who don't want to have floating weapons attacking your foes. As for gear, I was think somthing that boosts toughness and power or condi with a bit of healing power for self-healing. I will say the one thing I'm sure of is using the rune of Dolyak for extra healing I would say I try to make my build base of paladins or battlemages in Skyrim. Any thoughts on how I can makes this build, I'm all ears.

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