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Posts posted by shadowes.8426

  1. all items were not bought (from TP). all were from when PoF bounty trains were a thing and hot at the time. Nems Bounty Train Company[NBTC] some were of course donated, and during the update that made them worldwide to obtain, thats how i got more. will be streaming at 9:15 Pm EST, come watch me open 25k worth of green unid gear. almost 15k blue gear, 5k rare gear, and more! (heavy loot bags from wvw, 3,500 coin purses from silverwastes. 1,250 belt pouches from wvw also) all are welcome to come and watch and say hello!



  2. we are eastern time zone guild. NA server. we are family friendly guild. PvE based, full of returning and casual players! we would love to have you join us and be a part of the crew! Have discord! we do bounty trains (Normal & Legendaries) on Thursdays (PoF) and We also do HP trains (HoT/PoF) Saturdays, Dungeons & Fractals! we Silver-wastes farm on Mondays and Guild missions on Fridays! Windswept Haven. we are a Large community! 490+ with 90+ online members at any given time! we are looking for respectful members, who can follow some simple rules upon joining the guild & and rules are posted on discord! if you decide to join discord, No Mic is Req, can just listen in. if you wish to become a part of large community, please feel free to let me know via here or in game at shadowes.8426 via mail. if you have any questions feel free to post! will be gladly to help answer! help you are willing to give us a try!

  3. well i guess to each there own on how often a person changes there looks, time to time, so often or so. but just knowning they have it, it'll be there when they are ready to change looks. sure 350 gems isnt a lot to some, yes can get a few here and here from a black lion chest, but to a person who "does" change a toon over and over to get the right look, least they can do so knowning they have the PTMK on them. just wanted to see if people here would like an idea like this.

  4. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > Maybe there could be some sort of legendary-type quest to upgrade the permanent hair contract to the permanent total makeover contract. That way, the hair contract would still be in demand, and it would give us a new, tough goal to work for. And people who didn't want to go through all the trouble would still buy the gemstore version.


    this could work too

  5. well thats what happens when something new comes into game, people put asking price right away at high prices, mostly to be trolley (maybe not) and most people would end up paying it anyways and make that person rich in the end. those that get it will sell high yes but will go down if enough do it, example would be that endless extractor. started out high, now sits at 3,800 gold (as i type this) and hopefully it will do for a perm TMK.

  6. would a permanent total makeover kit version be good to have or do you think it might (maybe not) hurt sales for arena-net to make money (bank) on it only being a gemstore item only. hair stylist is ok but do a total makeover one in the near future ? any thoughts of this being either a good/bad idea ? i think it would be nice but thats just me.

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