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Posts posted by Hadi.6025

  1. Meaning be able to remove all players so you can enjoy the dialog and not have 60000 people stand over top of Braham or Rytlock with their mounts and 6000 infusions. It's frustrating when you can't even understand whats going on cause everyone is logged in trying to see the new content but its too many people on screen to see or hear anything cause someone is casting skills or sitting on top of their mount. I literally could not hear anything cause someones player is shouting all their skills or see who was talking cause its 50 players sitting on top of some guy with their mounts taking up half the screen.

  2. > @"Adamixos.6785" said:

    > There is supposed to be a balance patch every quarter. They not only failed to uphold their promise of regular 4-6 week updates, but we haven't heard anything pertaining to balance in over months. Now I understand developing an expansion and a living world release while a pandemic is wrecking the world is not an easy task, but at least give us a memo on why things have slowed down, or if there are any plans at all.


    > I am still here hoping for the return of CC damage, but I stopped expecting it long ago.


    What you mean? you don't like hitting 1 damage on Prime Light beam on an Elite skill on Holo? Or 2 damage on Headbutt with Warrior? When the skill says 50% more damage if target has stab? You mean to tell me you dont like those changes!!!? They're absolutely game changing ! WOO Go ANET!

  3. > @"Highlie.7641" said:

    > I'm not a marketing guy, but why would they want to release on steam before they released their expansion? they take like 30% of sales. that's probably the real reason it was pushed back. (and really can you blame them?)




    I think it was mainly pushed back due to WoW expansion release. Plus they're trying to hold off to make End of Dragons a big release. That's what i'm guessing. Only expansion i liked was HoT and even that was a buggy , balance trash of a mess, but at least it was fun. We waited like 3 years to hear something and LS was taking forever.

  4. This post gonna get infractured and removed. Anet Devs hate when you ask them for stuff pertaining to their game. They only want to hear about Gem store updates and stroke their ego about how good their Living story updates are. Make sure you buy their ugly Mount skins too, they love that. Especially when you only use like 2 mounts in open world.


    When you're developers are incompetent and unable to communicate with their players it's time to let the game die. It's honestly why they had to delay steam release. God i can't wait until it do come on steam. That way they can't delete your comment or try to hide the fact they are doing a BAD JOB.


    EVERYONE need to be FIRED.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/fPdjoef.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/gqv6gHn.jpg "")


    P.S - **bUT cOvID-NinNE tEeN !!!**

  5. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > @"Hadi.6025" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > We got the halloween reward track.

    > > >

    > > > It takes 6+ hours to get the same amount of bags you get with 20 minutes of labyrinth, but thats beside the point. We still got it.

    > >

    > > Halloween reward track is a standard update that comes with the game every year.... your comment makes no sense.


    > Sarcasm ...it's called sarcasm.


    oH hOw wAs I suPPoSe tO kNoW tHaT ?

  6. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > We got the halloween reward track.


    > It takes 6+ hours to get the same amount of bags you get with 20 minutes of labyrinth, but thats beside the point. We still got it.


    Halloween reward track is a standard update that comes with the game every year.... your comment makes no sense.

  7. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

    > > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > > I really don't understand how players still have problems with "oneshots" after all the dmg nerfs. Is everyone playing a full zerk ele? Because that's pretty much the only thing that might still have to worry about getting oneshot.

    > > > There would be absolutely no reason to go full tank for any semi competent player, if downstate went away. Ofc considering the average WvW player, many might still go that route, because they don't know how to survive without downstate carry, but bad bunkers wouldn't have the same impact they can have now, and in the end we probably would end up with less of those.

    > >

    > > Well this might make you think again. I just stumbled upon this clip and its a "very highly skillful" QQ guy needing stealth and broken build which Anet thinks is just fine for killing in just few hits.

    > >

    > > **PS. That is not me, i just saw someone post this.

    > >

    > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9767lHi25tw

    > Ah yes all those dastardly grenade meta scrappers running around oneshotting everything with their broken builds. Since this particular clip wasnt you, when was the last time this happened to you?


    > Also for the love of god dont tell any guilds. Imagine 10 of these, permastealth under cycling gyros, instakilling 50 man groups. How could anyone run guard+necro/rev combo ever again??!?!


    This just proves my point... "Broken unbalanced builds that go over looked for years" , every time they try to balance something there's always 1 thing that's over looked. even after the 180 "object changes" they said they made to the game to balance out power damage spikes. Theres still so many skills that have inconsistent damage that does entirely too much.

  8. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > I think everyone should have the same skills while downed and those should really be just a basic hit to help whoever is rescuing you chip away at the bad guy and then maybe a slow crawl skill and friendly G key slow drag skill so if you're downed and neglected you can get someplace out of the way or someone can pull you a little while your health builds back up. You should have to secure a kill instead of being able to load up a killer burst opener and ducking out in large scale fights but your own side also needs to have good security. Rally and Mount Stomp can go away, or mounts need even less health.



    Yea i agree, to add complete balance i think everyone should have the same skill, but not everyone thinks like us so they think their class is unique and should have separate downed skills. I think in pvp game modes though (especially since Gw2 is the only MMORPG i know with a down and rally mechanic) it should be general base health and general downed skills; IN PVP ONLY.

  9. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"ledernierrempart.6871" said:

    > > > @"phreeak.1023" said:

    > > > Permanent no downstate.. Oh lord, i see literally dozen of one shot warriors who snipe the people out of a zerg with 18k crits.

    > > >

    > > > No thanks. Very skillful.

    > >

    > > well no. some tried warrior with rifle but it wasn't as effective as you would imagine. dragon hunter on the other hand...

    > >

    > > > @"Hadi.6025" said:

    > > > If it's one thing that "No Downstate Week" showed me is that it really show's you who needs downstate to play the game mode; who are skilled and who abuses broken builds that get over looked for years. This is why i urge Arena Net to implement the same rules from PVP to WvW game mode; the fact that literally all power damage nerfed should show you how frustrating it is to end fights (I.E lack of cleave damage on downed players) when players go down, not to mention how overpowered Downstate skills are especially for necro being able to literally zap all your health in seconds if they're running a power build. Their traits like Spinal shivers still activates even after the player is already "Defeated" So not only do you have to fight through basically a second health bar of that same player (Not to forget it changes depending on the build so some down players have 20-30k health) you have to fight off all their damage that you can't really interrupt, it gives them too much advantage when they should have already lost. IF Anet implemented the same rules such as no invulnerability after going down it would make the fights go by much more smoothly, since cleave damage is lacking due to power coefficients nerfed.

    > > >

    > > > What i would suggest to completely balance Downstate is to make **EVERYONES** health the same when they go down. keep the same skills fine but some of the downstate skills need their power coefficients reduced . There's no reason i should be getting hit AS hard if not HARDER by a player that is on the ground defeated, that virtually makes no sense. These same rules should apply for underwater combat as well. They tried to nerf underwater pets for Ranger but they still hit entirely too hard and can still power ress players within seconds of using the skill. It shouldn't be this frustrating and the fights need to go by faster instead of dragging on for so long due to over looked balance changes.

    > >

    > > => no rally bot.

    > > => heavily nerf downed state power/condi damage auto attack for all class. make it useless .

    > > => only one can revive a downed player. make specific builds to revive faster shine. if not being hit, one player reviving the odwned + the downed healing himslef is fast enough.

    > > =>nerf downed state % of hp depending on vitaity stat. (or give the same health for each class depending on the class. like all necro would share the same downed hp but it would be higher than elem shared hp for example.)


    > Where does the OP say they want permanent downstate? Why argue over something not mentioned?


    > D:


    They read one line and come up with a predetermined statement.

  10. If it's one thing that "No Downstate Week" showed me is that it really show's you who needs downstate to play the game mode; who are skilled and who abuses broken builds that get over looked for years. This is why i urge Arena Net to implement the same rules from PVP to WvW game mode; the fact that literally all power damage nerfed should show you how frustrating it is to end fights (I.E lack of cleave damage on downed players) when players go down, not to mention how overpowered Downstate skills are especially for necro being able to literally zap all your health in seconds if they're running a power build. Their traits like Spinal shivers still activates even after the player is already "Defeated" So not only do you have to fight through basically a second health bar of that same player (Not to forget it changes depending on the build so some down players have 20-30k health) you have to fight off all their damage that you can't really interrupt, it gives them too much advantage when they should have already lost. IF Anet implemented the same rules such as no invulnerability after going down it would make the fights go by much more smoothly, since cleave damage is lacking due to power coefficients nerfed.


    What i would suggest to completely balance Downstate is to make **EVERYONES** health the same when they go down. keep the same skills fine but some of the downstate skills need their power coefficients reduced . There's no reason i should be getting hit AS hard if not HARDER by a player that is on the ground defeated, that virtually makes no sense. These same rules should apply for underwater combat as well. They tried to nerf underwater pets for Ranger but they still hit entirely too hard and can still power ress players within seconds of using the skill. It shouldn't be this frustrating and the fights need to go by faster instead of dragging on for so long due to over looked balance changes.

  11. I feel like this should be how fights always are; since power damage has been nerfed significantly, or random skills that do absolutely too much damage like "Explosive Entrance". No time wasting cleave damage on 20k health downed enemies (running bunker / condition builds) or instant cast power ressing; but i feel like they should remove the invuln like they did in pvp and add that to WvW. That would make the fights go by much faster and keep steady and smooth game play. I've enjoyed both Zerging and Solo / small group roaming during this Event and hope they bring this back more often, but would definitely prefer either a base amount of health pool for downed enemies or remove the invuln on going down.

  12. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > The next episode (next week) will not have VA


    > We do not know and it's probably too soon for them to know either, what will happen for episode 5. The expac is also a very long way off so we will get no info on whether it will or wont and they will not answer any queries either. Personally I'm not expecting the issue to go on that long, although given the US has lost control of the situation, nothing will surprise me. We do know they intend to catch up with all VA


    > No there is no way to speak directly to the devs - they do not open direct communication except on very, very, very rare occasions. They did open the latest Guild Chat for questions about working for home, so perhaps pulling up the vid and watching it may give some answers


    > Given how quickly ep4 has come along, there appears to be no delays on pve content so far




    Yea, i didn't mind the last living story, i still need to finish it. I honestly thought they did all the voice acting and planning months before though, thats why i was a little surprised. I don't care too much about the Voice acting but there could be other area's affected... such as server latency , bug fixes etc.. when it comes to quality. At least that's what i'm getting at. I feel as though the Icebrood Saga's don't give too much content though, which is probably why they decided to make it free. So here's hoping the next expansion is better than the last.


    > @"SlitheSlivier.1908" said:

    > Pretty sure they said the next episode will not have voice acting in it yet.

    > Health is paramount to All else. Please don't think video games are more important. Life happens.


    > I'm also sure that the next expansion will be great and if anything might just be delayed a bit to make sure everything is working as intended and all desired features are in-game.


    > I'm just as sure that anet will not respond to this thread because...c'mon seriously, bro? Tons of ppl such as my wife lost their jobs, some such as myself got pay cuts. There is a pandemic going on, lots of absolute heinous stuff going on in the world, and you are worried about a video game?


    > I'm also not trying to be harsh, but some questions are just better off not asked.


    Better off not asked? All i asked was a simple question. Is the content of the game going to be the same. I know there is a pandemic going on. The question i asked is a serious one if you want to see a game company strive for many more years. If i never asked this question then it would show i didn't at least care or try to put forth any effort of showing i care. I know what is going on cause i know a lot of people lost their jobs even way before this pandemic started.


    We can agree to disagree "Bro". But my question still stands. After all they are a business and if the customer isn't happy then they lose business. So as a consumer i am asking a very valid question because i want to know if it's something i should even consider supporting in the future. If not then.... well it's time to move on, such is life.

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