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Posts posted by Nepster.4275

  1. They are not mocking, all we can see here is the perfect example of the incompetence of the whole balance team, they either didnt logged in game to see what counts as powerful *cough*Epilogue: Ashes of the Just*cough* or they are all just casual open world roleplayers who dont even know how the traits/skills work, and just to be clear in normal cases I woudnt say this openly but ofc now I know the balance team isnt reading forums anyway, they proved this too many times, and also, their decisions about the balance just makes me sick by now

  2. > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > > @"Nepster.4275" said:

    > > I dont see the reason why people are angry about this, I mean, the always whining part of community was crying to do something with FB because its only god tier in PvP/WvW, now FB is that strong that no other class can compete, also the same kind of people were crying that OMG weaver is too hard and I dont have time to learn etc... So ANet buffed the second most tankiest DPS class to its limits so now DPSing is even more braindead.

    > > So i guess congrats to everyone who tought chaos chrono is OP


    > I dont think those are the same people.

    > People arent "crying" because firebrand is strong. People are "crying" because you dont need a dedicated support for perma quickness. This is not a Firebrand Problem. This is a problem with Feel my Wrath and to some extent timewarp.


    So you think the only problem is FMW? Not the thing that firebrand is basically doing more DPS and supporting(not with only quickness) than most of the "dedicated" DPS classes like holo or thief as said above? And also, I said people WERE crying when fb wasnt like now.But i think you are right about that its not a firebrand problem, its a guardian problem, since that one class cover all(minus alac) the endgame roles as either DH or FB. Sadly I can not recall any class being able to do the same as guardian can now in the past 2 years. And am not crying about this, its a fact that guardian is broken to its core, but atleast i dont need more than one class for raids and fractals.

  3. I dont see the reason why people are angry about this, I mean, the always whining part of community was crying to do something with FB because its only god tier in PvP/WvW, now FB is that strong that no other class can compete, also the same kind of people were crying that OMG weaver is too hard and I dont have time to learn etc... So ANet buffed the second most tankiest DPS class to its limits so now DPSing is even more braindead.

    So i guess congrats to everyone who tought chaos chrono is OP

  4. IMO since the game modes now have splitted teams for balance, the PvE team should care more about the balance of certain classes like FB(wich is too dumb and strong) and Holo(wich is too complicated and weak), all this QoL should be left after they fix the awful skill:reward ratio of some classes, all this is nice and shiny but WvW/PvP will get balance patched, and PvE will get unmeaningful trait changes I mean as from a raid perspective I cant really think about any case of using these other than twisted castle, and some Jumping Puzzles in open world

  5. I can not understand people who are arguing about this kind of stuff, I mean if you want a chill run with any class you want to play then join a low KP/Li group, usually they allow any kind of class on any kind of boss, if you want to go tryhard join a high KP/Li, but if you go high level then expect to be asked that you play on an acceptable level and you do all the stuff you should know, if you dont then you have no place in that group.

    To people who say that its bad that higher skilled people dont want to carry lower skilled people all I would say: Get out of your dream world pls... Not everyone is sharing lolipops in this world, and not everyone is nice, most of the people who play on high level didnt got carried by others so why they should?Also this game is mostly very easy, there is nothing anyone coudnt learn. Also, people who ask for relatively high KP/Li are doing that so they can just do the stuff and move on, not everyone is stitting at the PC for the whole day to have time to carry everyone who joins, if you cant hit a DPS check that means you dont have enough dedication to the thing you are doing raids or fractals or anything, if you dont have the dedication dont expect that people who have spent some hours on golem will be happy if you join to them and your are lazy to go on the golem for once for a hour

  6. > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:


    condi boon chrono will exceed heal firebrand and supply perma alacrity/quickness. You can also play normal condi chrono and just swap Chronophantasma with StM to exceed power quickness chrono in several situations.


    So you are saying that a full support dps oriented chrono can exceed a full heal oriented support? Well, yeah thats true(on 3 bosses but even there I doubt it), but its like comparing condi druid and power berserker. Also, that chrono build does 7.5k damage, and uses confusion even tho thats broken on some bosses, outside from those you can not count confusion, and on how many bosses can you count burning/bleeding as normal damaging conditions?


  7. I mean, you dont even need to go that deep into this to tell the difference, full DPS chrono with chronophantasma+mantra of pain + disenchanter with 100% slow/quickness/alac uptime is doing 37k, from that 3.3k is disenchanter and 1.1 is mantra, so if we mirror this on a chrono with wells, we can safely say it does around 4.5k dps less. Lets take out chronophantasma too so that means halved damage on phantasm´s overal DPS, thats 7.4k for sw5 with chronphantasma, so without its 3.7k, gs4 is 4.3k with chronophantasma so 2.2k without it

    37k full dps - 3.3(disenchanter) - 1.1(mantra) - 3.7(sw5) - 2.2(gs4) = 26.7k

    even if we round everything up and such lets say it does 28k(based on my calculation wich is probably not usable), 28k with full DPS traits and the 2 wells + SoI + GW

    also since less phantasm you have less clones so less shater, but just lets pretent that my calculations are somewhat accurate, a condi quickbrand with quickness focused traits + quickness mantra does 28.6k SOLO(since the Ashes of something counts to your dps from others). I mean there is a big difference between the 2, and this is if we take that chrono is using full DPS gear+weapon-set without shield or focus, with shield it would be 3.7k less again so now i ask, what is OP?


    (the calculations were based on a power chrono benchmark log uploaded 7hrs ago,the fb number is from SC , even tho my calculations are wrong for sure, i cant be far away if i say that SUPPORT fb is atleast doing the same if not better dps than a full dps chrono without disenchanter and mantra and chronophantasma, and we didnt even talked about that fb has fury upkeep+aegis on demand...)

    A full support oriented chrono who is capable of upkeeping quickness and alac on 5 people is more or less comparable to a full harrier FB who can only upkeep quickness but heals for a ton + gives other useful boons like might, the two specs can not even be compared

  8. I actually feel like reading the elementalist forums after the big staff nerfs, no matter what people say, ANet will balance in a way they see it good, listening to the community would show that someone knows more about the game and they dont want this, they like to live in their own little dream of knowing everything. If ANet would just once listen to people, and by this I mean, listen to people who are saying normal things and not just crying *cough*3 mirage being OP threads per day *cough* chrono would be still viable together with other killed/dead specs

    They think they can balance something they dont know, its like that I could repair a mechanical clock without knowing how it works.

  9. alls well that ends well - the radius of the wells are already too small to get used in places where moving is essential, the new quickness trait kinda fixed this with WoA now this trait should share alac too to fix WoR too...But we all know this never happens

    flow of time - you have the inspiration trait that they spawn with aegis

    illusionary reversion - would overcap the clones, also, when you would create the second one 1 clone would go into waste, other from that it would be a good idea to make this trait work something like this, but I can already see people complaining about it

    buffing distortion to 2 sec per clone would be too OP in pvp for chronos, i mean, you could cast 3 clones fast then go into split(thats 6sec), do a lot of damage without risking of getting killed, on the other hand giving back F4 would be a good idea, chrono basically has 0 chance to share aegis when its needed, signets are used for boon upkeep and cSplit is also used almost off CD, maybe changing the whole cSplit mechanic to something like, it scales with clones still, but you can only cast 3 skills in it, or 1+heal/1+elite also reducing the CD to 20 sec, so it would be like a better mimic

  10. Since firebrand and renegade came into the game, people were crying about chrono being too OP in PvE as a support. ANet took this into their hand and completly destroyed chrono in PvE, i mean, yes, there were patches on chrono what "in theory" was a nerf to it but instead it made chrono toss out all the boons in the game almost permanently. Yeah, those times ended, chrono got quote on quote balanced, now we have a support named firebrand what does insane amout of DPS while providing permanent 5 man quickness and other boons like fury and aegis, also has a top tier healing build with almost broken chrono like boons broken healing also premanent quickness, also this same class is close to god tier in pug raids for its DPS capability and the disgusting amout of burning it can apply, ALSO this same class is top tier in PvP, and I didnt even talked about DH. Same thing with rev...10 man alac perma from one button + even without any healing gear it has the Kalla elite.


    Now, if I look at chrono, and especially that what it has to offer, there is nothing that other classes can not do better in any of the game modes.The only, but really the only reason to make a mesmer is because of mirage elite spec thats used on 3 bosses in raids and people who are good in PvP can make it work there too.


    Mesmer has a lot of broken/unfinished traits like as people said the glamour trait, poor and lazy design in other traits, like, actually the whole domination trait is just a poorly designed trash, the developers wanted to do it in a hour so they dont even need to look at chrono again.


    So now I ask, should mesmer/chrono players start to cry about firebrand and rev being too OP? Now that i think about it, even the all boon chrono was considered as broken because ANet was lazy to design normal traits so they invented the %damage/boon trait, this can even be proved, in raids D/D deadeye was really good, sitting at the top of DPS charts with a 5 or so button rotation(this was at the time when chrono could give all boons), after chrono got nerfed, it fell back to 10+th place.

  11. As I see from your talking, OP doesnt want to make chrono go useless, he just wants to prevent it from getting the same treatment as Staff Weaver did, or well, I guess that what he wants. Aside from that, in my honest opinion, supp chrono can be fully replaced in 90% of the raids, its already fully replaced in fractals, atleast pChrono has a place in raids but aside from some bosses pChrono isnt really good, I mean, its really not working as OP said, being that dependent on slow is just a joke in itself, like look at Weaver it is dependent on weakness a condition that even the weaver itself can generate and also weakness in itself isnt a rare condition. On the other hand, pChrono isnt doing that high damage, it generates quickness and some alac and might for itself but aside from that nothing special about pChrono, DT should not be changed, and should not even be moved, it only gives 15% crit chance and 10% damage, there are traits on other classes that are the same if not better, and they are not grandmaster line either.

    And since you were building your opinion on SC site, and said its doing way above avg dps, it isnt, if you take the top 10 dps classes and their DPS, the avg number is 36949, chrono is 36474(if we take the grinded numbers, with avg numbers maybe it would get higher than avg but its still not way above it, not even talking about the slow depency)

    My overal opinion about pChrono is that its fine, just like mirage, its used on some bosses for abusing it, doesnt really work on others.

  12. Well, from the gameplay that they shown on the stream during the announcment I seen a big ice thing being bashed by some players and red circles appearing randomly(?) in the area so it can KINDA resemble a raid boss like MO or something, so basically bosses what you need to hit till it dies, but I doubt the difficulty of it will come near any raid because in raids mechanics are somewhat important too, and each boss has unique mechanics so, we still get back to the thing that this will be just a worldboss kind of thing for 10 man, or that snowy mini dungeon from last year.

  13. As others said chrono has enough defensive things without going Chaos, even without going Inspiration(as the current OW Chrono does). The only case I see using chaos is maybe if you want to have even more defense with the dmg reduc/illusion trait, but in open world you kill things faster than being able to stack up all those illusions. If you are going agains champions and such you still need damage so losing the Dueling is just too much of a DPS loss compared to what you get in exchange from Chaos. For fractals power chrono is not really good because you are going for adds and chrono(the DPS variant and the whole mechanic of the class) is focused on spawning phantasms(what have CD) so after 1-2 trash mob clearing you will have everything on CD in bad cases even your CS and you will not be able to do normal DPS rota on the main bosses. If you are thinking about going to low T2-3 fractals where people play all kinds of builds then yes, I guess you can use Chaos there to protect yourself because usually you dont have a healer but the mobs hit hard, but then you will have no DPS, so to sum it up, You either take chaos for self defense and you will have way less DPS, or you take Duel/Illu for DPS and let the healers protect you, the good thing about this game(i guess maybe this is the last thing thats good looking at the way things are going on right now...) is that you can modify your build depending on the situation for example you go to T3 fractals:

    No healer at all and everyone is doing bad damage so you need to keep yourself alive for a long period: Take Chaos/Insp with Sw/Sw/F or take Illu/Insp with Sw/(Sw)F/Shield

    You have a healer but its doing a bad job: Take Illu/Insp with shield or if its really bad take Insp/Chaos with sw/sw/f (if you die even like that, quit and search for another group)

    You have a healer and it can keep people alive but you have no chrono to give quickness: Duel/Illu sw/sw/f

    And so on... I think you can craft a build from these for most of the scenarios in fractals(in T4 you usually have a capable healer so go full DPS)

  14. > @"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:

    > > @"Nepster.4275" said:

    > > Still did not understand, and I think I will never understand what is the plan of ANet with Chrono but srsly, it was broken A YEAR AGO, at that time it needed a nerf now bashing it even more is pointless, I know ANet wants to see variety in what classes are taken into raids, but making chrono that bad that it gets ignored isnt a good way to approach this, like actually small changes like some more aegis resource and 10 man wells(without any dumb exchance in traitlines(so a baseline chrono thing)) would balance chrono to a point where you can take 2 chronos but also you can take the firebrigade comp in raids. Like actually if they want to achieve balance(whatever that means for them) give something to chrono in exchange for the so called "tradeoffs". Thief got damage modify traits when the steal got nerfed(not even some weak traits to say the least), what did chronos got? Oh yeah, now we can shater F2 every 5 sec... Very cool, yeeeeey....Wait...Chrono should have got some support exchange,no? What kind of blind people are working at ANet actually?? They can not see that people are leaving the game in very high amounts in a short time because the devs are not doing their job correctly?? What would it take to ask someone from all 3 game modes(because there are core/mirage/chrono) players for all the game modes, and not even one, so what would it take to ask them something like this:

    > > "Hey we think chrono is a bit too OP in the raid scene,we would like to see more classes in replacement for chrono and we would like to to X and Y things with chrono, what do you think about it, Mr. Chrono Main Who Actually Plays the Game?"

    > > Just imagine that the chrono main would say something that MAKES SENSE... This will never happen I guess

    > > I actually think ANet is the most antisocialistic with their community... No one asks for balance notes 1 year prior, just some ideas from what people can choose, nerfs and buffs always will come, but COMMUNIcating with the COMMUNIty would make those changes into something that does not make a class OP neither trash tier, not as if chrono would be trash tier(even tho we can consider it being that in reflection of other support classes), it still does its job but in a very dumb and clunky way, people rather move onto other classes/comps for raids because they dont want to bother with chrono anymore.

    > > -- A casual mesmer player who knows nothing about mesmer or any other spec of it.


    > The wells itself is broken by default, the wells needs so be reworked as thief traps got reworked into new skills.

    > F4 should grant you distortion for the effect time (Max 6 secs). depends on clones, so it doesn't go wasted if you get CCed

    > Shield skills need to be reworked also, provide protection against projectiles... etc.

    > That's what im thinking of, otherwise Chrono is a broken spec and it should be replaced with another entirely new spec

    People called chrono broken for years because it was so good, now its so bad that its broken xD But yeah agree with you, as it is the whole spec should be reworked but since ANet is busy with LWS stuff and the new things on aug 30, this rework will not happen till...never...


  15. Still did not understand, and I think I will never understand what is the plan of ANet with Chrono but srsly, it was broken A YEAR AGO, at that time it needed a nerf now bashing it even more is pointless, I know ANet wants to see variety in what classes are taken into raids, but making chrono that bad that it gets ignored isnt a good way to approach this, like actually small changes like some more aegis resource and 10 man wells(without any dumb exchance in traitlines(so a baseline chrono thing)) would balance chrono to a point where you can take 2 chronos but also you can take the firebrigade comp in raids. Like actually if they want to achieve balance(whatever that means for them) give something to chrono in exchange for the so called "tradeoffs". Thief got damage modify traits when the steal got nerfed(not even some weak traits to say the least), what did chronos got? Oh yeah, now we can shater F2 every 5 sec... Very cool, yeeeeey....Wait...Chrono should have got some support exchange,no? What kind of blind people are working at ANet actually?? They can not see that people are leaving the game in very high amounts in a short time because the devs are not doing their job correctly?? What would it take to ask someone from all 3 game modes(because there are core/mirage/chrono) players for all the game modes, and not even one, so what would it take to ask them something like this:

    "Hey we think chrono is a bit too OP in the raid scene,we would like to see more classes in replacement for chrono and we would like to to X and Y things with chrono, what do you think about it, Mr. Chrono Main Who Actually Plays the Game?"

    Just imagine that the chrono main would say something that MAKES SENSE... This will never happen I guess

    I actually think ANet is the most antisocialistic with their community... No one asks for balance notes 1 year prior, just some ideas from what people can choose, nerfs and buffs always will come, but COMMUNIcating with the COMMUNIty would make those changes into something that does not make a class OP neither trash tier, not as if chrono would be trash tier(even tho we can consider it being that in reflection of other support classes), it still does its job but in a very dumb and clunky way, people rather move onto other classes/comps for raids because they dont want to bother with chrono anymore.

    -- A casual mesmer player who knows nothing about mesmer or any other spec of it.

  16. This was the laziest and most unproper way to do ANYTHING with chrono, I mean I understand that ANet wants to see FB and Alac Rev and other classes like that in normal use, but just imagine this, what if all 3 of these classes would be on the same level of support capability? Like actually, the thing that chrono can give you alac and quickness while FB or Rev can only do one of these that means the class is too OVERPOWERED or just its not balanced? The right answer is that it was not balanced, it was not balanced since years, and ANet could only come up with the idea of "Hey there is this chrono player amongst us, we all hate him right? *everyone says yes* okey what if we completly destroy chrono so it will be too sh*t even to be part of garbage level?". Like srsly, ANet is a game developer company but one of the most laziest ones IF not the laziest ones when it comes to balance patches, instead of reworking classes and making them balanced that way they take things from classes that make them what those classes are and expect that everyone will cheer in happiness

    But hey, they get all their ideas from watching chrono plays on YT and other platforms since I doubt any ANet member can even do any kind of raid boss properly as a chrono, and honestly, doubt if they can do any boss as any role...At this point, I can understand people calling a certain game *cough* FFXIV *cough* as the "game of GW refugees"

  17. > @"Mikkel.8427" said:

    > > @"geist.4126" said:

    > > > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > > > @"geist.4126" said:

    > > > > A mirage nerf would be great and at least justified. The way they nerfed Chrono is just lazy and very stupid.

    > > >

    > > > How is another mirage nerf justified ?

    > >

    > > Go into wvw. Play it, ask again.


    > You're totally right. So sick of zergs FULL of Mirages! Gosh, those are awful. Also, those kitten Mirages bursting you off your mount right into the downstate from 1800 range away in under 2 second! Grrrrr, so OP! /s


    > A more detailed description of what you're having trouble with would be helpful. Most people on here would be happy to help you learn how to counter whatever specific mechanics you're struggling against.



    I love oneshotting people from 1.5k range, it feels so great, and also, I just need to change traits and some weapons and I have so much boons and defenses, not even talking about my permanent stealth ability, and well, if my team asks I go full support and provide all kind of boons for my squad not even talking about all those heals I can toss out to them, I just love how easy is to fill all the roles with only one spec...

  18. Mirage has its drawback already by basically being unable to move out of AoEs because the dodge give 33% less movement speed so, yeah Mirage is already very different from core mesmer, even the mirage traits are based for dodge so I do not think another nerf would be " justified" if you still get killed by a mirage then it is your skill level and not the profession´s brokenness(?)

    Not even talking about the ALL the traitlines are designed poorly and it is a big mess to use any build, each of its variants are annoying to even use because you either sacrefice damage for boons, or you have boons but way less damage, so now, people should really stop complaining about mesmer and mirage specifically, same for chrono, all the people were crying "omg chrono is so OP i can not go with my boon herald to raids" and things like this, well, now every niche class can go to raids

  19. Full berserker/ or mix some assassins into it

    Illusions 1/2/1

    Inspiration 3/2/2

    Chronomancer 2/3/3

    Sw/F(for utility as focus 4 pulls) or Sw/SW for more damage and you can use GS or you can use Sw/F+Shield

    As for the skills Signet of Ether(not sure how its called, then one that recharges phantasms), Phantasmal Disenchanter, Mantra of Pain or Calamity Well, Blink, Gravity Well or TW for quickness

    Basically what you do is if there is a mob you know will need more damage to kill, then shield4/sword3 switch to GS use skill 2, while casting GS4 use cSplit use disenchanter after that use the signet GS4+disenchanter + the elit skill, end CS GS4+disenchanter, signet,GS4+disenchanter again and after that you can use any skills, just take care to make all you phantasms(namely Phantasmal Berserker and Phantasmal Disenchanter) to go on CD before you use your heal skill, your heal skill has a passive heal on phantams and any kind of illusions so even sword3+ you have the same effect from inspiration xx2 and this works when your phantasms get respawned from your 3rd chrono trait

    edit: Instead of the mantra or calamity well, you can use precognition well to stunbreak when needed and give yourself aegis for 5 seconds every second

  20. >@Dadnir.5038 said:

    >And you won't convince me like that because whether you got illusions or not your F4 will give you at the very least 1 second of invulnerability. The issue is that >people tend to overlook that defense is a combination of more than 1 or 2 isolated effects. In the case of the mesmer and it's specializations, there is dodge (with >vigor), prot, block, mobility, blind, stealth and, yes, hard CC. A guardian, for example, won't be able to even compare to a mesmer when it come to mobility, hard CC >and stealth while it will dominate when it come to prot and block. Even among the same kind of skills some effects are mechanically superior to other, for example, a >groud targeted port is superior to a charge due to it's unpredictibility.


    >The thread regard isolated effects in a vacuum, not taking into account strength and weaknesses of the professions as a whole. It's like an elementalist saying that a >necromancer is op because he got twice as much HP. These are poor comparisons nothing more.


    >NB.: If you struggle to get illusions and survive, use scepter. You'll get illusions spawn on auto attack, a block and an illusion when you block. If you really wanna build >for survivability, just with the weapon skills alone of the core mesmer you'll get 2 blocks (scepter and off hand sword), 1 hard CC (sword off hand), 5 second of blind >(scepter), 1 second of blur (sword main hand) and up to 4 seconds of distorsion (F4). Few profession can even compare to that amount of defense. (Don't argue >about scepter and off hand sword, I know you can't use both block and extra effect at the same time, but what you lose in quantity you gain in flexibility since it's >make it harder for your foes to just wait around that your blocks disappear)


    >It's sad and unfortunate that the grasp of peoples on professions have fallen this low. Mesmer used to deal damage way lower than they do nowaday and that was up >to the fantasm rework. Yet guess what mesmer still managed to kill their foes without necessarily having to go down the full damage road. I'll say it, mesmers don't >need to be able to 0-100 in 1 second to win a fight. SB unblockable effect is an issue that need to be adressed by ANet and should have been adressed by ANet in the >last balance patch, the fact that they didn't just prove that they didn't read the feedback on the balance patch preview thread. Engineer is in a bunker phase, it would >be a shame if you could fell a bunker by yourself, GW2 PvP is and should be a cooperative game not a solo hero winner game.


    I do not know what you mean that some of the classes are not even close to being as "good" (even if good is subjective) as mesmer. Just by looking at the metabattle and the PvP builds on it, most of the builds there has a ton of sustain, mobility, block, even invulns or sort of invulns. For example,

    revenant has block on staff/ high burst damage / boons/evade/shadowstep and a skill that converts all incoming damage into healing for 3 sec on 30 sec CD

    holo has hard CC on rifle and pforge 5/leaps/block from utility/access to quickness and other boons/invuln

    necro has basically 2 life bars/ access to quickness/ranged attacks/even a teleport with wurm tho it isnt that good/hard CC

    warr has evades/blocks on shield/ sustain/insane damage on berserker/hard CC/RAMPAGE

    scrapper - will not even talk about this

    guard has invuln/CC on DH/lot of aegis/quickness if its needed/ insane damage/leaps

    Plus soooo many other build variants on these classes, while mesmer on has like what? 3 if we take into account that every little trait mod/rune or amulet change counts as one build

    And maybe I am the only one who sees that these things what other classes have can race with mesmer




  21. All of the changes are making me cry, as it seems they have no clue what to do and just changing stuff around to laugh how the forums explode. The chrono changes are kinda nice, but self boons were almost permanent anyway, that is more like a open world/PvP change, the nerf of this trait is kind understandable *cough*40k on desima and carin *cough* BUT they did not take into consideration the skillcap of the build so, i said nothing... They just have no idea about how the game works... And that is pretty sad

  22. I personally gave up on the whole game after the countless nerfs in every balance patch since nov. Like, everytime something got nerfed, mesmer mains figured out a new build and people started to cry about it regardless of if they even even went 1v1 against that build. People tend to draw conclusions from streams and montages where people usually post their best moments, and streams are usually people who are really confident on their class(for example misha). A lot of people have never even touched PvP but still complain about mesmers because they seen they can oneshot everyone and go against a whole zerg and 1v99 them. Yeah... A lot of people are saying this community is this and that good, while in reality most of the people are just about that their class should be the dominant above all and nothing else.

    Good example for this the pChrono, the signet thing was a bug yeah, BUT the gameplay of that build required more skill than DE and it was dependent on ONE exact condition, IMO what ANet should have done really really long time ago is to classify classes in all game modes in a way of skill required to play = doing more DPS/ having more support so classes with easier rotations would still do good DPS but NEVER the same as a higher skill cap profession.With this what they did by completely dumbing down the classes/the meta itself to a point where playing is basically boring and the skill cap of the meta professions is laughable I am not surprised that a lot of people gave up on playing. The community itself is the thing that keeps GW going, but part of it is the reason to hold it back.

  23. I will tell you a little secret about chronos in PUGs, if you consider youself as a medicore chrono then you are already better than 90% of chronos in PUGS with <300li

    And you can use mirage on most bosses, maybe you will not be top DPS on gorseval but definetly will have more DPS than some people who go there and press random buttons in hope that they get lucky(talking about AVG groups <300Li)

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