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Posts posted by vonhellsing.2819

  1. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > Beside server issue, have you tried dx12 add-on for gw2? Even with RTX this game was running pretty poorly for me until i switched to dx12. There is post in technical support section of the forums informing how to do it.


    i Try works per 2 day than back same troubles, i remove all game and re-install, works per 1 day an in fights freeze screen, i talk with others in my guild and get same problem.

  2. I would love to understand what happens in WVW, for many years I played with 25mbit of internet without problems, computer with a slower processor, 1/4 of the memory I have today.

    I currently have i7, 32gb ram ddr4, 4gb of nvidia video (does not affect the game) 500mbit of fiber optic internet, and just from 2 months here the game dropped from 60fps everything high to 10 fps everything on medium, average ping 250 to 450ms with exitlag. Getting to crash the game when we face 30x30 in wvw. Was this the optimization that the company did to improve our experience? 8 years of game, thousands of gems consumed and apparently all that remains is to find another game to have fun, because the fun has become stress. I just face this problem in WVW, nor in worldboss I have this type of lag or crash in other game mode i got 105ms/120ms.

  3. > @"Wolf.2596" said:

    > Can anyone suggest a workaround for the wintersday jumping puzzle? I am a player with limited mobility (only one usable hand) Anet doesn't keep players like myself in mind when they design achievements in the game that require manual dexterity. Usually, I need mesmer help for parts of the game that require jumping, and thankfully lots of people are understanding and willing to lend a hand.


    > This is the 4th year in a row I've been trying to make it through the jumping puzzle without luck. Jumping puzzles are already extremely difficult for me, but putting them on a timer makes it impossible. I've had the rest of the winter's presence requirements out of the way for years now, but not being able to complete the jumping puzzle to get the piece of the achievement means I'll likely never get it. I can't be the only person in this situation, and I wish there was some sort of alternative.


    > I usually have a lot of fun in-game....but things like these make festivals not so fun for me.




    The JP is one crime to who have some desability i have rheumatoid arthritis, since 20 years old, I play a little and I need to get up and move, i love Play WvW I play a little and stay AFK at WVW, come back and play a little more, because the joint pain is constant, but JP is an impossible thing to do, and many annual events , without JP you do not receive some of the prizes.

    It's been 8 years hating Jumping Puzzles, my Skyscale cost me a sausage for each jp, see how much gold i expend ? Why Arenanet doesn't think about alternatives for those who have some restrictions ?


    I opened a ticket about that and other stuff yet and arenanet said go forum, my fear is all time thats i open forum comment i got ban in forum. i dont understanding this company!


    If ANET already corrects the problems of hack, lag, lagskill, better rewards for WVW players, at least equivalent to PVP, include benefits to the server that is leading WVW in the skirmish , like buff (which really BENEFITS DROP from RARE ITEMS, PATCHES and ASCENDED, skins). I would be very happy already.

    It is very difficult to sustain a character with WVW rewards, a pvp player makes a lot of gold in one season, completes tickets and legendary items faster than WVW.

  5. Once again we are punished in the game, the rewards do not support a player character exclusively from wvw, in PVE and PVP you support your character with what you receive as a prize, in WVW no. We still have terrible server quality, absurd lag yesterday I saw the ping jump from 126ms to 2100ms only with the arrival of the prime time of the servers. This was for me in brazil, for guild members in california, texas and north carolina. So it is not my route but server capacity vs cost.

  6. > @"DKRathalos.9625" said:

    > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > > > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > > > > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > > > > > What has changed in the code to create such problems with lag?

    > > > >

    > > > > Considering that there hasn't been any announced performance and optimization passes to the new skills and traits introduced and old skills modified since the last time they've done it (after HoT), one could say everything's changed.

    > > >

    > > > Perhaps; there could have been server hardware and/or network connection changes, too. Cost reductions, including traffic prioritization changes could have happened. It would be a shame if a cost-saving choice resulted in reduced performance but it has been known to happen.

    > >

    > > You're right. There were those changes too when they moved to Amazon servers. I'm pretty sure they moved some time after the last major look at optimization. It's good they're looking into this again.


    > In short the game almost unplayable now in WvW, everytime I meet zerg it's always skill lag so bad, VPN not helping and anet didn't do kitten about this D:


    This is not optimization, is balance, they reduce in WvW to grow in PVE or EVENT servers, without need increase server capacity, every thing is about money, cost reduction

  7. It is very clear to those who have a little experience in IT, that the company is reducing the servers to make more servers in PVE EVENTS, so there is no need to invest in infrastructure. The "new system under test" creates queues even though there is no one in the BL in case the other BL has a large volume of people entering, it has caused those who enter first to fill their side and create a queue even without anyone on the other, then we have BLOBS vs groups of 15 players, without more players being able to enter the server. Once again the WVW players are harmed, I wonder what the trash will be with the entry of STEAM players.


  8. Every event is the same, the WvW ping goes to me from 126 to a range of 576ms to 2100ms. And it is not my route as members of my clan who live in north carolina, california and texas have faced the same problem. Simply reset is impossible to play, every day after the standard reset time, the servers experience an absurd lag. I think the company should respect the customers who play WVW only a little, the rewards no longer help, a wvw char is not sustained with the wvw rewards, ai absurd lag to save servers is complicated. it was like that in 4winds, now in madking.

  9. Why the DOLAR of the smaller server Player worth less than the DOLAR of the full server player?

    Simply terrible the bad idea of ​​changing servers traffic, in the name of the BEST GAME EXPERIENCE.

    Where smaller servers can only get half slots as big servers, low bandwich huge lag in any RESET, and I have 1mbit of internet, and all reset after this new BEST GAME EXPERIENCE in WVW give a huge lag, where is the BEST GAME EXPERIENCE IN THIS?

    WVW servers allows a limit of 200 players, if a full server enters with 80, another with 80 and the smaller ones just will have 40 slots and already have queues before starting to enter players all reset is same huge queue without players inside server.

    Would you like to understand where the SF player's DOLAR for example is worth less than YAQS, MAGUMA, or other FULL SERVER?

    the name this is COST REDUCE, no BEST EXPERIENCE in GAME PLAY! I dont know why i back with my guild to GW2, why we expend 2,8K gems month per player to support company, if WVW player all time are punished per ARENANET, As the game's worst rewards, try survive just of WVW, i hate PVE, i hate JUMP PUZZLE, i dont like farm, grind, i dont have time to living inside GW2. I love play WVW but if i dont stay in FULL server, if we help small servers dont die, Arenanet punish us with 1/3 some times 1/2 capacity to put players in WVW. Any smart IT eng, said thats if you have much traffic in one, is this thats u need control no servers thats have low traffic, but arenanet people loves get small and sufocate this servers, of course small servers 500 gems transfer, very high 1,8k gems, more money.



    A) MERGE: get all small and make one big too

    B) LIMIT BIG SERVERS PLAYERS INSIDE WVW: to same capacity of small or half of small servers.



  10. We see mesmers flying from outer wall to lord (dragonband ops dragonbags guild), but the worst is guilds / servers create chars to active Emergency Way point, Defenses, stolen golens, see if stay contested, enter in squad to spy. (JQ and Yaks stay doing this a lot, like Dragonbags, ops Dragonbands.) To me this is the same who uses hack, cheat or dirty game. Unfortunately ANET does not do anything about hacking even with complaints, and dirty game servers and guilds do not generate consequence or punishment.

    SAD I came back after 4 years out of the game and they continue using the same cheats. The same servers to be THE TOP SERVERS!

  11. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > Ok Von, I'm sure ArenaNet will gladly include this personalised bundle specifically for you on the gemstore in due course.


    > Edit: Oh and have a nice day! *hugs*

    > My post is sincere and respectful and friendly to the community.


    I just asked Arenanet to bring to the gem store a GLIDER AND BACK combo of the two models of the two wings so we can buy! did not say to do only for me. And as far as I know there is a CONSUMER SELLER relationship between ANET who BUYS GEMS, which allows in a normal and democratic society, the consumer to externalize their purchase wishes, whether or not they liked a product or service.

    Hugs More FAIRPLAY and LESS mimimi ok!

  12. "...A Classical necromancers addressed the dead in "a mixture of high-pitch squeaking and low droning", comparable to the trance-state mutterings of shamans. Necromancy was prevalent throughout Western antiquity with records of its practice in ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Greece and Rome..."

    In GW2 now we are Nurses!

  13. > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > @"vonhellsing.2819" said:

    > > Nothing changes in 5 years out of game, again other class gone to trash in WvW with Ranger, TIef, Now NECRO. humpf!


    > Necro needed to die. Period. Now you actually have to think.


    Its amazing, Ranger is melee and don't use BOW, Necro now is healer kk JOKE ARENANET APRIL FOOLS in february. The most dangerous weapon in GW2 is MIMIMI! this kill classes in game.

  14. ARENANET Please, said when, 6 weeks, month's or years.


    Your post makes WvW die in most servers, becouse players think that's in next relink this will be working in production.


    My sugestions to makes WvW grow:


    A.) Servers Link (change ever week or each 2 weeks)

    B.) Better drops in WvW and exclusive drops in WvW like in PVP have exclusive itens.

    C.) WvW Border points influencing PVE drop and World Boss Drop

    D.) Link servers thats have all time zones people.

    E.) Kill low population servers and merge with others.

    F.) Modify all maps to be like RED border ou change RED BORDER. I prefer all like RED border.

    G) TREB distance reduce (its insane, HILLS treb REDWATER and Red don't treb hills)


    SAID WHEN ARENANET THINK THATS WILL STAY IN PRODUCTUIN, i don't believe in development time less than 6 month at 1 year, but its arenanet maybe 2 years kkk


    > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > **A message from McKenna Berdrow:**



  15. An idea to "encourage" people to play WvW would be: According to the score in WvW it improves the drop of boss, world boss in the PVE server.

    Who knows so PVE players will start to get interested in WvW.


    Balance, balance, balance, all time thats, I think thats, the arenanet should do of each char taking just 1 point of damage from the other (all classes and build) you would have a good balance. We'll need zillion players to kill 1 and never die.

      I go back to play after 3 years, and the subject continues NERF, NERF, NERF!

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