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Posts posted by Vision.9074

  1. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > **Character Build Loadouts:**

    > 2. Them just being Loadouts rather than Templates.

    > I really don't know what the rational behind this decision was, but the Character Loadouts need a save and load functionality, rather than automatically saving any changes made to the character.

    > In so many instances in the game we are encouraged to change out little things, like swapping a Trait or two, taking a situational Utility skill etc., that constantly having to remember to swap everything back to the base/general build kind of defeats some of the purpose to have these "Templates" in the first place, which should act as a constant baseline to reload, so you can be sure your build is in order at a moments notice without having to double check everything, to then make adjustments from there for the specific content at hand if needed.


    I pretty much came here to say that I agree 100% with this one point you made. The "Build Templates" as advertised are no templates at all. Templates are static. If I change a skill, I should be able to revert back to the original template quickly and easily. I agree that this is really a multi-build function than a template function. Now, I absolutely love that this is a feature, but it is not the feature everyone wanted from GW1. Build Templates are really the Build Storage. Going from being able to save an infinite number of templates in GW1 to this system is a bit disappointing, but they are working within the confines of a system that was never designed to support this (server vs client side).


    I think the current fix should be to simply move the "templates" label from the character tabs to the storage. That at least would be accurate. I think we will get more QoL for this feature as time goes on and I think the incredible negativity for a new feature like this is uncalled for. The teams have constantly made key QoL changes to systems just like this over time and I think for the intital GA release, this is quite amazing considering they had to brute force it into existence and ensure players don't break their own stuff.


    As far as the monetization of it, I expected it would happen all along. They have a business model to support and its transactions, not subs. Considering the amount of content they do give to us for free, I think everyone can suck it up and handle this like adults.

  2. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Whilst you await the implementation of this suggestion, you may find this helpful: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mount#List_of_mount_skins (The Widget will show which Mount Skins are unlocked.)


    > Good luck.


    The API features in the Wiki are growing and they are nice. I didn't know this page, in particular, had been so usefully updated. Efficiency's Mount page will be getting a similar filter treatment soon as well.

  3. Hello, good ANET folks,


    I have a request, probably relatively simple regarding the Gem Store and purchases of Mount skins/licenses.


    Due to my neglect of detail in reviewing previous purchases, I over purchased on Adoption Licenses. Currently, other than hovering over each skin in the Mount tab of the Hero Panel, there is no way to easily identify what skins are available in a pack much less which ones you've unlocked or even how many you've purchased/unlocked when buying in the Gem Store. I noticed just today the new Mount Pack for Skyscale does indicate the individual skins you've unlocked, but the Shimmering Skyscale Skin does not (can't confirm anything not currently in store). I do realize that the API for mounts is new and assume these things are tied together, but a quick update to some visibility of mount skin purchases, especially with regards to adoption licenses would be very helpful for players. With the increase in skins, it would also be nice to add a grouping capability in the Mount tab to highlight what license sets they are in (similar to dyes).


    Thanks for reading and hopeful consideration.




  4. Actually, my thought process led to think that they decided to improve the Underwater Fractal next. It is the most logical progression outside of any future content considerations. Given that we are still bound to Nightfall territory, I would highly doubt any underwater focus any time soon. Making the fractal more challenging would warrant a skill balance for underwater combat though.

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