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Posts posted by Deyneris.5216

  1. I'm still upset about this. You need to restore mesmer phantasms...why is it that every other profession with persistent aid is okay but not mesmer? Rangers have their pets. Engineers have their turrets and rocket launchers, necros have their minions. Guardian spirit weapons aren't persistent but NOBODY uses them at higher levels. Can you imagine if a engineer turrets did 1 or 2 shots and then exploded? OR a Ranger pet did 2 attacks and then went and chased and ambient rabbit for the rest of the encounter? Y'all need to fix this. Still, begging. Give me back my mesmer.

  2. My earlier post was deleted by the devs, considered too rude and insulting to anet’s staff. I won’t repeat my sentiments, but I most certainly stand by them.

    I think it’s important to talk about the purpose (supposed) of the changes made to Mesmer and the actual outcome.


    The professed (and I do mean this in the pretense sense of the definition) purpose was to make game play more interesting and active, to force (not encourage or entice) the use of a crappy profession mechanic (shatter). Note they didn’t do ANYTHING to the shatter mechanic that they are shoving down our throats. It’s still as craptastic as ever.

    So have there been any bennies from the changes made to phantasm? Only one that I’ve noticed in my game play – the GS phantasms (with Imagined Burden and Chronophantasma) do more damage.


    BUT I feel compelled to list all the things I USED to do as an _active mesmer_ and what I’ve had to replace those activities with.

    I used to toss out my phantasm and let it do its thing, while I would help other players that had been downed in group fights

    Now I get to micro manage useless clones.

    I used to toss out my phantasms so they could distract beasties, while I would slip by unnoticed.

    Now I get to micro manage useless clones.

    I used to frequently be the last one standing in a dungeon party, using my phantasm to keep agro while I dodged and whittled down the boss – just me and my phantasm

    Now I get to micro manage useless clones.

    I used to be able to travel through elite areas alone and If I found someone in trouble (downed or dead) I could toss out a phantasm that would keep agro while I helped them up.

    Now I get to micro manage useless clones.

    I used to shatter strategically (I’m looking at you Three-toed Tootsie)

    Now I get to micro manage useless clones.

    So time to look at the actual outcome of these tragic, ill-conceived, worthless mal-adaptations: while the extra damage is nice, y’all utterly failed in your professed purpose. I am a less active player, I am a less helpful player, I am a less interested player. I am sad and grieving over something I have enjoyed for YEARS and now just puts a knot in my stomach when I think about logging on.

    Rest assured, I am not alone (nor is the above complaint exhaustive—tip of the iceberg, really) in thinking these changes suck.


  3. > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > Right, but discouraging passive gameplay is nevertheless a good thing. I'd say if you want passive gameplay, go watch a YouTube gamer do his thing. That's about as passive as it gets.


    You know some people who play a slightly more passive style have arthritic hands.

  4. This is the most disgusting, arbitrary, abusive thing I've ever experienced in guild wars in over 10 years of playing. Radical changes made, not for balance, not because a class was OP (because Lord knows you've nerfed mesmer into oblivion since release), but because people weren't playing it they way you wanted? And what do y'all do? You don't improve the mechanic you want people to play (shatter) to make it more enticing. No, you decide that it's perfectly okay to trash the way _**people decide they enjoy playing the game**_. Pick the longest string of Shakespearean insults you can muster that includes words like vile maggot scum and consider yourselves sworn at. Mesmer has been my favorite class, despite how many times you've crippled and incapacitated the builds I've made; but this? This is beyond the pale. I've always thought that people who rage quit were childish -- but I think I may have hit my limit-- such micromanaging of your player base is unacceptable. You started with a great concept and noble ideas about player interactions, but change after change after change you've made the game less and less enjoyable, and you've never respected your players--particularly your long term players.

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