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Posts posted by curtegg.5216

  1. To be honest PC users will have to make a transition as well in a few years given the fact that ARM architectures will be replacing CISC based 8086 due to thermal and the limitations inherit with their command and thread setup (like fewer cmd decoders, etc.). Apple is only the first to make the switch (like they have done with many I/Os). The fact that an ARM setup running at half the operating frequency of 8086 systems it is being compared to mid and higher end 8086 based systems should make Intel and AMD take notice. ARM Windows 10 still needs some work and maybe MS will get it up to snuff by then. As for me I use my mac for lisp development and a few games. I'll just go out and get a windows laptop to hold me over. Next year will be interesting when more than 4 high power processor versions come out and Samsung RISC-V ARM development catches on.

  2. It's a shame that such an attitude exists because raids are based upon obsolete mechanics of stacking various attacks against a time gate requiring certain levels of dps. Given software (AI and the like) why can't MMOs base boss mechanics upon raid group composition forcing different tactics by the group instead of simplistic fixed phases of dps checks. It's shocking that MMOs still use old methodologies for their customers.

  3. Several times while commanding a squad (with open join usually for karka farming in Southsun with squad descriptions), and all of a sudden gets merged (not by me) with a squad in another map. It would be a nice game improvement if there was a squad merge ENABLE/DISABLE flag you can set in the squad window.

  4. Can't provide much more than above comments. I have both a combo chrono and a mirage mesmer. I mostly play chrono because i like playing a more support role. Mirage is interesting and you can have fun with interrupts (if you use Teq's rune) with the elite skill (3 interrupts is great).

  5. There should be two modes mainly because hard mode practically forces meta builds to succeed (unless the raid party is really experienced), which sort of goes against Anets own design philosophy. In our guild we do not enforce meta-builds, so raids should at least be trainable with non-optimized dps builds as a start. To be honest raids are sort of disappointing in their design which has not changed in over a decade. Basically, a time-gated dps race. It's too bad the raid designers do not develop a more strategic design in which Bosses adapt their attacks and defenses based upon the raid participants class composition and have the boss change tactics during the battle based upon the raid's performance instead of the same static phased fights present today.

  6. The one-shot phantasm concept lowers our ability to rally. Old Phantasms continued to DPS while the mesmer was downed, so we had a pretty good chance to rally thanks to their assisted DPS. Now that is gone. More mesmer's will be seeing that once they get downed their chance of rallying will be much lower now.

  7. One major thing the Devs didn't mention about these changes is the fact that all mesmers lose the ability to rally with the assistance of their phantasms. There are countless times I recall being able to rally because of having assisted DPS of my phantasms after I go down. This will be gone now.

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