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Posts posted by silverfox.1056

  1. I've recently exhausted myself making several different builds for power and support/healing capabilities. I've found a lot of interesting synergies with different types of builds and I was curious as to what the condition damage side of spectrum can offer. The only real condi-build I've tried is D/D condi-tempest, which I think has a lot of fun synergies and huge condi bomb potential with the Earth 5. The only down side is the obvious fact that you have to in extremely close range the pull off the necessary condition dps.


    So my question is, is there a fun ranged condi spec? Or a more valued melee condi spec?

    To specify, I'm looking for something that could be considered equally viable in WVW and PVE content, I don't care so much about PVP.


    So what does everyone recommend?


  2. @"shadowpass.4236" Knockback? Unless your talking about one of the Air moves, the healing tempest doesn't really have much CC bro. However, if people want to play bunker builds then it should be there prerogative and they should have the ability to do so. Its not an unstoppable build, I have gotten killed plenty of times. Its not Meta by any means, but its fun. Fun is the core mechanic of the game = shouldn't everyone be facilitated to? Not just DPS or Tanks? I not here to argue, I just cant see why a gaming company would limit there player base like that. Besides, a whole 5 man team like that would still lose just as much as DPS team.

  3. @"Alatar.7364" Listen bud, brother. Why would having a healer bunker be a bad thing? I would love to see a healing meta in PVP, maybe I would play it more often. It just seems incredibly unfair that I cant play exactly what I want to play. That's all I'm saying. PVP is suppose to be about making friends, kicking ass and having a good time. I love that everyone has a good time doing that, but I don't. Its not that I'm bad, cause I'm not or anything to do with skill. This is just a facet of the game that I want to enjoy with the build I have grown to love and have taken lots of hours to build. Healing in PVP should be just as important, if not the most important play style in PVP. Wouldn't you want a healer on your team helping to keep you alive in big fights?


    @"Crab Fear.1624" I have a healing tempest with Minstreal armor, monk runes and Magi accessories. I don't understand why that would be a problem in PVP, its not like I'm invincible or anything. Scourges still give me trouble and CC is pretty much a death sentence.

  4. So I have this awesome healing build (in my opinion) for my tempest, its worked great in raids, fractals, wvw and pve. So, like anyone, I wanted to try it out in pvp. However, there is no option for minstrel stats or benevolence sigils/transference sigils. Why isn't that an option? All the sigils that are supplied are very lack luster and wouldn't help me out my build at all. So is healing not a thing in PVP or have the dev's just forgot about those certain stat's? I'm just confused. I realize I could run Magi, but I wanted more sustain and toughness from Minstrels. I guess I'm just not going to do PVP ever now if I cant even play the build I want.

  5. So currently I'm running a mix of minstrels ascended gear with monk runes and full magi exotic trinkets etc. My question is, what is the superior sigil that will statistically give you more heals? As a tempest healer my healing power only hovers around 1450 to 1480, is there anyway to increase that further or have a reach the limit to what healing power can do? Any suggestions from my fellow healers out there?

  6. @"InsaneQR.7412" You're right, I think ranger could use some improvements as well. I think they pet AI is useless for the most part, also I would love to see some options like in Warhammer online where your pet could have better commands. Like when I played a white lion (like a melee ranger) your pet (the white lion) grew up with you, evolved over time and became stronger and stronger as you leveled up. So much so to the point you could put armor on it, even command it to stealth and ambush your target or knock it closer to you. The pet system here is very basic, I would love to see some improvements there.


    Rev's just need more of everything, its ridiculous to have a energy cost on a ability and a cooldown. Either go with one or the other and usually the energy cost is extremely high, so you do a two hit combo and your already low on energy and have to swap legends. Don't even get me started on the worthless utilities and the fact we cant swap them.


  7. @"VergilDeZaniah.3295" I complete agree on both things, I think Rev could really use an overhaul so it can be viable outside of certain builds or situations. Also, as much as I hate scouge (OP beyond repair), I would love to get back on my base Necro. It desperately needs some love, right under Rev. I think they should rework the Necro's staff and add more mobility and versatility to that class.

  8. @"MyPuppy.8970" If it makes you feel any better Weaver is my second main and I agree, there are a lot of skills for weapons that don't synergize at all. In the future I think the long bow for the elementalist would be a really cool change of pace.


    @"Vornollo.5182" I agree, it feels like they left revenant unfinished, almost as if they were in a time crunch to release on time. The sad part is they never went back to finish the class.

  9. @"Arkham Creed.7358" I completely agree, actually if I'm not mistaken I saw your fan concept on improvements. For me, I would love to see alternative utilities skills. The fact I cant change the default skills really limits game play at the same time as making it increasingly boring over long periods of gameplay. I use to love this class, but I think it is time to show it some love like all the other classes. What things would you change?

  10. If you think so then detail what you would change and why?


    *spoiler* (will contain personal opinions, opinions that may not be shared by others) Viewer's Discretion is advised.


    Personally, I think its time for a change. Obviously, a change for the better, a change that would bring more versatility to the Rev class which would hopefully make it a more fun class to play. I use to main Rev back in HoT and run around with my little hammer and have so much fun. However, with all the new elite spec's I feel like we as a gaming community have been spoiled with choice and versatility of other classes. Unfortunately, when the old classes changed and got better (some worse) Core Rev pretty much stayed the same in my opinion.


    I currently now am going more healer than dps, sporting a minstrels ventari build I made. Is it fun? absolutely...that is when there aren't 1000 condi scourges running around WVW covering miles of land in way too many conditions to clear or heal through. Don't get me wrong, I can see the appeal to the Scourge. Hell, I use to main a necro and reaper back in the day, but the condition damage pressure in this game is out of control. (but that's a topic for another day)


    This is just a personal small list of things id like to see changed. (take it or leave it, I don't care)

    1. Add the ability to have more than just the default utilities in stance, other wise game play gets super repetitive and limits the player

    2. Add more options for condition removal, on ventari there are no stun breaks or condition removal. (well there is one, but it barely works half the time)

    3. Add more weapons and versatility to the class

    4. This one is just a possibly misinformed observation, but I hardly ever seen any renegades in wvw, pve or pvp. Is there just something fundamentally wrong with the class or is it just really weak? Personally, I wouldn't ever use a short bow when the long bow is a superior weapon in most cases. So Is it just like a watered down version of condi ranger? I'm actually asking.

    5. Increase ranges from 900 to 1200 on several skills, also increase Ventari tablet heal radius from (whatever range it has now) to a large size.

    6. I would like to see the tablet cleanse conditions passively every 3 or 4 seconds or something. The tablet regen and heals are sufficient enough.

    7. I read in the forums of a idea from a few people before me of a cool idea for switching stances, make it similar to how the Elementalist swaps stances. Personally, as a healer I don't really need to change weapons, so I wouldn't mind losing the ability to swap weapons so I could have better access to all skills.


    Those are just a few of my and other peoples ideas I have read through the forums. Now, this being said, these are just opinions after all. So there is no need to be rude, or be a dick if you feel a different way. On the other hand I would love to hear from the veterans here and hear what they think of some of the ideas.



  11. Guild Wars 2 Massive Update?

    For some time now, I have been an on and off player, WVW, PVP and PVE lover since the day Guild Wars 2 was introduced. However, since the game has become more stable and the player base is more solid. I think it’s time for a large quality of life update for all the players to enjoy. Below are details in each broad category to better enhance the way the game operates. These are simply my opinion or my friends that play the games opinions and ideas.



    -Make an invite to duel option against enemy players in WVW and PVE.

    -Create dynamic events that take place in WVW, for players who want to contribute to overall points by completing said events. That being said, the events should be hard.

    -Have a statistic system in place to monitor classes that may be overpowered or overused. There is absolutely no reason for a zerg to be nothing but Firebrands or Scourges. After the statistics are clear and precise, nerf those certain classes slightly to be more in tune with other classes. I realize balance is a tricky beast, but sometimes when introducing new classes yall really go overboard.

    -Take off the annoying exploit where you can’t rez in combat, more than half the time we aren’t even in combat and I still can’t rez.

    -Introduce mounts into WVW, the movement speed of all characters is pretty unbalanced anyways. Obviously if you are brought into combat you can’t use your mount.

    -Limit number of players who can have commander tabs on at one time.

    -Introduce a commander rating system, no one wants to follow a bad commander.

    -Introduce better rewards for being the number one world spot before reset.




    -Increase rare drop rates.

    -Institute legendary weapons as a possible drop for PVE content, not every player has the time or money to commit to create a legendary weapon. Also, map completion shouldn’t be mandatory to make one.

    -Stop with the useless runes and gear that no one obviously wants. Unless I am getting exotics, don’t get me a bunch of useless stuff. Its not fun to zerg for hours or pve for hours only to get my inventory full every 10 mins with stuff I don’t need.

    -Introduce New Elite sigils and Runes that would have higher stats then Superior. Quality of these items would be Ascended. The rune would have 7 to 8 stats depending completely on their bonuses, weapons would also play a part in completely all necessary stat placement to complete the rune.




    -I realize that the marketplace is mostly player controlled, but just like in real life there needs to be some king of regulation of that market. Especially, for some of those items that are going for over 2000 gold. Reduce the price by half of all items above 2000 gold.

    -Considering legendary weapons are nothing more than cosmetic, offering no stat increase from ascended. Then they shouldn’t be worth more than 100 dollars in real life money.

    -Make it possible to players to sell ascended items at weapons, not just crafting material.



    -Reduce the number of nonessential NPCs in the world. The amount of EXP you get from killing them are minuscule at best and aren’t efficient enough for farming. Furthermore, often times they are more annoying getting involved in fights or slowing you down while you travel.

    -Introduce more diverse mounts.

    -Add the ability to teleport to party member.

    -Add Elite only areas on PVE map, a place where a party of 2 people or more are required to go to and fight Elite/Legendary bosses.

    -Raise character level cap to 100 to help contribute to Elite status.

    -Introduce the ability to start HoT or PoF story with one character and have the ability to continue that story at the same spot with a different character. Which only makes sense, considering you can replay story missions anyways.



    -Introduce more game modes into PVP; For example: a football orientated game mode.

    -Have better PVP rewards and titles.

    -Raise power level cap.

    -Introduce the ability to acquire a legendary weapon by competing in the highest levels of PVP.



    Class Rebalancing:

    -Fix retaliation buff and make it work against conditions as well as direct damage.

    -Increase base health stats for all characters. Getting “one-shotted” shouldn’t be a possibility.

    -Fix the staff weapon on guardians and make it more viable than just being a buff stick.

    -Increase scourge AOE cooldowns and reduce AOE sizes by 25%. Increase number of targets the AOE’s can hit to 10.

    -Increase base movement speed by 25%. We shouldn’t wear stats we don’t want, just so we can move a little bit faster.

    -Increase range of Mirage Elite teleport from 450 to 1000, decrease to charges to 2.

    -Make Thief Deadeyes more viable in WVW, literally never see one.

    -Fix Renegade Class, just never see any so I am assuming the class is awful and misplaced.



    -Have the option to auto ignore guild invites.

    -Take responsibility and permanently ban spammers, not by their account but by their IP Address.

    -Increase rare drop ration for the Mystic Forge and increase number of available recipes.

    -Create a real/large casino in Lions Arch, with actual games and good prizes. The casino in PoF is utter garbage.

    - Introduce AOE taunts into the game, there really is no place for tanks and they should be just as important a DPS class.

    -Increase number of gems you receive for real currency.

    -Introduce dueling into the game, as well as wagers for the outcome of the duel. Example: Gold, Items, Gear or Skins.


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