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Posts posted by patricide.1062

  1. The sky is not falling.


    Y'all are honestly stuck on refusing to do what an Engineer has always excelled at since the game came out: comboing with your fields. I can still pump out silly healing numbers and cleanse silly amounts of conditions all while staying alive and on tag in a group of ~20. I've seen people say things like "I don't have time to blast," so I have to say that if you can't figure out how to combo with your or someone else's fields in the middle of a hectic fight then you ought not be playing an Engineer spec in big fights. Sometimes you can't find a spot to lay down a field and that's OK, so make sure you're blasting with Soothing Detonation. There will be a Light Field out and about when Guardians lay down symbols, that's AOE condition conversion + healing right there. Yeah yeah, I know, "it doesn't make my numbers POP so I don't like it." Who cares? This is WvW we're talking about. Your HP/s matters far less than your ability to heal the right people at the right time. You gotta lose the PvE mindset of "ArcDPS numbers are all that matter."


    For real, dropping a Supply Crate in a water field when you are missing health can heal for upwards of 26k, all across about 10 near instant procs, meaning I'm not even overhealing with it. I might save 4 people from death and top off 8 more people at half health with that many procs. Yeah, it's on a long CD and it didn't add much to your total healing numbers but you definitely just saved the group to live on to fight for another push with just that one skill.


    Just learn to use your skills when they matter most. That includes Elixir U.


  2. I know I'm late to the discussion but I'd like to clarify a few things:

    Most things proc off of MDF no matter what health you are, notable exception for Rapid Regeneration:


    Also I've noticed Vital Burst not proccing MDF if I'm not missing health, but that might be because it gets prioritized to others when full (as mentioned above).


    You folks are underestimating the healing power of Supply Crate. The overcharge of the Healing Turret in there heals for ~5.9k alone. Bringing Soothing Detonation along for the ride makes your water blasts absolutely insane to use with Supply Crate. I often burst heal for ~13k and cleanse a lot of conditions when utilizing Supply Crate with any water or light field. I mean, the coefficient for the overcharge is 0.5, which is a whole heck of a lot.


    Try it sometime.


  3. > @"michelada.2947" said:

    > ¡That's my point! , we are forced to use kits and i hate that, no other class is "FORCED" to use a single utility from their skills set , just engis ( Revenants don't count they have 2 utility set)


    So... you want the class to be amazing without having to use the core mechanics of the class because you don't like the core mechanics? That... doesn't make any sense.

  4. > @"Pride.1734" said:

    > I don't know if i should even engage in coversation with a guy who thinks ele is meta right now rather than rev.


    > I'm talking about wvw zerg play. All engi variants are still trash tier there.

    > Also i don't agree at all about build diversity now. Now you have to invest most of your build to even have some semblance of condi clear.


    Maybe try organized group play instead of zerging. Seriously. My Scrapper converts just stupid amounts of conditions, an average of ~2.7/second. All the while having 3k armor, 21k HP, ~2400 power, 32% crit (52% when Fury is inevitable applied), 175% critical damage, 100% boon duration (synergizes so well with Purity of Purpose), all along with very strong CC (that 1,200 range pull, wow!), a mobile water field that pulses Protection (arguably one of the most important boons in WvW) that also cleanses, no, CONVERTS conditions into boons along with all of the other tools a Scrapper has to convert conditions. I'm regularly throwing out 4 seconds of Alacrity, tons of Aegis with all of the burns that fly around, Retaliation, Might, Regen, etc.


    My Scrapper is contributing significantly to damage output, mobility, and survivability for the entire group. Not to mention I have an AOE stealth that helps Spellbreakers rush in undetected to drop a bubble. Shoot, the poor pathing of the Gyros can be used to your advantage in a big fight, even. The backliners in my group LOVE my stealth gyro because it's almost always right on top of them as we move so their survivability increases a significant amount.


    OR, you can play a heal variant to take advantage of all of the regen and the stupidly OP Compounding Chemicals that has a .9 coefficient. Get ~750 healing power to stack with Energy Amplifier and every time you apply a boon to yourself you heal for ~930. Or, you can tweek it a bit and lose Anticorrosion Plating for Medical Dispersion Field, stack outgoing heals, and provide constant medium heals to your entire party while still doing a lot of cleansing and boon output (though admittedly not as much as before) when coupled with all of the ways to provide passive regen, active regen, and healing to yourself (minus backpack regenerator, sadly).


    The point is, you can build a Scrapper that can stand in the frontlines, do damage, provide support, provide CC, and even pull squishies into a bomb. You can augment your group if you know what you're doing. You're a liability if you don't. I've not once had a problem getting ANY group to let me tag along on my Scrapper.

  5. Hey, guys. Why don't you blast my mobile water field that pulses 2 seconds of protection 5 times in 5 seconds (if you're building for boon duration, which I don't see why you wouldn't now), cleanses 5 conditions while it's pulsing and oh, all of those conditions are now boons. Let me Fumigate and turn 5 more of your conditions into long lasting boons. Let me pop my healing skill which now converts two more conditions into boons... and the list goes on. Scrapper just became MUCH more viable in big and small groups in WvW. I don't know or care about the other game modes, but from a WvW perspective these changes are wonderful. I am now a condi-cleansing, boon spamming machine that can still stand in the front lines and do damage and CC and grant group stealth to stragglers and pop a mobile reflect bubble and a 1,200 range pull and a 2 second block that grants barrier and another 2 second block and a closer that evades and has leap finishers and a massive AOE damage spike (Hammer 2) that also reflects and and and....


    Scrappers were already versatile, this just added another tool into the kit (get it?) For those of us who can adapt, the age of the Boongineer is dawning (at least as soon as I finish getting that Charged Quartz!)

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