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Posts posted by Comus.7365

  1. > @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

    > > @"Comus.7365" said:

    > > not sure why people find the idea so offensive. from what i remember in spvp you pick your weapons and the stats you desire for your build and you're ready to go.

    > > in what way does that become a negative? i even saw someone say it would be bad for build diversity. how?


    > The pvp stat amulets are locked into specific combinations, people in WvW like to use multiple different stats combinations on seperate gear pieces and min/max them for more build variety. It's more fun than just picking 1 trinket with all stats imo. So the build diversity thing is mostly about reducing the amount of player input on your stats. Double if they decide to remove pve runes/sigils and opt to use the pvp ones.


    > There's a case to be made for ease of entry for new players but imo it's too late to change to something like the amulet system now that people have invested all their time and gold into obtaining gear/infusions for wvw. Also anet is working on the legendary armory/template thing which basically accomplishes the same as long as you spend the gold to obtain full legendary gear. I don't see them launching that and then going to pvp system.


    > But yeah this topic has been brought up dozens of times and always goes the same direction, nowhere.


    oh ok i thought they had access to the same thing just that theirs was gear independent.

  2. i think the condi roamer build on meta battle is probably better for wvw. i run a slightly modified version myself with null field and the illusion signet.(more access to chaos aura and confusion through combos) .

  3. > @"Cuks.8241" said:

    > I think many here underestimate what the average player can do. I don't think average player has issues with Hot or Pof or really any open world or story content. Some parts might be difficult for an average player and it is not average to solo Hot champs but in general Hot is just fine.


    > I also think an average players accepts that some difficulty needs to be overcome and actually likes it because this is after all a game and that is kinda the point of games.


    > I also think Anet is very well aware by now what an average player can do and is releasing content based on that. Easier strikes and Drakkar are aimed at the average player. Can you really say that Hot is above in difficulty compared to that?


    > I'm sorry but if someone never makes it above 50g or has difficulty traversing Verdant Brink (not on day 1 but with some time and effort) he is not average. He is either way below average in mechanical skill or general knowledge of the game (maybe boosting to 80 and trying Hot on day 1) or is just a big old entitled whiner. In the end this is a game and some effort is needed to beat it.


    > Also I don't know what other mmorpg you played but GW2 is on the easy side compared to other mmorpgs. It is a bit more action platform though so that might be the difference.


    i think the difference lies in the story telling bit. most games you can just blaze through it without much effert and then you get to the challenge. this ones trying to force the challenge on you before you even bother to care about it.

  4. i do not subscribe to the challenge = fun idea. so far pretty much every boss fight i've done in the game has just been frustrating and left me with the feeling that i never want to do them ever again. not once have i thought "wow that was fun". trying to have more of that kind of stuff everywhere would certainly kill any interest for me.


    this is coming from someone who likes fighting other players mind you.

  5. with how builds work you either commit to smallscale or large fights. so if you're running around trying to fight players in the latter category they won't really stand a chance. so they're most likely only trying to get back to their group. i mean i'm not going to swap to a roaming build if i'm just running back to a larger fight.

    usually there are some spots where people gather for the types of fights you want. learn the maps and you'll eventually see where they gather.


  6. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Comus.7365" said:

    > > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

    > > "Conclusion - you don't need (too much) gold. You need patience. You can complete the Frostfang in one year playing 30 minutes per day. With some sessions of extra time for map discovery. "

    > >

    > >

    > > a 1 year commitment to a game.. hmm

    > >

    > > i just started looking into crafting and leveled weaponsmithing up to 500 since i noticed i had unlocked some nice ascended recipes. when i was done leveling that i sat at less than 10 gold. looked up what the expected cost would be for 1 of those weapons (2.5k gold) and instantly lost interest.


    > MMOs are designed to be played long-term, for thousands of hours over several years. Some of us have been playing GW2 for over 7 years now and it's still a relative new comer compared to some games. Of course that won't appeal to everyone, but there's plenty of other games out there with shorter lifespans, or you can play an MMO and accept that there are some long-term goals which won't be practical to achieve, and that you'll miss whatever is released after you stop playing.


    eh i feel this approach is just overkill. it's like play the game for years and you'll be able to get the thing you wanted passively(which by then you'll probably don't even want anymore) or shell out a lot of money to get it now.


    but whatever.. i'll just stick to exotics.

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