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Posts posted by eyelogix.1654

  1. > @"lLobo.7960" said:

    > This will not improve your pvp experience.


    > Currently there are a few reasons people afk in a match:

    > - They want to tank their rating (to either boost someone else up or to stay in low div for easy games)

    > - Wintrading

    > - AFK pip farm (only really common on bronze or low silver if at all)


    haven't seem that many afkers in silver thou.. might be more common in bronze..

  2. Could ArenaNet possibly add a character of TB as a memory. He was kind of a big deal in the game industry imho.


    He made a video about this game as well before it was released, and needless to say. He did have an impact in most of the gamers lives through YouTube and Twitch.

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