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Posts posted by Chazz.6709

  1. As a veteran player for like 4 years:




    Just for the elite specs and curious about how they gonna be . I REALLY LOVE ANET'S TEAM , which are creating those specs ! their idea's are amazing . So far i really enjoyed all of them ( some took some time , due some changes or wasnt as good as anet wanted them).They are a big point for me to buy the next expansion. So much fun and new stuff to try out and explore with them.


    Mounts and glider were both great ideas , but i feel like mounts brought some troubles like certain advantages over other players,which kinda feels like p2w,while gliders could help , but wasnt as op as mounts are. Atm i really cant imagine me any other idea currently about what anet gonna add as next , which is kinda good and bad at the same time , since it kinda worries me. It's basically anything any other mmorpgs kinda got except glider , but mounts and they are faaaar more better than in any other mmorpg.


    Hot was the thing that changed alot and was great , since it added masteries to tyria , fractals and hot maps themself. So you played new content and old content again to get masteries , which was really cool. Also the story was interesting as sylvari , which is a really unique experience and i loved it alot. ( Still want some kind of sylvari corrupted option !). Also those metas and maps are faaaar more better because it's jungle and jungles are always far more mysterious and dangerous,while desert maps was mostly dull like in any other mmorpgs , however anet did had some nice map design in pof . Also those new maps are cool and bad at the same time, since they brought something more than we encountered before More dmg , more cc and a lot of nasty abilites like chak stacking debuff that slows you down and makes you more vulnerable . Pretty op if you ask me considering how fast they can spam that shit on you without mastery . it's sometimes really a struggle against them and also all that cc and more dmg increase like those frogs with their bows. Cool idea , but sometimes it's not really fun to get two shooted by an bow frog , which kinda ambushes you,while you heavily focused with other frogs or enemies.


    The enemy design are also really interesting with a real bitter taste in my mouth, when i look at hot and pof. I notice alot more of nasty conditions and alot of more cc also more damage.


    Yes i know pof mobs and hot mobs are easy to kill sometimes if you know how , but still some of them can be really nasty and ruins your whole experience . Yes i know we have tryhards , who welcome this challenges , but still a little less cc stuff wouldnt be bad for me.

    Pof mobs are also interesting , but also way more annoying. I really dont like to fight awakeneds like that abominations ( still no clue how to deal with it kinda ) or those lifestealings enemies amd dont let me talk about those forgeds. Interesting and tricky combinations i give you that anet, but i feel rather forced more or less to have someone around me or some friends atleast to go around in pof to be able to fight certain enemies, but so does hot.

    However their hp's in pof are some kind of improvement less champions like frog champion or balthazar , which can be luckily cheesed with stealth atleast that balthazar champion. Those are a great example of what anet shouldnt do that much. Yes maybe 1 hp per map like this is okay , but not more please :^)


    The story in pof was .... interesting , but somehow not really what i expected kinda ... it felt general classic mmorpg story. Balthazar could have some great potential to be like Scarlet and toying around with us or something like that , but no he just vanished and died , while causing another stronger becoming problem : MAGIC. interesting stuff , but also a stuff that is a bitter taste in my mouth. Now we have aurene , which getting less "Noticed" ? You see her sometimes , but meeh , thats it.

    Joko is interesting or started to become interesting and then poof. strange ways.


    The enviroment looks always great. It's refreshing and amazing to see. Also amazing to see and run around to explore more little details and how much love they put into and much aids they made certain places ... is sometimes stunning D: ... I like their map designs alot ... All of it. I couldnt spend so much time on it , but i try to not enter certain places , since they are crowded as fuck with aids enemies.


    If we really get underwater expansion. I really hope they will do some good stuff to it. Cool for underwater combat get some love , bad in , that there could be more options to become really annoying to dodge certain stuff and their aoe scripting. I would see some massive problems in it and i hope if they do it . they better take their time , take deep breath and think logical about what they do and what they can do and if they add new elite specs give them also not only underwater skills also skills for onland :^)


    Another thing that i kinda worry is ... I'm mainly a pve player , but from what i hear about pvp and wvw it's get worser and worser which every expansion and getting less love than pve does . Also I think before hot . there was much more class variations and now it's far more limited . Same goes for raids. The community is changing , making it difficult for anet to create new classes kinda, since as a game creator you really want to see all your classes :D or peoples enjoying every piece of it.

    So i kinda fear that if the next expansions doesnt change something pvp and wvw ... going to get some hard times probably.

  2. Scrapper is really cool for support and that function gyros can be very handy :D i always liked to use it to rezz ppls , who are down , while i was more or less playing as power engineer and did my dps , but anet somehow buffed/nerfed scrapper at the same time. It's not good as it was once , since 20 sec stealth gyros was cool in pve , but oh boy those pvp/wvw/ pve non splitted changes , hitted us badly several times :( . Gyros got improved , but still their problem is the AI , which still sucks balls sometimes.

    fun class to play for sick skips , if they dont target your gyro or for some easier time in certain situations.


    Holosmith is a class that adds alot of cc and sustain coming with it too. It's a class , which offers you alot of stuff , Stability , Barrier , cc , passive regeneration ( better than from scrapper) no ai and some group support.Also alot of mobility and some handy stuff , which makes holo faaar more superior in most situations in pve atleast, since it opens up alot of great trait synergies.


    If it was hot as mentioned above i would really tell you to go scrapper , but now it got just hitted hard and somehow buffed. So it's now a tankier spec , that can be used as a healer , but due meta and other stuff no one wants you to be a engineer healer or rather asking you to go for holo to fullfill your cc duty.


    it's a pity and sad ....


    actually im curious about current benchmarks from scrapper ? anybody knows it ?

  3. i dont mind jumping puzzles the way they are . They are in some collections and are sometimes really funny and some of them are like a question about collision and painfully experience to restart , where i wish sometimes they would remove that "NO mounts /Glider" stuff in jumping puzzles. I mean we could do what we like ... Btw im talking about the core maps jps, but well still kinda is a bitter taste in my mouth liked the variation more, since i did them the normal way or with mounts or glider . You actually had to think about how to "cheese" and be creative , thats what i like the most :) ... but thats just my opinion.

    Also they are dailies too :D

  4. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > Ye i liked how it was done in se2. 2 maps woth deep replayability and missions taking part in the old world as well.


    > And luminecent armor Kreygasm.


    Thanks for reminding me .... im still working on that armor lol .... im always getting distracted by all that stuff , which im doing atm ... geeez :^) ..... but yes was cool sometimes to go back . I really enjoy it also to go back to old maps . So new players can atleast see some high level "players" and dont feel like old maps are abadoned or anything like that.


    > > > @"Chazz.6709" said:

    > > >

    > > > well but also dont forget you also lose it rather quick , which is why it would be cool to have a better end reg and/or full endurance at the beginning and as mentioned above no one of those mounts will be useless , even IF the beetle got "buffed". You still need the long leap from raptor , Jackal for portal , Bunny for jump, Skimmer for passing water/quicksand and griffon for enjoying maps from above.

    > >

    > > The 3rd mastery enables you to regain endurance faster. I haven't unlocked it yet so I don't yet have a feeling for how well it works, but it's there.

    > >

    > >


    > You should unlock all the masteries before you start trying to assume things

    > The 3rd mastery actually take some skill and timing to use other wise its pretty much useless. IF you Fail the trick mid air by hitting the ground before you complete the trick you lose on average more energy than you gained for attempting the trick. Not to mention this is only useful when you are in the air.


    > My buff would be to restore energy by drifting as well as performing mid air tricks.


    but you can't drift always perfectly ... so you may end up with a second skill that punsih you hard to gain endurance ... also i think drifting doesnt last as long as those tricks ( atleast from my tries i did so far , but im not really comfy with it ). I really just would like full endurance and faster endurance regeneration and that trick thing as a little reward ... just for fun, even if you sadly cant pull it off always.


    ANET PLEASE GO DO IT ! Change the beetle ! give it full endurance and done ! :^) Please stop this madness ! :D .... give us this decent mount we want ! :D Dont believe those peoples with their lies about Raptor / jackal useless. They probably havent tested or played them for long enough :D

  6. > @"TamX.1870" said:

    > > @"Chazz.6709" said:

    > > True :D , but still we dont need too many champs :D ... however i agree with what you said o/


    > I know, I know, and I hope it is temporary, but as veteran the beetle was killed in like 2 seconds, which meant that some of us - like me - needed to wait few respawns and have quick reactions to tag it before it died :) I went to see it now, and it is now much better for the amount of people wanting to kill her/him, now it takes like 30-60 seconds, so you have more than enough time to tag it :)


    Nice glad to hear that ... however for tagging you could use a necro , dh or ranger to tag stuff tbh ... like i did makes it way more easier , of course you need to know it's spawn location :D , still i hope they change it back later for the next coming generation of ppls , who want that mount :^)

  7. > @"Tasida.4085" said:

    > Blame it on the greed of the players instead. Most people feel they have to burst things sadly ruining it for many. I waited 30 mins or so after it had been burst twice before. We kept pointing out to the people showing up to just use auto attk so all could tag. Everyone followed that and 15 of us got the tag then. Same for the Spider Queen. It's the players NOT anet.


    EXACTLY ! ... which kinda surprise me tbh ... back in the days tags and chat complained about more dps or stop doing autoattack and being usefull .... now it's kinda the opposite lol ... i blame raids lmao :D .


    Well actually i was expecting to sit longer on it , but nope i didnt . i was rather quickly done with it :D and as i mentioned once it's strange ...


    > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Chazz.6709" said:

    > > > @"Andy.5981" said:

    > > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > > > Part of this also comes down "don't be an kitten". It is not necessary to do your full DPS rotation on it. This one of the times where 1111111 is the right thing to do.

    > > >

    > > > Totally agree, same happens with the Spider Queen part too. Far too many players refuse to listen to the voice of reason to not use Mount skill 1, to turn off pet autoattack and not to drop tons of AE all over the place. Pressing 1 a few times gets the reward.

    > > >

    > > > Hopefully the Devs will listen to the feedback.

    > > >

    > >

    > > well anet heard you guys ! it's now a champion ! A GROUP EVENT CHAMPION LEVEL 80 ! HURRAY ! ... let's hope they dont forget to change it back later , after ls4p3 is "no longer uptodate."


    > Heh did they? :)


    > There is an event in Mount Maelstrom that used to have a veteran spider but it had the HP of a champion. They "fixed" it by making it a champion but it became a champion with the HP of a veteran.


    WOW ? really ? :D didnt know that :D but yes they did in one of the previous patches you can read it :D

  8. I finished this map asap to get beetle and finish story and got my mp's ( most of them) .

    One of them locked is behind a grinding collection,which is .... yeah .... i dont know .... i will work slowly on it maybe im not sure. Meta is just an amazing hp sponge golem, which is not really funny tbh and i dont want him to become pure cancer like one hit attacks or mechanics overload like certain fractals *cough*... There isnt much that holds me on this map, which i dont mind tbh.


    Beetle... well currently im going around with him and trying to test it and to see , if it's really a bad thing for raptor or jackal , if this thing gets buffed. Current state: Nope not in the slightest. It's still get 2-3 shooted easily. It's just can speedboost and lose it also as quick as it gained speed. On some maps you just cant use it and you are better to go with raptor or jackal , however i saw alot of peoples driving around with beetle without speedboost or so and complaining how op this mount is , while other ppls are blasting through them with raptor or jackal.

    For my taste it really needs full endurance :I and faster endurance regeneration, but oh boy ... peoples really fear that a mount that can pull and leap over long gaps or a mount that can pass through portals , provide some barrier and controlling dodging , while climbing hills with ease could die , because of a beetle that is slow as fuck uphills, got a shitty engage skill, cant be used in tight areas or in crowded areas , can't dodge any attacks so it can get as quickly as dismounted as you mounted up on it and cant be used over water and loses speed rather quick once it hit something or you turn left or right really is able to kill a raptor and a jackal ? :D please guys :^)


    Anyways a bit off topic , well what i do are fractals , hot metas , daily gatherings , chatting with peoples , meeting new peoples , doing raids, doing dailies , craft stuff , work on upgrading my 23 characters to asc gear and maybe one day making all full legendary ( which i highly doubt lmao ), switching and playing my classes , collecting map currency and testing new stuff on my characters or driving around with my beetle for further results and testing or messing around with other mounts.

  9. I'm kinda tired of those "bugged and failed launches" yes i know those happends , but if anet would take more time for them . They would be probably much better. Map design is amazing and glorious tbh. It's amazing how different each maps kinda looks like, however those things mostly doesnt keep player for long. It's the stuff you can do there like metas . I mean check Silverwaste ! It's a ls2 map and it's still active and i still like to play it because it feels glorious to do. Also it got so much variation. Defending a fort with siege weapons , Support supply bulls to upgrade forts, open chests , kill legendaries that spawn randomly and protect certain npc and then engage the vinewrath !


    This is a pretty amazing example. I wouldnt say new maps are bad ... well visualwise atleast , but the content there is pretty weak. I mostly just go on those maps. Check mp's gather them , unlock mp's and hope they are usefull,which are currently getting weirder and weirder everytime ... i mean i get those ideas behind them , but the way how anet release them is rather strange.


    It would be cool maybe that some stories will be on one map and slowly additionals events or stuff are getting added on this map. I dont think it's makes more difference , but it would be something. Also keep in mind we may need to get atleast 4 more expansions ,since we have 4 more dragons out there to destroy ! :^).

  10. > @"Andy.5981" said:

    > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > Part of this also comes down "don't be an kitten". It is not necessary to do your full DPS rotation on it. This one of the times where 1111111 is the right thing to do.


    > Totally agree, same happens with the Spider Queen part too. Far too many players refuse to listen to the voice of reason to not use Mount skill 1, to turn off pet autoattack and not to drop tons of AE all over the place. Pressing 1 a few times gets the reward.


    > Hopefully the Devs will listen to the feedback.



    well anet heard you guys ! it's now a champion ! A GROUP EVENT CHAMPION LEVEL 80 ! HURRAY ! ... let's hope they dont forget to change it back later , after ls4p3 is "no longer uptodate."

  11. > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

    > > > @"Chazz.6709" said:

    > > > its needed for a jumping puzzle :D . so no :D

    > >

    > > Wait, people still do that without a springer or griffon?


    > I saw someone doing it the original way last week, so yes. :)


    Yes ! some peoples does. Dont forget not everyone owns hot or other expansions. I still see and know peoples , who own only the base game.


    Also let's be honest it's really funny to sit down there on your bench of final judgement and enjoy how almost everyone hit that rope lmao xD

  12. > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > The whole point of any mount is that it doesn't render another mount useless. If the Roller Beetle's endurance bar would be full the moment you mount it, nobody would take out their Raptor anymore. Also, don't forget that the beetle accelerates when you go downhill, regardless of special mount skills. If you mount it on even ground it will never pick up speed, until the endurance bar is full. It's also equally as fast as the griffon so it won't make that mount pointless either. And the beetle might be fast after use of the endurance bar, but it's also not very manoeuverable, giving it another drawback compared to other mounts so as not to supplant them. I feel the new mount is in a fine place, and the old ones remain as useful as ever.


    well but also dont forget you also lose it rather quick , which is why it would be cool to have a better end reg and/or full endurance at the beginning and as mentioned above no one of those mounts will be useless , even IF the beetle got "buffed". You still need the long leap from raptor , Jackal for portal , Bunny for jump, Skimmer for passing water/quicksand and griffon for enjoying maps from above.


    >I would be fine if they change the beetle to the "better" beetle as people already mentioned it. Allows you to be fast to get from point a to point b under certain Conditions( water, Hills, tight places), maybe for farms or tagging enemies it might be a problem, since peoples cant tag it.


    ^see it still got it's flaws even if they would do it. So you would still take raptor and jackal. Also currently im testing it on other maps and even if its fast it can be dismounted in 2-3 hits in some places you better to go with other mounts.Run around in pof/hot/tyria . You will see , that the beetle will have some struggle on all maps , where other mounts are better :D

  13. > @"TamX.1870" said:

    > > @"Chazz.6709" said:

    > > > @"starhunter.6015" said:

    > > > It has now been updated to Champ status

    > >

    > > well hope ppls are happy now , but i will feel sorry for ppls coming and doing this collection in the future. Also whats the deal with this ? i mean come on! 15 minutes of waiting ? hell i waited even 1 hour to get the kill ( was afk sometimes due food and other stuff). Still i had no reason to flame other ppls. Now when i go on those maps and check map chat. It's equal almost like raids squads or maps with big metas :^) lmao ... peoples these days.


    > (1) its status can be switched back to veteran later, (2) there are also other higher "ranked" mobs in the list. So in general, I can't see a problem :)


    True :D , but still we dont need too many champs :D ... however i agree with what you said o/

  14. > @"starhunter.6015" said:

    > It has now been updated to Champ status


    well hope ppls are happy now , but i will feel sorry for ppls coming and doing this collection in the future. Also whats the deal with this ? i mean come on! 15 minutes of waiting ? hell i waited even 1 hour to get the kill ( was afk sometimes due food and other stuff). Still i had no reason to flame other ppls. Now when i go on those maps and check map chat. It's equal almost like raids squads or maps with big metas :^) lmao ... peoples these days.

  15. It's free thats true ,however you are kinda force to get it.


    So you can get spirit shards and maybe have a better time on next following maps .


    Is it worth it ? Well ... it's fast , but at what price. Currently im doing my tests in other maps than kourna. For example tyria maps , hot maps and pof maps. My experience so far. The Lack of the not full endurance bar at the beginning and slow regeneration ,let you be faster dismounted than you may like, while you have better time with jackal and raptor , which makes it harder to get dismounted .

    I really like the beetle , because it reminds me at a bicycle, however if you go up a hill. You are slow as fuck and an easy target.Same while you are on full speed. Some enemies can still snipe you down with 2-3 hits.Really annoying then to wait for endurance bar to get full after 10-15 seconds (!).


    It's worth for driving on less crowded maps with almost no objects that ruins your speed,that also quite limit it and probably let you run on jackal and/or raptor superior or even griffon.It's fun , but meeh. Usefullness is not really that high, because of that lack of endurance.

    If you want speed get it , if you expect it to be usefull ? Only for breaking walls for following maps. Any other "landspecific" mount like jackal , raptor and griffon are waaay more superior.

  16. Hmm ....


    full endurance and a bit off better handling and in one other thread mentioned some controll about how much you want to spent from your endurance for boost would be cool.


    Also i really dont get why ppls cry about raptor/jackal. They got better controll . Better engage skills by far and can do some nice stuff like as OP mentioned precision jumps and jackal can also neglect fall dmg , which the beetle just cant do.( im not sure if the beetle gets actually effect by bunny mastery t4.)

    Also keep in mind for the beetle you put some effort into it like the griffon ( best mount so far) and the jackal and raptor requires just completing one heart and some masteries atleast for jackal.

    However both of them wont lose its usefullness in my eyes, since you need jackal for portals still and raptor for jumping over certain gasp.


    So i dont see any sense in those "Beetle is too OP if they change it "-comments. Unless someone can open my eyes like sometimes you just cant see the problem clearly. So i would like to hear a decent explanation why and think about it . The griffon is also a mount that is still "OP" . Evade, high jump and can fly over enemies head or let you explore maps in a really fast way, if you find a high spot.

    I would be fine if they change the beetle to the "better" beetle as people already mentioned it. Allows you to be fast to get from point a to point b under certain Conditions( water, Hills, tight places), maybe for farms or tagging enemies it might be a problem, since peoples cant tag it.

  17. That idea would also pretty neat


    It also should start at full endurance and it regeneration maybe slightly abit more and dont tell me "But raptor/jackal useless !".... then you probably never tried to skip stuff in open world or didnt checked all maps in gw2 .... on some maps you cant use air tricks OR the beetle because of its fast movement speed , which is kinda good so you can use jackal/raptor , but also their engage skills are far more better.


    Anyways getting off topic abit ...


    I would love to see something like your suggestions :)

  18. I WANT A B-A-T-T-L-E-S-U-I-T !


    Name it golemancer in your chase and please no more ai D: we have turrets and gyros already.


    if we would get some range spec would be cool like someone above mentioned. Only melee is kinda boring :D ,however i want still a BATTLESUIT !

  19. the story was interesting , but ended somehow ... strange and we may go probably back to .... our classic enemies.


    However those crashes were really annoying , BUT(!) i was really happy , that the progress got saved atleast.Also it was cool , that we didnt got forced to do hearts for story .

    Talking about hearts. They were nicely done. Didnt took too long or too short for my taste they were perfect.


    The map currency was easy to get without much of a struggle , which i wont deny, however ( havent explored the full map or every certain merchant) i think there is nothing else except hearts merchants who require that currency.


    The map itself is nice. I liked the splitt up between less crowdy area and more crowdy also how different the map looked on each side.


    The collection for mount was a mix between aids and misleading , but also not too hard. We had some timegated stuff and no events that required certain events to fail/succeed, but i think you guys said by exploring further the map we unlock the mount and that explains ... why we had to do the world boss mkII ? a bit strange.

    Also really neat was that we didnt had to do the WHOLE story or something like that no daily crafting. Felt cool or not another money sink like griffon kinda.


    After some time it was able to finish the collection ,which we finished with some "sweat" . We got our mount. Having a blast .... well after 10 seconds endurance refilling...

    That's one problem with the mount. It need faster Endurance regeneration and full endurance at the beginning.Also may increase it's standard rolling speed ?

    Also with t3 mastery it's kinda focused or made for Kourna . Let us do tricks on land to gain endurance back would be easiest way and start with full endurance at the beginning and may allow us some better handling with it. Mastery t3 could be like


    Option1:" You can perform tricks on Land and on air to regain endurance , while you are boosted.You start with full endurance and improved your handling"( just an idea to make it viable easily for other maps , while pleasing our eyes and watching our character do more tricks.)


    Option2:"You and your beetle had quite along time of practicing and training , which pays out in faster regeneration of endurance and let you start with full endurance at the beginning."


    Mastery t2 doesnt seems to have much of an use atm , which is kinda sad too. like so far i saw it only one place to use it.


    "what about other maps ? like flat maps ?"" .... but but ... Raptor and jackal will be useless !""WRONG! It can't pull together like raptor doesnt cant leap over some cliffs to skip some stuff neither does it provide barrier or can be used in tight areas .Also what about skimmer on land ? He can only shine over water :c poor creature :c


    Also thats another problem. YOU DONT WANT TO USE IT IN MAPS WITH ALOT OF ENEMIES,which sucks ... it really need better endurance management.Also that roll out skill feels strange . CCwise strange bunny superior :^) ... maybe this could be used for our endurance management another option to change endurance management ?


    Overall i really like this mount and it's fun to use,however in it current state it's abit unsatisfaying and less fun to use it unless you find a calm spot without any enemies around and enough place to get some air time to have fun .Please change the endurance on beetle. Make it more fun to use.


    Over and out !

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