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Posts posted by Stinja.9612

  1. If we do go to Cantha, I would assume there's 3-5 legend ideas on the table. Master Togo, Urgoz, Kanaxai, Kunnavang or The Kirin Zunraa. Personally, I would just want Balthazar that plays like a Gilgamesh from Fate stay series, but given the poor balancing of the class i'm sure if it was fun and powerful it would get dumpstered immediately. Given how shiro was dealt with in the first game he shouldnt even be channel-able but yet he is so i dont see why Balth wouldn't be either. If they ever want to give Rifle to rev we'll likely get scarlet as the legend.






  2. "competitive scene"

    This game's "scene" is long since dead and wont be coming back to anything near what it was at its peak, which was still nothing compared to countless other games. Competitive players are all eyeballing Valorant and ow2. There is no money to be won in gw2 and anyone whose serious about competition knows it.


    Everything they've done is either to sell the next set of elite specs or make mediocre bad players live longer to placate their crying. Also they were over-nerfed many of these abilities actually did damage at one point. If one can't or wont dodge roll or use a defensive ability when one sees big moves coming their way, they deserve to die for it, end of story.

  3. Slow+Taunt is ideal for both pve and pvp it lets you cover other conditions in pvp and in pve it rekts the break bar. Weakness on paper sounds good but taking longer for them to hit you due to slow is flat out better than being hit at a normal rate but slightly reduced in damage. My only qualms with the skill is its pretty slow and boring. I wish i could consume the chains to pull them to me or got some bonus to hammers to chained enemies.

  4. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > At the very least, the ground-targetting is in dire need to be reverted.

    > The game needs **less** manual/ground targetting, **not more**.


    Absolutely the wanna-be moba shoe-horning into skills and making them feel awful to use has no place in an action game. This is especially the case in gw2 a game with no way to customize each skill to fast casts/smart casts ect. Blanket setting options for skill behaviors are so terrible in games if anything we should be getting more "overwatch styled" class/character specific skill behavior options over these years to compensate for skill directions they seem to want to have. They seem to think its acceptable to keep putting them in the game even if they're clunky, mediocre, not fun to use, and spam NO LINE OF SIGHT you know the stuff no one wants to deal with ever, period. You cannot have a pvp setting in a game where you cant even count on your abilities to do what they claim to no "pro player" is going to give your game 2 seconds of their time with such amateur level functions and no prize pool to suffer through them for.


    I honestly cant figure out how its so hard to make a skill that plays an initial animation instantly cracking the entire ground of the length of the skill range on cast, it then proceeds to have big red flashes burst from the cracks on a delayed pulses the damage at a staggered sequence to "cascade". Which let us be honest, is the gimmick form of linear attacks/nukes and prolly just recycled from the claw of Jormag world boss fight where the ice pushes you back in sequence. It shouldn't be so hard to achieve the conveyance of the damage/threat from this skill with any bit of common sense. There's a reason Roy originally had the ability do tiers of damage maybe they should have considered reversing it so it did less damage further if players refuse to get good.

  5. It's honestly trash. I'm so tired after almost 8 years of this, the companies inability to not ruin/break things that are fun/working. If you cant figure out a rev with a hammer is going to press 2 why are you even attempting any pvping in the game Lol. If this is what I have to look forward to for "expansion 3's potential e-specs" count me out i'll take my time/money else where to a business that isn't pepega.

  6. All these years later and there's still so many "not in my back yard types!" lol.... WvWers and PvErs will now have more mount skins to buy to support the company to keep developing their game and mode BooHoo. If you're playing an mmo that has expansions at some point you have to also realize you are expected to buy said expansion, its been on sale constantly if you cant afford it you need to re-prioritize things in your life, a game might not be what you should be worrying about at all.


    People who are down die instantly but also keep their precious downstate, they were going to die anyway and soaked up my aoes i wanted to kill standing people with but now lets blame the mount for the death not misplays or bad builds! It just honestly seems like the mindless zergers will never be happy regardless of what they get, why do they even keep playing the game if they hate it so much at this point?


    You want new blood? More pvpers? those people want a meaningful reward they're not going to run around to grind wvw ranks that mean nothing to them and there's better ways to farm karma compared to back in the day. For new blood they have to start somewhere, Alliances are still coming at some point and im sure this was just an update that was ready to go live vs whatever else they were working on.


    You get something, act like its nothing, because its not exactly what you wanted and then complain as if they have no intention to add anything else to the mode. Why would a company respond to that? Its beyond obvious that pvers pay the bills that keep the lights on think about it for more than 2 seconds..


    At the end of the day they should just run in-game community polls like Rune-scape does so you can visibly see metrics as a player without hoping the Devs will give you that information and know exactly what people voted on thus tempering your expectations accordingly.


    Questions as basic as


    Do you feel WvW is rewarding enough Yes/No/Undecided


    Do you feel the WvW xp rates are good enough Yes/No/Undecided


    Do you prefer Large fights (25+) Yes/No/Undecided


    Do you prefer small(5 or less players) pvp encounters Yes/No/Undecided


    Does the Warclaw improve your WvW experience Yes/No/Undecided


    You then know where the majority's stand outside of the many bubbles that exist within game communities. Believe it or not there's people that play all the game modes in the game and don't just tunnel WvW that also have opinions!


    The last point of bring back old wvw, it was vastly worse people used to fly around with hacks and steal the orb with teleports do you recall? The rose tinted goggles are obscuring what actual wvw was like years ago vs what you felt it was like. By that logic elite specs and many stat combos were a mistake and shouldn't exist as well in wvw ect. You don't have to use the mount, but you'll just be left behind and easy pickings for gankers, it is a simple choice really

  7. > @"lombomon.7268" said:

    > * No update to Shared Empowerment to make it more effective and/or interactive. Increasing the number of affected targets was nice though.


    Pretty sure the bug it has where it gives you 5% damage while you have prot is an update, just not an intended one xD


  8. "The delay on F2 skill at any malice level kills the entire patch for me." This sums it up entirely for me, feels terrible from 1 problem to the next get it together...

  9. I absolutely hate the new version of dead-eye in all capacities its flow of play feels awful, it made rifle a weapon that was fun to use straight trash, and it does feel like it was poorly tested/thought out. Though keep in mind folks, "Thanks for the detailed feedback. We'll keep this in mind for future adjustments." that's just how Robert talks, it is not said in some dismissive manner, he actually means it, he does care. Sure it sucks but there's always other games or classes to play i guess while we wait.

  10. The new version of deadeye is straight garbage as i feared it would be. Once again they take something that was fun and make it worse in almost every facet like what they did with S/S rev. It's flow of play feels terrible, its new skill "snipers cover" is absolutely terrible. I've just gone back to daredevil which i don't even really enjoy because of how bad the changes are. If i wanted to "base things on dodge rolls" id play daredevil not deadeye.

  11. This honestly sounds horrible, there's far too many times "big moves" are obstructed by nothing and shadow gust is a terrible skill that is why its not used same with Mercy. It has nothing to do with malice scaling, period and everything to do with poorly made skills vs whats already available and a serious lack of understanding how the classes play in places like WvW. Looks like the only pof elite spec i liked is going to be garbage now in the only game mode i enjoyed, Great....

  12. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > Double sword is really good and the changes to sword 5 make up for the loss of block.


    This is not even close especially not with what you fight now a days. Its especially terrible in wvw builds and it would have been nice to have access to a block with a m/s setup if youre a condi ren.


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