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Posts posted by ChartFish.1308

  1. No. Noooo. Looking at youtube videos demonstrating the attack chain, that animation is *clunky as s h i t*. Not to mention, having it tether like that? Urgh.

    I find the new animation is still more unique than any other sword animation. The auto chain looks like a dance, with its steps and sword twirls.

    Maybe the sword could use some overall improvement to utility, but the auto is fine honestly.

  2. On my pure, *pure* dps build i run eagle over snow owl. My secondary is jacaranda. This because my build is literally the merge, sic' em, zephyr and rapid fire to absolutely destroy most classes.

    I use eagle over owl for ferocious, and because if my target survives for any reason i can quickly distance myself to not get absolutely splattered because i have no defensives. Gazelle has a good sprint, but not as good as the leap + swiftness


    On a regular, more sustainy build i dont think eagle is better over owl.

  3. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > Pretty sure Deadeyes and others would disagree. In fact, many people don't even realize that Mirage's "profession mechanic" was essentially gutted in the last balance update. [Mirage Cloak](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mirage_Cloak "Mirage Cloak") duration was reduced 40% while neither increasing the duration of Superspeed for actually running out of harm's way (since Mirages don't physically move when dodging), nor decreasing the cast times of Ambush skills, the majority of which last 0.5-0.75 seconds longer than the duration of Mirage Cloak. RIP Mirage's profession mechanic of uninterruptible free casting while dodging.


    Youre missing my point. Nerfed does not mean useless. Useless is *literally* useless. Pet dies? For the duration of it's death there's nothing you can do with your profession mechanic. Traits and shouts that depend on two will not get its full use, if any.


    A deadeye can still F1 no matter how weak, a mirage still has access to mirage cloak. Weak does not mean they're unusable. I cannot think of a single profession where an outside source can outright *disable* the profession mechanic.


    Except for the ranger pet.


  4. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > Pet died? Not to worry. Its owner can meld with dead pets and then exit the form to instantly revive them. There are virtually no consequences for pets dying. Boonbeast actually downed? Rangers (yes, the profession in general) have no idea what it's like to worry about being downed. Opponents have to get past their interrupting pets who also rapidly heal their owner, on top of the Ranger's own [Thunderclap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Thunderclap_(ranger_skill) "Thunderclap") which is an AOE daze, arguably one of the most powerful downed skill in the game. Thus Rangers remain irritatingly unkillable even after they're downed.


    Ranger downstate is, yes, aside from the autoattack arguably the strongest downstate IG. However a pet cannot rapidly heal it's owner and interrupt an enemy stomp, it's one or the other. Just saying.


    As for allowing pet revival... well, other classes have no idea what its like to have your profession mechanic rendered useless. Playing a core ranger or druid in this powercreep meta, your pet will not survive even if put on passive. This means traits and utilities will be made largely useless. Switch pets? Youve got a 60 second cd and your second pet will die within seconds.

    Imagine for example that a mesmer would be unable to spawn phantasms upon using a weapon skill because of some dumb reason you cannot control.


    It is infuriating. Most pets have around 11k-20k hp. They cannot evade any attacks, nor heal themselves. They get cleaved within seconds. Beastmode revival is a godsend- finally a way to have some control over your pets HP.

    Either increase pet hp, or let the merge revival stay (with perhaps some tweaks). This system of pet death is ancient and should be changed.

  5. > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:


    While it does help get an idea of what could be the value that's... as you put it, very much an extreme. Doesn't seem to fit either, as I've been reading the official GW2 books where Eir charges 20g for a statue made out of rock (vs 20s for one made out of wood, huge price difference tbh).

    Considering what has been said it really does seem impossible to get a good grasp of coin value when we have so little to go on :(

  6. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Comparing fantasy Tyria introduces more complications, because supply is 100% determined by our labor + chance; it's not tied to anything in nature. Similarly demand isn't tied to cost of living, because that's essentially free in Tyria. We buy soup to improve stats, not to eat We buy a single set of armor per build and that lasts as long as we need. We do not pay for room or board (we don't sleep).


    I see what you mean with the rest of it, though this part kinda goes wonky for me because i'm not talking about anything to do with the player character itself, but the people who actually "live" in this world (yes i know its a video game).


    Basically thinking of Tyria as an alternate reality. Regular people who need to eat, sleep and drink to survive. They need a home to live in, which will cost coin as someone needs to be paid for the property. Where armor wears and tears and needs repairs and replacement etc, where travelers come from far away and need a place to stay overnight.


    Just strike us and the player character out of it fully, ignore the fact that they are NPCs and not real people.

  7. From a player perspective a few coppers and silvers are usually pretty worthless. From the perspective of someone who "lives" in Tyria though, **how much is each coin worth** relative to modern day currency, just for the sake of comparison? Ignoring the TP or anything that changes based on player interaction.

    Looking at different foods sold from NPC vendors I can get sort of a rough idea, ~50 copper for a bowl of soup would equal to what, perhaps $8? A bottle of rice wine is 16 copper, would perhaps become ~$3? How much coin would you need to buy, say a house, or rent a room in a tavern. How much gold would you ideally need to be set for life etc etc.

    I know some stuff can't be really compared with Tyria vs IRL because different worlds, different needs etc, but I'd like to get an idea of what the copper/silver/gold currency is worth.

  8. > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > "remain killable if focused or not called back in certain situations. Removal of the cd increase on swap - it punishes the player for something that is often out of his influence, because there are simply not enough tools to protect the pets, and no other class has to deal with a penalty of such kind"


    This, so much. It feels like if you bring core ranger/druid into a teamfight in spvp as it is atm it dies within seconds and youre burdened by a permadead pet.

  9. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > Lol, my suggestion to remove Might on Dodge food was to help nerf Mirage, Holo, and Deadeye, which boonbunker SB also happens to get a ton from as well. You're taking a wholly different thread about a completely different problem way out of context.

    > MoD food contributes to a lot of rotational play issues found on the aforementioned classes - such as the sustained stealth on DE - which reduces punishment options. Just on Deadeye alone, might on Dodge food extends stealth uptime from camping rifle from 40% to 60%. The food is broken in a lot of interactions, and the failure to see that by the community is a big problem when it has implications like giving Mirage 1200 more units of disengage/mobility sooner than the class is supposed to - up to 3s sooner from the food alone. 3s is a long time to deal with a threat in this game.


    > What do I think should happen to soulbeast?

    > Round 1 of iterative balance. It's not solely just nerfs. More or less shaves from over-performers.


    > - Longbow fixed to 1500 range from 1800+.

    > - Passive Signet of Stone removed from the game. Instead provides bonus vitality.

    > - Eternal Bond removed from the game. Instead makes Beast skill activations heal.

    > - Pet's Prowess nerfed with unmerged pets getting baseline improved ferocity to compensate (buffing core/offensive druid).

    > - Fresh Reinforcement - Removed. Instead applies 2 stacks of stability for 5s, cleanses two conditions, and heals self for 2k.

    > - Sic 'Em dropped to 15% and increased in duration instead. Debuff affects all incoming damage to the target from all targets dealing damage rather than solely the pet/merged soulbeast outgoing to the target (massive PvE/group play boost).

    > - Signet of Stone normalized with Endure Pain via lower duration and shorter cooldown (improved sPvP point control).

    > - Fewer damage modifier traits in Soulbeast with static bonus power instead as they're doing to every other profession to prevent ridiculous scaling hits with MMS.

    > - Reduced mobility on several dominant pets like Arctic Wolf and Smoke Assault (Merged) which feature prominent additional defenses like extra evasion and damage immunity. Increased cooldown on Swoop (Merged) to 20s but provides 1/2s evasion per the GS skill.

    > - Vulture Stance reduced to 20s cooldown.

    > - Griffon Stance removes the slow and immobilize conditions.

    > - Leader of the Pack provides no effect duration penalty to allies.



    > Then we'd go from there.


    ,,, gkjhfg

    - if you wish to "fix" ranger longbow ranger to 1500 then you better ask all projectiles (DH longbow, warrior longbow, elementalist staff, thief shortbow etc) be fixed too. They all reach much further than ""intended"" ranger (longbows reach +1500 range, thief shortbow can actually hit same distance as DE rifle with a bit of fiddling. i think i've managed the same distance on shortbow as kneeling rifle). it's nitpicking but i'm sick and tired of everyone always pointing ranger longbow out as the only offending one when it comes to projectiles like these

    - i've got a feeling doing that would kill the trait off though, unless it does something in addition to providing bonus vitality

    - remove dead or alive trait from game then. also; see invigorating bond. it does the same thing you're suggesting

    - fair enough

    - hm

    - idk about other rangers but i'd prefer the duration be cut instead along a slightly less drastic nerf to % damage (10sec duration of a 40% damage increase is incredibly strong and should not last that long). downside to sic 'em is that there's no defensive utility to it, it's purely damage

    - signet of stone was nerfed. it went from 8 sec to 3 sec, CD from 80 to 40. unlike warrior endure pain the duration can't be increased because there's no trait for it (yes the recharge can be lowered but brutish seals is imply not worth it)

    - yeah MMS is a bit ridiculous.

    - arctic wolf as a dominant pet... since when? surely you mean snow owl. personally i'm against nerfing core pets because they are heavily underused and garbage compared to xpac pets. they need more love. they need to be improved. increasing the CD though on swoop providing it gets an evasion would actually be a fair trade-off though

    - more love for unused stances is always good

    - i'm just happy griffon stance was changed tbh at least it's not a godawful pick anymore

    - also yeah.

  10. > > > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > > > A better view :

    > > > > https://www.facebook.com/GuildWars2/videos/225271718385191/

    > > >

    > > > nice, that bow actually looks pretty amazing. Did they modify barrage cast animation for this bow? Looks different in this vid.

    > >

    > > They did not modify the barrage animation :( still only rains regular arrows


    > The barrage animation is the same for Kudzu too. And they will not change it. Think of Meteor Shower, if it is used with Nevermore, you don't have a legendary animation, but the same old Meteor Shower animation too. So forget about a change for skill 5 :) .


    Yeye but think about it, meteor shower summons meteors, not little auto attack fireballs. Barrage is just arrows. Lots of arrows. From your bow. I feel it would make sense to have it be the same projectile, you feel??

    (I know its same for kudzu and honestly its a crime. And i know they wont change it, but imagine!)

  11. Well you see litany of wrath is 25% of your damage done in healing because 1. You can deal massive amounts of damage and a 100% would be almost certanly a fullheal on use. And 2. You can control it to a certain extent, it's not dependent on other people to work


    MEANWHILE DEFIANT STANCE is 100% dependent on your enemy attacking you. Easiest counter? Just stop. Stow your weapons. Do a /dance. Laff as your enemy gets no value out of their heal. You say conditions are unavoidable healing, but conditions only have such long a duration. You have 3sec to prepare a burst.

  12. > Everyone hunts me down when I go into reaper form.


    That's like... very much the opposite of what people do... it's common knowledge to kite *when a reaper uses shroud*. In fact in your video right there, you enter shroud and the warrior begins to begins kites away..


    It's just kind of a silly play you did. you had what, 5k total hp left and decided to chase the warrior when they kited?


    Don't blame the class if you don't have a hang of the mechanics. Smh

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