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  1. > @"Arimus.8310" said: > Personnally, i've never seen any raids group that are noob open. They always say in the comment ''No Noobs!'' or things like that in the lfg. Plus i really don't know how to begin to prepare my character for raids+ i d'ont know how raids works but the fact that they are really tough and if you're not up to the task you get kicked out very rapidly by the others players... Heya! I train raids frequently, and there's a bunch of resources for getting into them! LFG is awful for new to raid players - I would recommend Raid Academy (if you are on NA) and Crossroads Inn (if you are EU) - these discord servers are filled with many friendly players helping others get into the game mode, and TONS of resources to make them accessible. Links to the servers can be found https://snowcrows.com/raids/training/ << here https://www.snowcrows.com is a great place to get info regarding builds for every class, what classes do well on what encounters, as well as general rotation guides for how to play the classes in a raid setting. Now that said, raids are challenging especially to new players to the mode, but not unattainable! It'll take some time and some work, but you can certainly get into it! Feel free to poke me if you have any additional questions regarding this!
  2. I like dagger WH tempest, hut it is way spookier than weaver for HK. Weaver has so many blocks and evades that it's just silly. But water arcane tempest/weaver is the way to go for sure.
  3. > @"Ashnod.4365" said: > Probably the same issue as: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Choya_Logging_Tool > I hope it's only one of the gathering tools (aka or logging or mining not both). This because of that Choya Logging Tool this has been an issue ever since it was introduced (aka don't expect it to be fixed ever it's why I'm not using that tool anymore). Ah yes that sounds exactly like the issue I've noticed. Thanks! And I've only noticed it on the logging axe (the coolest of the three sadly). But I've run the Dreamcleaver Axe, Molten Mining Pick and Consortium Harvesting Sickle ever since they were released, but these Spirits Tools were the first that looked cool enough for me to buy new... A shame! I do hope they decide to at least give it a pass over as I **feel** like this shouldn't be too hard of a fix? Fingers crossed!
  4. Exploration and combat for sure. Also charr. Exploration - maps are gorgeous and littered with secrets that are just fun to look at and find (and break on occasion). Combat - Fluid and rarely clunky, with enough variation between classes to feel unique. It just feels good to weave skills together in a rotation while maintaining active defenses such as dodging. Charr - big fluffy murdercats. What's not to love?
  5. Spiritslave, mechanic slave, spotter slave - all things druid does that a tempest could but won't because only subs do as they're told. But really, that's pretty much it. I personally prefer bringing a tempest over druid for most of my groups, but druid is one of those classes that does so much mediocrely enough that it's preferred. But in trainings and stuff? You better believe I'm bringing an auramancer. Rebound, raw heals, boon support and respecatble personal damage from a healer all make it shine way brighter than a submarine cosplayer.
  6. I am curious as to these calcs - I've run boon auramancer, shoutbreaker, and heal scrapper and of those the healing style seems so wildly different between them. I'd bring auramancer for solohealing stuff like VG or SH (xtra spicy), but scrapper for stuff like Rainbow Road or WvW. Is there a methodology for accounting for the nature of healing (burst, mitigation, over time), or are all of these numbers on theoretical raw values at 100% efficiency? Just curious!
  7. > @"Icetea.3204" said: > That and the moving due to air 5. There's a bunch of other small things too. Air 5 dagger is a pain but warhorn and focus don't move you, I believe. I haven't played power weaver in so long I don't actually know what weaponsare used on it anymore. But yeah, condi tempest is definitely my recommendation for an easy ele DPS, and with kegendary gear you just swap to all harrier's for what is arguably the best bursthealer in the game (that can still provide like 8K dps if done well) as well as perma prot might fury and regen for their sub. Also more cathartic than druid. :)
  8. > @"Icetea.3204" said: > > Idk man. Power Weaver is super simple and while condi weaver presses a lot of buttons its still a very consistent pattern. Definitely harder than pweaver tho. > I don't agree with tempest being easy tho. Probably one of the hardest rotations to play in an actual fight due to the amount of movement involved and conjures being a huge pita to pick up. Condi tempest doesn't use pickups! Three glyphs, signet of fire, dagger warhorn. Very simple rotation with high damage numbers and utility skills boil down to "generally off cooldown, but glyphs only in fire attunement." Power tempest and weaver both use pickups though, which, while a satisfying rotation are ridiculously hard to get used to.
  9. > @"weaponwh.9810" said: > ty, i always thought tempest have one of the hardest rotation, but got very good dps. btw hows DH rotation? Tempest has a generally easy rotation. Weaver is the Keyboard Buster. Power dragonhunter is middle-of-the-road in terms of complexity but there's a lot of muscle memory and optimiziation of skill use to get the most out of it - namely cancelling aftercasts while being careful not to cancel skills too early, proper positioning and placement of traps, etc. Very good DPS pick if you out in time to master it.
  10. Condition tempest is a super easy DPS class and is acceptable on a large number of fights. Power berserker is also a good one and shares its gearset with Power bannerzerk, allowing you to fill two roles with the same class while still doing respectable damage. Condition soulbeast is also a very easy rotation, all things considered.
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