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Posts posted by JackassTheX.6351

  1. When the end boss starts her storm attack that you need to disrupt by picking up 3 air buffs and jumping into the air, sometimes the storm attack doesn't end and the boss doesn't phase further, even though all storms (and their ground indicators) are cleared. Had this happen in two separate runs. Happens consistently after it happens once in the same instance.

  2. Stores had them maybe the first few months where I'm at (Slovenia), it made for a nice gift option for my GW2 buddies. So sad it's no longer available. I know you can send gold in-game and say it's for gems but there's a 500g cap per week (which is not that many gems) and since I know these people in real-life, it's just nicer to give them something physical (and a beer or something to go with it).

  3. > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

    > > > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > > Its fixed. I was able to get credit for planting banners without any issue today. Yay! I even saw an Anet person doing the event who I assume was testing it out.

    > > >

    > > > Good job on fixing this pretty quickly Anet! Thank you very much!!

    > >

    > > Same, got it after playing for like 20 minutes.

    > >

    > > BTW, before, you said that this was the last "doable" MP on the list - the light puzzles, while they do take some time, are actually really easy if you have the skyscale, and even if you don't, they shouldn't be much hassle. The "Lair" one (where the MP is) even lets you use mounts.

    > >

    > Yea I have done a few of the light puzzles, but I wanted to do them and explore rather then use a spoiler and grind through them just for the ap and MP.



    I only used the guides to find the start of some of them, otherwise they're pretty easy to spot. The whole thing reminded me of Prince of Persia a bit.


    The "Lighting Bjora Marches" one is really, REALLY long and goes from one end of the map to the other, it's amazing.

  4. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > Aren't these requirements just jokes? Nobody pinged anything when i joined those groups for fun.


    Happened to me too, so I guess you're right.


    > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > Dont like the group? Dont join it. People need to stop complaining about how other people play the game when they have options to opt out.


    Sometimes these groups are the only ones on LFG. When I have a choice between waiting for 30 mins to find 10 people or joining a 7/10 party with "100li" and them telling me to eff off even though I know the mechanics and have beaten harder stuff than a 10 minute golem bossfight... I don't know, I just feel we could do without it. Though as the guy above said, they're mostly lols and we went in without anyone pinging anything anyway.

  5. I'm against KP in general because I find it elitist, but... look, I get it. Some people take the game seriously, especially the raiders and fractal folks. If you're doing Fractal CM speedclears or Raids, I get that you want some kind of proof that someone knows the mechanics so that your run has less chance of failing. I've done CMs maybe once or twice but I do T4s daily and I know how frustrating it is to wipe because one person isn't carrying their weight.


    But seriously, people asking for KP in Strike Missions is absoultely ridiculous. I completed Shiverpeaks Pass and Whisper of Jormag twice today with PUGs that had 2 healers, some decent condi dps folks and a few randos just doing their thing. These things aren't hard. They don't give insanely high rewards and they're not really "super prestigious hi-end content". The mechanics are fairly easy to pick up, or explain in one or two sentences.


    I've done the missions so this is not me spilling salt over being kicked from a party for not having KP or whatever. I just think it's stupid and discouraging to a lot of players that want to give it a shot.

  6. > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > Its fixed. I was able to get credit for planting banners without any issue today. Yay! I even saw an Anet person doing the event who I assume was testing it out.


    > Good job on fixing this pretty quickly Anet! Thank you very much!!


    Same, got it after playing for like 20 minutes.


    BTW, before, you said that this was the last "doable" MP on the list - the light puzzles, while they do take some time, are actually really easy if you have the skyscale, and even if you don't, they shouldn't be much hassle. The "Lair" one (where the MP is) even lets you use mounts.


  7. > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > You got credit because the bar was full and one mob alive. The person before probably did all the work got the mastery and just bounced so you killed last mob and got credit. It is explained multiple times in this thread and another but players just click the thread skip to the end and add their frustrations instead of sifting thru to learn. It is not bugged it is annoying and anet could've done a better job but a simple release enough essences to fill the bar before killing all the mobs gets you it everytime


    What they should've done is set a time limit and disassociate the primer success trigger from the state of the mobs. In other words, filling the bar in the time limit should count, and killing the mobs shouldn't affect it counting or not.


    The point of the primer is to fill the bar by releasing the essences and "plant the banners" within the time limit, if we do that, and we get a MESSAGE FROM THE GAME SAYING THE TRIAL IS PREPARED, regardless of whether or not there is one mob left standing (which is the trigger for the success of the EVENT itself), we should get credit.

  8. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > OH one last thing! Banners? What banners? There are no banners of any sort involved in any version of the event. Who wrote this description?


    When you stomp the corpses and the concentric circles go outwards, for a very, VERY brief time, a banner flies down and sticks into the ground where the corpse was. Kind of like a WvW/PvP finisher. It disappears almost completely.


    I've stopped trying to chase this mastery point. I only need 1 more to max out my mastery lvl and I'd rather do the light puzzles. It will take time, but I'd rather be doing puzzles than standing around doing nothing for 2 hours waiting for a finicky event to spawn.

  9. I've successfully done the Aberrant Forest and Bear Shrine variant (so Aberrant and Fallen patrols) twice now, still no credit. By "successfully", I mean that the triangle icon appeared on the map, we press F on the corpses with at least 1 mob alive, filled out the bar and there was a text at the top of the screen saying "The trial is now prepared". We also killed both champions.


    Does ONLY the Svanir variant near Gate of Svanir of this event give credit for this achievement? That's the only one I haven't successfully completed yet. The achievement description does say "Plant Banners to Challenge the SVANIR", but for the other Kodan trials, like the fishing one or the scouts one, either one counts.


    If so, then this is really unfair, badly designed and infuriating. The event itself is rare to start with. I've been playing Bjora Marches for at least 6 hours straight for three days and I've only had this event spawn six times, the other ones, I've done three times over.

  10. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > I agree that the story has moved on enough that it makes sense to update the character select screen (though unlike many, I do like the lighting in the current one, it helps my characters' skin tones look less painted on).


    > However, you should know that Soule has long since left any association with ANet and not in a friendly way. His music company screwed over a lot of players at launch. Certainly left a very bad taste in this particular player's mouth even though I at least actually got the cd's I'd paid for, albeit enough weeks late that the game had launched and I wasn't sitting around just listening to music once I could actually play. In-house composers have subsequently given us much more engaging music with far better character, far more relevant to GW2, and if we are to get new loading screen music we don't need to go looking past them for quality fare.


    Whoa. Bummer.


    That said, PoF theme is probably my favourite piece of all. Whoever made that, is a master!


    > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > I've changed my intro / character creation music to the Map Room theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark (John Williams!). It's much more deserty and ominous than what we were given in Path of Fire.

    > >

    > > I completely agree that a new background and theme music are needed though.


    > And how would someone do that?

    > I want to change mine as well



  11. We've had the same background and theme since PoF released. I get why, it was the latest expansion, but I think it would be cool if we had like an ice-themed character select background and some new theme music from our one and only Jeremy Soule. Just seems kind of strange seeing sand and pyramids and eastern-sounding music when the latest content is Far Shiverpeaks content.

  12. I think you can be both in different areas of the game, as people have mentioned before (especially the lady with 11 legendaries who did nothing but gather).


    If I look at myself, I've gone from casual to hardcore and back a few times. I started out casual back in 2012 and I gave up on the game less than a year in because I wanted to play hard content but there was nothing to really be hardcore on. I came back in 2018 and first, I was a hardcore grinder, doing nothing but farming Elder Wood with the idea of getting gold for creating a meta DPS character so I could finally run T4 Fractals. I then moved to "hardcore" fractal leveling and getting to 100 and getting 150AR. I did NOTHING but dailies and fractals for days, weeks, months even. Fast forward 1 year and I have 5 fully ascended characters with min/maxed meta builds for different roles. Then, when I was able to clear T4s on a daily basis, I didn't feel like going the extra mile for CMs because they seemed too elitist and toxic. So I moved on to farming gold in various ways for a Legendary weapon. I was 100% goal focused and it seemed like "work" in a sense, but it was fun watching the numbers go up and feeling like I'm slowly chipping away at something. Pressing F and zerging around Palawadan isn't really skillful, but the intensity and determination with which I approached it is what I'd call the "hardcore" component of this behaviour. I got two Legendaries that way and now I just play story and do the occasional meta.


    Another example: getting XP in GW is probably the most easy and skilless thing I can think of since you get XP for pretty much anything and everything you do, gathering, events, kills, etc. Yet, when I decided to max my HoT mastery levels, I did all the HoT adventures on Gold daily and I did at least one HoT meta per day. Adventures are sorta hard, but not something I'd call content for "hardcore" players. Metas aren't really hard either. So that's both and nothing at the same time. But again, I'd consider this "hardcore" playing because I dedicated a sizeable portion of my free time to it.


    So TL;DR you can play easy content with a hardcore mentality, or you can play hard content with a casual mentality. Just my 2 cents.

  13. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

    > > Don't waste your time.

    > >

    > > It is TRULY a massive time-waster.

    > > There are many other ways on GW2 to spend your time,

    > > with much greater rewards.

    > >


    > Sure is, but Asgeirs legacy now has T3 chests and if one stays out in that map they may as well do the event when it pops up, plus its AP and thats annoying to obtain.


    I'd be happy just to get the Norn chests from Asgeir's Legacy so I can get the East Bjora Marches Treasure Hunter mastery point. Doing this event 15 times really does seem insane. Like even some of the HoT mastery points weren't that tedious.

  14. GW2 is a very processor intensive game, it brings iGPUs on even higher end CPUs to their knees.


    I built a PC last year with an i7 8700K and while I waited for my 1080 Ti to arrive, I played with the iGPU on that processor, which was I think Intel UHD 620 or something. I barely got a playable framerate on 1080p with everything on lower than low during intense moments (open world events for example). If I dropped to 1600x900 it became smoother but on a 27" screen, it looked really ugly.


    I don't think an iGPU can handle GW2 well but only because GW2 puts so much strain on the CPU to begin with.

  15. Dungeons just aren't difficult anymore because of the slight powercreep introduced over the years by various expansions, especially Path of Fire. If you bring a fractal meta composition into a dungeon, it's like clearing an open world event. The only dungeon that's remotely challenging is Twilight Arbor - Aetherpath or maybe Arah, but Arah is more long than challenging. Plus, the rewards from dungeons suck compared to even the lower tier daily fractals. A full T4 daily fractal run with random folks (3 fractals, around 45 min) with added recommended fractals (another 20ish mins) will yield about 15-20g easily. Dungeons give laughable loot in comparison.


    If you like clear(er) roles, you should play either Raids (which I haven't touched so far), or Fractals, and by that I mean T4 Fractals instead. They don't really require a "trinity" or like Butcher above said, "duality", but IME fractal runs with two support classes, two DPS classes and a Banner Slave or three DPS classes just go down a lot more smoothly. Damage people can focus on their DPS skill rotations and support people can focus on keeping them and themselves alive and stacked with boons.


    I'm really sad that the Druid/Chrono meta isn't run anymore in Fractals because Druid was as close to a straight-up healer class as GW2 could get away with. I used to play Monk in GW1 and I miss being that guy that kept everyone alive (or got yelled at when everyone died, lol). I think that's something that you would have liked if you're into support.


    But like others have said, Quickbrand/Healbrand or Alacrity Renegade are the current most popular support classes. They aren't as essential as a Monk Healer or Assassin Tank in GW1 builds were, but they make life a LOT easier by helping DPS classes rotate faster (through quickness and alacrity) and keeping everyone alive (through blocks, stability and retaliation).

  16. The description on the Wiki says "Claim victory in the Storms of Winter". Then it has four tiers, up to 15 times.


    Do you have to complete it 15 times for the mastery point, or do you get the mastery for just doing it once, and extra AP for finishing the achievement?


    I spent half of today on Bjora Marches and there was zero interest in this meta. I checked the Wiki page and it is LONG. Completing it 15 times seems like way too much hassle for one mastery point.

  17. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > I think it's more likely it would be a single player game set in the Guild Wars universe rather than a new MMORPG, the Guild Wars brand is unknown to console players, it would be good (for the game) to tap into that potential. Of course since it's UE4 it can perfectly run on PCs too. Whatever it is, it shouldn't be GW3, that would be a terrible move.


    A SP title with KoTOR/Dragon Age-like gameplay mechanics would make a lot of sense given GW's story always centering around a group of characters. I'd buy it in a hearbeat.

  18. > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

    > If worse comes to worse, you can change the tool skin to something other than Log-R-Tron.


    Huh! Didn't even cross my mind.


    I went and checked in-game. I have the Cosmic Mining Tool and the Mad Scientist Harvesting Tool which also have its own unique sounds and if you set "My Unique Item Sounds" it mutes the whooshy magic sound and the mechanical sucking noise of each of those, so I expect it would do the same for the Log-R-Tron.


    Thanks everyone, now it just has to actually appear on the gem store.

  19. I played at launch and stopped right around when Living World Season 1 ended. I hated LWS1 because to me it felt like they kept messing with the game and the story too much. Dungeons got boring. There was no real challenging PvE content, nothing truly worthwile to grind for and Fractals at the time sucked. The metagame seemed weird and my Necro main didn't fit anywhere. I quietly watched Heart of Thorns go by because I wasn't a fan of the whole tangled jungle thing. I also had some irreparable client issues. So late 2013 was where I stopped.


    Fast forward to 2018, they drop Path of Fire and I finally got to see Elona in the new engine. Nightfall was my absolute favourite world in any game EVER. I came back in January 2018 and suddenly, Fractals were pretty damn good, the meta seemed to make more sense, the PoF maps were beautiful and fun and the story was pretty decent too. The whole "TV show" format was appealing to me. I spent the whole year grinding real life and GW2 simultaneously and after 1 year, I had two MA theses, five fully ascended-geared characters and two Legendaries, lol. Elder Wood farming and academic writing in intervals, hehe.


    These days I play when LW content comes out and the Skyscale mount was my latest intense time-sink. Haven't had time to binge LWS5 yet. Fractals are another thing that keeps me coming back a few times a week. I put a lot of time and energy creating five characters that can all go into T4 fracs at a moment's notice and I enjoy doing fractal runs because they're short and make me feel like I still did something in-game that was worth the time investment. I guess I'm slowly grinding towards the Fractal Savant title but that's not really something I focus on. Sometimes though I just run around maps and take in the scenery. This game is absolutely gorgeous and I bought a new PC as a graduation gift for myself and the first time I wandered through the Desert Highlands with everything maxed at 1440p, I fell in love all over again. It's also a blast to move around the world on foot or on mounts, I love games with great movement.


    Also, this game has SO many QoL things, it's almost staggering. Build templates and equipment templates were the latest great (if a bit late) addition.


    TL;DR = Fractals, world, episodic format, movement, QoL.

  20. I've finally saved up for my final infinite gathering tool and I want to get the Log-R-Tron, when it comes back, that is.


    I used to do a lot of Orr wood farming and I always found its little quips funny and cute. But I have a feeling I might tire of them if I actually owned one. Can the sounds be turned off with an in-game setting (the My Unique Item Sounds one looks like it might be what I'm looking for)?

  21. As a metalhead and a musician and a regular concertgoer, all I can say is that this event captures the frantic and jolly chaos of metal concerts more or less down to a tee.


    The music is silly, but the good, Venom kind of silly. I'm hoping it's released in some form or other soon :+1:

  22. I tried repairing the client, no dice.


    I also tried clearing the cache in the %temp% folder and it did nothing.


    I think I found the solution, or at least the cause.


    However, while troubleshooting, I forgot a very basic step: close my other background programs, like RivaTuner, ASUS GPU Tweak and Logitech Gaming Software. I closed all of them and the game ran fine. I singled the problem out to RivaTuner Statistics Server, I use it to cap my FPS. I was able to recreate the problem, if I have RivaTuner running, the game won't show anything except the cursor. If I close it, it's fine. Since I rarely (or rather, almost never) reach my 162 FPS cap with GW2, it's not a huge deal.


    This app has never caused any issues in the past either with GW2 or other games, but I did get a large-ish Windows update recently, so something might be bickering after the update.

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