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Posts posted by Cregath.7628

  1. > @"Narrrz.7532" said:

    > > Personally, I don't see why you think investing and profiting from an opportunity is unethical. That's exactly how the market works even irl.


    > And we live in a society rife with inequality and plagued by the issues that stem from it.

    > I consider it unethical, or at best immoral, to deprive others of things that will bring them pleasure for the sake of personal profit. It's slightly different when you're competing for the same resources - you have as much right to sigils of nullification as anyone else, until your purpose for them is to ransom them off to the less fortunate (either monetarily poorer or those who have taken longer to that point in the collection, meaning the price they face is higher)


    > The game does rest on a monetary system, one that is driven by supply and demand, and broadly speaking i think that it's good, it serves a valuable purpose, but situations like this reveal its inherent weakness, or perhaps the weakness of human nature - when an opportunity to profit at someone else's expense comes along, someone eagerly jumps upon it and the system does not punish this behaviour; even rewards it. That stands at odds to much of the rest of the game, where cooperation, rather than competition, is the path to success. The TP is one of the only areas of the game where players must directly compete for resources, and by and large that competitive incentive is blunted by more supply than can reasonably be controlled, and a lack of demand in the few instances where it can be.


    > > "The monetary loss is the price of their impatience."

    > > That would assume that you are patient. Which you are probably not if you only waited a single week (+ a few days) and you already want a "solution" for something that is not really an issue. As I said in an earlier post, the price will go down. If you want it now then pay up. If it's not worth it for you, then wait at least a month and you will see the price dropping.


    > I see an issue. I would like there to not be an issue. How long do you wait to submit bug reports, to see if a future patch will fix them without you drawing attention to them? Patience is only justified/relevant in situations which you have reason to expect will improve without any further interference.


    > > I've seen many people saying that the sigil should be craftable, but that isn't really a solution. That will just hit the prices in the gut for a second time. If you make more modifications to the buy recipes then it will just make things worse.


    > You are presuming a dichotomy, one that i would say is false - that you can only have too little or too much supply. A recipe to create the sigils will see them drop in value, but not below the value of their components, and even for it to fall that far may take a while. I'm glad to see a sink introduced for more things that were already vendor value, but to have demand so far outstrip supply that we see massive inflation and access gating to newly available content is a completely different problem, and not one that i would consider better.


    > > If ANet does see this as an issue then they will go with a smaller more long-term solution. Think of it as a medicine to stop the infection rather than to just cut off your arm to get rid of it. Something like temporarily increasing the drop rate of items with Nullification sigils in it or giving a higher chance for said items to give them upon salvaging or both. These won't have a quick effect, but they will have one for sure.


    > That has the potential to be a solution, but i don't think it's the one they are likely to go with - i don't know of any other such item they have increased the drop rate of in response to a lack of supply, particularly when the major source of the supply is an exotic weapon. Making it drop more frequently means either biasing drop chances against other exotics, or increasing the overall number of exotics that are in circulation (or the products of salvaging them). Both of those options have drawbacks, ones i think are worse than adding a new recipe which could act as a new sink for some other overabundant material.


    > > I've seen earlier @"foozlesprite.8051" saying exactly how it should've worked. 25 Sigil of a single type is way too much. And the suggestion to add it as a reward to a meta is also good.


    > That's another option. I don't know how that one would play out. I guess it would be determined by how many/how frequently they dropped. And once people have moved on and completed/forgotten about this collection, it runs the risk of dropping the sigil's value straight back to vendor price, as well as introducing more annoying bag clutter.




    Well, many people are like "I demand response not ANet" I may have assumed you are part of that group, but that doesn't matter at this point I guess. But from your stance then, I don't see why people should be "paying a price" for their "impatience" then.

    So, I'll assume here that you are watching current supply and demand on the item as well as price changes. At this moment according to GW2TP, there are 226 Sigil available on the TP. The demand is just going up. I kind of see a problem with the amount of items available being too low at the moment. But that has nothing to do with "unethical" or "immoral" people selling it for too much. The prices didn't went up purely because of greed. This is the result of Supply being hard to come by and it being low. I guess you could think of it as when a large supply of items gets destroyed or stolen in an accident or something, you WILL see a rise in their price. So, please don't mistakenly place guilt on human greed.

    Let's see now why crafting is not really an option. So going back to GW2TP the demand is 4005 right now. Then there is obviously those who don't have a buy order running, so we can assume that the actual number is higher than that. Obviously there are those in there who want to stockpile and those who are just missing a few pieces too. Regardless, it's clear that people want more than 4005 of this Sigil. Now, ANet would probably want the crafting formula of the Sigil if they made one to be similar to the other Sigils'. That means a single Lodestone-like item (or a large amount of smaller, generally useless mat with a large supply) and some misc meaningless mats. You suggested Crystal Lodestone as an example. The current price for it is ~23 silver. If this got implemented, people would jump on the opportunity to quickly do their Sigils. A lot of people have this item laying around in their bank. The current supply is relatively stable around 26k. Now since there is a demand for at least 4k Sigil, let's assume these people will buy 1 each. That's 15% of the supply gone. Now, this is where human greed comes in. The price at this point for the Sigil is still high and people will jump in to either get back the money they spent on Sigils previously or make even more. Sigil prices might go lower, but on the other hand Crystal Lodestone prices will go up. This will obviously affect other prices as well, most notably, Pulsing Brandspark which is another rare resource. This item serves as a currency for several Ascended accessories as well as crafting Harrier Insignias and Inscriptions which is a popular prefix. I think it's easy to guess what comes next. You can replace the item in that recipe to any other "big item", because as long as there is not a new source, the result is the same. It may be convenient for your, but would inconvenience those who don't even care about the collection.

    As for ANet not increasing drop rates, you can never know. Maybe they always fiddled with the random loot generation, but you just never noticed. The only real solution I see is a slow new source for the Sigil either with meta reward or droprate increase. If it's going to be a crafting recipe then it should most definitely be with a new resource. I think that just adding the Sigil as a potential drop to Death-Branded Shatterer would already be a huge improvement. A lot of people kill it once a day anyways. But I hope you see the issue with a crafting recipe at this point.

  2. > @"Narrrz.7532" said:

    > I too would love ANet's perspective on this, however i''l also offer my thoughts & suggestions for a solution:


    > (From a [comment i made on reddit](

    "comment i made on reddit"))


    > The people who already bought the armor are the overachievers and the very rich. While a sudden drop in sigil value will likely cause a great deal of outrage amongst those who have been speculating on the TP, and those who already bought the armor at a hugely inflated rate, the vast majority of that group are people who could easily afford the gold price, and who won't even be greatly inconvenienced by the loss of capital their TP speculations could result in - if they haven't already turned a net profit.


    > Of those who forked over their life savings for the armor, and were too ethical (or simply not quick enough) to invest in sigils - they're an unfortunate casualty. there's no really fair way to recompense them without also giving more gold to the already super-rich. Their compensation essentially has to be that they got the armor weeks ahead of the crowd, and got to enjoy their new shinies semi-exclusively for at least a little while. The monetary loss is the price of their impatience.


    > My personal suggestion to fix the issue is to replace the nullification sigils in the recipe with something with a more reliable source - honestly, i would recommend Crystal Lodestones. They are sufficiently rare that people can still speculate on them, but they drop reliably enough (especially from branded) that they can be farmed by people who wish to put in the work.


    > As for the nullification sigils - Give them a crafting recipe and make them a required item for unlocking the additional skins once the first requiem set is completed. I was thinking 2 per armor skin, which will be 24 in total for all weights. Those who have already gotten the requiem set will most likely already have the three sets unlocked, but for those who don't, perhaps those who at the time of the patch had the first collection complete could receive the as-yet unlocked skins for free just as a minor compensation.


    > The reason i say to gate the additional armor skins behind nulification sigils still is because the full collection of requiem armor awards an ascended armor box, and with the massive gold gate of nulligils removed, this might simply be too easy a way to get ascended armor.


    > Or maybe not. It still requires farming 1100(?) Mistonium, and even if the stuff is pretty easy to farm that's still a decent amount of work over probably a number of days, even for a fairly dedicated player (like myself, i'm only up to around 750-ish total)



    Personally, I don't see why you think investing and profiting from an opportunity is unethical. That's exactly how the market works even irl.


    "The monetary loss is the price of their impatience."

    That would assume that you are patient. Which you are probably not if you only waited a single week (+ a few days) and you already want a "solution" for something that is not really an issue. As I said in an earlier post, the price will go down. If you want it now then pay up. If it's not worth it for you, then wait at least a month and you will see the price dropping.


    I've seen many people saying that the sigil should be craftable, but that isn't really a solution. That will just hit the prices in the gut for a second time. If you make more modifications to the buy recipes then it will just make things worse.


    If ANet does see this as an issue then they will go with a smaller more long-term solution. Think of it as a medicine to stop the infection rather than to just cut off your arm to get rid of it. Something like temporarily increasing the drop rate of items with Nullification sigils in it or giving a higher chance for said items to give them upon salvaging or both. These won't have a quick effect, but they will have one for sure.


    I've seen earlier @"foozlesprite.8051" saying exactly how it should've worked. 25 Sigil of a single type is way too much. And the suggestion to add it as a reward to a meta is also good.

  3. > @"Chesterakos.2804" said:

    > It's not ascended. Requiem armor is only a skin. That dude doesn't know what he's talking about.



    I very much know what I'm talking about. ^^

    You know there is a collection after you get all 3 sets right? And that it rewards a whole set of ascended.

    Also the also the 2nd and 3rd set of armor skins costs a trivial 375 Misthingienium and 75 Ecto. So yeah. You basically only pay for the first set of skins.

    Honestly though, I too don't understand why I don't get every achievement and item in the game just by logging in on release day. It's a mystery to me.

  4. > @"Chesterakos.2804" said:

    > I'd like to be challenged by Anet and not by a few TP leeches who drained the TP in an hour of all the sigils.


    > I do not like the idea of making some leeches even richer because they play the TP all day.


    > Anet must introduce a way to create new sigils into the game. Don't tell me that leveling alts to 64 for 1 sigil each is a way to create new ones.


    > Those that rushed and bought the sigil when it was low priced. Good for you. You were lucky to be able to do that. You are only a few though while we are hundreds of thousands. So spare us of your white knighting.


    There is no white knighting though. It's just people being "unreasonable" because they actually need to do something for a change. So like, noone "needs" to do anything honestly. ANet doesn't "need" to give a way to get those Sigils. And you don't "need" to buy Sigils for the skins. What you feel is just unjustified entitlement. :disappointed:

  5. Tbh there is no situation, just people who don't think the collection's reward is valuable enough compared to the gold needed. Personally, I bought the Sigils already for 125g overall. I needed to sell some stuff, but I knew the price is gonna jump up so I got it ASAP. Wait a month or so and the price is going to go down again if it's not worth it for you now. People who are willing to pay and give in will soon buy enough of this item. Also some people will give up and others will keep looking at it hoping the price goes down. When those happen, demand decreases and the price will drop as people will be in panic to sell it right now before their investment will be too much compared to the sell price. Like always. So yeah, 1-2 months and it will be a much lower price.

    [superior Sigil of Nullification on GW2TP](https://www.gw2tp.com/item/24572-superior-sigil-of-nullification "https://gw2tp.com/item/24572-superior-sigil-of-nullification")

    As you can see here the price somewhat stabilised right now. Demand saw a big spike at some point then it fell with the sudden spike of price then it got normal too. That means that those who don't want to pay that much already stopped buying/selling. Some people provide a stable supply. And there are still people buying it at that price. At this point the demand will get lower slowly as people who pay that much slowly dwindle like I said before. That means less people will buy it as well, so the items sits for longer on TP. When this length gets noticable the more panicky sellers will start undercutting. Some people will jump on the chance to buy it cheaper so demand will stay stable there. And this will keep repeating until it reaches a healthy price. Whether you have to patience or not is another question.

    If you buy everything off of TP at this moment then the whole 3 sets cost 328g. As a result you get 3 sets of new skins and a set of Ascended Armor. Now a full set of Ascended Armor via crafting costs ~210g (coming from the average price of the Ascended Insignias and not counting anything else). So you basically pay ~118g for 3 sets of armor skins. So if a single set of armor skin isn't worth 305g for you (by removing the cost of the 2 other sets of skins), then just simply don't buy it.


    If you want to discuss a "situation" then it's people feeling entitled to have something right now, instead of farming it or investing into at all. And sadly that is something affecting all parts of the game. It wouldn't be much of "Achievement" now if you just bought everything needed off of the TP for 5g overall and got the whole thing in 30 minutes.

  6. > @"Connor Fallon.9408" said:

    > It's kind of funny you say this, because I always thought of the Orr bubble in Jahai as a displaced fractal. Just because it isn't a fractal that exists in the sanctuary does not mean it is not a "Fractal" as it is defined in our lore - a trapped echo of time in the mists.


    > In early design we actually talked about having it be the searing of Ascalon, which is a fractal, but going to intact Orr felt more distinct and more novel, so we decided to go that direction in the end.


    Just stopped by to say that your profile picture is 10/10.

  7. I skimmed through the thread, but I'm surprised that noone expects that maybe the "upgradable armor" that is shown in the trailer may be another set of Legendary Armor, so that those who only have access to PoF can have a Legendary Armor set from raids as well. Since the game is imagined to be modular and all that.

  8. To be fair I've only seen classes do this so far that have a ton of Evades/Blocks/Invul. Most of which comes from Elite specs. Since this is an event accessible for Core Game users, shouldn't it be clearable by using Core Professions with Core stats? Also, even if we ignore the fact that some classes have a really huge advantage (which is unavoidable) it is clear that some others have an incredibly hard time doing it or are unable to do it at all. Necromancer for example is probably unable to do it (with only Core traits). The leaps clear off Minions instantly, so Death Magic doesn't help much. The boss hits for something like 10k? So even if you keep up Protection with well, a single hit getting in is still over 7k. That means 3 hits will Down you, 5 with Shroud. So this makes it clear that you have to avoid the hits. That leaves you with the Dodges, Spectral Walk and Fleshwurm. So let's say that you have those 2 skills and 2 Wells for heal and utility. How the scenario plays out is:

    * Place the Fleshwurm and pop Spectral Walk right away.

    * Turai charges at you, so Dodge it.

    * Keep running away and Dodge again the next charge.

    * On the next attack port back with Spectral Walk.

    * This should avoid a few attacks as he can't get back to you with one attack.

    * Since you are on opposite sides of the arena you can't position yourself to kite him for extra attacks so stand still and port to Fleshwurm when he is about to reach you.

    * If done right you have 2 Dodges at this point and Turai is on the opposite side again.

    * Now the Spectral Walk and the Fleshwurm won't come off CD in time, so those 2 Dodges will avoid 2 more attacks.

    * Now it's time for the Wells and praying that he goes into Breakbar mode before he kills you.

    Now it's time for CC. This means that you have to take Flesh Golem, which will most likely die during this whole chasing fun party stuff so you have to recast it before the Breakbar appears and it also limits what weapons you can use by a lot. So if you manage to break it he still hits like a truck until you do this whole thing again. Perfectly timing everything. Then you can deal damage to it, because you can't do both damage avoiding and dealing damage at the same time. (Spoilers: You can't do the chase part again, because CDs make it impossible.)

    So yeah, pretty much impossible.


    A little side-note: I don't consider mobs dealing large amounts of damage "challenging content". Lia was challenging, because you had several mechanics to pay attention to. They gave warnings, there were enough clues to figure it out and so on. It was all avoidable once you figured it out. She didn't need a large HP pool or damage to get this. Turai has both of those and none of the rest.

    (This fight is good enough proof that "necro has good survivability, so they should deal less damage" is no longer a valid argument.)

  9. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Cregath.7628" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > @"Cregath.7628" said:

    > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > > Okay, here we go.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Your logical fallacy is... [burden of Proof](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/burden-of-proof). It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.

    > > > > > So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

    > > > >

    > > > > You love digging your own grave, do you?

    > > > > https://snowcrows.com/raids/engineer/holosmith/power/

    > > > > 2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

    > > > >

    > > > > https://snowcrows.com/raids/engineer/engineer/condition/

    > > > > 4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

    > > > >

    > > > > Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

    > > >

    > > > You really linked me PvE builds in a discussion about a new PvP gamemode in the **PVP SUBFORUMS?**

    > > >

    > > > LOL

    > > >

    > > > PvP and WvW builds are not even REMOTELY similar to the builds you linked.

    > >

    > > Read the Edit. Also, you love to twist words and stuff so I was just giving your "proof" to "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." is is exactly the line you asked for lol.


    > You editing after I quoted you doesn't mean I'm "twisting your words."


    > Your edit makes it even worse. LMFAO


    > Those builds you linked are actually some hot garbo. I said link meta builds, not monkey builds.


    > 1. Med Kit Scrapper is NOT meta.

    > 2. Quickness Scrapper has 60 rating on Metabattle.

    > 3. Jack of All Trades has 40 rating on Metabattle.

    > 4. Core Grenadier has 80 rating.


    > I hope you realize that anything under 100 won't work in an actual tournament setting and anything under 90 is considered trash tier. LOL


    Oh my! We have a real elite over here!

    I think I only have to say one thing, but I'll explain it to you. ^^

    "Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?"

    You asked for 1 build. You specified that it's a Meta build for Engineer as well. And then you also specified that it should be a build that relies heavily on Utility or Kits.

    Now, you didn't specify the game mode, so the PvE builds perfectly fit this regardless of the section we are in, but let's let that slide, eh?


    Now, if you really were so gadhly in PvP you would realise that nothing works with only weapon skills. In fact, every single build relies heavily on Utility. So you want Proof to this too? :)

    Alright, what changes in a META PvP build? The weapons? Not that often. The stats? Really it's just swapping between two runes/sigils depending if it's a Condi or Power build. Then maybe? Could it be? No... It's probably not, but maybe... the utility skills! They make 2 builds with the same weapon and stats play completely differently. Now, I'm not going to argue with a windmill so, have fun!

  10. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Cregath.7628" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > Okay, here we go.

    > > >

    > > > Your logical fallacy is... [burden of Proof](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/burden-of-proof). It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.

    > > > So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

    > > >

    > > > You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

    > >

    > > You love digging your own grave, do you?

    > > https://snowcrows.com/raids/engineer/holosmith/power/

    > > 2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

    > >

    > > https://snowcrows.com/raids/engineer/engineer/condition/

    > > 4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

    > >

    > > Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.


    > You really linked me PvE builds in a discussion about a new PvP gamemode in the **PVP SUBFORUMS?**


    > LOL


    > PvP and WvW builds are not even REMOTELY similar to the builds you linked.


    Read the Edit. Also, you love to twist words and stuff so I was just giving your "proof" to "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." is is exactly the line you asked for lol.

  11. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Okay, here we go.


    > Your logical fallacy is... [burden of Proof](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/burden-of-proof). It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.

    > So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?


    > You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.


    You love digging your own grave, do you?


    2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.



    4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.


    Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.



    Focuses heavily on providing support with Med Kit and Elixir Gun.



    Relies on Elixir Gun to provide support when no damage is needed.



    All Kits build.



    A Core Game build with Grenade Kit as a focus for Burst.


    Now that's more than one. ^^

  12. Griffon is overrated imo. I have it, but i only find a use for it when I need to go down or there is a high obstacle in front of me or nearby (that I wouldn't be able to climb without a Springer *khm*).


    1. Raptor - Still my most used mount, because I'm not always looking to go through a whole map. It wins general usage by far, which is the most important thing for me. It can get you through chasms with easy. I can get you up on smaller rocks without having to dismount. It can even give you a headstart into water.

    2. Springer - I'm switching to it often to climb places.

    3. Skimmer - Obviously really good on water and it let's you land on places where you'd normally be unable to if you were just swimming without a mount.

    4. Beetle - When I plan ahead I can use it to Boost through water and travel a long distance in seconds. Useless for short distances where everything outclasses it.

    5. Jackal - It had the utility of passing through portals. It's travel speed is comparable to that of the raptor, but is still outclassed sadly.

    6. Griffon - Unless there is a high enough starting point nearby, which can only be accessed in most cases with a Springer and/or other mounts, it loses in everything. Without the speedboost Beetle wins in long-range. Raptor and Jackal will always leave it behind without the boost. So yeah. Does this mean it's my least favorite? No. It just means it's the most situational for me. It's a cool mount, but not really what I use most of the time, because of the reasons above.


  13. > @"Paulyj.5483" said:

    > That makes sense. It was just weird that my account is still perfectly active but hers is not.


    It actually does make sense. If an account is active after it's being "hacked", then any activity is supposedly done by the "hacker". So anything they do can be used to track them down. So yeah, what others said. IF your case is true, then by using the account for whatever reason, you are basically giving your attacker false trails for free and also causing potential harm to your actual friends and acquintaces (which is exactly what happened with you).

  14. > @"DizzyMilo.7423" said:

    > > @"Cregath.7628" said:

    > > > @"DizzyMilo.7423" said:

    > > > * Why do we have to buy [our own ashes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Urn_of_%22Heroic%22_Ashes "our own ashes") back? How can we have an urn of ashes? Is the Commander missing a toe now? Were we actually burnt to a crisp then reconstructed when we came back to life or do we have a new body? Is Lady Camilla selling our ashes to fans back in Tyria? Why do we have to make a banner with our own cremated ashes??

    > >

    > > A bit off. Why do you assume it's the Commander's?

    > >

    > >


    > "According to your herald, this was recovered from a legendary battle near the city of Kesho. **Something about these seems oddly familiar**."


    > Considering the last significant place we were before we got ambushed by Balthazar was Kesho, and that the urn is used for crafting an ascended back item called "Banner of the Dauntless Commander", it kinda clicked into place that we're more or less buying ourselves back.


    This claim stands on some really shaky grounds. It could refer to the GW1 PC as well and is more likely. Balthazar kills the MC quite some distance away from Kesho and from the reaction of the party members it is clear that with got our own body back. Also, noone witnessed the battle itself as we were just ambushed when going to the meeting spot with out companions. Another thing regarding Kesho is that it's a city similar to Tarir in nature and we are the "Champion of Aurene" who is the sister of Vlast. Something about a pile of ashes from a magical place the another magical place is designed after with the same exact purpose will of course seem "oddly familiar".

    Additionally, why would the Herald even pull something like this on you? Of course, we just met her for the first time, but really, why would she? I can sort of imagine her though being a bit more... "involved" with everything that happened in Kourna than we expect.

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