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Posts posted by Lorenzo.9146

  1. I bought a lot of Shadow Menders specifically for Fractals, however they never seemed to work and now it feels like a gigantic waste of Karma. Which I suppose I cannot get back either. I'm just utterly confused right now why it isn't working for Fractals, so what exactly is the reason for it not to work. As far as I understand the cooldown is quite long. So it wouldn't make the gameplay much easier but it is a very nice extra.


    If you cannot use it anywhere in endgame basically, what is the point to have it at all? It seemed like such an interesting thing at the time, but now it seems totally useless for me. All I do is fractals, raids, wvw and pvp and there is no use for it there. Even though it seems totally fine in my opinion for fractal dungeons. How is it not? Please explain in detail, not a reply that avoids the question by simply saying that it cannot be used, which I obviously already know at this point. I'm looking at you ANET.


    I have played fractals a lot! And I can just not believe that this isn't working there. It just makes no sense. I'm a gamedeveloper too by the way, so it is quite clear to me that there has been some kind of mistake with that decision. Only with challenge mote it might make a little bit sense but besides that, not really imo. You could even make it slightly limited by for example letting only one party member use it, after which everyone has to wait for that shadow mender to be gone.


    Unless if anet cares much more about money than the game and its players, by for example giving revive orbs more reason to be bought and used instead. And they cannot allow such a small simple thing to exist along with it? Something grindable with karma, which would otherwise be much more useless for endgame players like me, sigh.. This game is so good, but there are still so many things that can be easily changed to make the game incredibly amazing in all the important ways <.< but I'm beginning to lose faith that anet is going to put any time in all that, besides creating new stuff that generates more revenue. Small things matter too! Atleast if you want to keep your players.


    Like some tonics/transforms such as combat transforms that shouldn't prevent players from using their mount. Why would it make sense for the player not being able to use the mount when the player wouldn't look weird on the mount at all (as if they are all big creatures that do not fit on mounts, nonsense!). That literally makes tonics much less used than they otherwise would be. Because players don't want to keep using and removing the combat transformation just to use the mount. So then why use the combat transform at all in WvW if you keep having to turn it on and off. That makes no sense. Yet this still hasn't been changed, like many other small things that are easily fixed which makes the game much much better at the same time by keeping frustrations away, that shouldn't be there in the first place. I just don't get. Some situations it could be fine yeah, but it breaks the sense of freedom when you need or want to use mounts too.. These things wasted the time of many players, because in the end after getting a bunch of fancy items like that, we can't really use it. Obviously very disappointing! I hope I'm at the right place to say all this, if not then maybe give this message to the right person..? Or tell me where this would be better suited.


    If it were up to me I would make this game as great as it can be, as it's supposed to be. But I got the feeling that other game companies have to recreate a whole mmo like gw2, just to implement these small but important things that anet isn't giving any attention to. I hope they will someday :) If you make small additions, at least finish them properly. If I have to grind for something, then it better works!

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