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Posts posted by weaponwh.9810

  1. so i went with a sabir raid today, they did something (a bug?) basically at 60 only 1 player went up to fight sabir, rest stay on last platform. then after some engage by that player, all player went up, however there were no breakbar between 60-0. any idea what cause this?

  2. > @"LittleYoshi.2548" said:

    > I dont really understand the thing about shortbow soulbeast dps being inadequate?

    > Dps from it is more than enough even for Dhuum CM and it offers some additional support with stanceshare and a bear stance for example.

    > Pretty much any DPS build that you like and play well is fine for Dhuum but some offer a bit extra support like Aegis on FB or Barrier on Scourge if necessary.


    hmm i guess i didn't run fast enough to dhumm or something, there were some downtime due to dhuum teleport etc. whats the typical dps on dhumm for other class or sb soulbeast?

  3. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > https://snowcrows.com/raids/

    > > >

    > > > Click on classes, check their builds, read the rotations and pick something ;)

    > >

    > > Usually the description on snowcrows site does _not_ answer OPs question. How easy the rotation is is sometimes mentioned, but usually it isn't, there's also no comparison of "easiness" of different rotations anywhere there.

    > > Hint: you can't just look at the number of steps the rotation has, there's a lot of other factors to consider as well, and snowcrows site is not exactly all that helpful in that regard (mostly because it's not something they concern themselves with).


    > Pretty sure it is pretty helpful at that, read the descriptions and the rotation. See how many steps there are and what is mentioned about those rotations/builds in the descriptions (not only on the top of the site, but also on the right side of the rotations). There are some that just mention "*prioritize x skills before y skills, always try using this skill before that OR that*" (afair, that's an example from rangers condi rotation) and that's your "rotation". If that's not a direct hint at rotation being easy to memorize simply by looking what's "off cd right now" then I don't know what is. You even mention that you can see how many steps there are in the rotation but still claim the site isn't that helpful with figuring out what's easier? Yes, it is, the player just needs to understand what they read. Seems pretty easy.


    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > That's not what I've meant at all. But he's asking about rotations, so according to your point of view, the only correct answer here is: make your own build, test every rotation you can come up with and check what's optimal and easy. Sorry, but that would make no sense and neither does your "smart anti-sheep" answer.

    > > But that was exactly what _your_ answer was, because your 'suggestion" was just a different way of saying "find that out on your own". In truth it wasn't any better that the "anti-sheep" one at all.


    > No, it wasn't. I wasn't trying to tell OP what he *needs* to play. But he's asking about the builds, I'm not going to do the legwork for him, especially when someone (linked site) already did that for all of us. Meanwhile "the sheep guy" answered with what? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

    > If you think morokey's answer ("woah, using someone's build, sheep!") was the equivalent of me delivering a site with builds with literal list of their rotation then LOL, what are you even trying to argue here? :D



    > e: oh look, you even mention sb build with literally what is written on the site I've linked to. Snowcrows SO not helpful in regards of figuring out easy rotations!

    > Hilarious how you disprove your own claim in the very same post.


    i read plently snowcrow build, but i can't level up every class, then equip gear to try it out. it shows rotation, but without actually understand detail and ideas behind those rotation its hard to grasp the complexity. for example holosmith, it has alot rotation steps, when i look at rotation on youtube, its seem very hard, yet snowcrow says its easy/beginner friendly.

    also it doesn't mention why those rotation work. for example LB soulbeast require sync sick'em with its high dmg skill and twice as vicious, while snowcrow give the rotation, but it didn't explain idea behind it. but rotation seem easier than holo, yet snowcrow rated harder than holo. same with DD snowcrow says its harder than holo, yet i find it fairly easy.


    so for me trying out new class, then mess up the rotation, i'm not sure how to recover without understanding which skill supplement each other. hence i'm seeking farther detail from player who have these class. i'm very interest in holo, just not sure its really a beginner friendly class as indicated on snowcrow or not.

  4. > @"theCypher.9406" said:

    > > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

    > > i mean power holo in general for various boss fight, is the rotation easy, on snowcrow, it says easy, not sure its true or not.


    > Well, i wouldnt call it "easy" since there are a builds that have a way easier one and even sword holo relies on a decent kit and forge switch.

    > But the main difficulty relies in timing about exiting the holoforge to not damage/kill yourself and get the most dps out of it (not leaving forge below 149).

    > So in summary: the rotation itself is medium difficult but holo mechanics always add an additional difficulty layer to the build. if you can manage that, or just want some basic stable dps, holo is a good way to go.


    > greetings


    i see, you have any recommendation on easy viable dps for raid? i though dd was pretty easy, but want to try something else.

  5. > @"theCypher.9406" said:

    > > thx, ne1 know if holo gunsmith are easy to play?


    > If you mean holo as condi build by "gunsmith", then the answer is no. sword/pistol or rifle rotations are medium hard i would say but holo difficulty comes from good timing with heat (exit strat) and condi rotation with pistol is a hard one and not easy to learn.


    > greetings


    i mean power holo in general for various boss fight, is the rotation easy, on snowcrow, it says easy, not sure its true or not.

  6. > @"theCypher.9406" said:

    > Hi,


    > in terms of sabir, you dont really have to play condi. you can easily run power there as well.

    > if you want a quite simple condi build at sabir, condi firebrand might be a choice too. since rotation is quite simple (press skills on cd at one weapon set, 1 key skill on the other and its primarily book 1 for dps bursts).

    > another alternative should be condi scourge. easy placement of shades at sabir since he wont move :) rest is learning priority list of skills and you are good to go.


    > largos twins are trickier... scourge isnt an option i think since they will hop out of every shade and its hard to aim. condi firebrand might work though since a lot of skills have AOE and the book has good radius too. but it wont be that effective.

    > ill recommend what people did before: go cSlb here if you dont want/like/can use chrono.


    > greetings


    thx, ne1 know if holo gunsmith are easy to play?

  7. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

    > > also any build for shorbow soulbeast when i can't flank such as sabir? i notice i do more dmg when flank, but not every boss can be flanked.


    > Dont play shortbow when you cant flank. play d/a + a/d then. or better dont play condi slb on sabir.


    any other easy rotation dps i can play on sabir and other boss thats diffcult to flank, i have a DD. try to find other dps, that can compliment DD, like sabir/largo etc etc that dont have super hard rotation.

  8. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > Both underwater weapons are good enough.


    > The big issue is a lot of skills are locked underwater so you will end up having a different skill bar.


    > You may want to post a build you have now (using gw2skills) and then we can comment on it and make suggestions.


    this is pretty much my build, gear is same. in underwater Impairing dagger replace Fist Flurry



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