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Posts posted by Beararms.2164

  1. Just looking to see what benchmark I should be shooting for. Just for running fractals and PUG strikes — I don’t really raid. Meta battle was saying 85%, discretize had between 50-80 (depending on comp I suppose), and snowcrows didn’t really have a specific number.



  2. Just picking up my charr engie again and was wondering if anyone is still having success with a rifle holosmith build in OW content? I checked metabattlw but didn’t see one for OW.


    I’ve enjoyed holosmith quite a bit but I really can’t stand sword. Hoping someone has a build that they’ve been using to clear content, solo champs, etc. Thanks!

  3. Hi engineers! Longtime listener, first time caller.


    Looking to get back to playing my engineer, who was my first character on day 1 all those years ago. I've never really enjoyed playing bomb/grenade kit, but LOVE flamethrower. I know it got pretty nerfed prior to POF, but what wondering if there are any builds people are having fun with that utilize FT and either rifle or sw/shield.


    DISCLAIMER: I am NOT seeking a meta build (unless there is an unknown FT meta?)

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