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Posts posted by Blimm.5028

  1. > @"Mack.3045" said:

    > > @"Blimm.5028" said:

    > > > @"Mack.3045" said:

    > > > > @"Blimm.5028" said:

    > > > > For some reason my GPU usage doesn't go above 35%, and my CPU usage sits around 70%, both with perfectly reasonable temps, but I'm still sitting on ~25 frames per seconds without vsync or capped framerate.

    > > > >

    > > > > I'm looking to upgrade my computer in the near future, but I have no idea what's going wrong here.

    > > >

    > > > Hi, can you please post your full specs here including GPU driver version. Thank you

    > >

    > > CPU: i7 6700 (non k)

    > > GPU: GTX 1070 (451.67)

    > > RAM: 16 GB (1600 Mhz, dual channel)

    > > Storage: SATA SSD, GW2 on a separate SSD to the OS

    > >


    > You've got a good GPU, more than enough for GW2. What resolution are you playing at ? As KrHome said you're likely CPU bound.


    > You can run the game using the d912pxy (dx9 > dx12) - here is the guide ( please read it and watch the video guide )


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110553/want-to-use-directx-12-dx12-for-gw2-heres-a-guide-on-using-the-d912pxy-on-windows-10#latest


    > Run with version 2.2.1 and the pre-compiled shader pack. Don't forget to configure the PSO Cache " load_pso_cache=1 "


    > https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy/releases/tag/v2.2.1


    > Shader pack


    > https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V59UCT_pBLxSe9xEaCYhAR-LII_VaquW?usp=sharing


    > Loading times will increase that's normal .


    > Let me know how the game runs for you then :)








    I'm already using d912pxy. It helps with consistency, but doesn't actually improve my averages, which are still unacceptably low. Resolution doesn't matter. 900x600 = 1440p. Literally no change in framerate, so CPU bound seems likely, but non of my threads go over 80% usage, so I'm figuring there has to be something else. I'm not thermal throttling either.

  2. > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

    > That kind of GPU usage in this game is quite normal, I have the game open as I write this and it's only at 32% while in LA.


    > As for your CPU, it's a bit old but far from bad and can still hold its' own even in more recent titles, those 8 threads help it live a bit longer. Can you please post your graphics settings? And also in which areas are you getting 25 fps, in many cases the old maps (core) should run at over 80 fps with your system, the new ones are a bit more demanding but not as low as 25fps across the board.


    > Graphics Wise: Shadows, Reflections and Character Model Limit are a CPU killer. Those settings for me are as:


    > Shadows: Medium

    > Reflections: Terrain and Sky

    > Character Model Limit: Medium (sometimes I reduce this depending on the area/event



    Graphics settings literally don't matter. I'm getting 20-50 frames per second at 900x600 resolution as well as 1440p. Turning shaders down nets me like a 5-10 fps increase, but that looks terrible.

  3. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > In which area of the game do you experience the frame drops?

    > I have a 6700k and have no issues in most areas, outside heavily populated areas, like during meta events or in Lion's Arch


    > edit: also about your ram speed. the slowest supported DDR4 for 6700 is 1866 with 2133 being optimal. 1600 MHz is for DDR3L not DDR4, what kind of PC are you using?


    One with a DDR3L board?

    There's a reason I'm looking into upgrades.


    Lions arch and the HoT maps are the worst offenders.

  4. > @"Mack.3045" said:

    > > @"Blimm.5028" said:

    > > For some reason my GPU usage doesn't go above 35%, and my CPU usage sits around 70%, both with perfectly reasonable temps, but I'm still sitting on ~25 frames per seconds without vsync or capped framerate.

    > >

    > > I'm looking to upgrade my computer in the near future, but I have no idea what's going wrong here.


    > Hi, can you please post your full specs here including GPU driver version. Thank you


    CPU: i7 6700 (non k)

    GPU: GTX 1070 (451.67)

    RAM: 16 GB (1600 Mhz, dual channel)

    Storage: SATA SSD, GW2 on a separate SSD to the OS


  5. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

    > > I'm pretty sure we'll still be able to see bursty specs that can down you in no time regardless of your toughness/hp.


    > +1


    > Exactly this, that is why i say it is all an illusion


    I wouldn't say it's all an illusion.


    100 to 0 specs will probably still be a thing, but they won't have as much overkill damage. This means it's easier to punish them/if you punish them, they suffer more. They won't have 150% of your health bar in raw damage to dish out. Still enough to kill you, but they'll lose enough that countering part of their rotation means more.

  6. Are there any satisfying hybrid builds around? (Kind of refering to the celestial style people used to do in PvP)


    Any setup recommendations for succeeding in dungeons with less players than they're built for? I play with my girlfriend, and we're doing pretty well duoing story mode, but explorable paths have been mostly out of our range. This might change once she gets geared up more, but I was wondering if there's any specific builds you guys use to do that kind of thing.

  7. > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

    > > @"Blimm.5028" said:

    > > > @"Liberis.9573" said:

    > > > Glass staff still works too

    > >

    > > How do you even build that? Can it compete with S/F weaver?


    > You can't even compete on S/F weaver with anyone ... unless you spam shatterstone


    S/F weaver does have filthy burst and +1s fairly decently. It's no mesmer, but it gets it's job done. Is this shatterstone thing a meme I missed?

  8. I'd probably take a GW 1.5 over a GW3. I enjoy GW2, but in my opinion it has already went a wee bit too far on it's vector from GW1. Since 'GW3' implies a continuation of progress, I probably wouldn't play something like that.


    I want my build flexibility, the M:TG level complexity, the theorycrafting, and the actually difficult content.

  9. > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > > @"allias.1420" said:

    > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > > > > @"Ario.8964" said:

    > > > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > > > > > The OP makes a good point. Though I don't agree with the implied attack on Mesmer.

    > > > >

    > > > > You don't agree with anything that reflects negatively on mesmer. The fact of the matter is the example OP used mesmer for was correct. They have insane chains of available defenses making them near unbeatable in a direct 1v1 if the player knows even remotely how to chain their skills.

    > > > >

    > > > > That being said,

    > > > > This post is 100% correct. And the counter effect to that if we don't fight against the spam will be permanently chainable defenses to respond to the permanently chainable offense. Only way to fix this kind of situation is to increase cds, reduce damage, reduce defenses, and reduce base effects of all skills (especially aoes) for all classes. Every class has gotten a ton of powercreeped stuff over the years and man does it show now if you go back and look at old tournies on youtube.

    > > >

    > > > If that is so... it is a reaction to going , literally, years being under powered after the massive glamour nerf. Then I saw Chronomancer cut down severely and alacrity given to another class.. I fully expect similar to happen to Mirage.. which is why I won't play it. I don't want to go through that stress and disappointment again.

    > > >

    > > > So I play a spec already underpowered, hoping ANET won't cut it back too hard..

    > >

    > > "already underpowered"

    > >

    > >

    > > lol


    > Yes, the spec I play is underpowered. PU Mesmer.


    So, you are shooting yourself in the foot and then defending the current state of the profession based on your intentionally crippled version. Interesting.

  10. This so much. The main thing I loved about PvP back in the day was how you could count dodges, take vigour into account etc to time your spike. Dodge the Warriors shield bash into eviscerate combo and you got yourself some breathing room. The way it works right now makes playing spike builds very RNGish, since you are basically gambling.


    The fact that they added the evade stance to weaver really pissed me off. It used to be S/D's thing to have loads of iframes, forcing you to play differently. Now everyone and their mother is an S/D thief.


    I'm pretty convinced that reducing iframe uptime and increasing cooldowns on non spike based specs would make the game much, much more skill based and competitively interesting.

  11. > @"ZNICK.8537" said:

    > What earthly rabbit is big enough that you can ride on and leap 300 feet in the air? :cough:


    > What always bugs me are the greatswords. I HATE the way they carry them in combat with the blade way behind them. That's as goofy as anything else.


    > Z


    Especially on Mesmers. I mean, they don't strike and therefore don't benefit from a longer draw, so you would want to hold that thing pointed at your opponent at all times.

  12. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > All weapons in the game are foci for magical energies. Even mostly physical classes have magic in their weapon attacks. Accordingly, the weapons needn't look like their RPG-trope namesakes. It's fine to ask ANet for smaller hilts or larger pommels or whatever you like. However, there's no point in justifying it in terrestrial physics: none of our weapon skills would work on Earth, not even a little.


    Even if my weapon is a magical focus, I'd rather be able to beat someone on the head with it if my magic for some reason doesn't cut it. There is no disadvantage to having your weapon be practical, besides the idea that all weapons are "purely" magical foci isn't supported by canon afaik. It certainly doesn't add up with the abilities attached to those weapons.


    Heck, if shape is arbitrary, wouldn't you optimize for usability at the expense of physical threat anyways? It's still human(oid-ish) hands weilding those things, and they look incredibly uncomfortable and awkward to hold.

  13. > @"Offair.2563" said:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Sword_Skin


    > One of my favourite sword skin. Unless you mean greatsword.


    Nono, definitely 1h sword. For great swords I can rationalize long handles as providing additional leverage.


    > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > Most of the daggers are the perfect size for swords, but the animations are wrong.


    Many daggers would be the right size for short swords.... IF they weren't half over sized hilt, half blade :^)



  14. > @"Plautze.6290" said:


    > Another solution to your problem might be Exemplar's Edge or Vengeance?


    Vengeance has this weird decor between hilt and guard, but it's worth looking at.

    Exemplar's Edge is actually really nice.


    I find it really amusing how picky I end up being about this specific issue. I can't remember ever being this annoyed by such a minor detail.

  15. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > There are also a bunch of other skins besides the ones you mentioned. Aureate Rinblade, Cavalier Sword, Honor of Humanity and some others.


    Aureate rinblade? That thing has space for three hands on it's hilt, and it's too short to be a bastard sword. Cavalier seems legit, thanks for pointing that one out!

  16. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Blimm.5028" said:

    > > I keep looking for swords I might want to use, but even on the more realistic designs the hilts are easily double the size they would be on a real sword, making them look like toys.

    > >

    > > Exceptions are Bonneti's rapier and ironically the toy sword.


    > If you look closely at the hilt, does it have details on it? If it does that answers your question...it's by design so that the artists can actually design artistic looking hilts with details...i.e. hilt to small you won't see the details.


    Most of them actually don't have details on the hilt. They have pommels and guards, but those would work just as well on a shorter hilt.

  17. > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > At a guess... Hand sizes vary depending on how the player scales the character. The bigger the character, the bigger the hands -- which is to maintain proportions. Making the handles large may also facilitate their use across all races, due to possible differences between hand size and body size. Asura and Charr hands are larger in proportion to their bodies than humans, Norn and Sylvari.


    > That said, weapons tend to be bigger in relation to bodies than they might be anywhere but in Anime.


    > A side effect of handle size is that characters tend to grip some weapons "wrong." Balance points on swords, for instance, tend to be closer to the guard, so a character gripping a sword closer to the pommel would, irl, find using the weapon awkward.


    Weapons scale with the model though. Look at a norn and an asura holding the same weapon, or even a large and a small member of the same race. It's frustrating mostly because it's one of those things you can fail to see initially, but once I'm aware it just pops out so hard it isn't even funny.

    > @"Ojyh.9842" said:

    > lol

    > You're complaining about the hilts of the swords while most weapon designs make absolutely no sense, and there are basically no combat animation that look realistic in this game. I mean, you're right but there are so many things about the weapons that are worse than that !


    Yeah, I'm aware, but huge blades and hammers that nobody could ever lift kind of do make things seem awesome to many people. Personally I'm more for the at least semi realistic approach, but at least I can understand that position.


    Those hilts just make things look hilarious, and they are that way even with most weapon designs that seem as if they were intended to approach realism. Look at the standard steel sword for instance, or the daggers.

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