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Posts posted by Briadonis.8907

  1. Arenanet: My thinking right now is, if you discontinue Mac support, then I discontinue my Gem purchase support.


    Been a loyal customer and player for many years now, and your Mac support was one of the reasons I have been so faithful. If you go down this route, I'll be going the route of weening myself and my money away from your platform.

  2. I'm throwing my two cents into the remove from Salvage All... at least as an option... having to move the unidentified gear into invisible bags is an extra step that I didn't used to have to take. I never liked how loot worked in the PoF maps because of how it affected my Salvage All, but it was a limited exposure, but now with it going live all over it is really starting to make my play in GW2 unpleasant. I like the idea of eliminating bag clutter but because the unidentified gear shows up in Salvage All (and I don't want to Salvage it directly) it is eliminating the usefulness of Salvage All. So you step forward one step back.


    All you have to do is remove unidentified gear from Salvage All... or make an option to do that and this will be a good change.

  3. Today's patch seems to have incorporated the disk IO fix... It does result in drastically reduced disk IO. The IO has been reduce 10 fold at least on my short test... I did notice some increased CPU usage during login but maybe I just didn't notice that in the past since it spent so much time waiting for the disk IO. Definitely a step in the right direction thanks ArenaNet.

  4. Just to contribute to this discussion, I had the high disk IO issue with the 64bit client myself... while it wasn't quite as bad as someone who previously posted, I could not join PvP style matches because it would take so long to load that by the time I loaded in the inactivity timer had expired and I got booted immediately out. Also the character models and parts of the scenery that apparently does not load with the map would slowly fill in over a few minutes after the map loaded. The 32bit would be able to load about 10x faster and I had no issues with load times... it of course had other issues... like running out of memory.


    After waiting for Arenanet to fix this issue for like a year, I bought a 480GB SSD (for $99 from Microcenter) and replaced my 500GB boot volume with it.... from the SSD it loads about as fast as it did from boot camp in Windows, it is completely playable now.


    All Arenanet should need to do to replicate this problem is grab a mac with a traditional hard disk and run it in the debugger.... I can't imagine it would be that difficult to diagnose, since the game is basically unplayable from a traditional hard disk.


    * Also a side note from before I replaced the boot disk with a SSD... the disk IO issue would not only affect load times but it would also affect FPS, since when I would move the camera to load a different part of the scene it would start thrashing the disk to load models that were now in view and the game would freeze up while it did that, so it seems like the code that is loading the models is not running in a separate thread (or if it is, it is blocking for some reason). Therefore the FPS would drop to wait for the disk IO .... once all the models visible in the scene were loaded it would play at full FPS. A great example of this is I would stay in the royal terrace facing the asura gate... if I turned my camera the other direction the game would grind to a halt while it thrashed the disk to load the more dense collection of models in that direction.

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