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Posts posted by Thar.9465

  1. The Stompers are not much of a problem. At least they're static. But I'm still stuck at 24/25 for the targets, although I already have the ahcievement for 300 shots. I have absolutely no idea which one could possibly be the one I missed every single time, as I''ve specificly targeted the distant ones lately. So this has just become a randomfest and I'm quite annoyed by it.

  2. My feedback is about PvE. I've also played PvP and WvW with ele, but it was a longer time ago so I don't want to give an uneducated opinion.


    The most obvious issue is the lack of defenses in the class mechanics coupled with the low health pool. In order to reach a decent damage one has to forsake any kind of defense, thus becoming extremely dependant on the team. This damage is more unreliable and goes down considerably without support. A sword weaver might be the squishiest damage dealer there is and worst of all, unlike other classes. the range of the ele is locked by the choice of weapons. A sword weaver has to stay close to his enermy almost all the time to deal damage (though I guess this is a much bigger issue in other game modes).

    Another problem is that the utility skills are often just plain bad compared to those of other classes. Conjures in particular feel very clunky and unrewarding. Somewhere I read about an idea to turn them into an alternative weapon set, which could also solve the range issue, but I'm not quite sure how to implement this with several conjures.


    Something I'd like to see is to shift the focus of the skills from attunements to weapons. Most of the time all defensive skills are on water or earth lines. For a dps orientated build some attunements are never used. Instead I'd give every attument both offensive and defensive skills. and let the general theme be decided by the weapon (e.g. for some weapons power damage is higher, other have more access to conditions, others are more defensive or have a lot of cc), simply so that every attument is at least useful for every kind of build and one shouldn't feel bad for accidentally switching to water in a dps build. Thematically there are more than enough possibilities: Water can be used to hurl huge chunks of ice for strong power damage or shards for bleeding damage. Earth should have overwhelming strength, not just toughness and some sharp rocks.

    Of course this would require a large rework, but it would make the ele much more versatile, which it's supposed to be, as more than one attunement is useful in a situation.


    Of course there are other things as well, but those would be the things I'd like to see done the most.

  3. Mesmer - I like spellcasters, especially when they use a more 'pure' form of magic instead of stuff like curses or elements and have a chaos theme, but at the same time I absolutely dislike illusions, overbearing deceptions and especially time manipulations. Which is sad, because it's a fun class. A mesmer without illusions and with a more direct style would be perfect for me, but like this my mesmer will never be more than a gathering and storage char.

  4. > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > @"Thar.9465" said:

    > > I'd welcome it if outfits were abandoned completely. A single armor set adds more customization options than 20 outfits could and it would need only one great part for me to want it, unlike with outfits which need to be outright perfect.

    > > I made the mistake of buying one once because I thought an aspect I didn't like wouldn't bother me that much. I was terribly wrong. After a few days I couldn't stand the buttcape anymore and never used the outfit again. As a result I'll probabloy never buy one again.

    > > As for the "need" to make single sets for every weight class. It doesn't really matter anymore whether they look distinct. Specific looks for weight classes have already been thrown out of the window with outfits, so they could look all the same for all I care. In fact, it would be welcome, since that would probably add more variety, which is still severly lacking with still no real pants for light armor or the overwhelming amount of trenchcoats for medium armor.


    > Well good news! 70% of your armor sets will be buttcapes too so you can hate 70% of the skins that take 1600% longer to make XD


    Frankly, I'd still prefer that. At least there's a chance the other parts are usable.

  5. I'd welcome it if outfits were abandoned completely. A single armor set adds more customization options than 20 outfits could and it would need only one great part for me to want it, unlike with outfits which need to be outright perfect.

    I made the mistake of buying one once because I thought an aspect I didn't like wouldn't bother me that much. I was terribly wrong. After a few days I couldn't stand the buttcape anymore and never used the outfit again. As a result I'll probabloy never buy one again.

    As for the "need" to make single sets for every weight class. It doesn't really matter anymore whether they look distinct. Specific looks for weight classes have already been thrown out of the window with outfits, so they could look all the same for all I care. In fact, it would be welcome, since that would probably add more variety, which is still severly lacking with still no real pants for light armor or the overwhelming amount of trenchcoats for medium armor.

  6. That's long overdue in my opinion. Outfits have already annihilated the distinction between weight class looks since every mesmer can walk in full plate and guardians can fight in light robes. I don't see a single valid reason why it shouldn't be done. This alone would add more options for customization than hundreds of outfits or numerous new armors.

  7. The spear is one of those weapons that are vastly underrepresented in fantasy settings although they've been the most popular and dealdy meele weapons throughout history. Same goes for all kinds of polearms and crossbows, which were pretty much skipped for some weird reason. Then again, Gw2's weapons and armor have never been very realistic.

    As much as I'd love to see spears being used properly, I don't have much hope.

  8. **Outfits**

    Probably the biggest disappointment for me. There are a lot of interesting parts in those, but one part that you don't like might already ruin everything. I don't care at all if there would be some clipping, just give us the option to mix.


    **Lack of infusions in preview**

    No option to display infusions in the armor preview is just annoying for me. An nfusion can completely change the feel of any armor, and I can't afford to buy every single thing just because there is no option to check in the preview beforehand.


    **Minor Sigils/Runes**

    Oh , I hate them so much. Those useless things are always filling the inventory way too quickly.


    There is more but those are the most annoying right now.

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