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Lord Dumpling.7914

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Posts posted by Lord Dumpling.7914

  1. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > You're welcome. I enjoy it a lot. Are you sharing on our social channels? I see you mention the prompts and such, but I'd like to know it's being seen by the community (and perhaps being shown on Tumblr.)


    Yeah! i post all my stuff on tumblr, instagram and twitter, under volgayart. so far the gw2 tumblr and twitter even reblogged/tweeted some of my inkotber posts, which makes me insanely happy :D

  2. Just wanted to share some of my inktober drawings so far! I'm doing the whole month gw2 themed with the official prompt list and the gw2 one combined, these are some of the results:


    Day 1 - Poison

    ![](https://66.media.tumblr.com/99d78046fd8696acbfb941bc45122dc2/tumblr_pfxx13mHOs1v5z3yto1_1280.png "")


    Day 2 - Tranquil

    ![](https://66.media.tumblr.com/29de49f5474274fe6c54641a3ce19809/tumblr_pfzqre5gxB1v5z3yto1_1280.png "")


    Day 7 - Golem

    ![](https://66.media.tumblr.com/9ebe2813b9b5cef5e9e1b56f9b82e940/tumblr_pgaxncrZQs1v5z3yto1_1280.png "")


    Day 8 - Star

    ![](https://66.media.tumblr.com/066d80ff52152910fc1a7fa17e0f709f/tumblr_pgcp6d0mg01v5z3yto1_540.png "")


    (if you wanna see the rest, you can find me as @volgayart on tumblr, ig, and twitter)

  3. everybodys saying how having the griffon catch updrafts would suddenly allow people to stay aloft forever, but did you guys forget the infinite gliding mastery?? which allows you to stay aloft forever? Thats exactly the thing, if we had the ability to dismount midair and remount, *then* people could exploit the endurance regen to possibly climb up in the air faster. Which is also ruined by A: the cooldown, and B: the fact we literally just got a mount endurance regen mastery that essentially allows you to very easily gain extra height with the griffon.

    on the argument that "locking full functionality of PoF content behind HoT bars", i dont know if i maybe didnt come across clearly, but A: the way i envisioned it implemented was that the actual trainable mastery isnt in the griffon line, or in the PoF category in general, but instead a hidden 7th mastery in the gliding line that unlocks when you get the griffon. Plus, why would a PoF only account care about unlocking updafts anyway when they _cant use them anyway because theyre hot content_

    the way i see it its not locking away any kind of PoF content behind a HoT purchase, its only an added bonus for people that already own both expansions, how is that bad?

  4. I keep thinking about how much i want to be able to use updrafts with the griffon, and the new map with its tornados and displaced jungle honestly just make that wish stronger.

    Of course the discussion is that making the griffon be able to catch updrafts would make the glider completely obsolete, but i think when peolpe say that they just assume updraft use would come packaged as a normal ability with the griffon. But what if we were only able to unlock updraft use on the griffon as a 7th mastery in the HoT Gliding mastery line, so people would only be able to unlock it if they already have the full gliding line unlocked?

    At that point i think it would be a nice reward to be able to use the griffon with updrafts aswell, and noone would be able to bypass getting the gliding masteries by "simply" getting the griffon. Plus, youd have to spend some time in Maguuma "training" with your griffon, so it wouldnt even be so far fetched in a story context.

    (also, you get way too many mastery points anyway, theres plenty to spare)

  5. I'm wondering, will guesting on other regions ever become a thing?

    I have one of my best friends and his guild on NA, but i'm an EU player. Id love to switch over and raid with them, or hell, just run around or join events like tyria pride on NA, but unless i wanna pay 500 gems or more for every single transfer, thats not possible. Switching permanently is also not an option for me and many others, because of connection issues that would suck a lot of fun out of regular playing. Worlds have become so irrelevant that guesting in your own region is already has no effects, the ability to at least temporarily guest over to NA would be so much more beneficial.

    Will we ever see this become a thing? just lemme play with my friends pls ._.

  6. Since we saw the addition of some potions and effects to the novelties section this patch, i was wondering if this was what was meant with "we're working on putting tonics into the novelties" comment, or if we still have something to look forward too?

    Most importantly though, i was thinking if it would be possible to organise tonics into the novelties tab with a similar tech as the PVP finishers? so not only do you get the permanent (endless) tonics to be in the wardrobe, but also single use tonics can be added to the wardrobe and will be used like the temporary finishers that drop during seasonal events. I think that'd be a great way to reduce inventory clutter especially during said events, like halloween when your entire inventory fills up with tonics :D

  7. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > That does make for an interesting possibility. A lot of those things I was glad wasn't permanent at the time, so I'd probably prefer if they weren't made permanent now either, but they could make great fodder for special event week(end)s and the like.


    > (If the Marionette does return, for instance, I really hope it doesn't come back with the 'kill everyone in Lornar's Pass if the event fails' mechanic. Somebody map-completing on the other side of the map shouldn't have to put up with that.)


    oh lord it did that? thats why i think having the events contained to the time rift bubbles would be a good way to contain them, that way the maps stay the way they are most of the time, but every once in a while a rift opens up, a small area gets thrown back in time, the meta happens inside the bubble, and the bubble goes away again

    so they wouldnt need to permanently alter the maps to incorporate lw1 content, just periodically throw back part of it

  8. What if we got some of the content from living world season 1 back into the world, each in their own kind of mists-rift-fractal-time-bubble-thingy, like with the stuff happening in Jahai?

    As someone who only started playing when HoT was released, i would absolutely LOVE to see temporary events like the Twisted Marionette return as maybe a time rift that opens up every few hours,

  9. oh no, the game wants me to things and play the content for rewards, what a horror

    youre acting like these events only spawn once in a blue moon, literally spend 20 minutes on sandswept and youll get the bit "THE SPECIMEN CHAMBER IS OPEN" notification, no problem

    the race also spawns often enough, the only problem there was that it was broken before (plus, the damn thing also gives you rewards, and also mistonium i think)

    and great hall, i might be mistaken but cant you also springer over the wall and just get it?

  10. > @"Boingo.5264" said:

    > Happened to me today. Logging out and then back in seems to fix it -- temporarily. This was actually a big deal for me. When it happened I was attempting to slow down and land my griffin, but it wouldn't slow down. When I finally did land, I hopped on my springer and confirm that it couldn't back up either.


    exact same thing here, relogging fixes it for a while but it just, keeps happening.

    I dont know if this is a thing, but i think i found that when this happens and i dismount, the initial backwards press doesnt work either when dismounted, but when pressing it again i can finally move backwards?

  11. Okay i have no idea whats causing this, and im pretty certain its not my keyboard: since recently, ive often faced the issue that when mounted, my back movement key (s) wouldnt work? it works perfectly fine outside guildwars or when im not mounted, only when im mounted it seems to not want me to go backwards.

    This isnt always the case, sometimes i CAN move backwards on my mount, but most of the time it just doesnt work now?

  12. something definitely seems to have gone wrong, i got the achievement from a guild hal shortly after the patch dropped (when i posted this thread), went around and found absolutely no other chairs interactable, went back an hour later and found those exact chairs to suddenly be sit-enabled.

    and considering the trailer anet just posted, they only meant to activate any of this stuff on april 1st.

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