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Posts posted by Derdzvero.7051

  1. LOL, I thought Twitch/YouTube viewers are irrelevant and not needed/seen as target audience.

    On the serious side there is barely any reason to expect anything more than Gemstore content, loot boxes and "regular" updates with "content", as we know it: do one and the same thing over and over again so you finally get (after X time gates).. something useless. Of course environment color will change from violet to white. I'll be playing an entertaining game during the presentations, watching & playing GW2 is not on my todo list.

  2. Rule number 1 with online games: if a game is advertised as "free to play", the chances are developers don't want to sell it for 50-75€ (as most of all other games nowadays), but to get hundreds of Euros from many. Even thousands.

    There's no free lunch in this world (apart from cheese in mouse's trap) so those should be banned by law on spot for dirty business practices. No exceptions.

    Rule number 2: there is no online game, that provides value for such amounts of real life money, regardless how high someone's income is.

  3. > @"Zeivu.3615" said:

    > > @"Derdzvero.7051" said:

    > > > @"Shadow.4792" said:

    > > > I agree that having a good machine minimize the issue.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > No, it won't. It's the same as with any Unreal 3 engine - environment loads 3000min after the start.

    > > Core i7-7700K OCed, GTX1800TI, 16gb ddr4 3200, ssd Samsung evo m2 key with Gb/s througput. I see the same issue, it's the crappy cheap engine,not the HW. Windows of course, that might be the key..


    > There are hundreds of users on the kitten map, with their particles choking the client and your computer. It has to process all of them and the environment too. What do you expect?


    I'm not expecting anything from Anet, it's a lost cause. It's not about lag or processing power, it's simply preloading default mount skins until mount has been invoked. As it doesn't happen with char skins, it's absolutely 2min work to fix that spaghetti code.. but we know how Anet likes to fix and optimize the game..

    That is the reason OP complains that he/she is paying 20€ for that experience.

    For your information: Everything outside of rendering distance circle and potentially cone of view should not impact own character model and performance. Even in such conditions there should be priority for rendering engine- someone's ugly skin at the other end of the map should never ever get a rendering/processing time and priority over my character. Especially in "special" areas. And on top of that we're not speaking of issues with skin models, we're speaking of WRONG preloading of default skins. There's absolutely zero logic to not preload the proper skins during inter-zone jumping, as it's actually done for char/weapon/glider/etc.


    But feel free to look for excuses and be thankful for what you're getting for your money. Some aren't. And some are seeing this game as cheap (and ugly) cash grab.


  4. > @"Shadow.4792" said:

    > I agree that having a good machine minimize the issue.




    No, it won't. It's the same as with any Unreal 3 engine - environment loads 3000min after the start.

    Core i7-7700K OCed, GTX1800TI, 16gb ddr4 3200, ssd Samsung evo m2 key with Gb/s througput. I see the same issue, it's the crappy cheap engine,not the HW. Windows of course, that might be the key..

  5. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > It's because gw2 attracts certain types of personalities. Introverted and non-social.


    > That's just false.


    Well, if you imagine for a second that many players with 6000h in game have spent at least 1000h jumping between 30 Winterberry bushes, pressing F key...or similar "content gameplay" it's not that hard to imagine their psychological profile and OP's impression. Pretty much majority of "achievements" are directly targeting such... personalities.

  6. > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > GW2 is optimised very poorly, can't port it.


    Although Linux users claim game is running OK..might not be difficult to make PS4 port at least. I never tried it though so might be completely off here.

    Of course, Anet has to re-design the interface and optimize it a bit (if it makes sense at this stage of lifecycle..)

  7. --> Error Logs <--

    Failed to open GFE XML: 2




    Can it be the absolute junk called Geforce Experience??? Direct uninstall of that If you are asking me... If you insist on using it, make sure GW2 is set inside not to be touched/optimized/etc...

    P.S. check windows event logs - might give more hints, if the issue is in collision with 3rd party software or .Net related..

  8. > @"Cuks.8241" said:

    > OP you are basing all of this on the thesis that people go spending rationally. Which is definitely not the case at all.

    > People do not make lists with things they want and spend only for items on that list. People come to the store and see a cool glider skin, 4 days left and even if they don't need it now or doesn't fit any wardrobe they will buy it cuz "4 days, maybe miss it forever". And they do the same next week and week after that and they still didn't buy the skin they really wanted, so they check store more and buy more stuff. Or they just have birthday or holiday or pay day and just buy something from the store and it is not really the item they really want.

    > I am no market expert but this seems like a very plausible selling scheme. It works much better than just person buying their favorite skin and use it forever.


    I think you are correct! I can't understand that because it's not my consumer's profile, hence the big question mark above my head and didn't even consider it as possible ;) well, for Anet I hope they have enough of those people on board :)

  9. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:


    > > @"Derdzvero.7051" said:


    > Not only does it work for ArenaNet, but it works for even the biggest retailers out there. Even Walmart and Target do this type of marketing to a degree, though the store might seem like it carries everything all the time I can guarantee that there are some items they only carry at certain times and bring them back occasionally, they make more on those particular items when they do that. It's a proven marketing concept they teach everyone that learns marketing.




    To a degree yes, but devil is hidden in details. You can't compare stores, which limit some goods, while providing 1000 alternatives permanently. Also you have to consider if those goods can be bought somewhere else or are offered exclusively..if those are being produced by a corporation with huge portfolio or small company with 1 product...and in which segment of economics they fall (can't apply same rules for home appliances, cosmetics, pharmacy..).. So keep in mind all these reflect on marketing strategy, even change it during product's lifecycle. That is why I gave the example with iPhone in early times and later- it migrated from being a true timegated exclusive, via price/quality/fashion competition to become a mass object on the market.


    If we focus on gaming companies with similar approach, I'd give Riot and WG as examples. One offering all cosmetics permanently, boosting sales with short offers/events, while the other limiting all, but offering enough alternatives each hour and enough motivation to watch out for something specific. Just check them, from marketing perspective they are brilliant, in my humble opinion..



    Anet are reading the marketing books as 1st grade schoolboy, when declaring 90% of the cosmetics as being "limited edition and availability", and at the same time cosmetics being a main source of income.. I don't think we should discuss this further, neither should I care-my finances won't end up in Anet's pot anyway.


    P.S. when I'm reading the thread, looking at TP and game as whole..how it developed in last 1 year.. i think I'm wrong in the assumption that marketing reasons have anything to do with cosmetics' limited availability. It's just the same time gating culture, Anet are implementing everywhere in GW2: crafting, achievements, objects, tasks... it's not different than sitting with bag of goods in front of a robot in Sanswepth Isles for 7 days and click F 2 times a day.. it's not different than Skyscale's flop to wait, just to be told you'd have to go to same spot, you were yesterday at.

    It's not different than mashing 300 dragon pinatas with F, but only 1 time a year..and so on. Gathering Winterberties and calling it an exciting gameplay mechanics...It's just Anet's understanding of content and keeping consumer's interest. That's what they do, it has nothing to do with reasoning and marketing/sales. I'm not their target anyway, no need trying to understand them. Let's move on, each to direction of his/hers interest. Have fun guys, no sarcasm at all, I'm honest here.

  10. > @"Lynn Dragonhart.5762" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > >

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > >

    > > @"Derdzvero.7051" said:

    > >


    > Thanks you guys! I tried a loose combination of all three of those, and everything seems to be running quite smoothly now! Even my other games have gained ~30fps thanks to optimizing my graphics card among other things. (I also can't believe I never thought about disabling nametags. Yeesh.)


    Great news!! Glad you sorted it out.

    I think the biggest issue was reflections set to all. In combination with postprocessing those are two things GW2 has never been able to do. Character model details and count make difference, but that is easy to test and tweak - FPS will change gradually with settings modification (at least they do in my case).

    I'd advise against having char limit count to low since that causes the game to render NPCs or chars too late for me, but you can find a sweet spot for you, I'm sure.


    P.S. wiki mentions that forwardrender might cause issues with lightning and shadows, but interesting enough I've had those before I used that option. They were coming and going between patches, irrelevant of graphic card or driver version - I've had quite a few during those 1.5y. Now my issues are gone! Who would have thought.

  11. > @"Dunkerzor.9452" said:

    > The answer you're looking for is that GW2 has become a place to sell art assets with the skin of the video game. Mounts are one of the more enjoyable parts since they actually have a decent learning curve.


    Yeap, apart from the fact you can't actually buy them, when you want ;) You have to wait and hope to catch them in TP, when released.. provided you haven't spent that gold for something else meanwhile..or simply keep playing (e.g. pressing F key and doing daily scheduled routine). I doubt mobs or rng drop are interested in shiny stuff anyway ;) This game is on free fall- instanced story content gets smaller and smaller, simple repetitive actions without purpose get promoted as a gameplay, cosmetics get locked behind a timegate.. doesn't look good.

  12. I understand your point and marketing description. All I'm saying is that it does not fit in current price plan. And your logic is "if they are doing it, then it's working". No, I disagree and don't consider GW2 being a very clever and promising business to take all without grain of salt.


    Total purchases of skins is higher, if you provide only 2 at a time and thus only shopping-addicted customers are able to buy something? Would be interesting if that's the case. But there are other factors that need to be in place for this to happen ..like bigger dynamics in game for example, skin to come with stats modifiers, etc.. (like WoT for example)..

    Even then it won't work for regularly priced cosmetics. I don't know an online game that limits the access to cosmetics..see Riot, hirez, etc.. for example


    It's pointless to discuss - one skin costs 1200 regular price. At times discounted to 750. That's it, no 3rd price exists. There is NO way that Anet makes bigger income now, offering that skin for 1.5 months a year, compared to if that skin has been kept permanently available for 1200 gems. Never in life , not in other games, not in gw2. Yes, it might cause disparity in various skins' distribution, but income-wise it's a terrible decision. I don't need Anet's financial reports to know that.


    Now, if you are saying that people would actually buy more skins, provided those are offered within limited timeframe.. i don't know, don't understand it, could be. As I said I wouldn't buy a Picasso if I wanted a Rembrandt..e.g. I won't buy currently offered skins only because they are the only ones available now..


    Now, if people are monumentally... and would buy extra salvage tools from despair, just because their skin of interest is not available for purchase.. and then buy 2 more skins..and the one they wanted at the end... i don't know that, sounds like a serious problem to me ;) None of the people I know in or out of the game is driven by such logic, ymmv

  13. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > The goal of business is always to make the most money possible.




    And that is exactly what Anet is NOT doing! Having price constant or frequently on discount and at the same time limiting the good's offering period to days/weeks is absolute nonsense. Thousands of posts in multiple threads mean large part of community is not being targeted at all(gw2 is a small community). Good luck to such business.

  14. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > You should use the -forwardrender launch argument, will help your FPS a lot. I do that by using GW2 LaunchBuddy, or you could manually do it. Just google it.



    Thank you for that !!!! It is indeed much better in my case (1080TI, Driver version 425.31). There are occasional fps drops, of course, but game feels much smoother now and average FPS are much closer to 60, which I have capped with vsync.



  15. > @"Lynn Dragonhart.5762" said:

    > I recently built a brand new PC from the ground up, with the help and recommendations of a friend. Upon installing and launching GW2 for the first time, and trying out "Best Appearance", I was only able to hit ~30 frames or lower. So, I tried using Auto-Detect, which again, barely gave me above 30 fps. My buddy was very confused at this, as GW2 is a somewhat-older game, and yet I could only hit 30 max on it. I've never had any trouble with frames in any other game that I've played, many of which are newer >



    Try the following settings:


    ![](https://i.postimg.cc/5NR0Fytw/Untitled.jpg "")


    There are many issues with in-game video settings and it's not HW fault or your setup. Those are game-engine problems, but sub 20 FPS is too much indeed.

    Character model quality you can raise to high, but you might have significant drop in FPS during massive events. Experiment with it.

    Do you have some form of Vsync activated in Nvidia drivers? Try disabling it for a test, if you see shuttering (especially Gsync)...

    Disable xbox gamebar, xbox recording and nvidia overlays (experience).. If you have Rivatunner up - stop it for a test, it's causing issues in some games..

    Disable anything that has overlay in general for a test..

    Antivirus/Firewall software? Disable for a test.

    Windows defender real time analysis & memory mapping overwatching? Disable..


    Try full screen - combination between any of the above and windowed mode will kill the fps as you are seeing...


    Also pretty much depends where you're measuring the FPS - There are zones and places in game, where 45 is the max you can get, even without action around, regardless of HW used.




  16. > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

    > > @"Derdzvero.7051" said:

    > > I wouldn't buy Picasso even though it's rare. I would get a Rembrandt, provided I had the opportunity. So I don't understand the increased desirability argument.. might be me only though.


    > I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here (that you value certain common things more than certain rare things?), but your example seems poorly chosen. Picasso and Rembrandt were both incredibly prolific painters, but Picasso was much moreso: he painted about three times as many paintings as Rembrandt did (over 1800 in total, plus many other artworks).


    The point is: if only sand-themed skin is available for purchase, I won't buy it if I'm looking for fire-themed skin. Regardless if sand-skin is top quality. E.g. offering only 1 thing at a time in the store won't make me buy more, if that 1 thing is not what I want to have. I won't use a skin, which doesn't fit my character, just because someone calls it rare/unique/etc... It will make all ugly.



    > @"Yargesh.4965" said:

    > It has been working to ANETS satisfaction for about 5 years now (up to the first expansion there was very little in the store to begin with). I think they are probably happy with it or they would have changed it.



    I guess you are right.. I'm also happy that I can ignore the TP and real money spending (especially after Skyscale flop), but was just wondering how not selling stuff could be better than selling stuff.. Guess "it's always been like that" explains it. Thanks guys, GL to Anet financial dept ;) I'm going to check Gog/Steam/Epic sales currently, because..you know, they are actually selling stuff :)

    Apologies for duplicated post, should have seen there are other recent threads on same topic.

  17. Yeah, but will you be buying more glider skins with the current store concept, compared if these were listed as available(albeit at higher price than current discount)? I don't think so- you'd probably make a list of desired items and get as many as you'd afford or like to have. Now- you'd get 1 and that provided you have nothing else planned, else you'd chose between options. Outcome: less money for Anet.

    Only shopacholics would probably be spending more since they have to buy something now, just for the sake of the purchase... Then again, those would be buying tons more if there's an opportunity so..


    Also rareness raises prices, but they offen return items to store on 40% discount..so that also doesn't fits the idea of limited availability making objects more expensive.


    Your example with gliders is good: see those you mention can be considered rare or limited- After all we have like 5-10 glider skins always available for purchase, right? So no problems to have some rare.

    But mount skins are terribly limited (I'm just looking now for one hence the example) and that means no options and no purchase. And I'm sure I won't be getting on the hook get one of those ugly skins/recolors available (my taste here!) so 1200 gems less for Anet. Neither will they get more from me, nor I will be happily now or after waiting for 3m for that skin (provided I remember what i wanted)..


    I understand your explanation and feel it's indeed what Anet believe.. still don't see it working in the currently implemented store model of theirs.

  18. Hmm, ok..for me it's just not working - Apple tried with iPhone same concept and was ditching it after initial hype-phase..

    I wouldn't buy Picasso even though it's rare. I would get a Rembrandt, provided I had the opportunity. So I don't understand the increased desirability argument.. might be me only though.

    To have some business profit with current implementation, Anet should really have all overpriced when available (which is not the case, quite frequently the opposite in fact) or make more money from alternative purchases. I doubt people will buy ugly (for them) skin or 10th account upgrade, if they have 9 already sitting idle, while waiting for a specific skin...I would never get a skin for gathering tools if I'm looking for a mount skin..

    Then again I'm probably a border case, but for me it's simply a losing money model. It makes zero sense with current pricing and story content release plan.

    Who would buy sand or branded-themed skins when a water expansion comes out? Or how many would buy HoT-themed skins nowadays? I don't see a logic..

  19. So at any given time, 90% of items, one can see around in game, are unavailable for purchasing in gemstore. We're not talking about discounts or offers or rare goods - this concept basically makes almost ALL cosmetics being unavailable for purchasing at any time.


    Obviously this doesn't apply for account upgrades, so why do we have this practice for mount (and pretty much all other) skins ? Can someone from Anet check with marketing department if that really is the intended model?


    It's one thing to have "offer of the day/week/month/event", but another to have 3k posts thread about interest in spending money, which is not possible since store doesn't want to take those money ;)

    Of course some exclusives have to be limited, no question in that. But really considering all mount skins or some outfits, related to story content (just an example) being exclusive is quite an overstatement and false understanding , imho..


    Analogy with real life is to enter a big store and see empty shelves with 2-3 items rotating in one corner of those. It's not like we have limited space in the showroom :)


    Doesn't really encourages Gem purchasing - if I'm entering 3 times such a store and not finding what I want, chances are I will ignore it later, when the object of interest appears there. For how long will I remember that object, I saw next to me during an event, and will write it down for future?? Or will I open TP, check it's not there and forget it?

    I don't think that is good for the artists and customers. And business income too.


    Imagine Riot blocking 95% of skins behind a timegate in store and being still a successful business.. or local store doing it for bicycles or cars or furniture.... Hope you understand my point and confusion

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