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Posts posted by TheSun.4321

  1. I really don't see how it's favoritism, if they didn't claim it, another guild would have. The anet tag doesn't give the objective any special buffs, and it is honestly a detriment. The tag on the objective becomes more like crosshairs, people are more likely to try to capture it.

  2. OP here


    I understand y'all aren't fans of a subscription to pay model, and have suggested things like an option subscription. I understand that statement has rubbed a lot of you the wrong way and I apologize for that.


    Nonetheless we appreciate all the support for the main issue here, which is resolving the tremendous server lag we're all facing, not just in WvW.



  3. Dear ArenaNet,


    We’re keen to get your attention on this pressing issue as we have continually grown in frustration that has almost reached a breaking point for many players and guilds within the community. Over the past few months there has been a significant increase in skill lag and server latency, with frequent mass interruptions to the flow of gameplay becoming commonplace, more so than they were eight years ago when the issue first began - albeit less than what we are facing today.


    We all are deeply passionate about Guild Wars 2, and the work, development and ingenuity that’s been put into the game since inception. World vs World has been a centerpiece of the game for many of us who have invested thousands of hours of our time into making it what it is today.


    You’ve given us the tools to forge empires, families, and comradery that has taken us far beyond our mundane lives, and we are deeply appreciative of that. But many of us have experienced what has felt like a continuous neglect of the numerous dedicated players who enter World vs World, only to be punished for taking part in what the gameplay is about, to amass, conquer, and battle.


    Even if mitigation or a solution is not possible in the short term, communication with us - the playerbase - about the issues goes a long way to reassure us that we are cared for, and not being abandoned. We do not need another World Restructuring or Alliances promise followed by more than three years of silence.


    These are the questions on our minds, and points that we implore you to address with urgency:


    -What is causing this latency?

    This existed before the COVID-19 lockdown, and is not primarily the result of it. However this has exacerbated the existing and underlying issues that we have all become far too familiar with over the past several years.


    -Do you lack the funds to pay for better servers or upgrade existing infrastructure?

    Many of us gladly purchase gems on a monthly basis, there are many untapped parts of the game that could be monetized by which we could support the experiences we wish to have.*


    -Is this something that can be resolved?

    Either in the short term by mitigation - even on the part of the players, or in the long term by infrastructure changes on your side.


    When we are unable to utilize the kits you have worked so hard to create and balance, we’re doing you a disservice, as you are doing yourselves a disservice. When we are unable to enjoy the smooth fluidity of the animations and abilities you’ve painstakingly worked to bring to life, it is a great shame to all of us.


    We ask you, as Guild Leaders, Officers, and Commanders, to resolve this. We know you want this game to succeed as much as we do.


    Friends, fellow WvW players, please express your support to this, let ArenaNet know that this cannot go unresolved or unanswered for any longer.



    Guild Leaders, Officers & Commanders of the Illuminardy.


    _*edited, subscription suggestion derailed from core argument_

  4. This fits the idea of GW2 being a game that's very supportive of alt creation, and I agree with this design choice and direction.


    However, it leads to the issue of skins attached to the legendary gear. While sure, you can just use more outfits and neglect using skins outside of your mains there issue becomes bigger if you want to use racial skins on your legendary armor. My guardian has a full set of legendary armor, however he uses some sylvari skins. I won't be able to use this feature to equip my warrior with the armor because of the racial skin lock, which defeats the whole purpose of this update. Either I need to go with armor skins I'm less happy with, or forgo using the armor outside of a single character, or maybe even I am forced to re-roll my warrior as sylvari.


    I'd like to see in a future update, the separation of skins away from armor so they function more like outfits. This would allow for a greater exchange of legendary gear between characters and would fit with the design direction you're going for.

  5. Salut!


    Je suis le commandant de [GAL] Galatis. Nous joueons samedi, dimanche, jeudi, et mecredi vers 10 heurs de soir jusque a 12:30 du matin. On est sur la serveur JQ, fermer a ce moment mais si tu veut attendre pour le relink tu peut nous joindre dans une semaine.


    On est ~15 par nuit, et utilise discord. Il faut que tu utilise nos buildes. On communique primariment en anglais, mais tu peut me parler on francais.


    Laissez-moi une message si on nous interress :)


  6. Stance-share Soulbeast would be an interesting party addition to a push comp if they had decent cleave weapons. Greatsword is slow, low targets, and low damage, unfortunately. There's potential in the group condi clear, group stab, and a unique buff in the form of 'One Wolf Pack'. That's why we lost druid too, because no matter how much the numbers are buffed they lost their unique buff 'Grace of the Land', so there's no reason to bring them over scrappers or tempest, who bring a certain uniqueness.

  7. **Date & time: **

    7/20/18 around 11:30 am EST

    **Map: **

    Be My Guest (Story instance)

    **Character Info:**

    Sulevis, Sylvari, 80, Ranger

    **Group Status**

    Yes, with another ranger.


    I was doing the Be My Guest instance with a friend, and she disconnected just as we ended the final room. When she reconnected, I left the instance in order to her let back in for the boss fight. When we loaded back in Braham was missing from his prison, through she could see him.


    Once the first got to the first 'Covered in Scrabs' fight script, Joko disappeared like he does at that time, but never reappeared even after several minutes.


    Reproduction attempts:


    -Left and reentered the instance as a party. Joko never reappears. No Braham.

    -Restarted client, entered as party. Joko never reappears. No Braham.

    -Entered instance solo. Joko never reappears. No Braham.

  8. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > Well TSYM and TL are on freeze for months and both guild leaders are more interested in other game... Wipe moved, GAL moved. i have seem almost Borlis Pass guilds running around.


    SoS NA has imploded several times only with the past year. Neither TSYM nor TL will be coming back, both are gunning for CU. As for me, we put so much work into the server only to see it go to waste with pugs and guilds falling into the same habits. The only hope for SoS NA is to start over from T4 and retrain the pugs and have guilds who are opened minded. However, this is not a possibility as the OCX/EU/SEA PPT will always keep SoS' NA in a tier far above their ability.


    Just my own opinion, and why I decided to start over on SoR (After of course learning what we can from JQ before the current pairing ends).

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