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Posts posted by Magek.4718

  1. > @"Poormany.4507" said:

    > What's the difference between that and just taking your chest armor off? Head armor, I get some people might want to see their face, but who exactly would run around shirtless for extended periods of time other than to troll? I just don't see what the point of this would be and would prefer resources to be used for other stuff.


    Many Norns and Asura have skin markings and patterns that are covered by armor.


    I'd say this feature is long overdue, take it a step further and allow us to hide leg armor too.

  2. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Hey folks,


    > Thanks for asking about my well-being. I assure you I'm fine. I have been out of town on vacation, and not really able to interact on the forums at this time (poor connectivity, I don't do well typing on my phone :blush: , etc.). The mod team is on duty and I'm keeping up with them from time to time, so all's well in that regard.


    > I will be back in the office on Monday and look forward to talking to you soon.


    > Edited: Because I am really, really bad at texting on an iPhone.


    > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


    Wow. It's kind of chilling that these two posts are only one day apart from each other. Gaile had no idea what was waiting for her when she got back and I find that to be a terrifying thought about job security.

  3. Oh yeah, the system is super broken and garbage. I have a few horror stories from this year that I actually couldn't believe.


    Like this one time, my team started losing so everyone on my team leaves until I'm the only one left. But that's not the horrible part. The horrible part was when I saw one of the opposing team yelling at one of their teammates in map chat to switch teams because and I quote, "You're the weakest link, you don't deserve the win. Switch teams before someone worthwhile like me takes the fall for you". So that's when I realized the system encourages toxic behavior as I watched a team basically turn on each other.


    Had one match where I was the weakest link and one guy on my team put a target over my head when the volunteer button popped up. When I didn't volunteer, he called me a retard and left the game.


    Had one where I was on the winning team, didn't volunteer and the other team somehow got a spike of players and next thing I knew the rest of my team bailed until I was the only one left and I actually ended up losing BECAUSE I didn't volunteer.


    And lastly, probably the most disgusting one yet: I was on a losing team that had more members than the other team. Towards the end of the game, I opened up the screen that shows both teams and their score and I noticed because my team had more members, it gave me the option to switch. I thought surely they wouldn't let me do that but sure enough, I clicked the button and I ended up on the other team which was exactly one kill away from winning the match, The team won and I ended up getting credit for the win despite literally switching teams at the last minute. I felt like such a villain. All I had to do to win was switch teams.

  4. I can see both sides of this.


    On one hand, robbing a guild blind should be against the rules. In fact, I vaguely remember this WAS at least at one point a rule in WoW. They're basically the same thing as a scammer but on a much larger scale so why not?


    At the same time, if you give him that power, you need to realize that you ARE the one who gave him that power in the first place. And maybe if you trusted him, that's a bigger issue than your guild losing all your stuff. You were betrayed by someone you trust, someone you thought of as a friend. And if you didn't think of them like that, there is your first problem.


    It's the same thing as player-to-player trading in other games and trades by mail in this game. Yes, the person shouldn't have scammed you in the first place and should be punished for it but the second you press that "Accept" or "Send" button and not "Decline", the only person you have to blame at that point is yourself.


    The best thing you could so right now is start a blacklist and gather information to fill out the blacklist with potential villains so this doesn't happen again. Talk to other guilds, get the word out. Tell them to blacklist this person too so they don't fall to the same mistake as you. That's how it was done in other MMOs I've played in the past like WoW and Eden Eternal.

  5. After they destroyed core Mesmer, I would have ditched this game the day it happened if the combat system wasn't the best I've played in any MMO.


    Because after all, it's not the story, or the graphics or the playerbase that matters.


    It's the gameplay. And it doesn't get better than this.


    Now if they can just fix my favorite class then I can love this game again as much as I used to.

  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > I'd rather they didn't waste too much time on more festival stuff when this isn't a major festival - although I do like some of your ideas.


    > I do find it funny that instead of opening the envelopes and hope for 8 win, you can sell them on the TP for guaranteed 8g win..


    Aren't the envelopes account bound on acquire though?

  7. We still have like 4 more elder dragons to smack, we ain't even halfway done. Combine that with "filler" expansions like Balthasar and Gw2 won't be done for a LONG time.

  8. > @"Arcaneus.6931" said:

    > According to gw2 wiki gargoyles were a horned humanoid like race that disappeared along time ago. Maybe they can add an upright gargoyles that physically look like humans but have gargoyle like appearance just so when it comes to doing armor it would be much easier to implement or something like that for playable races if Anet doesn't want to go with the conventional races.


    That's interesting but if they were to add a new race, I'd like them to do it right and not be a watered down "easy" version of it with corners cut just because Anet apparently can't do what most other MMO devs can.

  9. Oh, you're going to hate me.


    **Ninijatt** - Asuran Mesmer : This is my main, this is the name I've used in games since 2008(Along with Magek) and its just stuck with me since. It is a combination of both ninja and cat. The character I assigned this name to is designed to be the best representation of myself but since I couldn't make a character that looked like me, I made one that "feels" like me. I may not be a black, blue eyed goblin monster but my closest friends have all taken one look at my character and said "Yup, that's you alright!". He has my "soul" for a lack of a better term and is worthy of the Ninijatt name.


    **Pants Destructor** - Norn Ranger: It is what it sounds like.


    **Temporary Mist Babe** - Norn Revenant : I'm currently looking for a new class to play after mesmer was gutted and turned into something I no longer have fun playing. It is what it sounds like, a character I'm using just to try out the class and will be deleted when I'm done. Also, Dio Brando was taken.


    **Third Bomb** - Charr Engineer : Because Yoshikage Kira was taken and having a cat-like character that uses explosions with the title "Killer Queen" was too good to pass up.

  10. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > @"Magek.4718" said:

    > > The only MMO I've known to do seasonal events right is Runescape.

    > >

    > > Three events per year for Easter, Halloween and Christmas.

    > >

    > > Each year the events would be totally different, with a completely new quest and side activity (sometimes) to do each time complete with it's own little story.

    > >

    > > The reward would be only one item (or a set) but would become completely unobtainable next year with a new reward taking its place instead. It was a cool "I was there" kind of item.

    > >

    > > They felt truly special and provided good incentive to do them every year. Literally no other game has done events like this but tbh, this is the way to go. It gives you an experience you'll never forget and truly something to look forward to every year, three times a year.

    > Isn't that kind of like what GW2 did with season 1 of the living story? One-time only content that you either do in the short timeframe it's released or are forever out of luck? Turns out a large part of the playerbase didn't appreciate the system back then, and I'm fairly sure that they'll appreciate it even less when that timeframe collides with a time when many people are busy with their lives outside of games anyway.


    > Personally I'm really enjoying Wintersday as a festival to have fun, playing a bit here or there, but not being forced to grind to get the goodies. That's one of the main reasons why I enjoy this game: when I feel like sinking my teeth into something there's a lot of (permanent) content there letting me choose how to spend my time, but there's also a lot of content I can play just for the fun of it, especially the festivals. I don't want "something really nice" that you need to grind for and only a few lucky people (or those with enough free time on their hand) actually get. I want fun activities like bell choir, SAB, or the flying dolyak race that amuse me simply because the activity itself is amusing, and this game gives me a lot of that (and even throws gifts at me on top of it :) ).


    I think there's a big difference between a seasonal event that's supposed to be on a time limit and actual content and main storyline in the game being lost forever.

  11. The only MMO I've known to do seasonal events right is Runescape.


    Three events per year for Easter, Halloween and Christmas.


    Each year the events would be totally different, with a completely new quest and side activity (sometimes) to do each time complete with it's own little story.


    The reward would be only one item (or a set) but would become completely unobtainable next year with a new reward taking its place instead. It was a cool "I was there" kind of item.


    They felt truly special and provided good incentive to do them every year. Literally no other game has done events like this but tbh, this is the way to go. It gives you an experience you'll never forget and truly something to look forward to every year, three times a year.

  12. > @"MMOStein.3872" said:

    > You ARE the epic hero that all the NPCS admire...this is how the story goes most of the current mmos that even attempts to tell a decent story.


    > FFXIV: You are the blessed ~~hacker~~ "Warrior of Light" that everyone depends on to defeat the Garlean/Primal threat....or do Eorzea's chores.

    > B&S: You are the super famous Hongmoon warrior that defeated the Black Rose ~~yet infamously can't stop getting your clan destroyed.~~

    > GW2: You are the wimpy nobody that rose to become a legendary commander who led the armies that slayed 2 Elder Dragons and a fallen God.


    > Not sure what the story is in ESO, and I haven't cared about WoW in over 5 years, but wouldn't be surprised if those game's stories are similar to this as well. Games like BDO and Tera don't care about their story, so neither do I.


    > Everyone wants to be (or eventually be) a hero of some sort in a fantasy game, nobody likes being a nobody especially since we are all peasants irl anyway, if you weren't then you probably wouldn't be playing video games right now :p


    In WoW, you are pretty much removed from the story entirely. Just one of the many faceless nobodies that show up for the battle in the crowd of the army of players. WoW suffers pretty badly from having a loy of characters but no main character.


    I prefer GW2's style of storytelling much better. At least we have a main character.

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