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Posts posted by Tibain.6018

  1. Hello,


    my static is looking for one Multiclass DPS for our weekly Clear+CM run on tuesdays 19:30 CET. We usually fullclear around the 3 hours mark.




    - Atleast Dragonhunter (regular+Virtues or Core), Renegade or Firebrand, Daredevil, Mirage

    - 90%+ Benchmark

    - Exp on all Wings/Bosses/Mechanics



    If I've caught your interested, feel free to hit me up in Discord (Tibain#7110) or inGame (Tibain.6018)

  2. So, I'm usually not the type of person who get's easily annoyed or impatient, or who even complains about a little wait.

    That being said, it is unreasonable for a minor issue, that would've been fixed within 5-10 minutes of work, to have to wait 8 days (and counting). A day after opening the ticket it got viewed by CS, though there were no further questions or even a simple reply that they're looking into it.

    This has been my first ticket ever, and so far, I'm disappointed.


    For anyone interested, this is what happened:

    Did Qadim CM with my static group and didn't get the reward while everyone else did. Sounds easy to fix to me, given the fact that I could even provide proof that I was participating in the kill itself in form of a PoV.

  3. Hello,


    as the title implies, I'm looking for a static for Raids. But since I am part of a WvW/GvG Guild, my time for Raids is kind of limited, to specify: I'm booked every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday between 8:00 - 10:00 PM CEST (+- 15min).


    But first a little bit about myself:

    - Paddy (short for Patrick), soon 23 years young, Main DPS

    - ~400 Li, Demon's Demise, Voice in the Void

    - Safe in doing every mechanic on every Boss

    - Classes:

    - 3 Benchmark DPS (Weaver [Main], Mirage, Spellbreaker)

    - 5 close to Benchmark DPS (Holosmith, Renegade, Firebrand, Dragonhunter, Scourge) - missing Infusions

    - Chrono (100% Uptime) and Banner

    - Free on every day/time except those mentioned above


    What the group should offer:

    - atleast a solid performance in W1-4

    - aiming at fast/efficient weakly clears

    - Cleartimes/trainings out of the times I mentioned above

    - down for other raids/stuff apart from clears/trainings

    - (if the static is linked to a guild) no need to represent - or being ok with only representing in Raids



    If I've got your interest, feel free to send me a message o/

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