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Posts posted by fototo.7306

  1. > @"Blumpf.2518" said:

    > I knew stuff like this this would happen in this thread, since snowcrows is kind of a religion to a lot of people where only snowcrows is good and the rest is "crippled" "useless" "snowflake builds" "noob stuff" etc. This thread and the reactions to it shows perfectly what mindset the raiders of gw2 are trapped in. "Snowcrows is good and everything else is bad and heresy! Now burn the witch who dareth to speak against the meta!"

    I dont get this combination of victim and superiority complex there's so many completely reasonable replies to your rambling that you're completely ignoring.



    > Lets take Holo for example, most of them are running AED as healskill. Why? You can skip insta death mechanics with it at deimos and sabir and its F Skill does damage, so it will increase your DPS a bit. BUT you could also be running the healing turret which is a group heal, a group condiremove, a water field and grants regeneration. In most scenarios this would be better for the group. And the insta death mechanics can be avoided without using AED by playing the boss mechanics as intended.

    But as a dps holo your job is dps, and the healing is the healers job. The whole point of raids is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The more you try to spread out and try to do everything (dps and healing) the less effective you are at both. You are giving up a sizeable dps increase for close to nothing because the "advantage" of healing turret is redundant.

    > And there was the example of soulbeast running bear stance earlier in this thread. If youre playing soulbeast and are using one wolf pack and the leader of the pack trait, take bear stance. It will heal the whole group and remove condis. And this can make a diffrence in high pressure situations were the group drops low.

    People already do this.

    > Or lets take warrior as example. You can play SC Berserker warrior. What will happen most of the time is: CC bar appears, headbutt is on cooldown cause people used it to have more time in berserker mode or to fill adrenalin bar and berserker mode just ended, so you cant use your Mace F1 and end up with very low CC

    You never use headbutt on berserker outside the initial strike to fill 3 adrenaline bars because its a self stun. If you can start the fight with 3 adrenaline bars (like qtp or dhuum) headbutt is pretty much pointless and people tend to take res banner anyway.

    >But you could also play Core warrior and have your Mace F1 ready all the time with an effect 3x as strong as the berserkers F1. And since youre playing core you can also equip Battle Standard as Elite as an "oh kitten" skill that instarezzes a lot of people if needed. You could also be running the tactics traitline and use the empower allies trait, which as berserker would mean a lot of DPS loss, while as core warrior it wont reduce your DPS.

    You lose a lot more dps by just not taking berserker and empower allies ironically is not worth it outside of incredibly high dps groups. The right play here is to ask 9 other people in the squad with you to use their cc skills. Again the more you try to cover by yourself, the less effective you are at everything.

    > Or lets say a CondiNecro at Gorseval or Amalgamate in Wing6. Most people will just say "kitten, this are Power-DPS bosses, play Dragonhunter!" but this bosses also have a lot of adds/orbs which can make life difficult. But if you play a power setup with one condiscourge who uses Epi there wont be any adds/orbs and people can DPS the kitten out of the boss. Necro and Epi is not "needed", but its a quality of life feature that makes the boss so much easier for everyone else.

    First of all condi dps has been good at gorse for a long long time. As other people have pointed out necro, and almost every other condi class have their own guides on the snowcrows page for gorseval in particular.

    condi scourge on conjured amalgamate is actively griefing your group. You pull the group dps down by a lot, your hand phase dps is almost non existent leading to more slams leading ,ironically, to more adds ( the very problem you claim to solve). I haven't seen a training group that actually struggle with cleaving shields with swords.

    This is genuinely such a bad idea it's not even funny.


    > But since the SC meta is like a religion nowadays, most people wont even consider this is as an alternative.


    Few final notes here, a lot of ideas you posted on both this and your original post are genuinely bad. (knights is better than minstrel for tanking by so far its hilarious, bringing 2 entire banner for measly amounts of healing power and toughness is a terrible idea no matter how you put it.)

    As other people have noted its impossible to find a pug group that insists on following sc comps to the T, even if you try your hardest. A LOT of criticism similar to this seem to be made by people who rarely raid and also haven't spent more than 4 seconds looking at the snowcrows website. **Meta builds are meta for a reason**. A lot of these builds come along with thousands of hours of experience and experimentation. The more you understand why they are better and the other builds aren't nearly as good, the better you are as a raider.

    Also almost all boon builds on snowcrows are there with the intent of keeping 100% uptime no matter what. I'm really very very confused as to what you're referring to with that.

  2. Hey,

    I've been an on/off player for a while here and haven't accomplished much on the account yet. I'm looking to train crafting skills to get PvP gear before anything major but I'm down with PvE atm .

    Hopefully there's guilds out there that take in lost people like me who don't really know what to do.

    I have a lvl 80 guardian and a level 30 elementalist.

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