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Posts posted by Ali.1420

  1. Guildhalls are expensive to build and the members help do that in most cases. All they really get back from that is buffs and harvesting. I chose Lost Precipice due to the fact that we could decorate the housing there. I gave my guild the permissions to decorate and personalize their spaces. They really enjoyed that and there was a lot of creativity going on. Then it was done and the hall capped the 2k deco limit with many areas unfinished. We hold events and parties in our homes which keeps them being useful vs. abandoned. The decos are so limited in this game as well as the space cap of 20 items in x amt of area. This is so frustrating. There are so many amazing decorations that should be available to us. Beautiful sofa's, chairs, (fantastic items that are shown in the Armistice) kitchen items including food, cabinets, trees, flowers, various sizes of paintings that don't cost 25 gold each... the list is endless if one notices their surroundings everywhere in-game. Yet... none of those many items are available. For Lunar New Year... we got exactly one item, the ox. It isn't even able to turn so it faces each other so we can't place it on opposing ends of the arch. I had really hoped we would get the strings of lanterns to hang and the larger lanterns but nope, just an ox. I might add that it is beautifully done and I love it.

    I know I would be more than willing to spend gems on items if they would just put some in the gem store like everything else in-game that has a gemstone option. High hopes for Cantha... I guess we will see. Final thought... give us a Black Lion trader in the guildhall it is incredibly frustrating to be crafting and having to port out to use the tp every five minutes.

  2. I would like to see more decorations for the guild halls. I have Lost Precipice and we have made guild member housing. Each member that wanted a house was able to decorate their space. The list of items is so small it's hard to be unique. I would be more than happy to use gems to pay for decorations. It is also really hard to decorate with the 20 items per 400 meters cap. Considering the general decor that the game uses it has a lot more than 20 items per 400 meters. I feel like decorations are now an afterthought. At Wintersday we got some stars and garlands. I was very happy to get those but it would really be nice if we had more items.

  3. I love the Carnival weapons that are in Ember Bay but I don't feel like Anet took it far enough. I love the little bells and the jester looking skins. I think they are overpriced a bit for exotic but that didn't stop me from buying them. :p I would love to see some jester themed armor items to go with them. Especially a hat. This is what I have come up with so far for my character. https://imgur.com/0xgArTx Anyone else using the skins?

  4. Anyone else having an issue with their light Aetherblade armor going missing from the wardrobe? I know mine was there about three weeks ago when I was making a new look and as of this past week, it has disappeared and is now grey in the account view. I sent a report a few days ago but have not had a response yet. Which is fine as I understand people are working from home. I am just curious if anyone else has had items go missing recently.

  5. This is an excellent idea. Not sure it is feasible but it would really help the player base. I don't join raids because I don't want to do something wrong, get kicked, or make a group wipe. I started Strikes right when they were released and we are all learning together. It is really annoying in Whisper when you tell people not to strafe with the chain on and they still do it. I think really it is a reaction out of fear when it happens. A solo training mode would certainly be a great learning tool. Sometimes I just want to get through it get my daily chest/crystals and move on so wiping over and over and having to reform the group because people leave gets pretty tedious.

  6. This complaint is outlandish. Raids are very elitist and you have to ping your items before they will even let you in the group. If you don't have any it's an instant kick. Strikes are basically a precursor to Raids and a great learning tool. There is no reason why the Strike itself or the chest in eotn should not have the chance of a pre all content in-game basically gives that chance. It feels like some people just search for things to complain about.

  7. I needed to contact support over a problem with purchasing two of the same item on accident and I get this as a response. IP restrictions are enabled. Access may require connecting to an office network or VPN. Contact your Zendesk administrator for help. Why would Anet block my IP? My gem purchase went through fine and in 7 plus years on this I have never had something like this happen. Anyone know what's up?

  8. > @"Lamont.5973" said:

    > So how do you claim the outfit? I registered but got no notification



    Same... and as of today, all of a sudden they are "out of stock". Wasn't when I gave them my info yesterday. Seriously this is such a scam for our information. Countless people signed up just to get the outfit (me included) to discover they gave no code.

  9. > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

    > For a week we had players to fill the maps, i understand some where just in it for the mount, but that only took an hour maybe 2 to get, this time yesterday we had Q's on 2 maps at 9:45am UK time, the buff was removed last night and today its a ghost town, even across all maps we dont have enough to make up 20/30 people at most,


    > Can anet not see what is stirring them in the face, if you remove a reason/rewards to be in WvW no one goes into WvW, you seriously need to consider an overhaul of WxP to make people want to spend time in them maps.


    > You need to make a mastery that allows people in WvW to increase the WxP they get, or double it permanently across the board.


    I have exclusively played WvW and then abandoned it for other parts of the game during the last 6 years. WvW is very grindy and it gets old not getting decent rewards there that you can obtain much more readily in Pve. For instance... the tickets. Once you fill the required levels from wood to diamond that's it. No more tickets until reset. That does not feel very rewarding and I know a lot of WvW players once they fill diamond for the week they stop playing. I really enjoy WvW but I do get tired of not feeling like the rewards for playing are balanced with other parts of the game. I didn't play eotm much so my rank is not inflated due to that. It has taken me 6 years of hours upon hours in WvW and my rank is still only 1600. I can't imagine what the new players must feel like facing such an enormous grind.



  10. > @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

    > Lol I can barely keep up with my 4 people, 25? You guys are nuts... :o


    I like to have one of each class per race... Why? Idk , it's just my thing. All are fully geared and I play them all. Still have a lot to go but probably won't make more until/unless we get some kind of organisation as it's too annoying as it is.


  11. > @"nottsgman.8206" said:

    > personally I would like to choose the order of my characters, even if it was just which first few are always shown on the character the select screen.

    "70 'mains' and waiting for more slots

    | 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |"


    And I thought I excessive with 25! Any organizing format would be awesome. I hate the long line of toons and no way to itemize them.


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