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Posts posted by Qiwiii.6517

  1. > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > You do have to stay alive. They just forgot to add it to the achievement text and didnt bother to fix it since.


    Aight, kinda bs that they haven't bothered to fix it but I got it anyway. Thanks for letting me know so I didn't have to wait for a ticket response.

  2. I did the power surge achievement yesterday with a group of people. I died just at the end of the fight and didn't get the achievement. It doesn't state anywhere that you have to stay alive throughout the entire fight to get the achievement. Is this a bug or did anet really just not care enough to put it in the description?

  3. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"Qiwiii.6517" said:

    > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > > I think they should get rid of the stat boost on ascended/legendary and stick to QoL improvements. I heard something about a legendary armory that might fix my issues with this garbage build template system. That's worth a lot more to me than 5% stats!

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > if they were to let you change the stats of ascended gear like you can on legendary equipment there would be no insentive for people to make legendary gear? Can't seem to understand your logic here.


    > I think you understand perfectly well that ascended gear has advantages over exotic other than the stat boost, actually.


    You were complaining about the build template and I assume you mean that they should allow players to change stats depending on which gear template they use even though they only have ascended armor?

  4. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > I think they should get rid of the stat boost on ascended/legendary and stick to QoL improvements. I heard something about a legendary armory that might fix my issues with this garbage build template system. That's worth a lot more to me than 5% stats!






    if they were to let you change the stats of ascended gear like you can on legendary equipment there would be no insentive for people to make legendary gear? Can't seem to understand your logic here.

  5. Haven't read through all the replies but I'm gonna say this anyway. Your low damage is not the result of bad gear. Your low damage is the result of your lack of knowledge of the game and your profession. A skilled player can EASILY out-dps the average player even if the skilled player only had exotics and the average player had full ascended. This game is a skill based game unless you only play open world or low tier fractals for example. You can't go into raids without actually practicing your profession and becoming efficient with it and its skillsets.


    TLDR: Low damage = lack of skill and knowledge, high damage = skill, practice and knowledge.

  6. Hello!

    We are a chill lfg guild for raiders who for whatever reason can't join a static team. Our roster is only filled with experienced raiders to ensure that your raid clears will be as smooth as possible without sticking to a static format.


    We do raid clears spontaniously but mondays are usually the days when most of our members do clears.


    Our requirement is a minimum of 250 li and experience in all wings.

    We would also like to see some dpslogs from both golem and a few boss kills.


    What we are looking for right now: Chronos (both boon and tanks), Druids (kiters and stackers), heal firebrands (must provide quickness), Alacrigades, dps (must have both cDps and pDps).


    Either comment on this post or whisper/mail me in game: Qiwiii.6517


    Thank you!

  7. How come anet doesn't release wallpapers with higher resolutions than 1920x1080?


    I know this is not a huge problem that many people care about but it wouldn't take much for anet to release higher res ones.

    Resizing them in photoshop isn't worth it because of the loss in details so please anet, start releasing 4k wallpapers too.

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