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Posts posted by Psykewne.3025

  1. > @"Spook.5847" said:

    > I just suffered through an hour plus of one chapter to unlock a WvW track, and realized how many times I have been stuck in the same or a similar position - doing stuff I really dislike just to be able to play the game. Absolutely NOTHING should be required in the "personal story" or the Living World instance stuff for a person to go anywhere in the world, or to have a means to get the stuff in the game. There's nothing I dislike more than to be forced to do content like this - even JPs, which I despise, are not as bad (although the forced wintersday and clocktower JPs come close).


    > Look, I dont care about cut scenes or voice acting in this case. If I want that, I can watch anime. I care about being able to play without worrying I will get disconnected or something and have to start over, or that I will be put in the same boat due to not realizing what a huge timesink I got into until it is almost time for work, etc. Having whatever insane, overly-costly open world requirements is fine - but requiring personal instances for unlocks is not. Just let us skip the entire thing if we want to, or play it for the mastery points BY CHOICE.


    What WvW track was this?

    Sounds like you're playing the wrong genre of game, you know every mmo will tie rewards behind certain content right? The WvW track unlock is a reward for doing that content. If you don't like the content then don't do it, but then you don't get the reward.

  2. You can't change people's behaviour, no matter what barriers you remove for people to audit other players with there will always be something they can use to exclude those with less experience. You are never going to be able to alter the culture of gaming to fix a problem that exists in all mmo's when concerned with more difficult content.


    Now if you personally think that kp is a bad thing then ignore it, make no kp groups and move on with your life. If you can only play in really off-peak hours on an mmo then low playerbase and difficulty forming groups is also something you need to accept. Even WoW is very difficult to form groups for anything at 2-3 am.


    I feel like people keep telling the same anecdotal type stories when it comes to KP or raids in general and it's always to be some kind of "gotcha" moment to try to call out the entire community for not behaving the way you want.

  3. > @"Pacificterror.7805" said:

    > Looking at getting a char to 80 via consumable to unlock a mount.


    > Is there a general consensus on which profession is the quickest to grasp? I fully intend on playing it on lower level areas to get the hang of it but as I've already gotten it to level 80 immediately, I would not be paying learning the profession the same sort of attention I would have during traditional leveling (at first, anyway).


    > Thanks for sharing your opinions.


    Warrior is very straight forward. Adrenaline is a very simple system and all their skills and traits are very straight forward. Get two axes and pick up a bunch of damage increasing traits rip through stuff. Put double mace on your second weapon set to cover any break bars you need to handle. They have good synergies between their traits but there is nothing complex in the use of anything the warrior has.

  4. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Fangoth.4503" said:

    > > > @"Psykewne.3025" said:

    > > > > @"dani.5680" said:

    > > > > I reach t4 fractals! In 3 weeks all!

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Explain how you are doing T4 fractals in 3 weeks but don't have ascended gear?

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > -Create a pdps, do CoF trade token for zero gear buy other with gold (~1/2day)

    > > -do few tarir and mastery to get key line gliding (~1day can be done as you gear up)

    > > -now that you got rid of dirty toughness gear and can fly you can go do a w1-4 and get free ascended armor. Use magnetites and loot to start changing weapons ?

    > > it makes you inf 6-8 slot so 54-72 AR

    > > -do fractals 1-75 trade dailys for 2 ring 6 extra inf slot 108-126AR

    > > enough to do 76-86 depending on luck, if really you want to push with potion and inf above +9 you can get to 150 without too much prob

    > I think you have missed the "but don't have ascended gear" part.



    Yeah I'm not convinced you read my question properly, it was to the OP who claimed he was doing t4 fractals after 3 weeks but also said he had no ascended gear. I'm pretty sure at this point the OP was just a troll.

  5. > @"dani.5680" said:

    > Impossible for new players to get in a new raid! All require 150+ LI and all training require ascended so you are in a farming space of over 3 months for ascended gear just to get in the training! Then 1 year to get those 150 LI! What the hell is going on?

    > Most of training guilds take you on weekends if they are free, if not, not!

    > So as a new player you have to farm 1year to be in a LFG? Thats stupid isn't it?


    Ok all this is flat out wrong. Me and my wife started joining raids in june. We now have over 300 li and have killed everything except dhuum on normal and done all achievements and cms in w1 (missing two minor achieves), 2, 3, 4 and 7 (missing the none cm achievement on Q2).


    We both started with an ascended power dps build and an exotic condi build each and gradually branched out to cover a bunch of other stuff mostly in exotics on mutliple characters. We have never been gear checked, the most we've ever been asked is toughness numbers. We learned every boss we tried pretty quick just joining 0li and low li groups as we got more and more li. We got lucky and ended up in partial guild groups a couple of times but for the most part it was always pugs.


    We've never joined a proper training group and had to learn as we went by watching videos, reading up and basically doing our best to learn mid fight. Our first QtP kill was a cm kill because we joined for CM sabir and adina and they decided to FC. We had done a few failed attempts at QtP before but nothing much at all and it was my first time doing pylon. I think we killed it in a couple of tries.


    Seriously I promise you if you put in even a tiny amount of effort you will be full clearing at least wing 1-4 before you know it.



  6. As i say on all these omg new weapon. What mechanical difference would the weapon bring over existing options really? We don't have differences in piercing, slashing and blunt damage. Animation wise a great axe is going to have similar animations to a greatsword or hammer. Mechanically you would use a great axe in a similar fashion to a hammer anyway.


    There is not reason to expand the weapon pool, we have 16 land weapons that cover many different facets and it's really unlikely we would get more. All the common suggestions could be easily replaced by an existing weapon that could perform mechanically the same.


    Great axe - hammer or greatsword

    One handed spear - Axe

    two handed spear/polearm - staff

    mainhand shield - mace

    offhand scepter - torch/focus


    Aside from a little flavour you gain so little by trying to add a new weapon type. Not to mention the time involved in adding skins, legendaries etc... for the new weapon.

  7. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > @"Psykewne.3025" said:

    > > I find it interesting that no one has actually said anything in support or agreement to anything you have laid out in this thread yet you simply refute or ignore all contrary points. Either you are the smartest guy in the thread or you're severely off the mark.


    > Most of the points made in this thread have nothing to do with the actual topic though. One of the main points people are discussing here is that boons are more important than healing...which I don't disagree with or agree with...but it has nothing to do with the topic since some boons are used to increase damage, while other boons are used to increase healing. You can supplement these things by just hedging what you have verse what you don't have. If you don't have access to protection, but you can heal for the same amount that protection would have supplemented in the fight, then both are just equivalent to one another, and likewise, if you have protection and a lower amount of direct healing. So neither is "more important" if you can measure that they have the same value...and this informs your decisions. If a squad leader is forcing you to take protection, when you could just heal through an encounter without protection because your class doesn't have access to it, then the method give more power to you. Having both is ideal...but some builds (classes) just don't have that kind of luxury.


    > The other point people are trying to make here is trying to use the method in order to compare builds to one another, when this isn't the point of the method. You CAN compare builds on different classes to each other using this method, but that's not what you should be using it for. The design of the method is meant to pick a (any) build, find out it's potentials and see how well you are meeting that potential.


    > Anyway, pick a build...any build you want to play, find out it's potential, then find out how well you are meeting that potential and it tells you some information you can use to better your gameplay, find different strategies, or mix and match different skills, traits and sigils etc. Only way to do this is to actually do the calculation rather than argue about whether it's a useful calculation for you or not. The calculation is not exclusive to just healing...it applies to anything that can be broken down into components of damage or healing. If you require stability or immobilize for an encounter, then you bring stability or immobilize... that has nothing to do with the potential healing of your build since it can't be broken down into components of healing that you can measure.



    So essentially either a) you’ve explained it so poorly no one gets it b) you’re so smart no one is on your level to understand it c) your initial premise is so irrelevant everyone is discussing things that are actually relevant d) you’re entirely wrong


    You are arguing everything away as “that doesn’t apply” or “that’s not the point” I think it’s becoming clear there is no point. Certainly not in discussing anything with you it seems and I guess everyone else gave up on you a long time ago so I must be the fool for wasting my breath engaging you.

  8. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > @"Psykewne.3025" said:

    > > Ugh. Look I think re-reading the thread, your ego is just in your own way on this one. You obviously think very highly of yourself and you're obviously more than competent at the game and that's fine, but this thread seems less and less like a useful thought piece and more and more like tooting your own horn. I think maybe this topic just isn't aimed at me because I really don't have a problem with my healing performance and there's nothing you've said that is of any use to me.


    > This thread is about giving you a tool you can use...that's all this is. Has nothing to do with whether you have problems in your healing performance or not...this is just a method to measure aspects of it so you can inform yourself...you can use it to theorycraft builds...or just for fun calculations if you have ideas for a build... it really doesn't even matter what you use it for...its just a tool.


    > This is nothing to do with ego either...this has to do with me trying to give people something they can use to improve themselves if they want to or not...I'm like literally trying to help using as much objective logical reasoning as possible (and math) so that they themselves can confirm it to be the case without having to "take my word" for it.


    > Lastly, I think it's you and your ego is preventing you from learning a different way to look at the game...I mean you assumed in your first comment, that I was motivated to make this thread by being made fun of for running a full heal tempest...which believe me I was made fun of still am for a very long time. Of course that's not my motivation for making this thread otherwise i would have made it a long time ago. And of course when I start showing you pictures where it's is in support of what I'm talking about, all of a sudden its MY ego? (and believe me I could BLOW your mind with some pictures and videos...) But that's not even necessary...in fact I hate making videos and taking pictures just to prove a point when its all there in the math that one can do themselves to find out on their own.


    I find it interesting that no one has actually said anything in support or agreement to anything you have laid out in this thread yet you simply refute or ignore all contrary points. Either you are the smartest guy in the thread or you're severely off the mark.

  9. I actually think your screen shots have made the game look objectively worse and kinda grainy. I actually don't see how people think GW2 looks worse than FF14 or WoW. The only reason i see to do anything to the engine/graphics are if it actually benefits the gameplay significantly.


    i found this video showing the 4 most popular mmos

    and thought it showed pretty clearly that none of them looks signifcantly better or worse than the other really.
  10. > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

    > Make mastery points available for gem store purchase for those that do not want to take the time to do all the cr(stuff)ap to get one point. Sometime an entire list has to be completed for just one point that's just bad, especially if people have to get x amount of experience to use them. I hate taking the time to get them wasting the time i could be getting the exp. to use them.



    I'm interested in where you feel like you are bottle necked by lack of mastery points. There's a substantial amount of insight ones and plenty from adventures or individual achievements. I know there's a few behind expensive collections but i have all masteries unlocked but certainly not all the expensive mastery points gained.


    Didn't they add the original tyrian insights due to people complaining it was too hard to get the tyrian masteries completed? Surely the best idea is just to add a few more insights for the areas that this seems to be a problem. The fact that we don't have buyable hero points from the gemstore leads me to believe that this would be unlikely to happen also.


    GW2 has done well to not gate off too much with masteries but also make them rewarding. The worst offenders were the essence chests i think in strikes.

  11. Go fight https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Aberrant_Murellow and tell me you want stronger retaliation. This guy is an absolute nightmare to fight as he has a super powered retaliation that you essentially have to boonstrip to comfortably kill. I think if you make retal stronger you suddenly make boonstrip even more important than it already is which pushes classes without significant boonstrip further out of the meta. If you weaken retal then you might as well not have it though, right now it does enough to be noticed but not enough to be oppressive.

  12. They already addressed this when they changed some skills from doing confusion to doing torment. Right now confusion damage is either balanced on 99% of pve scenarios or on the 1% of fast attackers it is op. I don't see the issue. If you add extra baseline scaling to it suddenly all the condi classes with some level of confusion get a buff and none of them actually need it.


    This is actually really cool in a way as for instance when doing largos you can actually switch up your rotation on some condi builds to prioritise skills that do confusion so it gives some variety to the way you play.

  13. Ugh. Look I think re-reading the thread, your ego is just in your own way on this one. You obviously think very highly of yourself and you're obviously more than competent at the game and that's fine, but this thread seems less and less like a useful thought piece and more and more like tooting your own horn. I think maybe this topic just isn't aimed at me because I really don't have a problem with my healing performance and there's nothing you've said that is of any use to me.

  14. Honestly toxic is a garbage term and most things described as toxic are nowhere near, if you can't see past the lies of toxicity in the community then you probably won't enjoy the content anyway. I don't think this is a problem that can be fixed as the common denominator is always the same individuals that experience the "toxcity" , this is true in all group content.

  15. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > @"Psykewne.3025" said:

    > > It would be worth noting that engineer and to some degree elementalist suffer much more from their limited weapon choices, engineer is entirely reliant on spending their utility skills or tied into using holo elite to access meaningful damage as their weapons are functionally limited and poor across the board compared to all other classes.


    > Yur comparing 3 classes which are so functionally different it's not a fair comparison.


    > Ele has functionally 20 weaponskills in combat which they can swap into with their own cooldowns.


    > Engineer has Toolbelt utilities which make up for them using a Utility slot for a Toolkit.

    > But if yur talking about how Engineer has no weaponswap if they choose not to use Toolkits, then I wonder why yu are playing Engi in the first place whose power is all in their toolkits.




    I would argue actually that revenant demonstrates how much more valuable in a build a proper weapon swap is over the more narrow switches that both ele and engineer have. Remember rev was originally designed as having no weapon swap also so is a very fair comparison of the differing design philosophies and i would argue that the argument for rev having weapon swap is just as relevant for ele and engineer in many respects.

  16. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > >And also, if you play pure healer instead of boon value,


    > who ever said this and why do people keep bringing this up? No one is telling anyone here to bring a pure healer over a booner...


    > If you don't find the exercise useful than don't use it and continue playing how you play what is so hard about that? You'll just be playing without knowing all information. That's up to you and you are perfectly fine with living in that world than so be it


    > This stuff isn't pulled from the vacuum either btw. This is one of the ways people from WoW community use to make Priority rotations. They're calculations are WAY more exact, but it's essentially the same principles. So continue to live in that bubble that's fine. It's just a shame really that's all.






    you shot yourself in the foot there. This is not WoW and healing in guild wars 2 is not like wow, end of comparison

  17. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > @"Psykewne.3025" said:

    > > I'm going to be blunt and just say that this data is pretty useless, you just gave a maths lesson nobody needed. GW2 healing doesn't work this way. I'm going to bet someone insulted tempest healing to motivate you to write this.


    > Wow toxic much?


    > What motivated me to make this thread was me observing how inefficient people were using their builds in WvW...especially when I know they could be doing so much more cause im aware of the potentials of the builds they play.


    > What also motivated me a bit was when i asked players in pug squads if they could solo heal bosses. Many said they can't...but i know for a fact that they can but they just don't know how.


    > So please enlighten me, how does healing work in gw2.


    Seems like the easy way to disparage an opinion you don't like is to call it toxic, unfortunately what i said was not toxic. You're really trying to force a narrative that is not relevant when it comes to guild wars 2 healing. It's always about the right healing at the right time and the right boons/cleanses at the right time in order to support your team. Throughput is irrelevant because guild wars 2 damage is very rarely a consistent dirge.


    It is all reactionary or preparatory effects. For instance, healing condition damage is simply not as effective as cleansing at the right moment. Aegis negates far more damage than most heals can heal for. Stability can prevent control effects that make you vulnerable to further damage. There is absolutely not point you are standing still just eating damage for an extended 3 minutes without peaks and valleys and effects to interact with.


    It is so easy to start doing complicated mathematics to try to talk down to others but it only obscures the fact that you are ignoring everything that makes guild wars 2 combat unique. If you are standing around pumping about heals trying to make the big numbers then you are simply doing it wrong, it's not efficient at all to play like this. True efficiency in healing is when you know significant damage is not coming in and allowing regen to tick to bring people up rather than using a big heal. True efficiency is doing the healing and support that is necessary and then filling in everything else with damage. Every bit of damage you do also limits the healing you need to do as things die faster.


    The efficiency maths you are doing is about the least relevant stat you could possibly care about in guild wars 2. You are way too defensive to even see it however and you're getting aggressive with anyone with a differing opinion acting like you are the smartest guy in the room, which you clearly are not as you just hand wave and dismiss any evidence that you are incorrect.

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