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Phatt Dude.7538

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Posts posted by Phatt Dude.7538

  1. I think the question is, is it noteworthy that a person continues to log in and do some cursory events to maintain activity in the game, and hopefully; help new players with content which has become ancient and arcane to many of us. Senior players at their best help new players a lot, and the achievements tabulation is a simple tip of the hat to them for that contribution. Also, every action has intended and unintended consequences. You help one group of players and hurt another. In this case, putting a cap on daily achievement rewards; hurts the active senior player. It helps the senior players who are inactive hold on to their positions at the top of the achievement boards while doing nothing. It has the apparent effect of helping new players who might be overwhelmed by the lofty achievement totals of us old guys, but it also cuts them off at the knees because without an inducement to participate in events we no longer get achievements for, senior players will drop out and areas of the map if not eventually the whole map will become inactive and new players trying to make their way thru that content will be hard pressed to find party members to pursue those achievements.

  2. One of the greatest injustices yet to be corrected. Its age discrimination I tell you! Just because my characters are piling up birthday presents, doesn't mean they have stopped achieving!! Are new player skins soooo thin that they will be intimidated by the vast achievements of people who have religiously logged in and participated...or will they be impressed that a game has done such a fine job holding our interest for so long? I agree with Balthazzarr! Set our AP free!!

  3. Mounts are not the only conveyance. How about a system of zip lines with mastery track. How about the tubes that shoot you like a cannonball? Maybe the zip lines could be like siege, where you have to buy them, and install them, and they can be damaged or torn down, or just fall apart in whatever lifetime seems appropriate. That would open the world up to mission impossible type invasions, especially if we had hand lines and grappling hooks. O.o, you could even buy modified grappling hooks from TP. I can see it all now, Bent tire iron 2 silver; iron pick 10 silver; titanium pick good for 10 uses at least 1g; 3 prong unbreakable pick guaranteed to set on first throw 5g. The tubes could limit large incursions by only firing once ever 3 seconds or so. That way, the Mesmer would be first in, and drop portals just like now. I don't know, just thinking out loud, haven't really fleshed the whole idea out. Jumping mushrooms, and speedy mushrooms would be a nice add.

  4. On three occasions now, I have gone into the dwarven ghost treasure rooms, and gotten the purple plate from Frodak(?) the dwarf ghost. Going into purple room, I find 2 hidden chests, then confront the graveling. usually there are others in the room. I repeatedly killed the graveling today, and got no plate from it. More than 10 times. Someone suggested i re-log. I tried that, found myself outside the purple room still able to transport into the room. Still no new plate. Yesterday, again in the purple room as first room, the graveling repeatedly gave me back a purple plate, so i could not progress to other rooms. 2 days ago, i was disconnected abruptly while in the purple room having the same trouble, and when i logged back in, i had no plate, no plate holder and no light of deldrimor. Its terribly hard to progress with the dragonblood weapons, when i cant accumulate the gems i need from the final hidden chest.

    i was unable to try going to a different IP by using the LFG tool because it was later in the evening and some time had passsed since meta. REAL REAL frustrating.

  5. Well, could it be that the bubbles that you get from the sunken chests are now put into a spot in the bank automatically now? If you hit the options gear, then selected deposit all materials, your bubbles would have gone to the material storage. I did get loot from my first chest in a couple weeks today. They are near the bottom of the ascended materials.


  6. I am on my second iteration of the Master Diver Achievement. I have been 9/10 for 3 days, and on the MD achievement it shows that the Timberline Falls chest is the one i am missing. All ten of the chests listed in the Sunken Treasure Hunter achievement show completed. I have only gotten 1 drop key, so it may be that when you use drop keys, they are not registering in the MD achieve as completed. Also noteworthy (IMHO) is the fact that being so close to completion I would expect the MD achieve to show up in my summary page for achievements as being nearly completed, but it does not. It is as though one side of the game thinks I have completed the event, but the other side thinks I need one more to finish. I am in the group that sees an open chest that I cannot interact with in the location I need.

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