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Ben Phongluangtham.1065

ArenaNet Staff
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Posts posted by Ben Phongluangtham.1065

  1. Cmc looked into this over the weekend. There was an error in the configuration file that didn't have the proper size of the single elimination bracket for the number participants we had. This should get fixed before the next monthly AT. This is intentional in Daily AT's to shave time, but for monthly AT's, we definitely had intended that any team with only 1 loss make it through.


    With the set up we had last weekend, the tournament ranks all swiss participants to decide who goes on to the single elimination round. First by win % and then uses opponent win % as a tie breaker. So in this case, the other teams that made it through with only 1 loss faced stronger opponents than you, which is why you didn't make the cut.

  2. > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > There is a reason we made both the T1 and T2 versions legendary. The T1 version (slumbering) doesn't require tournament wins. But if you want the version that provides some fancy effects, it's going to take a bit of effort to find a team (maybe put one together yourself!) or brave lfg. T2 is purely a cosmetic reward, so I personally don't feel it's out of line to make it require a bit more leg work and team coordination. GW2 PvP is essentially a team mode and at least some of the higher tier rewards should reflect the effort it takes to build and maintain a team.


    > Problem i see is that no one likes to do tournaments. Finding team is hell and so far almost 90% cases went to players getting upset quit and leave. Matches you get as "pug" group match with premade plat groups and have 0 chance to win. And add to that waiting for hours literally to be smacked by those few teams who constantly run it is a bit of a issue. How you compare it to wvw ring for example that went other way , too easy and almost no actual skill/effort ?

    > I was trying for few days now asking on map for guild, team, to play tournaments and i asure you answers i got went from "gt*o" to no one does that kitten. Not single person responded positive. And im player who does pvp on some "regular" base.

    > I wish to play the mode to achieve item, but it feels really really bad as it is atm.


    > I would say , if we would have waiting fixed, better matchups to similar skill level teams, this could work better but right now , at least to me its really mess.


    It's match wins, not winning the whole tournament. During the swiss rounds, the system does its best to match you against a team with the same record. So, assuming you lose the first 2 rounds, by the 3rd swiss round, you are not against any team that could likely be considered good. Your chances of winning should go up every round, assuming you're trying at all.

  3. There is a reason we made both the T1 and T2 versions legendary. The T1 version (slumbering) doesn't require tournament wins. But if you want the version that provides some fancy effects, it's going to take a bit of effort to find a team (maybe put one together yourself!) or brave lfg. T2 is purely a cosmetic reward, so I personally don't feel it's out of line to make it require a bit more leg work and team coordination. GW2 PvP is essentially a team mode and at least some of the higher tier rewards should reflect the effort it takes to build and maintain a team.

  4. > @"Khaine.2064" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > @"Raseus.2543" said:

    > > > _"The Warlord's armor set has been added. Warlord's Armor Boxes can be obtained from the PvP league reward track."_

    > > > Soo did anyone know where to find that reward track?

    > >

    > > Yeah, we probably should have phrased that differently. It's going on pip reward tracks. Which come with seasons (including the 2v2 mini-season planned to start soon.)


    > In my opinion the event implementation wasn't thought well enough. If you release an extra pvp rewards event it should be made within a season, since having extra pvp rewards but without pips/season chests doesn't encourage you to play that much.


    It is within a season. They are on the 2v2 pip reward track which is active right now!

  5. > @"Raseus.2543" said:

    > _"The Warlord's armor set has been added. Warlord's Armor Boxes can be obtained from the PvP league reward track."_

    > Soo did anyone know where to find that reward track?


    Yeah, we probably should have phrased that differently. It's going on pip reward tracks. Which come with seasons (including the 2v2 mini-season planned to start soon.)

  6. Hey all,


    We're running another Swiss test this evening at 6PM PST.

    Known issues: Clicking on the standings may still crash your client. The columns in the UI still do not line up well.


    Thanks for your help.


    P.S. If you previously participated in a swiss test that didn't finish, the plan is to get the titles sent out at a future date.

  7. Yep, our plan is to release it next week! We _think_ it was really mainly 1 bug that was causing the tournaments not to finish properly. We're testing that fix today. The UI issues, we already had fixes for, they just can't make it to live without a release, so will out on the 25th.


    This isn't to say everything is guaranteed to run perfectly. There are likely still refinements we'll want for the UI in the future. But if today's tests run well, we should be pretty much ready to go!


    We also can switch tournament formats back to current functionality fairly easily, if the worst happens next week.

  8. > @"Opimer.2758" said:

    > Hello ! I didn't understand "the stated time", is it 20:00 UTC again ? Have the issue with the EU tournament been identifed and fixed or can we expect to not be able to finish the tournament again ? Thank you very much for organizing that !


    It's 12PM PST/ 20:00 UTC.


    We have identified the issues that were causing problems last week and will implement those before starting up the new tournaments.

  9. Hello everyone. We're planning our next swiss tournament test for tomorrow at the stated time! We've done some server fixes intended to resolve the issues we encountered last week. UI issues will still not be resolved. The column alignment issues and occasional client crashes when checking standings are fixed, but the fix won't make it to live until the 25th.


    If you participated in any test tournaments previously that did not finish, we will be pulling all participants from logs and sending the title out manually in the future. (Date TBD).


    Thanks again for your assistance!

  10. We have to add an additional rating type for every game-mode we want to run a mini-season with. However, my understanding is that much of the work done going into the 25th release, this will be much easier to do in the future. We've already talked about the possibility of additional game modes for mini-seasons in the future, including Courtyard, Stronghold, and maybe even some others that have no maps created for (ctf?). However, those are much further away. And, at least for stronghold, we'd probably want to finally get around to some updates there before doing so.

  11. > @"Chungo.3169" said:

    > No title, no reward and wasting time waiting for the second bout in duos twice in a row with a friend. They will not give us anything to compensate? :(


    Once all the testing is complete, we will compile a list of people who were in tournaments that didn't finish properly and send the rewards manually. Can't say when these will get sent out though. In the mean time, we are planning to run additional tests with some bug fixes, so you should have some more opportunities if you want to get it earlier!

  12. Hi all! Thanks so much for helping us test tournaments. We'll be having additional tests tomorrow February 14th, starting at 12PM PST. We expect even more unstable behavior, as we'll be specifically testing some internal tournament tools. We will be sending out titles to anyone who participated, even if any bugs or weird behavior cause your team to be unable to finish.


    We've already fixed several of the UI bugs we encountered today, however those fixes will not make it to live in time for the test tomorrow.


    Thanks for your help!


    The Systems Team

  13. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


    > > @"Unholey.3264" said:

    > > Just finished a game, won, got no credit, and am now locked in the match. Nobody can leave (without swapping characters).


    > Login server seems to have an issue too.




    Yeah, the platform team has already been investigating this.

  14. > @"Zagerus.8675" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > You do have a good point about profession skill rating. However, since we kept the ability for players to class swap prematch, we cannot use profession rating for matchmaking. People would 100% abuse it. (We do currently track profession rating, we just don't use it.)

    > Not to stray away from the original topic but, is there any way that we can take a gander at these professions ratings? Just for fun? I'm interested!


    There isn't right now.

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