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Posts posted by Kyraios.8954

  1. > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > @"MrAmputatoes.6031" said:

    > > I literally deleted my male norn a couple weeks ago. Fully equipped with Ascended armor... and I deleted him. I got so mad at trying to find a good armor combination but everything was so much more warped than on my Asuran Rev it just made me mad.

    > >

    > > Male norn don't need to look more human, just less ape like. I get that their lore was devolved into " angry drunkard" but that doesnt mean the model needs to look like an angry drunkard made it.


    > Maybe all the males are secretly channeling the gorilla?


    I don't recall ape being a spirit they can channel :P

  2. > @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

    > Norn are not human and should look otherworldly. Similarly, Charr are not human. If anything, Anets only mistake was making norn females look like overscaled humans.


    > Well, that and designing every armorset to human and then scaling up.




    The norn largely resemble humans. However, they are noticeably taller (around nine feet or 2,75 meters), and they are able to shape-shift into animal forms, were-creatures that resemble the animals the Spirits of the Wild represent. In their humanoid forms, their proportions are much broader and more heavily muscled than a typical human. Thrulnn the Lost describes the norn as being giants, along with the Jotun. Norn can also have long lives, living up to 120 and maintaining their good health and vitality for a long time, though very few die of old age[1].



    - taken from the wiki. So no, they should not look other worldly. Just broader and more muscled. I would like them to fix the proportions to not look awkward. (Arms wider than legs look silly, especially for a race that hunts) Its enough that 90% of the bdo community is human females. The only reason why is because they have the best natural model and animations.


    Model updates and less skimped animations for races other than humans should be looked into in order to breath life into other races. The statistics as they are, are a perfect reason as to why they need to do this.

  3. Im creating this thread in the hopes that the devs can update the run animation/models for some races. Its not out of the question as some races have received animation/model updates over the years.


    I have seen so many threads over the past 7 almost 8 years of guild wars 2's life asking for small visual updates to keep people interested in their characters race. Even if they could do small updates at a time that would be amazing.


    Here is a small list of things that I would like to see updated/changed:


    1. Male norn run animation - smooth this out

    2. Low Res textures on armor - sometimes when you zoom in to certain armor pieces the quality goes from 1080->240p

    3. Low res texture on charr models - things like the claws, paws, teeth etcetra need tune ups.




  4. Im going to necro this thread. Ill also chime in my thoughts/requests.


    A drop down selection for sylvaris with the ability to choose from the following:


    Glow during the day only

    Glow during night only

    Always Glow

    Turn Glow Off


    My justification for my request: there are so many kinds of plants. Why limit them to 1 feature?


    Not to mention that adding in features for races other than human might also increase their player base. Currently, the human population is more than double the second highest populated race(asura) with their(human) playtime being TRIPLED the second most played race(sylvari). This is absurd. There needs to be better features for the other races.

  5. I made a thread about this a while ago in the pvp section. I would like to see the trait soaring devastation implemented into the actual ability and replaced with something such as:


    Increase the damage of longbow abilities by 10-15%. True shot can now be cast while moving


    Also deflecting shot should already include the knock back. Replace that trait with:


    deflecting shot grants 2 seconds of quickness


    My 2¢

  6. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > @"Drop The Bass.9516" said:

    > > Is this patch going to change Epidemic in any way? :)


    > stop discriminating against Necros


    > DH traps are the ones need rework, way too OP ;)


    are we playing the same game? dh traps are op compared to the damage dots cc shields and buffs everything else scourge has? you must be a necro main

  7. > @"Alehin.3746" said:

    > No, don't remove Big Game Hunter and Soaring Devastation for that. Those traits give "melee DH" some sort of chasing potential and pressure. I roam with them pretty much everyday and removing it would make any non-trapper-DH build "worse than it is currently".


    > Instead, remove Dulled Senses (or add into another trait) and Hunter's Determination (auto procs are cancer lol), and maybe make Bulwark's effect permanent.


    > Also 15% damage on LB would be fine, but casting True Shot while moving is not gonna happen i think. Maybe make so it you can move slower during the cast, like Whirling Wrath?


    I wrote that I wanted to remove it and include it in the base skill effect rather than it be a trait to make room for other traits

  8. Hey everyone,

    I started playing again a few months ago. A few of my friends got me back into GW2 and I’ve been obsessing over DH. After playing tons and tons of games and landing in gold 3 I have some feedback and changes for the class I’m hoping and would like to see. My reason beings are so:

    Dragon Hunter’s longbow is very weak, slow and clunky

    Traps are easily dodged

    Dragon Hunter is very slow class considering it’s built for PvP

    Dragon Hunter lacks decent traits


    Here are the slight buffs/changes I would like to see:


    1. Wings of Resolve- remove the trait "soaring devastation" and have it become “a weapon” by giving the intitial trait effect to f2 and replace it with a new trait such as:

    Increase the damage of Longbow abilities by 15%. True shot can be cast while moving


    2. Spear of Justice- remove the trait “Big Game Hunter” and include it in spear of Justice’s active. Replace the trait with the following:

    Spear of Justice no longer penetrates. The next trap ability cast will be cast under the tethered target. CD 40 sec


    These are only some changes I think would bring Dragon Hunter to a competitive level while also giving his kit and interesting twist that will hopefully attract more people to this spec. I would love to hear everyone’s opinions on this matter.

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