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Posts posted by Thavie.5961

  1. Okay, it wasn't like that before today's patch, now my snowy griffon looks horrible: ![](https://i.imgur.com/ukXXppZ.jpg "")


    Same with dark or pretty much ANY dyes: ![](https://i.imgur.com/CVfuhPx.jpg "")


    See those red lines? They are everywhere, on each griffon skin I have (other mounts don't seem to have this problem). I like those skins, I don't regret spending my gold on them, but what's the point if you can't dye them properly? I assume IT IS a bug, but if not... that would be the last skin I bought.

  2. The best expac I've ever seen in my life! Not because it's bigger than anything, it's not. It does make me enjoy everything I do in PoF, it made me enjoy all the old maps more, too! And the Griffon?! I was so happy with a mini in Bitterfrost, was hoping for a ranger pet, but a mount?! How awesome is it?!

    Also, the music in PoF is simply stunning and gorgeous. It suits the maps in the best way it could and makes me shiver sometimes.

    What I would like to see: more rewards for meta events we currently have. Make people want to run them!

    And thank you, Arena, for all you've done. PoF is great! Can't wait for a Living story to know what happened to.... oh well, you know who :)

  3. Does anyone know where to find it?.. I checked 80% of heart vendors (exluding only Vabbi and Desolation, it seems there are no actually living creatures as a mini, only awakened and such, but I could be wrong tho).

    It looks like [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/e/e7/Prairie_Dog.jpg/212px-Prairie_Dog.jpg "this") and you can preview it from the miniatures window, there is also a [page on the wiki about it](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Prairie_Dog "page on the wiki about it"), with no info yet.

  4. > @LazerusKI.7485 said:

    > Thats kinda how i felt too, "why wait for my 4 when i can just spam 3 like i do on my pistols?"

    > So before i say anything like "Deadeye is a dead class" i wait until i can really try it


    Many people tried it in demo (including me), rifle was garbage even comparing to p/p. So be ready, just in case, ya know, nothing had change to the best. Oh wait, this what this post is about! They nerfed it even more ~

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