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Posts posted by Aomine.5012

  1. Draconis Mons is my least favourite.

    I'm ok with big a multi-dimensional map, but I'm not ok with how the map is navigated.


    Basically you'd have to grab a LIMITED USAGE vine to get to the place you want, blocking you out of combat option, as well as adding so much tedium factors in it.

    If I screwed up my ground targeting, I'd have to back-track to the previous vine and do it again.


    This is a very bad design, that's why I'm waiting eagerly for mount to be released to solve this problem..

  2. Honestly I like the old one alot better.


    The old one is clean and concise and not overly complicated.

    The old one can edit your post without time limit (15 mins for new one)


    To make matter worse, the new one includes downvote feature, on top of being visible!

    It can even generate in game conflict because people might whisper to the downvoter ingame for downvoting their post.

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