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Posts posted by Kraljevo.2801

  1. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This will also dismount yourself and put both players into combat briefly. - Rough prototype is done internally. Going to need fx and we're determining how to unlock it. Currently leaning towards a new mastery. Determining if it should have a cost, outside of burning the cooldown on use.



    Any ETA on this skill, please?


  2. Reduce the damage increase of sic 'em by half when you're melding with your pet (still 40% when used outside of beastmode) and reduce the cooldown by 5-10 seconds. PvP and WvW only.


    ez fix

  3. > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

    > > @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

    > > You're complaining for the sake of complaining.

    > >

    > > All the points you mentioned caused problems with certain aspects of WvW. Aspects you would be aware of if you played the game mode instead of checking out the scenery with your mount.


    > you are absolutely right but what tell us this?

    > They didnt overthink anything before including the Warclaw into WvW. Somehow this looks like anyone from the devs is playing WvW at all.


    > So first you get the Warclaw and you have some nice new abilities and then nerf hammer after nerf hammer after another nerf hammer.

    > So players are disappointed


    I can understand that some players are disappointed by the removal of certain things but that's why, in my opinion, the mount should have been bare bones from the start. No gimmicks (skills, dodges, 2nd healthbar), just a mobility tool to get from A to B. This might sound boring but I think it would have been a less controversial addition to the game compared to what we have now. This is the one time where ANet should have played it safe to see how the community reacts to the mount.


    Community likes the simplistic mount? Great, keep it as it is. Community thinks the mount is boring and wants more? Add skills and conduct a poll for said skills for the community to decide whether to keep them or not.


    TL;DR: the mount release could have been done more elegantly.

  4. I've never liked the idea of healing orbs. They're barely visible for the revenant, let alone your allies. Is this for PvE or what is the use of this?


    The vigor trait is also pretty bad. As far as I know, it only grants vigor to the person that picked it up and not in a radius around them as it probably should have been. Even then, it's just boring and unimaginative.

  5. Honestly, with the amount of bad players in WvW these days, you can get away with running berserker but you'll have to run quadruple stances or you're pretty much toast, if you go into melee, that is.


    As for the patch tomorrow, it's cool that we get 3 stacks of adrenal health/berserker's power upon entering berserk. That's a great change imo.


    The rest we'll have to experiment with tomorrow. ;)







  6. > @"Erzian.5218" said:

    > ESO is a good game but it really suffers from performance issues (cyrodil always lagging, monthly login issues for steam users, now the newly found login queue during prime time, horrible fps drops on weaker cpus). What makes this is even worse is that the main difficulty of eso (attack weaving) is highly susceptible to low performance. If the their servers and game engine were better, it would be an amazing game (assuming you don't mind that pretty much every skills is instant and most cast animations can be canceled so that's impossible to actually see what's going on).

    > If you like smooth movement and combat, you should stick to gw2 as ESO just feels super clunky compared to it.


    Yep, the game is really sensitive to packet loss to the point where it can cause 10 minute loading screens. If you're using WiFi (for whatever reason) and want to play pvp in ESO, forget about it.


  7. > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

    > snip


    I get what you're trying to say but this exclusion is ultimately a people problem in online games and not an issue with game design.


    Read a guide, practise your rotation on the golem for a while and then join a training raid. The raid lead will explain everything. You don't have to talk, just listen and then get your first raid kill.

  8. > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > > > > @"Rashagar.8349" said:

    > > > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > > > > > This is what happens in a communist game where everyone and everything you do is equal. The only thing that's not equal is balance, and this is why I stopped playing this kitten, it's either have this dps have this build have this kitten or die.

    > > > >

    > > > > ? As opposed to a capitalist game where it's have money or die?

    > > >

    > > > A capitalist game like ESO where it's buy to play, have over 500 different viable builds to try, no p2w mechanics, a working progression system, and an actual unique non-rails adventure with plot twits story lines and interesting events to go through? Yes please.

    > >

    > > How can a game be capitalist if there's no p2w?


    > Have over 500 different viable builds to try, were not some commie pigs running Berserkers/Vipers armor damage all the time.


    Good luck joining a competitive raiding guild in ESO with a hipster build, or playing in cyrodiil without heavy armor during prime time because it is so laggy.


    The grass is always greener on the other side, buddy.



  9. Everyone that played in the tournaments and before HoT knows that the most memorable and epic fights happened in and around objectives.


    Automatic upgrading, guild upgrades and shield generators made defending too easy and it discouraged smaller groups to try and take a T3 objective. With this change they're trying to rectify these issues. I personally like it because it generates more fights and that's what I hope most of us are here for.


    The lingering problem here is that there is no incentive to split up and attack or defend in small groups. In short, to actually win the matchup.


    So while I think this is a good change, it's only the first step of many ANet needs to take to make WvW a more enjoyable experience again.

  10. If ANet actually cared about pvp in this game we wouldn't be having this kind of thread. They put minimal amount of work into pvp, so naturally the players only play as much as they can bear.


    Why do I write bear? Because the meta is cancer, there's still only 1 game mode in ranked which bores people to death, the solo/team queue issue (people can't play in a team in a multiplayer game LUL) and the whole wintrader/afk stuff that seemingly never gets punished.


    Is it lack of resources? Terrible management? No vision? What stops them from making this game the best it could be?

  11. > @"Gorani.7205" said:

    > OK, do I understand this update correctly? Is it...

    > 1. All siege engines do the same damage to gates and walls, normalized to the biggest amount of damage (because it is based on a T1 structure), while T1 to T3 structures still have different hit points. It still means that walls will go down faster than before

    > 2. or this: All siege engines do the same damage to gates and walls, normalized to the biggest amount of damage (because it is based on a T1 structure), while T1 to T3 structures have the same hit points (like t1 structures), making every upgrade just a new skin.


    > The description in the update notes isn't clear to me.


    The first I presume, so it should be working like the warclaw pull.

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