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Posts posted by yoguil.7320

  1. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > “There are a large number of factors and situations that can cause lag“, and some of those factors aren’t related to Anet.


    Well, when you do a daily bounty hunt in Desert Highland and 20+ people are complaining in map chat about unbearable lagging it's highly probable those 20+ people have nothing else in common than playing the same game on the same server in the same server instance at the same time and the lags are caused by this server instance, isn't it?


    Situation is deteriorating from my experience. Desert Highland is one of the most affected maps for whatever reason. But now I get small lags even in Caledon Forest - great gaming experience for new players, I guess :-/



  2. > @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

    > Incorrect.

    > I have EVERY excuse to not click it.

    > Down there with Jormag, I cannot survive. Shoot from up there, were I CAN hit: NO credit


    Same with me. Have done the meta nine times now, only seven of which did count (not enough damage before getting killed I guess - and it's a bloody long way up there from the waypoint). Oh, and with those other two grindy mastery points in the north I'm now at around 20% - honestly, wtf?


    As much as I enjoyed it the first time playing the meta repeating the same stuff over and over again is work, not fun. I'm done with it. Keep your mastery points, Anet, I'm, no longer interested.



  3. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > For that heart about milking cows there is an event that spawn a wrum queen or bandit attack that try to burn the hay bales+ your friend can stomp the wurm mounds to get the wurm enemies to spawn instead if they want or water the wiltering crops.


    Thx a lot - up to your post I was wondering what bloody heart in Queensdale OP was referring to. After 7+ years playing gw2 and literally hundreds of characters leveled in Queensdale (once per week 1.5h "grinding" for a black lion key which for me works best with the human story line) I can firmly state I have never milked a single cow.



  4. There is some guy on YouTube welding (not forging!) ridiculously giant swords for real, [michaelcthulhu](https://www.youtube.com/user/michaelcthulhu/videos), you might have heard of him or seen his videos before. For quite some time now I thought it would be really nice if he would do one of the awesome sword designs of GW2, wouldn't it? Well, as it seems I get my wish fulfilled :-).


    From all the incredibly marvellous legendary designs in GW2 we chose to do the rather ordinary Elonian greatblade. Well, without the magical ingredients available in the game a lot of designs wouldn't work in our real world. And of those that would work quite a lot are boring to make and probably not very spectacular when finished. The Elonian greatblade should be interesting to watch being created as well as seeing some real person wield it I think.


    It will take a few more months, though, since we are still in the very early planning stage. The reason I post this right now: Are there any concerns reagarding a project like this? Not decided yet, but would it be possible to include some ingame video footage without violating copyright laws? After all the sword design is some sort of intellectual property of ArenaNet and Michael does this kind of stuff for a living, earning money from it. It will be a charity build, though, meaning the finished sword will be auctioned to raise money for [Doctors Without Borders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A9decins_Sans_Fronti%C3%A8res) as Michael has done several times before.

  5. > @"Seth Moonshadow.2710" said:

    > I swapped to the Norn who bought it and entered it's home instance in Hoelbrak, it was there. I swapped back to my daily home farmer and again tried to find it in DR but didn't. I too my human daily farmer to Hoelbrak and entered the home instance and it was there.


    Just checked: Bought the node with a human character, didn't enter any home instance with him though. I don't find it in Rata Sum with any of my farm characters. I find it in Divinity's Reach however (in the back alley behind the inn) with a non-human toon that hasn't touched personal story content for years.



  6. Really helpful advice, Bellefon, thanks a lot! I had indeed one character per location camping to open each chest. Visiting the place with a different character made the chests accessable. Leaving the map and re-entering it with the same character helped once, but not always.

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